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Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:

Kayla M. & Megan D.

Unit Plan
Pre-Revolutionary and Revolutionary War

Grade: 8th

Unit Topic: Pre-Revolutionary and Revolutionary War: The events that lead to it and the
outcomes. Introduction to the Declaration of Independence.
Course/Discipline: Social Studies

Approximate Time Required: 8-10 Class periods

Central Focus of the Unit:

This two week unit will consist the events that lead to the Revolutionary War and
conflicts that happened during the Revolutionary War. It will support the actions that occurred
before and during the war, thus, explaining the reasons for the Revolutionary War and defending
the outcome and how it shaped the Nation.

General Standards from NCSCOS (2010):

8.H.1 Apply historical thinking to understand the creation and
development of North Carolina and the United States.
8.H.2: Understand the ways in which conflict, compromise and negotiation have shaped
North Carolina and the United States.
8.C & G.1 Analyze how democratic ideals shaped government in North
Carolina and the United States.
8.C & G.2 Understand the role that citizen participation plays in societal

Measurable Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to (SWBAT)...

1. Explain the events that lead to the Revolutionary War.
2. Describe the 6 major acts.
3. Identify the Declaration of Independence.
4. List major roles within the war.
5. Justify what it would be like to be a colonist during this Revolutionary Era.

Lesson Outlines:
Order of events
1. Introduce the term independence
Quickly overview the tension between the colonists and England.
Discuss the conflict that is arising.
2. Jigsaw activity with Hey, King: Get Off Our Backs!
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

Read the handout and determine the contents importance

3. Describe the 6 main Acts
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quartering Act
Townshend Revenue Act
Tea Act
Intolerable Acts
4. Explain the importance of the Acts and how they shaped the minds of the colonists.
5. Introduce the Boston Tea Party
6. Introduce Boston Massacre
7. Have students research the Preamble, Grievances, Natural Rights, & Resolution of
8. Ask students what self-government means to them.
9. Discuss the Declaration of Independence and how it was formed.

Procedures and Activities:

The students will number off 1-8 and read their assigned section of Hey, King: Get Off Our
Backs! After reading, students will move into groups with their peers that are the same number
as them (i.e. group of 1s, 2s, etc.) Each group will discuss the importance of their section, and
their understanding of the reading. One at a time, each group will share out their findings with
the entire class.

Instructional Aids or Resources: textbook, online readings

Appleby, J. O., Brinkley, A., & McPherson, J. M. (2008). Road to Independence. In The
American Journey (pp.132-159). Columbus: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.
iCivics (2013). Hey, King: Get Off Our Backs! iCivics: Road to the Constitution, 2-3. Retrieved
Summative Assessment Image
Franklin, B. (1754). Join or Die [online image]. Retrieved from https://images-na.ssl-images-
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

At the end of each class, there will be an exit ticket asking the following:
1 Interesting fact I learned
1 Question I still have
Students will write their thoughts on a sheet of paper to hand in as they leave.

Table of Specifications (TOS)

Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

The events that #7-11

led to the

The 6 Acts #1-5 #13-15

Declaration of #19 #18 #12, 16-17,

Independence 20

Major roles #6
within the war

Write accurately Performance

from a historical Assessment

Summative Assessment (clearly identify the items you used from other sources):
There will be a unit test to complete. The test will consist of:
5 matching items on the Acts (1 point each)
Newmark, B. Matching Quiz on Events leading to the American Revolution. Retrieved from [#1-5, 19-20]
6 multiple choice items on the Declaration of Independence and key terms (1 point each)
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

5 fill in the blank items on major events and battles (1 point each)
3 short answer items on the effects of select Acts (2 points each)
Appleby, J. O., Brinkley, A., & McPherson, J. M. (2008). Road to Independence. In The
American Journey (pp.132-159). Columbus: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. [#9, 10, & 11]
1 short essay based on an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence (8 points)

Scores students will receive are out of 30 total possible points. Partial credit will not be given
for spelling or grammar mistakes.

Link to assessment using technology tool:

Unit Test-

Performance Assessment:
Colonist Journal
Students will be asked to create one journal entry from the historical perspective of a colonist.
Their journal will creatively reflect their unit comprehension. The entry must incorporate at least
one act and one event from the lists below. All submitted work should be between 1-2 pages.
Creative and neat visual presentations are required!

Acts Events & Terms

Sugar Act Boston Tea Party
Stamp Act Parliament
Intolerable Acts Battle of Saratoga
Tea Act Natural rights
Quartering Act Boston Massacre
Townshend Revenue Act Declaration of Independence
Battle of Yorktown

Grading Guide and Rubric:

Colonist Journal Rubric
3 2 1 0

Relates to the Complete: The Partially Incomplete: The Journal was

topic - Acts and student relates Complete: The student does not not submitted.
Events completely to the student relates relate to the topic
topic. He/She somewhat to the at all. He/She does
includes both topic. He/She not include either
required includes only one of the two required
elements. of the two elements.
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

Written from Final product is Final product is Final product is Journal was
historical written not completely not written from a not submitted.
perspective completely from written from a colonists
a colonists colonists perspective. It is
perspective. The perspective. The written from a
student uses first student uses a different
person point of disconnected, perspective than
view. third person point asked.
of view at least

Spelling & No mistakes 1-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes 5 or more

grammar mistakes

Visual Clear effort Fair amount of Minimal effort Journal was

Presentation - shown: final effort shown: shown: final not submitted.
Creativity and product has both final product is product is missing
Neatness requirements. missing one of both requirements.
Journal is neat the requirements. Journal is messy or
and creativity difficult to read,
with appearance and no creativity
is evident. with appearance.

Answer Key for Unit Test:

Matching Section-
1. Proclamation of 1763: Forbade the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian
2. Stamp Act: Affected items including most printed materials including wills,
newspapers and playing cards.
3. Tea Act: Gave the East India Company a monopoly on tea trade and increased
4. Sugar Act: Taxed luxury items like molasses, sugar, wine and coffee.
5. Intolerable Acts: Boston and requiring colonists to quarter (house and feed) British
Political Cartoon-
6. What can you infer from this political cartoon?
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

Answer: The colonies must unite to fight against the British for Independence.
Fill in the Blank-
7. Located in Virginia, this battle concluded the war, and resulted in the British troops
Answer: Battle of Yorktown
8. Disguised as Native Americans, Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty boarded three
ships to dump chests of British tea into the harbor. Their actions were an effort to protest against
Answer: Boston Tea Party
9. Five colonists were shot and killed, after tensions rose between British soldiers and
Americans. The event is said to have sparked the Revolution.
Answer: Boston Massacre
10. Where the document that officially renounced Great Britain's control over the colonists
was drafted.
Answer: 2nd Continental Congress
11. The turning point of the war that convinced the French to become the colonists' ally.
Answer: Battle of Saratoga
Short Essay-
12. Here is a section from the Declaration of Independence:
Read the section and below write your thoughts on what exactly this means and is it still true for
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit
of Happiness."
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

Answer: This will be a student generated response and/or opinion. Partial credit will be
rewarded, if the student includes a general logical thought process. General guidelines
would be to explain why the colonists included this passage and what this means to them.

13-15. Cause and Effect:

In your own words, complete part A,B, and C below by explaining the effect the ___ Act had on
the colonists. (2-3 sentences)

Questions 13-15 are student generated responses pertaining to the specific Acts asked.
There should be 2-3 sentences to respond with the effects of each Act. All effect answers
should demonstrate knowledge of how each Act escalated towards the Revolution.
16. The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to
Answer: announce the colonists' independence from Great Britain

17. Which of the following best describes why the colonists opposed Great Britain's taxing

Answer: the colonists were denied representation in the governmental body that created
the taxes

18. According to the Founding Fathers, the natural rights all men are born with are
Answer: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
19. Great Britain's governing body that created the taxation laws
Answer: Parliament
Summative Assessment, Performance Project, and Rubric Group Members Names:
Kayla M. & Megan D.

20. Thomas Jefferson refers to a specific individual as "he" in the body of the Declaration of
Independence. To whom is he referring to?

Answer: King George III

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