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Grading System

(50%) Effort- Student comes to Physical Education class with the correct attire as well
as appropriate footwear. Student participates constantly and attempts each skill to the best
of his or her ability throughout every lesson. Student follows the instructions of the
teacher and cooperates with classmates throughout the unit.

(30%) Skill- Student attempts each activity during daily lessons to the best of his or her
ability. Student shows improvement in specific skills throughout the entire unit.

(20%) Knowledge- Student correctly answers oral and written assignments based on the
content taught in volleyball throughout the entire unit.

5 Excellent- Student comes prepared with the correct attire and footwear. Student
follows instructions and is cooperative. Student participates to the best of their ability and
shows improvement throughout the lesson. Student understands the content of the lesson
by writing correct answers or answering questions orally.

4- Good- Student comes prepared with the correct attire and footwear. Student shows
some off task behavior but still participates to best of their ability. Student still shows
improvement throughout lesson and understands content by writing correct answers or
answering questions orally.

3- Average- Student does not come prepared with correct attire or footwear. Student
shows off task behavior but still participates to the best of their ability. Student shows
some improvement through lesson and understands content by writing correct answers or
answering questions orally.

2- Below Average- Student does not come prepared with correct attire or footwear.
Student shows off task behavior and shows participation when asked. Student shows little
improvement throughout lesson and does not understand the content of the lesson.

1- Inadequate- Student does not come prepared with correct attire or footwear. Student
shows off task behavior and shows little participation or cooperation. Student shows no
improvement throughout lesson and does not understand the content of the lesson.

0- No Participation- Student does not participate in the lesson or does not have an
excused absence for the lesson.

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