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Signature Assignment 1

Management Plan:

TEL 311 Signature Assignment

Jessamy Sanchez

Arizona State University

Signature Assignment 2

Table of Contents

I. Self-Introduction/Philosophy of Education. Pgs. 3, 5

II. Classroom Management Resources...Pgs. 5-10

Classroom Layout .........Pgs. 5-6

Classroom Procedures .Pgs. 5-10

Discipline Strategies/Rules & Consequences ..Pgs. 9, 10

III. Work Cited .Pg. 11


Philosophy of Education
Signature Assignment 3

Carne de puerco con chile y nopalitos (Pig meat with salsa and cactus) My nana

Cristinas hands could never do wrong. Everything she touched was made better, it all came to

life. From her plants to her authentic mexican food. I had just gotten home from school, I was in

the 5th grade and was just about to eat one of my favorite warm mexican dishes, She began to

serve plates and called my tata Juan and I to the table. We sat and everything was served family

style, our conversations usually went like Tata how was work and he would say tiring mija,

this is why I tell you to go to school and get an education, working as a roofer is hard work and if

I wouldve had the chance to study I would not have been in this tourchuring heat. Then he

would say Y como te va en la escuela mija (Hows school going mija)? Youve decided what it

is you wanna pursue as a career yet? Mind you I was in the 5th grade but I didnt want to

disappoint him or grandma, so I would say Tata I want to be either a news reporter or a teacher.

My nana was away, close to the stove while this conversation was going on but she could hear a

cricket chirp from a mile away.

She would join the conversation and say ay mija that is a respectable career, being a

teacher. Tu tia cynthia is a teacher and everyone loves her. I thought about the fact that yes

indeed everyone loves my Tia cynthia but it's because of her personality, her heart is very kind.

As the years went by my decision to pursue a career in teaching fortified around my senior year,

2014. I was doing an internship through a program that goes by the name of Upward Bound and

my experience at the local new station was not horrible it was just too fast paced for my liking.

The woman I was observing Ella Sogomonian was at some point, eating, driving, and talking on

the phone. Mind you, you need one hand to eat and one hand to be on the phone so who was

driving? Her knee. After graduating I set off to my cheapest option because as a hispanic woman

is it only right to stay close to home. 3 years and two boyfriends passed and Im now 21 on my
Signature Assignment 4

junior year at Arizona State University and my grandmother who was my reason, is no longer

with us. My passion for anything died with her, I died with her.

The only reason as to why I continue to live and do what I do is because I have come so

far not to and it would have been what she would have wanted. To continue my education. My

passion for teaching is because of my nana, my family. Immigrants who didnt speak a lick of

spanish. All of my immediate family members were told that they were only good with their

hands and their feet, no one showed them they could use their head, their cognitive thinking. My

cousins ended pregnant at 16/17, because they were consecutively taught that being a housewife

was important. By the age of 15 they knew how to wash clothing, pick up after their father and

start applying to jobs. It is nothing new for a regular teenager who knows these things but in my

case, I didnt. What I did know was what Advanced Placement courses was, the differences

between a subsidized loan and an unsubsidized loan, what universities were in Arizona and there

locations. my boy cousins ended up working for a construction company. Theyre parents did not

speak life into them only because they didnt know any better.

Although I did endure hardships, I hold privilege. Privilege of a dual citizenship, of a

second native tongue, I hold privilege of a growing mindset because of my teachers and my

parents. My support system is incredible. I fortunately am not an immigrant but I am a

decendent. They were all bold enough to drive everyday to work without citizenship and a

license. Driving with fear that one day they would go a mile too fast for a cops liking and be

stopped and eventually deported. My passion to be an instructor surpasses the content. Although,

I do want to teach English in particular because language crosses barriers that are hidden under a

thick veil, a veil that is so easily removed once mastering the language. I want to be the help, the

ones who teach life lessons through storytelling. Through art pieces like the great gatsby, how to
Signature Assignment 5

kill a mockingbird, clotel, and many other pieces of literature. I want to open hearts, open doors,

plant seeds, watch life grow. I want to give people the opportunity my grandma didnt get the

chance to receive. I want a better life, a better future.

Classroom Management Resources

Classroom Layout

My classroom layout is simplistic for the simple cause of flexibility. I like to move

around and I would like my students to move around as well. My students have ipads so if there

is a student who needs to use a computer there is one in the corner of the classroom. Starting

with the shelves bottom right-hand corner, flowing diagonally from my desk to the kidney table,

I designed to incorporate technology and flexibility. My desk is approachable so that if my

students need help they can feel comfortable enough to come and seek me or raise their hand and

I made sure I had an open view of the classroom for instructional input. The square group tables

will desk 6 children in each table in order to incorporate group work and group discussions. The

kidney table is for students who need additional instruction after they have received it, or for

group interventions in case they are having issues getting along. The storage will contain our
Signature Assignment 6

virtual lab headsets, extra chargers for their ipads, and extra paper and pens in case students need

them. They will be able to purchase them with points they gain throughout class.

Classroom Procedures

General Procedures

A. Beginning of period- At the beginning of the period, students will be in their assigned seats

for the month (meaning they will be switching groups, in order to work with different people)

and will read the Objective to see what required materials they will need for the period, and

have them out on their desk. Students phones will be zipped inside their backpacks.

1. Attendance check- I will take attendance by calling out roll call and having the student say


2. Previously absent students- Previously absent students will go to the absent folder for the

day of the week they were absent and there should be a paper with their name regarding what

materials belong to them. If they have questions, they can ask me after class, during lunch, or

email me or talk to a peer.

3. Tardy students-Students who are tardy will quietly without causing a disruption enter

into class, sit in their assigned seat, and get out their materials for class. I will later walk to them

to see if they have a tardy pass or to ask for what reason they are late.

4. Expected student behavior- Students will maintain a respectful attitude in class and out of

class. They will not socialize unless given permission, and they will not use any electronics

unless given permission.

B. Out-of-room policies-While representing the school when outside of the classroom (sports

games, extracurricular activities, field trips, etc.) students will respect their surroundings and
Signature Assignment 7

others in those surroundings.

C. Materials and equipment- Students will be expected to have a binder that should contain 1

sections for class containing loose leaf paper, pens, pencils, and any required reading materials

that the class is working on. Students will have to opportunity to use their Ipads and other

electronics on specific class days. They need them everyday and should be charged prior to

entering class.

1. What to bring to class- Students will bring required materials ( Ipad, Binder, pens, pencils,

and any required reading materials) to class every class period.

2. Pencil sharpener- Students will be expected to bring their own pencil sharpener in order to

avoid randomly getting up in class.

3. Other room equipment- Students will respectfully use other classroom material after

asking me if they are allowed to do so.

4. Student contact with teachers desk, storage, other materials-Students will ask

before taking any materials off my desk, in the storage closet, and other classroom materials.

D. Ending the period- Students will have 10 minutes at the end of the class period to pack up

their things and finish answering a reflection question while they put classroom materials away.
Signature Assignment 8

Seat-work and Instruction procedures

A. Student attention- My Students will give their undivided attention to direct instruction and to

whom whoever is presenting. Students will pay attention to others when discussing in class and

when working in groups.

B. Student participation- My Students will equally participate in class discussion, group work,

etc. If students do not feel comfortable participating they will need to discuss this with me so we

can figure out alternative means for them to participate.

C. Seat-work procedures- Students will participate respectfully when working on class

assignments in their seat. They will complete their in class assignments and raise their hand to let

me know they have finished. I will therefore give them something to work on while we wait for

other to catch up.

1. Talk among students- Students can talk among each other when working in groups. Once

students are done with their classwork, they can choose to talk to other students after they finish

their reflection.

2. Obtaining help- If I am circulating the classroom students may raise their hands, and I

will come to assist them. If I am at my desk observing, students may come to me for help.

3. Out of seat- Students may only be out of their seat in order to retrieve items they needs

(pencils, paper, markers, pencil sharpener, books, etc.). Students are not permitted to walk about

the classroom for no apparent reason.

4. When seat work has been completed- When seat work has been completed students need to

finish their reflection and turn it into their assigned class basket. After that is completed they

may may choose to talk to other students who are also done with their classwork/reflection, work

on future assignments, or work on other class assignments.

Signature Assignment 9

Student Group Work

A. Use of materials and supplies- If needed, prior to class they will be informed if they need to

bring any other materials that I cannot nor the school provided. They will work consistently in

groups and will mostly have the materials needed in order for them to be successful.

B. Assignment of students to groups- I will assign differents groups of 6 for every month and

they will continually do group work to ensure that everyone gets diverse perspectives and not

those of only their friends.

C. Student participation and behavior- Students will all participate in groups. They will

set out roles in their groups in case some students are more comfortable with certain aspects of

the group work. They will maintain an open, respectful communication throughout their group

work assignments.


A. Signals- When I raise my hand students will respond by quieting themselves and also raising

their hands. Once all hands are raised and I have their attention, we will move on with class. Or I

will call out class class and they will say yess yess and after they need to listen to further


B. Behavior during interruptions-When another teacher or administrator comes into classroom

or if announcements come on, students will remain quiet until the interruption is over.

C. Special equipment- Students will respect special equipment and treat it with the utmost care.

There will be no throwing of Ipads or students epipens or other equipment that contains a lot

value. There will be a sign out sheet for the virtual lab headsets since they will be used in each

class and each special equipment that comes into the classroom will contain the same policies.
Signature Assignment 10

D. Fire and disaster drills- Students will abide by fire and disaster drills that have been

practiced throughout the semester.

Rules Consequences

Respect the speaker. If the student is disruptive or is talking over

the other speaker all the attention will be
directed towards the student and the student
will be forced to involve us in the
conversation that they believe is more

Direct your response towards the idea not the If you want to challenge a person's beliefs
speaker. over a certain topic it is perfectly fine as long
as you do not disrespect the person. Calling
them stupid for what they think or what they
believe in. If you offend the speaker you will
have to write an apology letter and will be
excused for the rest of the debate. You will be
reported to the principal and a letter will be
sent home. I do not tolerate disrespect and
their are no wrong answers.

Be open minded Not everyone will have the same idea as you
so please do not be afraid of sharing. THERE
invalidate others based on your differences
with them in a disrespectful manner, you will
receive lunch detention and give a 2 minute
report on a difference that youve argued
about it class.


Emmer, E. T. (2017). Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers, 10th

Edition. [Chegg]. Retrieved from

Cooper, J. M. (2014). Classroom Teaching Skills, 10th Edition. [Chegg]. Retrieved from

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