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Carbon dioxide from baking soda

Nitit kaveevorasart (5861080)

Salisa Simaroj (5861136)
Supichaya Nobnom (5861155)
Vitavas Kitiyanasap (5861175)
Yanisa Lekprasert (5861305)

Advanced Chemistry 1101

Ms. Sorasaree Tonsiengsom
Mahidol University International Demonstration School
Semester 1 Academic year 2017-2018
The purpose of this lab is to collect Carbon Dioxide from baking soda and acetic acid in
order to study the relationship between different concentration of baking soda and the volume of
gas produced. The experiment was done by creating the product, in this case, Carbon Dioxide, by
mixing the reactants, acetic acid and baking soda, then have it replaced the water in the
graduated cylinder to measure the volume the gas taken. The results quite met the expectation.
Overall, the trend of the relationship between the amount of Carbon Dioxide and the
concentration of baking soda from the reaction of the two substances is that the gas produced
increases when the concentration of baking soda increases. This shows that the relationship of
them is proportional to each other which is also supported by Avogadros law.

To collect Carbon Dioxide from baking soda and discuss the relationship between
concentrate and volume.

Baking Soda, also known as Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is a compound with a high
pH at 8.2, making it a base or an alkaline (Lilly, 2017). Because of its basic property, once it is
exposed to acetic acid or vinegar, the reaction occurs with carbon dioxide gas as products and
some other substances, according to CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ---> C2H3NaO2 + CO2 + H2O
(Helmenstine, 2017).
A dilute aqueous solution of acetic acid (CH3COOH) with a low in pH at 2.4 or vinegar
is another reactant in the chemical equation shown above (Enzyme-Facts 2014). The reason for
the chemical reaction to occur is that the two reactants has a different in pH making one an acid,
while the other is a base.
The main purpose of the experiment was to identify the volume of water being replaced
by gas produced from the reaction with a different concentration of baking soda used in each
trial. The three different concentration of baking soda were 0.5 M, 0.75 M, 1.0 M. The process of
conducting the experiment can be divided into 2 parts : creating the solution of baking soda and
acetic acid and collecting the gas created in an upside down cylinder. The acetic acid used was
20 ml per trial mixing with the three different concentration of baking soda. With the
concentration difference, the change in volume due to the the gas produced can be described in a
trend that the higher concentration of baking soda it is, the more gas is produced. Unfortunately,
some errors were encountered during the trial number 2 with 0.75 M of baking soda. It resulted
in a less accurate result as what is shown in the table. However, the overall trend still follows the
trend with the highest gas produced when there was 1.0 M of baking soda and less in products
when 0.5 M and 0.75 M of the compound was used. The collecting gas part was done with three
main apparatuses, which are a suction flask, a rubber tubing, and a cylinder. The solution was

poured into the suction flask getting swirled as the reaction occurred, creating the Carbon
dioxide gas replacing the water volume in the upside down cylinder. The gas travelled through
the tubing inserted on the flask on one end and underneath the cylinder on the other. The volume
of the water filled in the cylinder was first measured before the solution was put in the suction
flask. Once the gas had entered the cylinder, the volume of the leftover water was measured
again. With the two volume measured at the different time, the change in volume can be
identified, giving the volume of gas that had replaced the water in the cylinder.

1.baking soda 2.acetic acid

3.volumetric flask 4. A rubber tubing

5.suction flask 6.clay

7.Water 8.cylinder

1. Calculate the number of mole of baking soda, creating three different concentration for
the solution used within the experiment.
2. Prepare the baking soda based on the number of mole calculated previously. Weigh them
on the scale and slowly pour them into a volumetric flask.
3. Add 100 mL of water into the volumetric flask in order to dissolve the baking soda.
4. Pour 20 mL of the dissolved baking soda into another beaker.
5. Measure 20 mL of acetic acid and pour it into a beaker.
6. Set up the lab equipments
a. Place a sink stopper over the water drain.
b. Allow the water to flow into the tub at an optimal level.
c. Separate the clay into two chunks.
d. Use one chunk to create a shape that fits into the suction flask.
e. Use another chunk to connect the rubber tubing with a small hole at the side of the
suction flask.
7. Place the suction flask at the side of the sink.
8. Fill up the graduated cylinder with water.
9. Quickly, turn it upside down into the sink to minimize the amount of water leaking out of
the cylinder.
10. Insert the rubber tubing that is connected to the suction flask into the graduated cylinder.
11. Measure the volume of water inside the graduated cylinder and record it.
12. Add 20 mL of acetic acid and 20 mL of prepared baking soda into the volumetric flask.
13. Close the suction flask with the clay.
14. Shake the suction flask gently, allowing gas to produce.
15. After the reaction is done, measure the new volume of water and record it again.
16. Repeat step 2-15 for the other two concentration of baking soda.

Data Table:

Concentration (M) Volume (ml)

Initial Volume Final Volume Change in Volume

0.5 50 280 230

0.75 90 310 220

1.0 10 275 265

Analyze and Calculation:

Equation: CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ---> C2H3NaO2 + CO2 + H2O

From the equation, The ratio between NaHCO3 and

CO2 is 1:1. Therefore, the number of moles
of NaHCO3 and
CO2 are
the same.

(1) From the formula: Molarity = mol/ L ; molarity of NaHCO3 is 0.5, and used for 20 mL
0.5 = mol/ 0.02 L
Mol = 0.01
Therefore, in 20 mL of NaHCO3 would produce 0.01 mol of CO2

From Formula ; mol = mass / molar mass

Mass = mol x molar mass
= 0.01 x (12.01 + 2(16))
= 0.44 g
Therefore, we got 0.44 g of CO2 from the experiment.

From the Formula; PV = nRT

P =nRT / V
= 0.01(0.0821)(273+25) / 0.23
= 1.06 atm

Therefore, the total pressure in the cylinder is 1.06 + 23.76 (pressure of water at room
temperature) = 24.82 atm

(2) From the formula: Molarity = mol/ L ; molarity of NaHCO3 is 0.75, and used for 20 mL
0.75 = mol/ 0.02 L
Mol = 0.015
Therefore, in 20 mL of NaHCO3 would produce 0.015 mol of CO2

From Formula ; mol = mass / molar mass

Mass = mol x molar mass
= 0.015 x (12.01 + 2(16))
= 0.66 g
Therefore, we got 0.66 g of CO2 from the experiment.

From the Formula; PV = nRT

P =nRT / V
= 0.015(0.0821)(273+25) / 0.22
= 1.66 atm
Therefore, the total pressure in the cylinder is 1.66 + 23.76 (pressure of water at room
temperature) = 25.42 atm

(3) From the formula: Molarity = mol/ L ; molarity of NaHCO3 is 1.0, and used for 20 mL
1.0 = mol/ 0.02 L
Mol = 0.02
Therefore, in 20 mL of NaHCO3 would produce 0.02 mol of CO2

From Formula ; mol = mass / molar mass

Mass = mol x molar mass
= 0.02 x (12.01 + 2(16))
= 0.88 g
Therefore, we got 0.88 g of CO2 from the experiment.

From the Formula; PV = nRT

P =nRT / V
= 0.02(0.0821)(273+25) / 0.265
= 1.84 atm
Therefore, the total pressure in the cylinder is 1.84 + 23.76 (pressure of water at room
temperature) = 25.6 atm

From the Gas Law (PV = nRT), pressure change proportionally to the number of mole of gas.
Therefore, when the mole of Carbon dioxide increases, the volume of gas will also increase.
However, there is an error (shown on the graph) at the 0.015 mol of Carbon dioxide which may
occur by humans error.

The chemical reaction tested in the experiment is CH3COOH + NaHCO3 ---> C2H3NaO2 +
CO2 + H2O or NaHCO3(s) + CH3COOH(l) CO2(g) + H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + CH3COO-(aq)
With the different chemical property the two substances have in terms of the different in pH, a
chemical reaction occurs when they are mixed together, producing Carbon dioxide gas as the
main products, as well as other substances as shown in the chemical equation. Baking soda
(NaHCO3) having a higher pH than acetic acid (CH3COOH) at 8.2, which the acid only has 2.4,
making it act as a base in the reaction since its pH is higher than 7. The same concept applies to
the acetic acid with a pH lower than a 7, resulting in an acidic property. The reason that the air
overflows around in the highest part of the cylinder once the reaction occurs is that the bubbles
created during the reaction are heavier than air. The air that has a lighter weight than the bubbles
contains Carbon Dioxide, making it possible to determine the amount of the gas product from the
surface of the cylinder. The pressure of dry gas produced at 25 C at atmospheric pressure is 1.06
atm for 0.5 molarity of NaHCO3, 1.66 atm for 0.75 molarity, and 1.84 atm for 1.0 molarity. Not
only could the pressure be calculated, but also moles and weight of the gas produced. The
number of gas produced at 0.5 molarity of NaHCO3 is 0.01 mol, 0.015 mol at 0.75 molarity, and
0.02 mol at 1.0 molarity. For the weight of the gas, it was produced 0.44 g at 0.5 molarity of
NaHCO3, 0.66 g at 0.75 molarity, and 0.88 g at 1.0 molarity. Though, the experiment was
conducted successfully through the processes, there were some struggles encountered, which
caused the result to be not as precise. The first error found was mixing the baking soda with
water in the beaker instead of pouring them into volumetric flask. This was due to the fact that
our group did not follow the procedure. As a consequence, we were all running out of time.
Secondly, our group made a mistake while we were measuring the volume of the solution
because we did not measure the volume based on the meniscus. To improve the experiment,
every group member should listen carefully to the instruction and follow the procedure according
to the teacher. Also, we should be very accurate with the method of measuring solution
especially when using the graduated cylinder. It is important that we look at the meniscus and
not the line on the top in order to avoid any errors within the experiment.


In conclusion, from the experiment , we could collect Carbon dioxide gas from the reaction
between baking soda and acetic acid. Moreover, from the results, if the volume of substances increase,
the mole of gas will increase. Therefore, The mole and volume of gas is directly proportional to each

Physical & Chemical Properties of Sodium Bicarbonate. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2017,

Helmenstine, P. A. (n.d.). Know the Equation for the Baking Soda and Vinegar Reaction.
Retrieved November 13, 2017, from

Properties of Vinegarcolor = "#6B8E23">. (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2017, from

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