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Research Take Home Exam: Convergence 1

Research Take Home Exam:

Convergence of Digital Negotiation and Risk Challenges

Kelsey Chaney

Shepherd University

Research Take Home Exam: Convergence of Digital Negotiation and Risk Challenges

Convergence of Digital Negotiation and Risk Challenges: Strategic Implications of

Social Media for Risk and Crisis Communications was research conducted by Karen Freberg

and Michael J. Palenchar. This research includes discussions involving issues and challenges in

regards to authenticity and trustworthiness of messages from social media, perception of apology

strategies and how users are maintaining relationships during a crisis, and convergence of digital

negotiation with practices for effective crisis preparation in social media.

Literature Review

As stated previously, this chapter discusses challenges relating to authenticity and

trustworthiness of messages for users, perception of users apologies, maintaining relationships

during times of crisis, and convergence of digital negotiation. This case study was based around

finding how effective crisis situation posts were after earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricane Irene.

This study tends to follow the Situational Crisis Communication Theory, also known as SCCT.

This research follows the guidelines of this theory. The SCCT involves audience perception,

evaluating the crisis type and a users or companys credibility or reputation.


In the research conducted by Freberg and Palenchar the artifacts examined were Mixi,

YouTube, and Twitter. The research design method that was used during this study was a

descriptive study of research in the form of a case study. Freberg and Palenchar chose this

method due to the fact that a case study is known as an in depth study of a situation rather than a

survey. Some scholars argue that case studies cannot be validated because results are often

polarized to a radical extent. This means that results are either one way or another; there is no

middle ground. As a result, data is not always viable or comprehensive. A key strength to case

studies are that they often simplify diverse assumptions; the findings are often contrary to

common belief.

Discussion All three case studies found that a messages effectiveness had to do with the

sources credibility, it was also found that government agencies that posted in numerous different

languages were found to be more credible to an audience. The case study also found that during

hurricane Irene various sources had to post about the hurricane in order for the message to be

considered effective. Another important finding was that users found information more effective

when both parties were communicating to each other. Finally, the studies also found that a

message is more effective if there are steps given to find more information or steps given on how

to further their knowledge on the situation.

Throughout this research study I have learned numerous tips on how to create effective

messages. First, always ensure that you are a credible source before presenting any information

that you want to be effective. One way someone can become a credible source is by sharing other

credible sources information, or where they found the information. Second, is that when using

hashtags always ensure that they are the same; often the audience will get confused and will have

difficulty finding information they are seeking if there are numerous hashtags for the same

situation. Third, always present your information in a clear and concise manner so the audience

can understand anything you are presenting. Next, reply to you audience often in a respectful

manner. This helps build and maintain relationships with your audience. To help maintain

credibility one can also post pictures in regards to their information as proof. Finally, always post

your content in a timely and relevant manner.


A question I would have for researchers would be when is an ideal time to stop replying

to your audience? It is suggested to reply to them to maintain a relationship, but during a time of

crisis should you be replying often? A second question that arose was is it best to leave crisis

situation posts to the professionals? Although I may know useful information, would it be in my

best interest to leave all the posting to the professionals?

This research study does have one limitation. It is too narrow. This research study is

focused around natural disaster crisis situations. I would be curious as to what the results would

be if this was focused around not only natural disasters, but also terrorist attacks, wars, or virus



The overall message of this research was to find ways in which a user can be more

credible and to improve effectiveness of social media content. The research findings were

extremely useful, not just in terms of a crisis situation, but in any aspect of social media. The

research founded could be used for companies, advertising, and personal use as well. Although, I

wish the research would have been broader to other crisis situations it can still be applicable.

Exam Questions

1. This case study seemed to use a quantitative study.

2. It used a systematic content analysis method. In this study Freberg and Palenchar

used Youtube, Twitter, and Mixi to observe each case study and looked for

information on how to determine how each platform used handled crisis


a. In this research paper Freberg and Palenchar described a case study as a

methodology is well-positioned to explore real-world functioning of


organizations in context; it stimulates reflection and serves as motivation for

future occurrences. Specific details of a case study should include: the

background information on the issue, current status of the industry in light of

the situation, overview of the issue being studied, key message strategies and

responses being implemented by the parties involved, discussion of key

concepts involved in the issue, and make recommendations for future

campaigns and research.

3. The independent variables would be the disasters that were occurring and the users

tweets that provided the audience with the information that was needed. The

dependent variable would be how the audience reacted after reading social media

posts about the natural disasters.

a. The major themes as stated before were challenges relating to authenticity

and trustworthiness of messages for users, perception of users apologies and

relationship management, and digital negotiation for effective crisis

management preparedness.

4. This study dealt with credibility, relationship, and trust. In their research Fredberg and

Palenchar stated these major themes that were relevant throughout their study and

each of them had authenticity, trustworthiness, and relationship management.

Message effectiveness is influenced by credibility as mentioned prior.

Trustworthiness is influenced by both parties communicating.



Fredberg , K., & Palenchar, M. J. (n.d.). Convergence of Digital Negotiation and Risk

Challenges: Strategic Implications of Social Media for Risk and Crisis Communications .

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