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Character development: An analysis of me

Ciara Acosta

Arizona State University



A hard worker is someone who works with dedication and commitment, and at times are full of

energy to complete the task at hand. Being a hard worker takes a lot more skills than the average

Joe. Not only is being a hard worker a great quality to have but its also something people really

admire. As you read through you will see the tough times and the good times and everything

leading up to those times. Childhood to the present. From high school to college. And from no

motivation to inspiration. Not only is this about life but the struggles in it.

Keywords: first generation, high school, college, work.

When it comes to talking about myself Id rather do anything but that. But, one thing I

want people to know is Im a very hard working, independent, woman. I worked for the things I

have now, and I will continue to work for as long as Im alive, because Ive been taught that the

only person stopping you from achieving great things is you. You are the only person standing

between success and failure. Its you that you must live with for the rest of your life, why

wouldnt you want to be your best person?

I am a first-generation college student. Many have heard the term but very few truley

know what it means. A first-generation college student is defined as a student whose parent or

parents have not went through and completed a bachelors degree. This means that I am the first

in my family to attend a four-year university to get a bachelors degree. Being first-generation is

a very proud accomplishment. I have five other siblings. Two older brothers, two younger sisters

and one brother the same age as me. Us being the same age showed that we both could have had

the opportunity to go to college. The two older siblings could have easily decided to go to school

in their time too, but they decided to not go to college and just go straight into the work force. I

continued to strive for success and greatness and Its just a big ego booster knowing Im a one of

many to be a first-generation. Although I am one of many, and there are others like me I still

cant get over this feeling of accomplishment. Sometimes when I think about it I feel sad because

I dont think others got the same opportunities as I did. Maybe Im lucky?

On top of being a first gen. I graduated from high school at the top 25% of my class with

a 3.8 GPA. All four years that I went there, I also got honor roll every semester. Already having

a full plate of having to focus on getting good grades, I was also in marching band all four year

of high school. Being in Marching band taught me discipline and punctuality. I was President of

Criminal Justice club. That taught me leadership skills and honesty. I was also a member of
FCCLA (Family Career Community

Leaders of America). In FCCLA I

entered a few competitions. One of

them was a knife skills competition,

and after I competed I got 2nd place.

When FCCLA went to nationals, my

high school took first place in every

event. This club taught me

determination and also gave me skills

to empower other students. I feel like I

had a very good High School career. A

simple but challenging four years. I personally feel that these events in high school helped me

become the hard worker I feel like I am today.

And of course, all my hard work payed off because I got a full ride, everything covered,

to Arizona State University. I have decided to major is Criminology and Criminal Justice.

Sometimes I forget how blessed I am and when I think back to all that Ive accomplished it keeps

me going. Some of the scholarships that I received were the Obama Scholarship, and an ASU

Academic Achievement Scholarship. I also received multiple grants, to also help pay for my

education. Add all of those up and all my expenses were covered for the next four years. I

couldnt be happier having found out the news of it all, most of my worried were completely
vaporized. All of this seems great, but there were bad times leading up to where I am


The bad times were hidden, like all secrets, until they couldnt bear to be a secret any

longer. No one knew what was going on in my home life, but I did. Constant worries and stress

of whether we were going to eat that night or can keep living in our house that year. Never being

able to ask for a couple dollars because you knew it was a no because that money either wasnt

there or needed to go towards more important things like food, or simple common household

items. To top it all off my parents were drug addicts and both didnt work. Dad was always gone,

mom was always crying. My sister always kept her innocence. And I always went with the flow,

numb to most things. And then I found school. School helped me escape my deepest secret and

took my mind off things. I dont want you to feel sad for me but look at this as a background to

what made me, me. I grew up watching my parents at their lowest point of their life and always

told myself that I would never amount to that. I never wanted to become someone who doesnt
really care about their quality of life. But, dont worry this sort of has a happy ending. My mom

and dad broke up and instead of being sad and worried, I was relieved, because their relationship

was toxic. Dad moved away and mom sobered up. Looking back at this made me realize where I

developed my work ethic from and where I picked up my motivation to do my best.

On top of school work and a variety of other things, I still managed to find a job. I didnt

start working until my freshman year of college because school always came first when I was in

high school. It was ASU who practically landed me the

job. I went to a job fair and filled out an application and

got hired on the spot. I work in retail at a sports shop.

After my freshman year of college was over I realized I

had a lot of free time on my hands. Basketball wasnt in

season, so I worked way fewer hours, and I wasnt taking

any classes over the summer either. So, I decided to find a

second job. I got hired to work in an office called Grand

Canyon Home Care. All I did was scan papers and file, but

I worked two jobs. It felt so good having my own money

and doing what I wanted with it. I used my time wisely

and participated in both jobs. Of course, when school

started back up I dropped one of the jobs. I dropped the

office one because it was a ways away from school and I

dont have a car.

After realizing everything I have accomplished so far, being as young as I am too, made

me realize that anything is possible no matter what background you come from. I could have

easily not done a damn thing, and just sat around and complain about how miserable my life is.

But, I didnt, I accomplished as much, if not more, as the next guy. You can be broke as a joke

and still turn your life around. I just want to be an example of that. Turning your life around. I

will be great.
1st picture:
B, Castillo. (Photographer). (2016, May 18th). Graduate Photograph in front of Cardinals stadium.
[graduate]. Phoenix, Arizona.

2nd picture:
J. Doe. (photographer). (2016, August). Students holding up prizes after playing bingo [Jumpstart
program]. Phoenix, Arizona.

3rd picture:
C. Gonzalez. (Photographer). (2016, November). Coworker friends [Two employees taking a
break]. Phoenix, Arizona.

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