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Presentation Plan

Jhonathan Rendon

PPE 310

Presentation Plan

During the academic day at Mesa Arts Academy there are many things that happen at

specific time frames such as breakfast, lunch, recess, and electives. These all require a staff

member to man them so that the students are supervised. When supervising one of these

activities there are certain procedures that are expected by both the students and staff. The

presentation carried out is based on running the meeting regarding safety and operation

procedures for lunch duties. These were necessary due to the instances when staff members are

absent and needing someone to step in and take over for that day.

Initial Thoughts

Presenting the information to the other staff went well and did get a bit stagnant at times

due to the lack of excitement of the topics in hand. Although everyone was engaged it seemed

that no one was in a hurry to leave; which could have been due to having the meeting directly

after lunch. A great point was that there was 100% attendance meaning there was no need to have

a follow up presentations with those who didnt receive the information.

Something that can be accounted for next time would be time management since some of

the topics took longer than initially expected. This was a result of staff not being familiar with

new procedures or the duty itself and having questions. For the future the presentation can be

scheduled for a longer period and if everything is covered it can conclude earlier than

anticipated. When presenting there was little movement around the room which added to the

unexciting atmosphere, and my boss did mention that itd help to move around as if walking on



Response latency was not an issue since everyone was full due to having eaten lunch

prior to the meeting. There was a bit of small talk, but was the presentation was initiated

everyone focused their eyes towards the front and refrained from talking unless they were asking

a question. One great thing staff members are great at is giving each other praise either in

meeting or throughout the day. During the presentation there were some acknowledgments given

out from the boss and presenter for those who had already stepped in to roles when certain

members of the team had been gone. When addressing the staff for admiration or questions they

were called by name so that there was no doubt they were appreciated as well as respected.

When staff members did have sidebars going they were kindly asked to listen up so that

the meeting did not have to go longer than needed. Other ways that staff was brought back on

track after a funny comment was to give them time to get it out and then initiate the presentation

with some transition related to the topic. Overall, presentation went well and when it was

completed upon initial perception it seemed that everyone was on the same page and up to speed.

Lunch Procedures


12:00 p.m.


-Lunch room procedures


-Dos and Donts

-Cleaning Equipment

-Cleaning Duties

-Emergency Exits

-Fires, Lock Down, Evacuations


Open Floor:

-Upcoming Events

-Weekly Itinerary

End Meeting:

1:00 p.m.

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