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Light-emitting diodes (LED)


as you can see its a diode that has 2 rays coming from the diode it has a counterpart the Photodiode,
which also has a 2 rays but the rays are pointing to the diode


LED is a simple diode with a PN junction it is doped with special materials to emit particular colours. When a potential is
applied to its PN junction, it emits Photons in the form of colourful light. Inside the casing of an LED, there are
two terminal posts connected by a small chip made of Gallium compound. This material exhibits the property of photon
emission when the p-n junction is forward biased. Different colours are produced by doping the base material with other

LEDs are mostly used for two things: illumination and indication.
Illumination means to "shine light onto something" - like a flashlight or headlights.

Indication mean to "point something out" - like a turn signal or brake lights

Diffused LEDs are good at indication, they look soft and uniform and you can see them well from any angle.

Clear LEDs are good at illumination, the light is direct and powerful - but you can't see them well from an angle because
the light is only going forward.

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