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The following ceremony is intended to assist a Chapter/Alumni Association in paying tribute to a

deceased Brother or sister (including all types of membership as in the Bylaws). This ceremony is to be
used at the Chapter/Alumni Associations discretion and may be altered as so it can be personalized to
pay sufficient tribute to the deceased. Grieving nonmembers (family, friends, etc.) may be invited and/or
involved in the ceremony so as to help them in healing process.


Preparation: five candles, one white candle to represent the departed; three blue candles, one for each
of Cardinal Principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service; and one gold candle to represent the spirit
of Brotherhood.

Brother #1 should hold candle #1 (White). Set the remaining four candles on a table with the three
blue candles in front of the gold candle.

Option: Note that the whole ceremony could be done by one Brother or Sister.

BROTHER#1: The birth of Brother Jose Margo Villa, ETA Chapter made a world a brighter place. In
(year), Brother Jose Margo Villas initiation into Alpha Phi Omega added his warmth and light to the
eternal flame of our great Fraternity. Brother Jose Margo Villa shared with us his Leadership, made us
smile with his Friendship, and made life by giving unselfishly in Service to others.

We come here this night to mourn the passing and celebrate the life of Brother Jose Margo Villa.

BROTHER#2: We mourn the loss of the leadership of Brother Jose Margo Villa. May those whom he had
led learn from his examples of leadership to become better leaders themselves. In this way, the
leadership of Brother Jose Margo Villa will live on.

Light candle #2 (blue) with candle #1 (white)

BROTHER#3: We mourn the loss of the friendship of Brother Jose Margo Villa. Those here who celebrate
Brother Jose Margo Villas life are brought together by his passing. May those here share of themselves
and their memories, becoming friends, and comforting others. In this way, the friendship of Brother Jose
Margo Villa will live on.

Light candle #3 (blue) with white candle #1 (white)

BROTHER#4: We mourn the loss of the service Brother Jose Margo Villa. Many have been touched by
his service. May all those who have been helped turn one day to help another, reminded by the service
once rendered to them. In this way, the service of Brother Jose Margo Villa will continue.

Light candle #4 (blue) with candle #1 (white)

BROTHER#1: The Fraternity is an unbroken circle of brotherhood, and Brother Jose Margo Villas spirit
of Leadership, Friendship, and Service will forever be with us to keep our circle strong. We will now
celebrate Brother Jose Margo Villa life with us as here may share memories of Brother Jose Margo Villa
life please come forward and share those memories now.


Let us now celebrate the life and spirit of Brother Jose Margo Villa and the eternal strength of our
brotherhood by forming our fellowship circle. Let our circle remain strong in the memory of Brother Jose
Margo Villa and let us now sing our Toast Song.

Alpha Phi Omega Toast Song

Heres to Alpha Phi Omega

Loyal Brothers we
True to self and to each other
Firm in Loyalty
Daily working, daily striving
Ever more to be
True to Alpha Phi Omega
Our Fraternity

Brothers, Clasp the hands of Brothers

Strong the Circle we
Ever mindful, ever serving
All humanity
Now we raise our grateful voices
In our song to thee
True to Alpha Phi Omega
May we always be

BROTHER#1: The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega is eternal and Brother Jose Margo Villa will forever be a part
of the spirit. A Brother who added light to the Fraternity for Service will always be with us and kindled in
our hearts even when the light of the candle is out. In this way, the spirit of Brother Jose Margo Villa will
live on within our hearts and within our Brotherhood.

Light candle #5 (gold) with candle #1 (white)

Let us have a moment of silence to honor the spirit of Brother Jose Margo Villa.


In Leadership, Friendship, and Service, my Brother, rest in peace.

Extinguish candle #1 in a dignified fashion.

End of Memorial Ceremony


The following ceremony is intended to assist a Chapter/Alumni Association in paying tribute to a

deceased Brother or sister (including all types of membership as in the Bylaws). This ceremony is to be
used at the Chapter/Alumni Associations discretion and may be altered as so it can be personalized to
pay sufficient tribute to the deceased. Grieving nonmembers (family, friends, etc.) may be invited and/or
involved in the ceremony so as to help them in healing process.


Preparation: five candles, one white candle to represent the departed; three blue candles, one for each
of Cardinal Principles of Leadership, Friendship, and Service; and one gold candle to represent the spirit
of Brotherhood.

Brother #1 should hold candle #1 (White). Set the remaining four candles on a table with the three
blue candles in front of the gold candle.

Option: Note that the whole ceremony could be done by one Brother or Sister.

BROTHER#1: The birth of Brother Marcos G. Florendo, Gamma Chapter made a world a brighter place.
In (year), Brother Marcos G. Florendos initiation into Alpha Phi Omega added his warmth and light to
the eternal flame of our great Fraternity. Brother Marcos G. Florendo shared with us his Leadership,
made us smile with his Friendship, and made life by giving unselfishly in Service to others.

We come here this night to mourn the passing and celebrate the life of Brother Marcos G. Florendo.

BROTHER#2: We mourn the loss of the leadership of Brother Marcos G. Florendo. May those whom he
had led learn from his examples of leadership to become better leaders themselves. In this way, the
leadership of Brother Marcos G. Florendo will live on.

Light candle #2 (blue) with candle #1 (white)

BROTHER#3: We mourn the loss of the friendship of Brother Marcos G. Florendo. Those here who
celebrate Brother Marcos G. Florendo s life are brought together by his passing. May those here share
of themselves and their memories, becoming friends, and comforting others. In this way, the friendship
of Brother Marcos G. Florendo will live on.

Light candle #3 (blue) with white candle #1 (white)

BROTHER#4: We mourn the loss of the service Brother Marcos G. Florendo. Many have been touched by
his service. May all those who have been helped turn one day to help another, reminded by the service
once rendered to them. In this way, the service of Brother Marcos G. Florendo will continue.

Light candle #4 (blue) with candle #1 (white)

BROTHER#1: The Fraternity is an unbroken circle of brotherhood, and Brother Marcos G. Florendos
spirit of Leadership, Friendship, and Service will forever be with us to keep our circle strong. We will now
celebrate Brother Marcos G. Florendo life with us as here may share memories of Brother Marcos G.
Florendo life please come forward and share those memories now.


Let us now celebrate the life and spirit of Brother Marcos G. Florendo and the eternal strength of our
brotherhood by forming our fellowship circle. Let our circle remain strong in the memory of Brother
Marcos G. Florendo and let us now sing our Toast Song.

Alpha Phi Omega Toast Song

Heres to Alpha Phi Omega

Loyal Brothers we
True to self and to each other
Firm in Loyalty
Daily working, daily striving
Ever more to be
True to Alpha Phi Omega
Our Fraternity

Brothers, Clasp the hands of Brothers

Strong the Circle we
Ever mindful, ever serving
All humanity
Now we raise our grateful voices
In our song to thee
True to Alpha Phi Omega
May we always be

BROTHER#1: The spirit of Alpha Phi Omega is eternal and Brother Marcos G. Florendo will forever be a
part of the spirit. A Brother who added light to the Fraternity for Service will always be with us and
kindled in our hearts even when the light of the candle is out. In this way, the spirit of Brother Marcos G.
Florendo will live on within our hearts and within our Brotherhood.

Light candle #5 (gold) with candle #1 (white)

Let us have a moment of silence to honor the spirit of Brother Marcos G. Florendo.


In Leadership, Friendship, and Service, my Brother, rest in peace.

Extinguish candle #1 in a dignified fashion.

End of Memorial Ceremony

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