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Unit Title: Human and Physical Characteristics

Essential Question of the Unit:

How are human and physical characteristics related?

Guiding Question of the Lesson:

What are physical characteristics?

3.G.1.2- Compare the human and physical characteristics of places

Student will be able to-
Identify physical characteristics
Explain how physical and human characteristics are related

6 different scenarios

Lesson Development:
Intro- We will review our discussion of human characteristics and I will prompt students to use
that knowledge to brainstorm what physical characteristics might be.
Introduce and briefly discuss major physical characteristics (landforms, bodies of water,
climate, animal life). Talk specifically about certain bodies of water, climate and animal life.

Activity- in groups, students will be given a scenario about a physical feature that is causing
problems for humans. They must create a plan that involves a human characteristic to solve it.
I do- I will address the scenario that an island has appeared off the coast of NC and humans
want to inhibit it. Right now, the only way to access it is a boat. I will model how to create a
plan of building a bridge so that cars and most the population can access the new island.
We do- I will introduce another scenario and as a class we will work together to solve the
problem using a human characteristic.
You do- Students will get into groups and be handed a new scenario. They should follow the
same process as above.

Closure- students will share their plans

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