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Staff Meeting:9/20/2017

BC:Samaria Campbell- 678-457-0575 XO:Maggie Kohanowich- 404-735-6221


Uniform wear
-- More specific (which uniform)
-- Anyone who misses more than one uniforms (No saber)
-- Change out for gym or valid excuse cleared with AI
-- Medical pathway no excuse

Unit report
-- Congressman John Lewis
-- Color guard
-- Rising 9th graders
-- Raider meet: Pictures added to website and newsletter
-- Need AARs for all of them and put into jums for hours

Service learning: Start learning log and questions

-- VA hospital: Students picked based on behavior (40 cadets)
-- Date and time: November 27-December 1 10:30am -1:00 pm
-- 21 days in advance (buses)

-- S4: All uniforms need to be in JUMS by 9/25/17
-- S1: All cadets must be updated in JUMS (LET 2s and 3s)

-- Pictures need to added to bios
-- Full uniform
-- Friday 12:15 report in JROTC rooms board starts at 1:00pm- 3:00pm
-- Luke and Samaria there as well in uniform
-- Invite Dr.Bochman

-- Start measuring data
-- CSM is creating a graph for data
-- Data from 14-15, 15-16, 16-17

Improvement Goals
-- Either staff member or assistant needs to at meeting
-- Add staff meeting to website
-- Determine how to maintain website after CPT Labron leaves
-- Sabers can be taken back if uniform is not worn correctly on and dates assigned
-- Add Luke to newsletter and congratulate as Brigade commander
-- Staff meetings every third Wednesday of the month

Attended Staff Meeting

-- Battalion Commander: Samaria Campbell
-- Executive Officer: Maggie Kohanowich
-- Command Sgt major: Anthony Cochran
-- S3: Zode Compton
-- S4: Rachel Wilson and Sheniya Weems
-- S5: Stefany Canario (assistant)

-- October 4th homecoming court coronation: luke swearing them in and color guard
-- September 23rd raider meet: North Paulding
-- September 28th Junior Achievement: Hope hill elementary
-- September 30th raider meet:

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