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1.1 Background

The long history of Iran's nuclear development begins with Pahlevi who is believed to be the
United States as a friendly leader. Cooperation on Iran's nuclear development is undertaken, such
as the cooperation of The US Atoms for Peace Program, followed by the establishment of Tehran
Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) in 1959 and the construction of other nuclear reactors in the
region of Taheran1.

Since then Iran began to develop nuclear power since the 1960s. Iran's first nuclear installation is
for nuclear research with a power range of 5 megawatts obtained from the US and operates starting
in 1967.2 After that it was followed by the construction of four nuclear reactors each of which had
no more than 30 kilowatts and by that time Iran signed a reactor construction deal with the West
German company "Siemen". However, the construction of this nuclear reactor does not conform
to the transaction agreement made with this German company with the supposed development of
two reactors with a power of 1,300 megawatts each in the town of Busheher, the Persian seaside.

In addition to Germany, Iran made a request to France to establish a 935 megawatt nuclear power
plant reactor. In addition, Iran also signed a deal with France to establish a nuclear reactor with
low uranium levels. On October 7, 1975, the French government fulfilled Iran's desire to establish
a nuclear reactor in his country by setting up eight nuclear reactors in Iran. However, Iran must
send its scientists to school in some universities and nuclear research institutions in the US and
Britain to meet technicians in human resource needs.

When the fall of Pahlavi regime, the development of nuclear development stalled. The United
States decided to stop its nuclear supply to Iran, while the construction of two nuclear reactors by
German firms is already 80 percent following the construction of another 50 percent reactor. In
response, the German government issued an order to Siemens company that did this nuclear
development stopped. This nuclear development is undertaken by Pahlevi for the purpose of
electrical energy, research and other necessities and programs undertaken by Pahlavi who have

Diambil dari artikel yang ditulis Amich Alhumami. Proyek Nuklir Iran ,, diakses pada tanggal 19 Desember 2013, 09:03PM
Musthafa Abd. Rahman, Iran Pasca Revolusi (Jakarta : Penerbit Buku Kompas, 2003), hal 203
spent around 30 billion US dollars. Pahlavi's ambition is seen with the establishment of the 1974
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran with the aim of developing Iran's nuclear industry.

Since the revolution in Iran that was initiated by Ayatollah Abdul Khomeini which at that time
was caused by the US-Iran bilateral relationship quite close. Where the Iranian revolution aims to
overthrow the regime of Shah Reza Pahlevi, when Shah Reza Pahlavi's regime came to power, at
that time Iran became a country with the loss of its Muslim nation. This close US-Iranian ties make
the US arbitrarily exploit Iran and make it a region to control its influence in the Middle East. So
the conditions that changed Iranian behavior made Khomeini to bring down the Pahlavi regime.

Counting since 1979, the US has become stagnant to achieve its interests in Iran. The failure of
the US to sell its weapons to Iran for its defense cooperation. In addition, in this Pahlavi regime,
the US is willing to assist Iran in the construction of nuclear power by sending its uranium to Iran.
However, since this Iranian-led revolution that has made the US stop its uranium supply to Iran
and cause the development of Iran's nuclear energy stalled. Beginning with the Iranian revolution,
the Iranian and Iranian government claims to be anti-US and western by opposing any US and
western action that oppresses the Middle East.

After the Pahlavi regime, this two-state tension is no longer what it once was. When this Iran-US
relationship is strained, each time it also claims Iran has a nuclear weapon and will endanger
stability and security in the Middle East. In mid-1996, there was a case of radiation fragments in
one of the nuclear reactors in Northern Iran, causing 50 German technicians to be evacuated3. This
incident raised the question of ownership of Iran's nuclear weapons to the international world. In
addition to cornering the country with the possession of nuclear weapons, then US President Bill
Clinton signed the Act d `Amato, which contains the imposition of sanctions on foreign companies
investing in the oil and gas sector in Iran and Libya.

Allegedly given the US at that time made the Iranian President, Rafsanjani to re-build nuclear
power in Iran. For Rafjani there are three important things in the development of nuclear power,
where population growth is likely to increase, the development of industrial technology is more

Mushin Labib,Ibrahim Muhharam, Musa Kazhim dan Alfian Hamzah, Ahmadinejad: David di Timur
Tengah Angkara Goliath Dunia. (Jakarta: Penerbit Hikmah, 2007), hal36
advanced, and the fear of depreciation of oil reserves in Iran.4 This makes Iran the country with
the largest uranium ownership in the Middle East, and can worry about the US position in the
Middle East.

Looking at the nuclear program that will be run by Iran, the US tried to find a reason to attract
international attention to support US action in Iran. Of course, this two-state relationship froze a
year after the Iranian revolution took place. One of the US efforts is to download Iran in possession
of nuclear weapons. However, the allegations filed by the US is still not have concrete data to
corner Iran in the international association.

In mid-January 1996, news emerged stating the Iran-Russia deal in building a nuclear reactor in
Iran. The US response at that time called on Russia to cancel the deal, for the US the Iranian
government will draw on Russian experience and technology to develop nuclear reactors toward
nuclear weapons creation. However, the actual Iran-Russia relationship was long established in
the early 1970s, when it West Germany freeze the construction of nuclear reactor in Busheher
which began in 1974. When the German decision, negotiate with Russia until the deal reached a
deal worth 800 million dollars US. So that Russia rebuild nuclear reactor in Busheher which was
stopped by German workmanship.

This Russian-Iranian cooperation made the US incessantly to pressure Russia to stop its
cooperation. The United States in this case concerning the relationship of these two countries will
have an impact on its interests in the Middle East besides the reason of disturbing stability and
security in the Middle East. Sedagkan Russia has managed to build a nuclear reactor with 440
megawatts of power in Iran. That way the US can not be silent as Iran's nuclear development
continues to increase, in addition to the US also continue to pressure Russia to stop it. In 1995 the
US succeeded in pressuring Russia by stopping two nuclear reactors in Iran.

US allows Russia to send its conventional weapons to Iran in addition to having to stop the nuclear
supply to Iran.Despite this, Iran vigorously challenges the United States to prove US allegations
against Iran. Rafsanjani firmly declared that he would stop his nuclear program if it proved that

Dikutip dari artikel yang ditulis Amich Alhumami. Proyek Nuklir Iran, diakses pada tanggal 21 Desember 2013, 11:55AM
the allegations were actually made by Iran. The Iranian president's remarks were backed by a West
German company that would build a nuclear reactor in northern Iran.

Not until there alone, the development of nuclear development continues to be done by Iran. This
time Iran asked for help to China by conducting the necessary nuclear technology transactions.
China at that time sent a small laboratory used to produce plutonium and laser technology in
processing uranium 235 in producing nuclear weapons. Not only that, Iran-China cooperation also
agreed to nuclear development in the city of Ahwaz, Iran with 300 megawatts each. In addition to
the city of Ahwaz, China is also involved in development in the city of Ashfahan.

In the Iran-Iraq war, Iraq is trying to destroy Iran's nuclear reactors. Iraqi warplanes succeeded in
destroying Iran's two nuclear reactors by damaging the crucial parts of the reactor. Although Iran
is in a state of being cornered by the United States and its allies, Iran will continue its nuclear
development. For Iran there is nothing wrong with nuclear use while it is still within the limits of
peace and the need for electrical energy for the country.

In the Khatami government, for the first time Iran opened its nuclear to the public. At that time in
2003, Khatami invited 80 journalists and photographers to see the development of Iran's nuclear
technology in Busheher. Where Khatami shows how the process of nuclear development in Iran.
In addition, this action was carried out by Khatami in response to allegations of nuclear weapons
that Iran would produce. This action also invited the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency),
where this visit found a rapid progress made by Iran in its nuclear development. This continues to
be addressed by the United States as Iran's move in preparing for the creation of nuclear weapons.
This American accusation is based on the discovery of uranium reserves in the city of Yadz,
besides the United States to ask Iran to be more open with inspections made by the IAEA. Not
only that, the United States and its allies urged Iran to sign a non-poliferation treaty in the
possession of nuclear weapons that are shown to Iran.In this case, the Iranian government tries to
clarify it by stating that the rapid development of nuclear technology is not possible in producing
nuclear weapons. For Iran the plutunion content of 239 and 240 is difficult to separate, because it
needs to achieve a more sophisticated technology. So it is not possible with such conditions Iran
could produce nuclear weapons with very high intensity intensity. This has always been described
repeatedly by the Iranian government to clarify the allegations filed by the US to him.
The development of Iranian technology makes Iran continues to get pressure from the international
world. Here Iran is not compelled to sign the NPT protocol (restrictions on weapons development),
Iran must agree on several articles therein relating to the license for inspection of areas suspected
of being the location of IAEA's nuclear weapons development. Russia, which also took part to
push Iran more openly and granted permission for the IAEA to inspect areas suspected of being a
nuclear weapons development site. Iran rejects it, for him there is no clarity of the additional
chapter in the NPT protocol, besides Iran firmly stated its nuclear program as a peaceful program
and the electrical energy needs of the country.According to the IAEA Iran has failed to provide
information on the amount of uranium Iran has.

This is what makes Iran out of the international world, where Iran was sanctioned by several
countries in the form of economic embargo. In addition, in Bush's speech at the time, Iran was
categorized in "axis of evil". In this case the United States emphasized the need for a resolution in
handling failure for this Iran case. The IAEA passed a resolution which here states that Taheran
must immediately fulfill all its failures in achieving the NPT, starting from the first reporting in
February 2003. In addition, the IAEA gathered votes to impose sanctions on Iran.

Iran nuclear program News spread all over the world and the discovery of two sites indicated as a
location for making nuclear weapons is a strong reason the United States continues to suppress
and corner Iran. Not until there alone, this Iran-Russia cooperation makes the United States
concerned about Russian technology used for nuclear weapons production.

Meanwhile, Iran's response at that time, condemned US actions that always cornered Iran
associated with its nuclear program. In addition, Iran considers the most active US to impose tough
sanctions on Iran. Again - Iran insists that its nuclear program is not aimed at nuclear weapons
production, but for a peaceful program. Iran explains again about the two sites found in the former
uranium production, for Iran the discovery made by the IAEA was merely a discovery that was
exposed to radiation from technology imported from abroad. So there is no purpose for Iran in the
production of nuclear weapons which for Iran is very difficult to produce nuclear weapons.

In addition, the US and its allies also threatened Iran to bring nuclear weapons production issues
to the UN security council. Still, Iran brushed aside all the threats posed to him, Iran tried to openly
start by selling nuclear energy. However, the opening of Iran is still not make the US and its allies
are confident with nuclear technology in Iran. Plus the United States increasingly strongly
assessing Iran is well established in nuclear technology by trading nuclear to several countries.

If seen further of course this is very harmful for Iran at that time, Iran is difficult to do economic
cooperation with some countries including selling oil to some countries. But in this case Iran
continues to affirm that its nuclear program is purely a peaceful goal. Coupled with the support of
Russia and China who refused to sanction heavy Iran. It is seen from the action of these two
countries refused to come at a meeting of the UN Security Council in Brussels, Belgium.

The action was carried out on protests against discussions related to Iran and its nuclear program.
At that time, the Iranian government is ready to provide nuclear assistance against Iran and assist
Iran in its nuclear development. Of course, this action is different from what the United States calls
for to stop aid to Iran in this case nuclear. On the Iranian side, Ahmadinejad considers this
American action to violate the human rights of the Iranian people who want a nuclear development
aimed at supplying Iranian electric power.

Ahmadinejad also reiterated that despite the international world cornering Iran with its nuclear
program. Iran will continue its nuclear development although America also accuses Iran of
producing massive destruction bombs5. Though in this case, the United States is still searching for
evidence that will eventually corner Iran.

Judging from the background of the development of this United States-Iran relationship and this
long nuclear development, the author tries to analyze it. Where in the last development US-Iran
relations began to improve with President-elect Iran Rouhani make telephone communication with
President Obama. In addition, President Rouhani is seen as a more reformist and moderate
President, in other words the relationship of these two countries will again be built after the
freezing of diplomatic relations after the Iranian revolution.

In addition, the meeting of Iranian and American ministers two months ago had an impact on the
international response. Some say Iran will begin to open and soften with new leadership, as well
as Khomeini's policies are beginning to open and support Rouhani's actions to start cooperation

Diambil dari artikel international oke zone China Rusia Dukung Nuklir Iran, diakses pada
tanggal 21 Desember 2013, 06:09PM
with the United States, especially in nuclear terms. Of course, this improved relationship will have
an effect on Iran's existence in the Middle East and strengthen its power in the Middle East.

1.2 Problem Identification

From the background description of the long history of Iran's nuclear development as well as the
ebb and flow of US-Iran relations. Where seen from the long history of the relationship, Iran was
formerly a United States ally until the Pahlavi regime was dropped. The relationship of these two
countries began to freeze, so that the United States, which at that time regarded the Iranian
revolution very dangerous its existence in the Middle East.

International response which at that time supported the US allegations that assess Iran's nuclear
development for nuclear weapons production not for peaceful programs. From here, the author
looks at Iran's tidal ties and Iran's nuclear program that has a long history coupled with the
conditions of relations between the two countries that began to improve. The author wants to
discover the current conditions of US-Iranian relations and the international response that assesses
this improving diplomatic relationship, as well as the efforts of the United States, which formerly
wanted to stop Iran's nuclear program with improved US-Iran relations.

1.3 Research Question

What is the current relationship between the United States - Iran and Iran's current nuclear
development in view of the improved diplomatic relations of both countries?

1.4 Research Objectives

This research is generally intended to see and understand how the current condition of US-Iranian
relations and see how this relationship relates to Iran's current nuclear development. While
specifically the purpose of this research namely;

1. Knowing the condition of United States-Iran relations as well as seeing the

international response with this two-state relationship
2. Knowing what the continuation of this relationship and the continuation of Iran's
nuclear program that had been rejected by the United States and its allies
1.5 Significance of Study

This research is useful for readers, where this research seeks to see the current relationship of the
United States - Iran and its relationship with Iran's nuclear development. In addition, readers will
also know the international response to see the US - Iran relations begin to improve.

In conducting research related to the United States - Iran Relations, the author uses books or
journals related to the topic of issues raised. Some literature studies conducted by the author in
support of research conducted;

World of Our Making ; Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations, Nicholas
Greenwood Onuf, University of South California Press ; 1989

This book is written by Onuf in explaining the state of relations between countries, which in this
book Onuf involves thinking such as Kenneth Arrow, JL Austin, Max Black, Michael Foucault,
Anthony Giddens, Jurgen Habermas, Lawrence Kohlberg, Harold Lasswell, Talcott Parsons, Jean
Piaget, JGA Pocock, John Roemer, John Scarle and Sheldon Wolin. In this book Onuf emphasizes
the need for rules or laws governing interactions between agents and structures.

In addition, Onuf explained that the world order is the relationship between agents and structures
in the presence of rules or laws governing it. Not only there, Onuf also explain the rules or laws
that govern interactions between agents and this structure can be revised or repaired. The
interesting thing in this book is Onuf describes the performatives language, where the rule is a
statement which can be explained as an action that is allowed or not.

In addition, language can make people who have the political power to be influenced to do
something. In other words, language can invite others to take action on statements from people
who have higher politics power.

Ahmadinejad! David ditengah Angkara Goliath Dunia, Muhsin Labib, Musa Kazhim, Ibrahim
Muharam, Penerbit Hikmah, 2006

This book is written as evidence that the author admired the character he described in his book.
Here the author describes Ahmadinejad's political journey to the policies he decides when he
assumes the number one position in Iran. This book also tells how the Iranian revolution and
nuclear power development plan in Iran.

There are many things about Ahmadinejad written by the author in this book. The authors also
mepertegas Ahmadinejad as a hero for Islam with its resistance to the west and capitalism that has
been discriminating developing countries in the world. The author also tells the affirmation of
every statement of Ahmadinejad regarding the right for Iran to develop nuclear power, even though
this nuclear power development is opposed by the western world as well Iran is disguised

Baylis Jhon, et.all. The Globalization Of World Politics ; Introduction to International Relations,
fourth edition. Oxford University Press. 2008

In this book tells about global politics which is the most important part in the study of international
relations. This book is a collection of several writings on history, theory and issues related to the
study of international relations.

Responding to a Nuclear Iran. Christopher Hemmer. Law journals vol. 37 Nbr.3, October 2007

In this Hemmer-written journal he describes the US preventive measures against Iran's nuclear
program. Here Hemmer sees a US response that refers to US foreign policy relating to nuclear
programs and the existence of Iran's nuclear weapons. In addition, Hemmer tried to find the
possible action of the United States in seeking regime change in Tehran. Policies that focus on
diplomacy and economic sanctions in preventing the development of Iran's nuclear bomb. The
journal also illustrates the challenge for the United States in the development of Iran's nuclear
weapons and preventive policies by the United States and the involvement of US allies in the
Iranian nuclear case.

Musthafa Abd Rahman, Iran Pasca Revolusi. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kompas,2003

In this book the author describes the political dynamics of Iran after the fall of the Pahlavi regime.
The author tries to illustrate how the conditions after the revolution with the battle of the
conservative and reformist camps. The existence of this two-strong battle in power merbut in Iran.
As well as this book also illustrates how this fight can occur and its relationship with Iran's nuclear
1.6 Theoritical review

Teory of Diplomacy

Diplomacy is part of the focus of international relations studies. Where the passage of time,
diplomacy is considered as the most important part in realizing the national interest of the State.
State diplomacy with other countries by negotiating. Behind it, diplomats will position their duties
and functions in the international world. The diplomacy comes from Latin and Greek, where
diplomacy is defined as a "credential". The word diplomacy changed to "diplomatic, diplomacy,

Some experts explain the term diplomacy, according to WW Kulski (International Politics in a
Revolutionary Age ; 1968 , p.624), According to him diplomacy is synonymous with wisdom or
foreign policy that has two main sides of the formulation of foreign policy and the officials who
apply it. According to a large Indonesian dictionary, diplomacy is the business or the provision of
official communications between the State with one other State.

One political expert R. W Sterling (Macropolitics ; 1970, p. 233) Interpret the intent of diplomacy,
which according to him is the politics of international relations; Within the most appropriate
constraint, diplomacy is international politics. Diplomacy by Sir Ernest Satow is the application
of skills and intelligence in the implementation of intergovernmental foreign relations among
sovereign nations. Where Satow explains that diplomacy is an integral part of the skills and
intelligence directed to a person in representing himself in the conduct of intergovernmental
foreign relations among sovereign nations.7 Thus, if established according to experts, diplomacy
is a form of international politics in which its acts have relationships with other States or efforts to
realize national interests.

C.S.T Kansil, Modul Hukum Internasional, Jakarta:Djambatan,2002 hal 71

Zainal Abidin Partao, Teknik Lobi dan Diplomasi (Jakarta; PT Indeks Kelompok Gramedia. 2006)hal 31
This is nothing but the way in which a diplomat's strategy of achieving national interest, because
basically a diplomat will not want to put his country under any other State. For the function and
purpose of diplomacy itself, the expert of the conspiracy agreed to state that in this case the opinion
of Lord Strang. The main function of diplomacy is to resolve various international debates with
more calm again friendly through discussion and perundinga, which exploited good personal
relationships with mutual understanding8. Diplomacy serves as part of the conflict resolution phase
by conducting negotiations or meetings in order to find a solution to the issues being discussed.

The purpose of diplomacy is to intervene in other countries. Because according to Sir Victor
Wellesley, in Jack Plano and Roy Olton, the fourth edition of International International Dictonary
(California :Longman 1988)hal.41, declaring diplomacy not a good thing but an attempt to exert a
great influence on the policy or view of the State.

Diplomacy Development

Diplomacy has actually evolved from the centuries BC, seen from how the former kingdom of
royal relations other countries, we can see an example of Sriwijaya kingdom that sends youth who
study religion in India. This is clearly part of diplomacy. Once diplomacy was very weak, because
seeing the country as it used to show progress with military strength. In contrast to the present,
where diplomacy is not just war, sending youth to study to other countries, but the scope is wider.

The widespread coverage of issues in the international world makes diplomacy a focus of study
by political experts. Because at this time advances in technology and science make the pattern of
behavior of a diplomat will change. They will not fight with other countries, if only to show the
strength of their country but at this time with technology supported by science and finance of good
Country able to put State in position which can give influence to other Country. Each State will
try to put its country's position higher than any other State. Although they have to cooperate with
the State or international organization that allows the sovereignty of the State is reduced.

Diplomacy in general is divided into two: traditional diplomacy and modern diplomacy. These two
forms have different forms and processes.

Ibid,hal 35 - 36
1. Traditional Diplomacy.
According to Brian White in The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to
International Relations (Baylis and Smith, 1998). He saw three basic characteristics of this
traditional diplomacy.According to its structure, traditional diplomacy is more to the
relationship of the State with the other State.
- According to the process, diplomacy is more likely to be bilateral than multilateral
- According to the agenda, traditional diplomacy focuses more on high politic issues, where
the State will discuss war, peace. Not discussing economic, social, cultural and other issues.

2. Modern Diplomacy

Modern diplomacy is the opposite of traditional diplomacy, where the structure of diplomacy is
more open. Where not only Countries with States but individuals with individuals or groups with
groups. The process can be bilateral and multilateral, so the individuals involved more with
different interests from each diplomat. According to the agenda, this diplomacy is more about low
politic, but also high politics. Where the growing issue is no longer a matter of war and peace, but
the issues to be discussed are very complex. Starting from economic issues, environment, security,
culture, social, and so forth.

In this case it is clear that, in ancient times diplomacy was considered weak because the actors
involved in it were only State A and State B. But even so, at this time of globalization, issues are
no longer spinning the issue of war and peace, but all aspects that are in Community and concerned
the international world.

For example, cooperation in the field of education in which Indonesia is working with countries
in Europe. Where Indonesia and the countries in Europe provide opportunities for young people
in Indonesia to learn their country. Without cooperation with countries in Europe, the opportunity
to get a good education with financial assisted by parties - parties in the cooperation. Or another
example is the provision of scholarships to young Indonesian players who have the opportunity to
practice at Bayern Munich, Germany. Where young players are selected whether or not to be able
to practice with other players who berda in FC Bayern Munich.

From the above example it is clear that the State is no longer concerned with the high politics but
also about the low politic. Issues that are supported on social, culture, technology, education,
economics and others.

Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

Diplomatic activity is closely related to the implementation of the foreign policy of the State in
relation to other States. Diplomacy can also serve as the main instrument in the State's policy and
diplomacy is also the main body in conducting the behavior of the international community.
Diplomacy becomes a simple method of peacefully resolving conflict (Frankel, 1988:137).

Diplomacy and foreign policy a different matter, where diplomacy is a way to influence and realize
national interest, while foreign policy is a strategy in making a policy in determining how to realize
the interests brought by a diplomat. So diplomacy of foreign policy funds are interrelated. Because
a diplomacy will rely on foreign policy made by the authorities, so a diplomat will behave
according to the rules.

In this sense, in terms of diplomacy and foreign policy are different things, but between them they
are a unity in the study of the science of international relations.

Konstruktifisme Onuf (Speech Act)

In Onuf's book, "Onuf states that previous international relationships are reconstructions, where
the social world is a world built of human actions. In other words, Onuf believes that international
reality is the result of human action. In this book Onuf more emphasis on constructive modernist
linguistic, where the existence of the relation of state identity with the use of language research.

There are three things that influence Onuf's thinking in explaining linguistic constructivists. The
first is the theory of the structure of Anthony Giddens. Where starting from the understanding of
interaction between agents - the structure, Onuf see that humans or individuals and communities
mutually do construct and constitute each other. If reality is understood through this viewpoint,
then there are two things that constitute social reality (the reality of international relations) is the
process of construction and institutionalization

The basic assumption of this theory is9 :

a. Social life is not an accumulation of activity at the micro level, but social activity can not
be fully explained from a macro perspective. Thus, for Giddens to place the micro / macro
and domestic / international in a balanced position and avoid the extreme dichotomy of the
above duality
b. The reposition of individual actions (agency) reproduces the structure.
c. The social structures are not permanent.

Departing from that assumption, Giddens defines structure as the rules and resources (set of
transformation relationses) organized and embedded in the social system. The rules here are
patterns that become the reference agent (individual) in social life. While the meaning of the source
is related to what resulted from human actions.

Second, language philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein issued two of his works,
including Tractus Logico - Philosophicus and Philosophical Investigation. In Tractus's book,
Wittgenstein argues that language describes reality. It is a representation of factual circumstances
in reality through language. A proposition (sentence) is a picture of reality. Wittgenstein's
philosophy also influenced Onuf's thinking. Walking with it, language is a central aspect in the
construction of social reality. With language, then we are able to give orders, threaten, ask and so
forth who get meaning in the proposition (sentence).

Third, analytic philosophy of John Langshaw Austin, Austin generally investigates the use of
everyday language in order to express the human mind. Austin emphasized that the use of language
should not be released from concrete situations, where speech is expressed and of the intended
phenomenon. Austin managed to distinguish between performative utterance and constantive

Diambil dari tesis mengenai Dinamika Kebijakan Perdagangan Luar Negeri Turki Pada Era Perdana Menteri Recep
Tayyip Erdogan (2003 2011)Mochammad Yustian Yusa (1006743645), Universitas Indonesia
utterance. Constant sayings are also called factual utterances that are interpreted as true or false. It
is Austin's idea that discovers speech act, there are three parts that distinguish speech act;

a. Locutionary act. Interpreted as utterances that contain a certain meaning. A language

action is performed if we want to convey a certain meaning, or a phrase that conveys a
meaningful language content. Like: Mother said to me "Above the table is food, Eat!"
This 'Eat!' Speech leads to my speakers but to a third person. In this language action,
the speaker is not responsible for the contents of his speech. It is possible that the
speaker only gives information and does not order to eat.
b. Illocutionary act, meaning that in the sentence it contains a force, so that speech
becomes a form of covenant, command, statement and others, then sue the speaker to
carry out the contents of the language of the spoken.
c. Perlocutionary act, meaning in the spoken sentence can cause psychological effects for
listeners such as satisfaction, fear and so on.10
1.7 Hypotesis Development

In this study qualitative methods will be used as the basis of research, where the research method
used is constructive method. In this constructive research method is a research method that tries to
interpret the state of social reality. This construtive method assumes that knowledge is not
objective, but researchers must be able to interpret what it sees to produce social reality.

In this study, the object of study starts from the debate or interaction between agents and structures
in the dynamics of interaction. This method is not a method that sees the consequences of the issue
but emphasizes why this is the case and why it can be caused. Put the agents and the structures
together in the study.

Structures are not in the form of institutions but can be ideas, values, norms, statements, or things
that are universally accepted. In conceptualizing where agents and structures need to look at three
things in determining what agents and structures are. First, intersubjectivity, here the research see

Agnes Sri Poerbasari. Mendekati Hubungan Internasional dengan Konstruktivisme Onuf dalam Asrudin dan MIrza Jaka Sunarya

(ed). Refleksi Teori Hubungan Internasional : Dari Tradisional ke Kontemporer. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.2009.hal 171-190
how to understand the dynamics of agent interaction and structure either in the form of language,
norm, meaning, culture or ideology which will produce the name of identity. Second, the context,
in this study more emphasis on the limits of research to be studied. Because of the many variations
of intersubjectivity that occur so it is necessary to determine the boundaries intersubjektivity good
spatial context, historical, social to understand the meaning changes that occur. Third, power,
power here is not power that is tangible but intangible. Where in this research view on how this
dominant agent position affects the existing structure. This power determines the action to be
performed in interpreting the object under study.

This research method is used in knowing the meaning that depart from how to redefine the
meaning. So in this method after defining the meaning with the birth of a new concept. The next
step is to reexamine what is being studied in determining whether the results of this study are valid
or not. This step is the final step done in researching the object of study using constructive method.

1.8 Theoritical Framework

In this theoretical framework, secondary data will be use. Where secondary data is data in the
form of documentation, and the literature either in the form of books and journals related and
can support the results of research. Secondary data is obtained from some literature as a
reference. Secondary data is very valuable for researchers to better understand and more deeply
about the problems that made the object of research.
As part of data collection techniques, according to Mulyana (2001: 196) documents
complement the data obtained from observations and interviews. The document may help the
researcher to examine other secondary sources, as most of the studied situations have histories
and documents capable of explaining aspects of the situation.
Data processing is a technique in qualitative research conducted after field data collected. Data
is divided into two, namely field data (raw data) and data so (Satori and Komariah, 2010: 177).
In this regard, Sudaryanto (in Moleong, 2010: 18) provides data limits as research materials,
ie finished materials (opposite of raw materials), which exist because of the selection of various
kinds of speech (raw material)
Stages performed in this data processing is to first conduct konspetualisasi between agent-
structure. In this study the authors use the method konstuktifis, so to process raw data obtained.
After determining these agents, the authors begin by looking at the dynamics of interaction
changes that occur between agents - structures.
After that, then the author tries to reconcile the found meaning and re-test the results of
research. This final stage is the evaluation that is found by looking whether the research is
reasonable or not. If reasonable, the results of the study can generate new claims of truth.

1.9 The organization of thesis.

The writing systematics to be displayed authors are as follows:

Chapter I Introduction. This chapter describes the reasons for choosing the title, the purpose of
writing, the background of the problem, the formulation of the problem, the theoretical framework,
the hypothesis, the range of research, the method of data collection, and the systematic writing.

CHAPTER II on US respond toward Iran nuclear proect between US action effect to Iran Nuclear
project. In the first chapter will be discussed on the basis of government policy which contains
about US foreign policy and ministerial policy. Following the explanation, the next sub-section
will explain the influence of the two countries, namely on the US relationship with Iran, and the
cooperation process between the two countries.

CHAPTER III US and Iranian Conditions. This chapter describes the conditions or circumstances
of US and Iran in some respects. The sub-chapters contain geography, climatology, typology,
economics, public administration, education, religion, culture, and government.

CHAPTER IV This chapter discusses what are the advantages and obstacles of Iran in developing
nuclear projects.

1. As for the advantages in nuclear development there are advantages in the following areas:

A. Economics

B. Energy field

C. Field of military defense

D. Technology field

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