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Watercolor Story

User manual

Hello, dear colleagues!

Thanks for buying this template. Here is a step-by-step manual to work with this project.


1) Open watercolor-story.aep project file.

2) Open Placeholders folder and star to fill up all compositions inside.

3) Put your photos inside Photo 1 Placeholder... Photo 9 Placeholder comps. Please see the watercolor
guides to achive greater result.

4) Open Final title or logo comp and drop your logo here or some end title.

5) Edit your final text string inside one of this comp (yellow layer). Adjust the font here if needed.

6) Open --- Final Render --- comp and go to the All Scenes layer. Open it. Color Corrections layer is
here for color correction, select them and adjust project colors if needed.

7) Render --- Final Render --- composition for final result!

Hope you like it and again - thanks for buying. If you have any questions - please, contact me via my
personal page. Or send me an e-mail directly on:

Yura aka Elmake

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