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CAREER OPTION 1: Game Warden

Education 2 to 4 year degree in some sort of wildlife or forestry degree
Skills ommunication skills. Police and detectives must be able to speak with people when gathering
facts about a crime and to express details about a given incident in writing.
Empathy. Police officers need to understand the perspectives of a wide variety of people in their
jurisdiction and have a willingness to help the public.

Good judgment. Police and detectives must be able to determine the best way to solve a wide array of
problems quickly.

Leadership skills. Police officers must be comfortable with being a highly visible member of their
community, as the public looks to them for assistance in emergency situations.

Perceptiveness. Officers, detectives, and fish and game wardens must be able to anticipate a persons
reactions and understand why people act a certain way.

Physical stamina. Officers and detectives must be in good physical shape, both to pass required tests
for entry into the field, and to keep up with the daily rigors of the job.

Physical strength. Police officers must be strong enough to physically apprehend offenders.

Salary (median pay) - 61,600

Related fields - Cops, Detective, Park ranger
Duties - Protect wildlife, make sure people are following game laws
On the job Training - Moderate
Job Outlook - 7%
Job Change - 53,400
Environment - Outside, woods, water.
State and Area data
Location Hourly Annual
Employment nt per
State quotient mean mean
(1) thousand
(9) wage wage (2)

Georgia 450 0.11 2.27 $17.98 $37,400

License, certification : 2 or 4 year dagree in some sort of wildlife class,

Police Academy, DNR school
Advancement - Fast promotions if you work hard and show your skills

CAREER OPTION 2: Wildlife Conservationist / Forester

Education- Bachelor's degree in Forestry of wildlife management
Skills- Analytical skills. Conservation scientists and foresters must evaluate the results of a variety of
field tests and experiments, all of which require precision and accuracy. They use sophisticated computer
modeling to prepare their analyses.
Critical-thinking skills. Conservation scientists and foresters reach conclusions through sound
reasoning and judgment. They determine how to improve forest conditions, and they must react
appropriately to fires.

Decisionmaking skills. Conservation scientists and foresters must use their expertise and experience to
determine whether their findings will have an impact on soil, forest lands, and the spread of fires.

Management skills. Conservation scientists and foresters need to work well with the forest and
conservation workers and technicians they supervise, so effective communication is critical.

Physical stamina. Conservation scientists and foresters often walk long distances in steep and wooded
areas. They work in all kinds of weather, including extreme heat and cold.

Speaking skills. Conservation scientists and foresters must give clear instructions to forest and
conservation workers and technicians, who typically do the labor necessary for proper forest
maintenance. They also need to communicate clearly with landowners and, in some cases, the general
Salary (median pay) - $60,610 per year
$29.14 per hour
Related fields- Wildlife and Zoology biologist, Forest and conservation
worker, Forest firefighter, Environmental technician
versee forestry and conservation activities to ensure compliance with government regulations and
habitat protection
Negotiate terms and conditions for forest harvesting and for land-use contracts
Establish plans for managing forest lands and resources
Monitor forest-cleared lands to ensure that they are suitable for future use
Work with private landowners, governments, farmers, and others to improve land for forestry
purposes, while at the same time protecting the environment

Foresters typically do the following:

Supervise activities of forest and conservation workers and technicians

Choose and prepare sites for new trees, using controlled burning, bulldozers, or herbicides to
clear land
Monitor the regeneration of forests
Direct and participate in forest fire suppression
Determine ways to remove timber with minimum environmental damage

On the job Training - easy

Job Outlook - growth of about 6% in the last 2 years, avarge for about all
other occupations
Job Change- Lots of different areas can change easily
Environment- Outside mostly inside some
State and Area data- 410 job opportunities and average pay is 61,400
License, certification- Certified forester and wildlife manager
Advancement- Harder because mostly working for federal but possible

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