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English For Academic Purposes

Lecturer: Prof Dr M Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata
1. Please print this assignment, each of you must have one sheet of this assignment
2. Fill in your name, NPM, and Class in the provided space,
3. Write your answers in the provided space and on the backside of the sheet
4. Use a stappler to attach on your assignment book

Name NPM Class


In Venice there were more canals than roads. The people went from place to place in
gondolas which were a type of boats. Carlos father was a gondolier. He had an old gondola.
Everyday Carlo helped his father. He was a good son. One day Carlo was sitting by the
canal in front of his house. He saw a fine gondola come up the canal. The gondolier wore a
smart jacket and silk trousers. As gondola came nearer, Carlo saw a boy in it. He was about
his age, only a little fatter. He was sitting onsome silk cushions. The boy himself wore a blue
silk shirt and blue trousers. At that moment, the gondola was right before Carlo. The blue
boy saw Carlo in his poor clothes. He saw the patches on Carlos shirt; he saw the patches
in Carlos trousers, too. The blue boy stood up and began to laugh. Poor Carlo. He felt
ashamed, so he got up to walk away. Suddenly, there was a loud splash. The blue boy had
fallen out of the gondola into the water! He had laughed too much. The gondolier was so
surprised that he droppped his oar and the gondola floated away.

Question # 1: What is the title of the passage, and what is the main idea?

Main idea

Abstract: Variations in soil properties in the fields tend to be correlated over space and
can be evaluated by spatial variability. The application of spatial variability to soil properties
are relatively new and very useful for getting more precise measurement data and more
precise estimation of unknown values in a given location. The objective of this research is to

determine the spatial variability of in-situ soil strength of Darmaga latosol soil. The result

To build the Indonesian Anew

English For Academic Purposes
Lecturer: Prof Dr M Ade Moetangad Kramadibrata
shows that the coefficient of variation of soil strength was relatively high and decreases with
depth, i.e., from 22.22 to 13.42 percents for cohesion and from 18.04 to 14.85 percents for
soil penetration resistance. The semi variance curves of soil strength data indicate that the
variation of soil strength in short distance was dominant and the soil strength data had no
spatial correlation.
Keywords: spatial variability, soil strength, cohesion, penetration resistance

Question # 2: Translate the passage, what is the title, what is the main idea

The title:

The main idea


To build the Indonesian Anew

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