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Lesson Plan

Topic: Addition and Subtraction Facts

Date: Wednesday 11-1-17
Subject Area: Math
Overview: This lesson is written for second grade students at Hopewell Elementary School. The
topic the lesson is about is addition and subtraction with dominos. Students will use dominos to
help them write addition and subtraction facts. After this lesson students will know how to add
and subtract numbers less than 10. This lesson will provide students with skills to subtract
numbers bigger than 10. This lesson will also help students get more practice with learning and
memorizing their addition facts and introduce them to subtraction. It will give students more
subtraction practice and help them to grow comfortable with both addition and subtraction with
numbers less than 10.
Iowa Core Standard: 2.OA.2- fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies,
2.NBT.5- Fluently add and subtract between 100 using strategies based on place value,
properties of operations and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Student Learning Objective: I can add and subtract between 20 using my knowledge of
place value and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
Blooms Taxonomy Connection: Applying and analyzing
Multiple Intelligence Connection: bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and logical-
Classroom Management Strategies: working in a small group as well as partners and whole
brain class class-yes yes response.
Materials: dominos worksheet pg. 65, edm, and task card
1. Gather students and materials needed for the lesson and tell students they need to bring
a pencil with them. Remind students to move quickly but quietly (1-2 min).
2. Explain to students that they will be working on addition and subtraction facts using
dominos with a partner (about 2 min).
3. Assign students partners (1 min)
4. Hand out worksheets and 4 dominos to students leaving the dominos face down. Tell
the students to leave the dominos face down until further instruction (2 min)
5. Explain the worksheet to the students. Read the instructions out loud and tell them
what to write in each blank- copy the dots from the domino onto the blank domino on
the worksheet, then write 2 addition and 2 subtraction facts of the domino and repeat.
6. Explain that students and their partners will take turns drawing dominos and writing
facts-partners can help assist in writing the math facts but cannot give away the
answer, students also talk about number 5 with a partner when they finish writing their
facts. (3 min).
7. Do problems 1 and 2 as a whole group walking students through the steps and ask
students to assist in writing math facts (5 min).
8. Students do problem 3-5 with their partner (5-10 min).
9. Have students hand in their papers when they finish to check questions 3-5 to make
sure students understand (1-2 min).
Assessment: pg. 65 check number 3 and 4
Wrap-Up/ Follow Up: Who can tell me one thing you learned today?
Do you feel more confident about addition and subtraction now?
Throughout the year you will continue to use these skills learned today to add and subtract
numbers up to 100.
Reflection: Overall the lesson went really well. The students were engaged the entire time and
learned a lot from the lesson. I made sure I had all the materials necessary to teach the lesson
at least a week prior and started planning a week before my lesson. This helped me to feel
confident in what I was teaching the students which helped the lesson run more smoothly. It
also showed the students that I knew what I was talking about making it easier for them to
understand what I was teaching them. During the lesson I gave clear instructions for what the
students would be doing with the dominos and the worksheets which helped them get right to
work and didnt cause confusion. This was key because I didnt want to waste a lot of time
transitioning or having to clarify directions, which didnt happen. All of the students got right
to work and knew what was expected of them. Something that also went well in the lesson was
using classroom management strategies. The strategy I used was the class class, yes yes call
and response. This worked really well with the students and helped draw their focus at the
beginning of the lesson before starting so I could give instructions and also helped to get their
attention if I needed to tell them something important while they were working with partners.
Something I would do differently for next time is provide activities for the students to do if
they finish before some of the other students. In the lesson students were asked to complete 2
problems on their own and then discuss a main question with their partner and then we would
discuss the answer as a group. Some students finished way before other students and got a
little side tract with their conversations. Next time I will provide students with something to do
while they wait for the class discussion. Something else I would do is to make sure that every
student is receiving the same level of difficulty of dominos. I noticed that some students had 2
dominos that made a sum less than 10 which was too easy for them, and others had dominos
with sums greater than 10 which was more challenging. Next time I teach this lesson I will
make sure that every student has an easier domino and a more challenging one.

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