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Ramone Bolton

Dr. Smith

ENG 101 B24

September 13, 2017

The earliest experience I had of language was in the 4th grade, when I was ask to write a paragraph
about myself, while writing that paragraph I had written proper English, and then handed it to the
teacher I was called up to him commended me on a job well done because I wrote one of the top 10
paragraph about in the class.

Teacher respond I dont understand how you wrote this good but you speak so badly

My respond mi nuh kno ( I dont know) but over the course of the school year I got better at writing
and speaking at the same time.

After primary school (that what they called secondary school in my country Jamaica) I had move on to
high school where I was introduce to ESSAY writing in English class, that was the worst moment in my
life, I was told to write a essay on a pie about Bob Marley about his life as a musician, so I did have a few
practice in essay writing but not enough, so I went on to writing that essay, but at the same time of I
was just getting into texting which have a negative effect on my writing which was cause by the
influence of my friend, whom I would engaged in texting every day were we use texting slangs so
instead of spelling out my word I was shortening them like u (YOU), R (ARE ,OR), etc so while writing the
essay without unwillingly knowing I was using texting slang, and to make it worse I didnt know how to
write a essay so I was call up to the front on the class and was embarrassed by the teacher said.

Teacher big boy lika yuh nuh kno fi write essay, wah yuh parent a send yuh comma school fa fi waste
them money (A big boy like you dont know how to write a essay, why are your parents sending you to
school for to waste their money )

she told me to redo it, so I told her I didnt know how to write one and she told me to figure it out
because my parent most be wasting their money all I could do is go to my sit with my head held down,
and she sat there for at least 5 minutes or so talk about my essay but I could open my mouth to say
anything because in Jamaica teachers were allowed beat children in their hand middle, or send to the
deans office so I had to sit and take it ,and one of my friend help me with it but it wasnt good enough
for her so she gave me a failing grade and held it over my head for the remanding time I spent in her
class always having me as a failure and would put me on blasted for simple mistakes.

A week later we got a new substitute teacher she instructed us to write something personal and
valuables, and what holds meaningful to me so I wrote about myself again like I did in primary school
but while writing about myself again my writing skill had improved even though I was using texting
slangs by accident but eventually I start to look at how I would write and construct my paragraphs, and

Ramone Bolton

Dr. Smith

ENG 101 B24

September 13, 2017

from that day on my writing skill started to evolve I started paying more attention to what I was writing
but I was still bad at essay writing though even though my writing skill was improving.

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