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Karazhan The Tower of Medivh


The pain rushed once again through my body and filled me with adrenaline, but I couldnt
move. Everything was black and I didnt hear anything, I only felt a great heat on my back.
Suddenly a flash appeared out of the blackness and afterwards things were dizzy; I could
finally make out I was lying on the ground. I remembered a great blow that made me loose
my shield and tossed me to the ground. Now people started to appear as my vision increased,
although still dizzy. A figure appeared, and it was running towards me. Its shiny armour
reflected the fires around the area; the reflections were red from the blood on the armour. I
had no doubts on who it was, and her panic but yet calm and soothe voice confirmed it once
Oh no! Are you okay?
I tried to say something, but I could only feel the blood in my throat moving around as I tried
to speak. The woman kneeled down and looked at my wounds; she drew a deep sigh and
looked into my eyes.
They are overrunning us, we need your help. I dont know what to do!
This time I tried to yell it out, but without success. She realised why I couldnt talk and
grabbed my helmet and pulled it off smoothly and then leaned my head over to the side and
out poured blood from my mouth. I coughed as it made the pain rise from my throat.
She grimaced and looked at the blood that now covered the ground under my head. I
tried to speak again but I couldnt get out a single noise. She laid her hand on my forehead
and I clearly felt the smooth skin and it made all pain disappear for a second. Another figure
appeared behind her, this time I knew it wasnt friendly. Its size and heat from it made my
body hurt more. I tried again to yell out to the woman but nothing worked. The giant figure
came closer and I saw its arm swinging towards the woman. With a calm movement she
moved the hand from my forehead and suddenly a bubble enclosed her, it was the Divine
Shield. The giant figure hit the shield, but the woman didnt notice anything special under her
shield. The giant figure roared as it yet again tried to smash through. After the second hit the
woman told me with the calmest voice I ever have heard from her:
Stay with me, Ill be right back
She rose up and the shield followed her movement. She turned around towards the giant
figure and drew the plate shield that was strapped on her back, and a sword sheeted on her
waist. Her divine shield disappeared and the giant attacked again. She repositioned her legs
for the blow and raised the plated shield, with the sword tip resting on the ground behind her,
ready to stab the giant figure at a given point. Just before the blow her plated shield made a
sudden light that moved onto her arm and then engulfed her body to then move to the ground
and staying there moving in circles around her. The blow came straight after and when the
giant figures attack and her shield collided it all turned white for me, I felt a sudden rush of
adrenaline and pain until everything, finally, went intonothing.
Chapter I

Terokkar Forest

I was staring at the beast in front of me; it was still eating the flesh from a wounded, now
dead, Owl. Time was running short. Will he ever shoot that godamn wolf? I looked to my left
and Ransom was still taking aim with his bow. I tried to whisper to Ransom:
You are obviously taking your tim
Shutup Ransom interrupted and drew the bow string further back.
The beast suddenly stopped with his meal and looked up. He turned left and then right, he
spotted us and yelled out a yowl and then ran away with great speed into the forest.
Great, there goes our meal. Good job Alerio. Ransom said furiously
I wasnt the one who hesitated! I said and laughed
Hesitated? You dont know anything about hunting do you?
Well I tried to find something to say.
Thats why you arent wielding a bow, mate Ransom said and put his bow on his back.
I guess you are right. But next time, can we actually kill our meal?
Yea, if you stay at camp he said and started to walk back towards the outpost.
Laughing again Ransom only continued walking, I soon followed.
It took only a minute until we met Slame on the track. The dwarf was standing there in
his plated battle gear and leaning his axe on his right shoulder.
Well greetings lads, are ye out hunting?
Yea, but Ransom missed I said
Ransom sighed.
Oh so the hunter has actually missed now eh? I thought ye funny-ears dont miss! Slame
said and laughed.
Its called Night elves SlameNight Elves Ransom said and sighed yet again
Whatever, I think I found something for us! Slame turned and there on his axe was a wolf
still half into the blade.
Dwarves Ransom said and started to walk towards Slame.
Looks like we are getting our meal after all I said and we went on to fix the beast for dinner.

A paladin and its mount were galloping into Shattered City in Terokkar forest. The Beam of
Light was still pointing upwards towards the skies. The beam starts at a great, almost pyramid
looking, building at the centre of Shattrath. That building itself is surrounded by a platform in
a circle around the centre building. The flat surface then suddenly slopes downwards and flats
out again to form the Lower City, where the poor is now living. The City itself is surrounded
by great walls with guards at every gate entrance.
The guards at the east entrance doesnt bother to stop the galloping mount as its rider as they
rush into the city, they know whats going on. The rider is stopped just inside the gate in the
Lower City. There in front of the rider stood Arch mage Khadgar, advisor to Adal the Naaru.
He was wearing his blue-white robe and his staff. He looked up towards the rider and smiled.
Paladin, did you succeed?
Yes, Khadgar, we succeeded. Wewe got a key The paladin said and held forward a small
His own key? That's incredible! Do not sense any disturbances in our timeline, so I suppose
it was meant to occur all along. There's no turning back now. The key is yours and only
yours. Follow me and lets try finding you a good expedition Khadgar said and laughed.
They walked together towards the centre building.

I woke up the next morning hearing Slame snore like he always did. At least Ive got used to
it. It had been another cold night in Terokkar and I was still wearing my clothes from the day
before. I strapped on my sword onto my waist and walked outside the tent. It was mostly dark
outside still, but it was pretty much always dark in Terokkar. The enormous trees blocked
must of the light coming down on us. Outside was Ransom, easily noted by his pointy long
ears and his length together with being skinny still yet very strong, talking with another of his
kind, it was Najal. I could clearly see by looking at their expressions when talking that it was
serious business. Suddenly I saw Najal turning his face and his eyes stared at me. I heard his
voice within my head.
Get here, Alerio
I felt his mind leaving me and I took a deep breath. God I hate when he does that.
Standing beside them there in front of our food tent, I asked what was going on.
Good to have you here Alerio. We have been called to Shattrath to join the expedition
leading into Karazhan Najal said.
And you know what this place is? I asked
The man who sent the orcs into our home world Azeroth, called Medivh. It was his tower
Medivh? Tower? Speak on
Medivh was the last guardian of Tirisfal. He got corrupted early in his life by the so called
demon Sargeras. Sargeras then told Medivh to open the Dark portal in order to let the orcs
into Azeroth and destroying the humans, who Sargeras thought was the only thing that was
standing against his powers. Medivh lived on after this in his tower with his new apprentice,
Khadgar, together with Moroes and other servants. But Medivh changed. Lother, Medivhs
best friend, led an army of humans, together with Khadgar, into Karazhan to destroy Medivh.
After fierce fighting Khadgar finally held Lothars sword against Medivhs chest, and he then
ran it through Medivhs heart. This awakened the demon inside that the humans and Khadgar
were suspicious about. But then Lother appeared to bring the final stroke to Medivh,
decapitating the guarding and banishing Sargeras that was inside of him, forever
Ill be damned I said. I was really interested in the story.
Theres more. After his death a curse was created upon Karazhan, People who tried to
venture into Karazhan never returned, the surrounding area around Karazhan is now called
Dead wind pass and is only filled with death and grayness because of the trauma of Medivhs
And we I started with Are supposed to go in there, and yea, do what?
From what the orders say we are supposed to head in there and destroy all the creatures and
magical monster that Medivh and his curse created.
Well, unless Ransom or Slame feels like to stay in this shitty place we are coming along. I
said and turned my head towards Ransom. He responded with a nod. And as if on delivery
Slame came out of the tent a few meters away. I turned back to Najal.
Tell him Najal, but dont scare him I said and laughed.
Najal turned his head towards Slame who was stretching after a good nights sleep. Slame
suddenly jumped and he looked around him, he spotted us.
Karazhan? He yelled Well fine lads, but get out of me head Najal; else you're getting a
We laughed out loudly and continued on with our plans and who else to bring along.

She was walking on the road with her horse beside her. It was a long gallop to Shattrath, and
the horse could need a rest, they were almost at their destination. She drew up the key with
her left hand and looked at it.
Will this lead me to him?
She sighed and put the key back into her pocket. She stared at the road ahead. Really close
now, She thought. She turned her head towards her horse, and the horse responded with a
neigh. She smiled as they continued on walking.
They finally reached the small camp in the forest. She could hear the fire burning it
made her feel a little warmth for the first time this really cold morning. As the paladin closed
in on the entrance she spotted a sign saying:
Outpost III
Northwind Gale
She remembered about what Khadgar told her about North wind Gale and their adventures in
the past. She wanted a similar adventure, but this surely wasnt what she had been dreaming
of. Entering the camp she now heard men talking near the fire that was just around the corner
of the tent ahead of her.

So, we got. Najal looked down on the list that lied on the table Hunter Ransom, Paladin
Slame, Paladin Scandalone, Rogue Tamirtha, Mage Kryptic, Druid Valeisha, Rogue Taelnir
and then you and me; Warrior Alerio.
I thought we were supposed to be 10? Thats only 9 people. I said
The last person is supposed to arrive today here; she carries the only key into Karazhan.
Whats her name and class?
She is a human Paladin, and her name, is uhm Najal looks down at a piece of paper
Muffintuff? I asked and gasped
Apparently thats her nickname, she never tells her real name to anyone
Before I opened my mouth a horse around the tent made a neigh noise and right there
appeared a female paladin, by the looks of her horse in full shiny armor. Even though she was
wearing plated armor it was easy to see her fine figure. Slame pushed me and I almost fell
You wish he said in a low voice
Yea, I wish.
You must be Muffintuff, welcome to Northwindgale Najal said and reached out his hand
She held her hand forward as they said hello to each other. Najal introduced Muffintuff to us
and we all nodded when she met our eyes.
There will be more time to get to know each other, but now we need to start traveling to
Karazhan. Najal turned his eyes to Slame Slame, take this list and go find these members of
our expedition, most of them are probably in the weapons tent He handed the list over to
Slame who nodded and walked away.
What type of enemies can we expect Najal? I asked
I dont know Alerio, Khadgar only said the same thing I told you in the story.
Ghosts Muffintuff said with a low voice
Ghosts? How do you know? I asked her
He told meMedivh
Did you meet Medivh? Najal asked, clearly interested
Yes I did, he gave me the key
Im confused, didnt you say Medivh was killed Najal? I asked and turned to Najal
Yes I did. How did u manage to meet him Muffintuff, was he not dead?
Its all really complicated; we went back in time and She got interrupted
What? Back in time, thats madness! I almost yelled it out
Caverns of Time Najal said slowly
Never heard of it
Its a long story Alerio, and now theres no time to tell. Khadgar told me that the wielder of
the Staff of Atiesh would come and give us a portal to its home, Karazhan.
Ronorra Muffintuff Said.
Yes, Ronorra
I stood there with no idea what was going on.
Slame later arrived with our members. There was: Valeisha, a female night elf druid
who Ive known for what can have been forever. We had always been great friends; she wore
leather armour set with feathers on her shoulders and head, often used in the druid culture.
After Valeisha came the trusted paladin, Scandalone. This man would always be on your side,
if you receive a wound he would always heal it straight away. He was wearing same outfit as
Muffintuff, since paladins often used the same battle gears as one another. After him came
Tamirtha the rogue, she wore a tight leather set that she always wore, it really showed her
female figure. I really had to force myself to look to the next person, and there was Taelnir.
Taelnir was also a part of the four Band of Brothers me, Slame, Ransom and Taelnir created,
we have always been together in this war that had lasted for our whole life. Taelnir wore
arguably the coolest costume within our group, it made of full red-black leather armour. The
shoulders themselves were a work of art. Altogether the battle gear was called, Blood fang.
Then came Kryptic who I werent talking with too much, he was a man who got the job done
without too much talk to avoid his goal. He wore a robe with all sorts of markings and lines
around it, his shoulder pads followed the robe but with two glowing orbs that hovered just
above his shoulders, they glowed brightly blue. Last arrived Slame who had picked up a
Paladins battle gear. He smiled at me when we got eye contact. I turned to Najal and told me
I had to get some gear on me as well. He responded with a nod. I nodded to the newly arrived
stranger and walked towards the armour tent. I saluted the members as I walked past them.
My armour was in fine shape. The big armour plated shoulder pads with small spikes on
it were shining, even though it was coloured brown. My matching leg plates, gloves, boots
and chest were in the same good condition. I found my helmet, this helmet truly looked scary.
It was coloured brown-black as the rest of the armour, but it also had 2 horns that came
downwards from the top of the head, just above the ears. The front was not open for eye
vision, no this helmet had four glowing eyes. It was similar to a spiders eyes. Those four eyes
allowed me to see normally in almost any condition. The whole armour was plated in
extremely strong steel. But even though, you could move with ease on the battlefield.
After I got on my gear I headed outside again. I moved my arms a bit to get comfortable
in the armour. Same old War bringer.
Najal showed the new members what was going on, pointing at maps and lists and
telling all that he knew about Karazhan. If you needed information, Najal was the man for it.
It always amazed me how he managed to know all these things; he could date any famous
battle or the name of a dragon. He was a excellent Lorekeeper and Priest. He always had
stories to tell when we were bored, and we were grateful for it.
and soon enough our guide, or more specific, our portal maker will arrive here at our camp
and make us a portal to Karazhan Najal said as he finished his briefing
Guide? Valeisha asked Is this person going to join us in Karazhan?
Najal shocked his head Nah, not a guide, bad word selection. She will only make us a portal
to Karazhan, she said no to join us.
A crow screamed out in Terokkar forest above the members of Northwind Gale. Najal smiled
and looked up.
Right on time
The crow came down with great speed from above. You could hear the speed of it. The crow
stopped just before the ground and spread out its wings, making the grass below it bend
outwards. The crow then landed with ease and putted the wings along its body. Najal looked
down on the small crow beside them.
Welcome to Northwind Gale camp, Outpost III He said and smiled Ronorra
The crow twitched its head a little, and then its whole body started to twitch. A great green
light emerged from under the wings and it made us cover our eyes. It kept on twitching and
spreading its wings outwards. Suddenly the crow swung around with one of its wings, making
a whirl of green dust together with this great light. The crow somewhere within that dust
made a screaming noise, and without notice it was silence. The whirl of green dust fell down
on the ground and the light faded. In the dust a female Night Elf appeared, she wore the same
leather themed armour as Valeisha. She came walking out from the whirl of dust and the dust
just came down dead on the ground, as if she was somehow giving it strength. She made a big
smile as she came towards us.
Greetings Northwind Gale, my name is Ronorra as your friend clearly stated before my
show She smiled again and winked towards Najal You are in need of this?
She drew her staff that was attached on her back.
Atiesh, Great staff of the Guardian
The staff was remarkable; it was a long brown wooden shaft with solid steel plating at its foot.
The head of the shaft was formed as a crow, the eyes of the crow was glowing red. Below the
crow was a red piece of cloth attached together with three blue pearls. We all froze and stared
at the staff of Medivh.
Ronorra coughed to break the ice and we all shocked and looked at her, she smiled.
Well, lets not waste any time, I got business to do and I guess you have as well.
Were good to go Najal said
Ronorra grabbed the centre of the staff with her hands and started to spin it around in circles
in front of her. Dust came falling off the staff as if it hasnt been used for years. The dust
started to hover around and more dust gathered as the staff rotated faster. The red cloth piece
rotated with the staff and it seemed like it was getting longer, the red cloth piece formed the
edge of the hovering area of dust. A circle was clearly starting to appear in front of us.
Suddenly Ronorra stopped with rotating the staff, she dropped it, but it was still rotating. The
staff of Medivh suddenly stopped with its rotation, as it stopped a blast wave came outwards
from it. We felt a gush of wind against us, it smelled disgusting, like blood, like death. The
Curse of Medivh. The grass under the circle died instantly, and the circle ahead of us turned
into a picture. In the circle was now a great tower, we saw a gate leading into the tower. It was
all grey inside there, around the tower was a small set of houses, all burned and ruined. This
was really what Najal told me about.
Ronorra grabbed the hovering staff, leaving an open portal to Karazhan. Her face turned dead
You better be going now, else there wont be much of a forest left here The grass was dying
rapidly around the portal.
Najal nodded and told us to move in. We nodded back and started to walk inside the portal. It
was a cold day in Terokkar, but this day would turn out to be much colder.

Muffintuff was looking at the members of Northwind Gale walking into the portal. She felt
fear for the task ahead. She tried to shake the thoughts away, it didnt work. She sighed before
she at last walked after Northwind gale into the portal.

Ronorra saw the last member of the raid heading into the portal. Her body shivered as she saw
the last member heading into the portal, fear was clearly visible in her eyes. Good luck
raiders, she thought for herself. She looked at the staff before putting it on her back again.
She spun around and reversed the transformation that she made not much earlier. In crow
form she put her head on the side. After staring awhile into the portal she took of with a great
force, pushing the now dead grass away from her. She made a crows scream as she took of
for the skies above Terokkar. Ronorra knew she wasnt a guardian. But she admired the man
who a few decades earlier helped to save our world from getting wiped out. But she also hated
the man who also did so many bad things. This was a man called Medivh, The last Guardian.
Chapter II

"You didn't teach me very much, Mother. You were always far too busy with your duties as
Guardian to actually raise the son you brought into the world to succeed you. But one lesson
you did impart on one of the rare occasions when you bothered to acknowledge my existence
was that the council were fools. It was Sargeras who taught me what the final fate of all fools
must be. You see, Mother, I learned all my lessons well." Magna Medivh

The gate opened before us. Just inside the gate was large wooden door with no handles.
Muffintuff and I walked first to the door, we pressed our hands on the door. But nothing
happened. We repositioned ourselves with our shoulders first to try and push it up; the rest of
the members were just staring at us as we worked. No success this time either. I sighed and
stepped away from the door, Muffintuff was still leaning towards the door trying to push it
Not even a squeak, what are we doing wrong? I said and looked up the door
Slame stepped up from the members behind us.
Bein a weakling thats what yer doin wrong!
He rushed to the door and slammed his right foot at the door which such force that the hinge
made a squeaking noise.
Told ya Slame said and smiled at us.
Muffintuff and I looked at each other and smiled. We waved in the other members behind us.
We all lined up at the door and got ready to push. I counted out to three and we pushed. The
wood started to crack at the top of the door. And after a few seconds of pushing the door gave
in, it slammed wide open against the wall.
Inside was a large room, stone walls everywhere with wooden poles holding up the roof.
At each pole was a horse shaped on its top. The eyes of the horses were glowing red. Just as
the staff. I looked up and the ceiling reached about ten meters up. I looked down again and
saw three ways out of this hall. One was leading into some sort of stable, by looking at the
hay lying in there. One way was a stairway leading upwards, the entrance to the stairs had
archways each meter with marble columns to support them. The third way lead into
something dark, since all you could see was just a black doorway.
We stepped in into the hall and looked around, it was really enormous. It was a really
cold place this so called Karazhan. Even through my leather clothing I still felt the cold armor
that covered me. I drew my shield of my back; I had gotten this shield earlier by the Naaru of
Shattrath. It was rectangular but was bent outwards to more easily deflect attacks. On the
outside of the shield had buckles been formed, I didnt know why but I guess it was aesthetic.
Its outside was covered in dark blue color. I looked at the shield as I strapped it onto my arm.
It was so light but yet strong, took me a few days to get used to it.
I smiled and looked around the room again. To my right I saw Najal; he was clearly
interested in this place. I still had my sword sheathed to my waist, didnt find any use for it
I vote for going to that stable thing over there Valeisha said and pointed towards one of the
Well, I guess going to that dark place can be excluded Najal said
Bein dwarf and all I shall get to choose eh? Slame started with So, I think we shall go
to He turned around and pointed at the archways. But someone was standing there. A
human, but he wasnt whole. He was a ghost, you could the shapes of a human, but you could
still see through him. Slame jumped as he saw this man.
Welcome, guests. What is the family name of this party might I ask? The ghost said with a
creepy dead voice. He was a ghost alright.
Uhm Najal hesitated. He coughed and said Northwind gale
The ghost picked up a list out of his pocket. The ghost was wearing a black smoking. He
looked awhile at the list and then shook his head.
Im afraid your name is not on the list, what is your business here might I ask?
WeWe are here in the name of Medivh, he told us to come to Karazhan.
My master has not mentioned you, and if he havent mentioned it to methenyou I
looked closer and I saw a tear come down from the ghosts left eye. You are not welcome
here He said as his face turned serious, he was staring straight at Najal.
Najal smiled You better put us up on that godamn list. Im not wasting my time on some silly
doorman like you. We are heading to the stables to see our horses, and when we are back I
want us up on that list! The ghosts face turned sad. His eyes filled with tears. He picked up a
piece of cloth to try clean the tears, but he dropped it and he didnt bother to pick it up. He
was just standing there crying in tears.
YesOfcourse He said with a low voice
We walked towards the stables, the ghost behind us was still crying. Afte awhile he turned
around and walked up the stairs. The Master would never betray me he thought for himself
as walked up the final steps and into The Great Ballroom.
The stable looked like any other stable did; it had boxes and spaces for horses around
the place. Hay was spread out for the horses to walk on and eat. But I couldnt fail to notice
that it was nothing else in there. No horses.
Wasnt that a bit too much Najal? Valeisha said behind me.
Dont let those tears blind you Valeisha, its all fake He responded as he looked around in
the stables.
Why didnt we kill the ghost then, he might summon more of hisfriends Ransom said as
he drew an arrow and put it on the bow string.
Does it matter? We need to slay them all anyway Najal said and grabbed his staff with
two hands.
Compared to other stables, which usually was a straight path in the middle and boxes on
either side for the horses, the path was going in a circle from where we entered. And there
was a big space in the middle of this giant circular formation. We continued on walking, but
still nothing was there, it was all dead.
Halt Najal said. We all froze. Did you hear that?
I looked around; I didnt hear anything special apart from the sound that was created when we
moved on the hay around us.
I hear it Taelnir said and drew his two swords that were strapped on his back
Suddenly I heard something; it was a horse, somewhere.
Ransom, can you track it? Najal said as he turned his head to Ransom
Ransom closed his eyes; he drew the bow string further back as he concentrated more.
Follow me he said and we did so.
About halfway in the circular stables a path opened towards the center of the room. We
stopped right before the turn and Ransom said:
Right here, a horse, probably undead
I moved forward and leaned myself around the corner to see where it was. And right there in
the center of the room was a horse fully armor plated, ready for battle. It looked like a horse in
general, but its legs were burning with a green flame and the eyes were glowing in the same
green color.

Muffintuff drew sheathed her sword and placed the shield on her back. She moved up beside
Alerio and leaned to see what was there. That horse reminded her of something she had seen
before, but she couldnt place it. She could hear the heavy breathing inside Alerios helmet as
she leaned across the corner. Alerio turned and faced her; he got shocked, clearly not knowing
she was right behind him.
What is that? He said
I dont know, its scary, but still cute
I dont think thats going to be a cute and nice horse when we get close Alerio turned to the
raid members behind and waved them to come closer.
Muffintuff didnt know how but she started walking towards the horse. She had some feelings
for the horse. It cant be that bad, the doorman was even crying out there.
Muffintuff, wait! Alerio whispered loudly as she moved closer
She didnt stop. The horse was close now, she could smell it now. It smelled like burning
flesh, something she has experienced in many battles in the war outside Karazhan. Muffintuff
moved up beside the horse, she laid her hand on its back and stroked it. It still had horse skin
on the back and head, but it was hot. The horse made low neigh sound as she stroked the hair
on the horses head. She was standing right beside the head of the horse; the eyes were
glowing brightly green. The horse didnt make much of a movement, it only moved its head
up and down as it inhaled and exhaled heavily. Muffintuff smiled when she felt that the horse
was looking at her. She looked back from where she came and saw Alerio and a few of the
others leaving around the corner looking at her. She waved them in and they started to move
slowly towards her. The horse suddenly reared and made neighed. As it came down it shook
the stone floor. The horse backed away from Muffintuff and reared again.
Whats going on? Scandalone said as he saw the horse rear once again.
I bet its calling for help Taelnir said and gripped the swords harder.
Ransom leaned over to me and said:
We are not alone, Alerio, I can feel it. He said and I nodded back in return. Ransom drew
the bow string back once again and prepared for battle.
A mans voice echoed in the stables:
Who dares to attack the steed of The Huntsman? The voice laughed.
On the other side of the open stone floor in front of us came a ghost, he was wearing a dark
red armor, same color as the horses armor. He was armed with a thin-bladed long sword;
blood was dripping from the blade and made pools on the stone floor.
Well, what do we have here? The Huntsman said and laughed again. A few guests that
turned up the wrong place He let the tip of the blade grind against the stone floor.
We didnt mean to harm your steed! Muffintuff yelled at The Huntsman, she was standing
only a few feet from the ghost. The Huntsman turned his body to Muffintuff.
Well, what do we have here? He laughed yet again. A guest that turned up in the wrong
place he started to walk against Muffintuff.
What the hell? Slame said. We gotta kill this bugger lads! he grabbed his axe with both
hands and started to walk quickly towards The Huntsman.
I cut the horse down, you aim for the rider Ransom I said and Ransom nodded back and
raised his bow. He is going to get on his horse, go in everyone!

Muffintuff saw The Huntsman walking towards her, she drew the sword but she didnt have
time to get her shield. The huntsman came swinging down with his sword; she parried the
blow and riposted. She managed to hit the mans hands and he dropped the sword, blood came
out from his wound.
The Huntsman grimaced at the wound and looked up to Muffintuff.
Weapons are merely a convenience for a warrior of my skill! he yelled and it echoed across
the stable. He grabbed Muffintuff by the throat with his left hand and was about to strike with
his right hand when he spotted a piece of jewelry around Muffintuff's neck. He smiled and
grabbed the jewelry with his right hand and tossed Muffintuff away towards one of the horse
enclosures. She hit the wooden walls surrounding the enclosure; she was seeing red as she
tried to get up. Trying to get up only made it worse, she felt a great pain on her right arm and
then everything turned white before going black.

Another trophy to add to my collection! The Huntsman said and I saw he was holding that
jewelry he stole from Muffintuff. Come Midnight, lets disperse with this petty rabble! The
horse ran to the huntsman and before getting up on the horse he picked up his sword. The
wound he had gotten only seconds before didnt seem to bother him now. While on the steed
he put the jewelry in one of his leather pockets and grabbed the sword with his right hand. He
turned the mount towards us.
Tamirtha, Taelnir, get up behind him and cut him down. I and Slame will take him head on
and try breaking the horse down. Kryptic, Ransom, aim for the huntsman! They all nodded
in response.
Scandalone! Najal yelled out Go and take care of Muffintuff, Valeisha and I will handle
the wounds here!
Will do He responded and ran towards Muffintuff who had gone unconscious.
Tamirtha and Taelnir disappeared as the rogues did to ambush their enemies. Kryptic was
beginning to cast a great magical fireball towards The Huntsman; Ransom took aim with his
bow. I waved to Slame to go and cut the horse down from the left side and I would go myself
on the right. We were running swiftly towards The Huntsman, as we got close the horse
reared. When it landed The Huntsman laughed out loud and got ready for our attack.
Now! I yelled
A great fireball came towards The Huntsman, an arrow followed. Slame got to The Huntsman
and swung his axe into the right side of the horse, blood gushed out of the wound. I swung my
sword low and cut of the left front leg of the horse. I looked up and saw his long sword
coming down right on me. I raised my shield and blocked the blow, but it was so powerful I
was pushed down on the floor. The fireball came and hit the head of the horse dead on, it
made an explosion pushing The Huntsman off his steed. As he fell backwards Ransoms
arrow hit him in the throat, he yelled out in pain when he hit the floor. The steed fell down to
its right and hit the floor, blood poured out from the wound Slame created. It took two
seconds to get The Huntsman of the steed, he was now lying on the floor holding his throat
and screaming in pain. We walked up to the wounded ghost. I had my sword tip pointing
towards his throat when I got near. He turned to me and smiled.
Always knew He coughed and blood came out from his mouth. Someday I would
become He smiled at me when the throat was empty from blood. The Hunted He
didnt cough this time; he was dead, for good. I turned to the steed; it was lying on the floor
writhing in pain. I looked at the blood on the floor, I grimaced at the sight. I couldnt stand all
the screams of pain so I got up beside the horses head and sliced into the throat of the horse.
But it didnt stop the screams the horse made. I panicked and stabbed the chest of the horse, it
didnt work either. I got scared for the first time in Karazhan as I yet again stabbed the horse,
nothing worked. Slame got up beside me and told me to move; he raised his axe and cut the
horses head right off. It was quite now, and I lost all fear, but it turned into sadness as it
brought a tear to my eye seeing the horse lying there. I moved backwards until I hit a wooden
wall and fell down, I dropped the sword and tried to dry the tears away with my hand, but I
forgot my helmet was in the way. I didnt have the strength to take it of, so I kept it on.
Another tear fell down my eye as I looked at the horse, blood was allover the place. Valeisha
walked up and sat down beside me.
Are you okay?
I tried to make it sound I wasnt crying, but it clearly didnt turn out that way.
Go see Muffintuff I could hear it my own voice I was crying. Im fine That went out a lot
Scandalone is taking care of her Valeisha said
Thank you I responded with, I leaned my head on the side and another tear fell from my
eye. It wasnt the most disgusting wound Ive seen in my years of this war, but it didnt
matter, I was crying because of something. It just felt wrong.

Muffintuff wondered were she was. She remembered being knocked down by The Huntsman.
Things cleared and she saw she was sitting against a wall in the hall were she and the others
entered sometime ago. She saw Scandalone in front of her, his hands were glowing with a
yellow light.
Dont worry Muffintuff; Im healing your wounds. Go to rest, you need it. He said and
smiled before moving his hand above her shoulder and starting to heal.
Muffintuff felt the Light as Scandalone worked with her wound. She felt like going asleep,
she closed her eyes but she opened them again. She looked up towards the stairs that was
leading up to some unknown place, she saw a man coming down there. It wasnt someone
friendly, she recognized the ghost with its black smoking and that transparence body. She felt
tired again, this time she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter III

"Human? Ha ha ha I left my humanity behind long ago, young war chief. I am something
different now." Magna Medivh

I was standing alone in the stables; in front of me was the dead huntsman. The blood on the
floor had dried out and the smell of dead flesh filled the stables. I took off my helmet and
placed it on the floor beside me and kneeled down at the dead corpse. I sighed as I looked at
the throat of the huntsman where Ransom had placed an arrow with deadly precision.
Who are you? I said for myself. I started to take off his helmet. But I saw something,
something glowing in his left pocket. I reached down into the pocket and I drew out some sort
of jewelry. It was made of a silver chain, and where the chain linked together hanged a small
sword also made of silver. The sword was broken half way down the blade. I remembered
Muffintuff loosing a jewelry when fighting against the huntsman. I put it into my pocket and
decided I would give it to her when I met her again.
I noticed something strange; it was something more in the pocket where I found the
jewelry. I digged inside the pocket and I out came some sort of a notebook. The book, just big
enough to fit inside his pocket, was made of brown leather. I started to browse through the
book. The first page showed a drawing of a horse. I recognized it straight away, it was his
steed. I looked away from the book onto the dead steed, whose blood had colored the whole
floor red. I grimaced as I saw at the decapitated head that was lying there; I turned my head
back into the notebook. Below the drawing someone had written: Midnight. I remember the
huntsman calling out that name as well. That was the name of his steed. I turned page. The
second page was filled with text, I started to read.

Humans: Easy, aim for the throat and between their legs, that will kill them in one blow
Night Elves: Medium, Watch out for their quick attacks. Expect most of them using magic or
a bow.
Orcs: Easy, defend against their first blow, and then kill them with a counterattack.
Taurens: Hard, extremely strong, try and attack before they start swinging weapons at you.

I looked down the page and it was filled with same type of notes that I just had read. Hes
surely a hunter, I thought for myself. As I went to turn page a voice suddenly echoed all
across the stables.
Hmm, unannounced visitors? Preparations must be made.
What the I said out loud and I stood up and looked around
A new voice echoed in the stables.
Alerio! We got company! It was Slame yelling it out.
I put the book down into my pocket, and I started to rush out towards the hall. I stopped and
realized I forgot my helmet. I decided to leave it and continued running out to the hall, with
sword and shield ready for combat.
As I entered the hall I stopped to see everyone looking up towards the stairs, they all had
their weapons drawn. Up on the stairs stood the doorman, recognizable by his black smoking
and ghost body.
Ransom, take him out godamnit! Slame yelled out and pointed towards the doorman
standing on the foot of the stairs. The doorman laughed out loud as he saw Ransom reaching
for an arrow and aiming towards him. The laugh echoed more and more as he laughed, it
continued looping over and over again. It all went silent as Ransoms arrow hit the doorman
right between the eyes. His was still smiling as he fell down onto the floor and blood started
to pour out from the wound.
What is going on? I said and walked towards the others.
Najal turned to me; he had his staff raised and was still ready to fight something.
The doorman brought us one of his friends; he said something about unannounced visitors.
Then he just disappeared in a cloud of dust.
Yea I heard that too from the stables. Whatever the preparations are, we should be ready for
anything. Lets get ready I said and looked into the eyes of every member of our raid. I saw
Muffintuff sitting against a wall; I started to walk towards her.
Rogues! Where are you? Najal yelled out.
Suddenly Tamirtha appeared in front of Najal, she looked straight into his eyes and said:
Theyre coming, many ghosts. At least I got one of them. She smiled at Najal and looked
down to at one of her weapons; Najal followed her eyes and saw the weapon. The weapon had
a mans head stuck onto it, it was transparent as the doormans body was. But it was still
dripping with red blood.
Najal grimaced at the sight before looking into Tamirthas eyes again.
Where are they coming from?
The stairs
Najal nodded. Tamirtha shook the head off the blade and it fell down onto the stone floor.
Lets form a defensive line at the stairs; I have a feeling we are going to have a lot of killing
to do! Najal yelled as he waved us to move to the stairs.
I got to Muffintuff who was sitting against a wall. First I sheathed my sword and got the
shield off my arm and dropped it on the floor. I kneeled down and grabbed her shoulders; I
shook her in attempt to wake her up.

Muffintuff! Who was that? Muffintuff, you need to wake up! She recognized the voice, it was
Alerio. She suddenly woke up out of the dream she just had. In front of her was Alerio, his
face was serious and he had his hands on her shoulders.
Welcome back Muffintuff, youve been knocked out for awhile. We got enemies incoming
and I need your help out there. Can you fight?
She looked at herself sitting there against the wall; her eyes met the sword lying beside her.
She reached for the sword and Alerio let go of her shoulders, she smiled at Alerio as she
grabbed the sword.
Of course, Just help me get up She let out her left hand and Alerio grabbed it and pulled her
up. Alerio grabbed his shield and told her to follow.
What do we got? She asked as they ran towards the stairs
Tamirtha explained it to us clearly enough, many ghosts. Just be ready for worse.
She didnt say anything, she heard is his voice that he was ready to kill. She wondered for
how long he had been fighting in the war outside this cursed tower. She swept away the
thought; there were more important things at hand. She took the shield of her back as they
closed in on the stairs. She saw the doorman lying on the floor; she grimaced at the sight of
the arrow which had gone straight through his head.
They are going to come down the stairs! Taelnir yelled out, He was standing with Tamirtha
at the foot of the stairs that headed upwards into an unknown room.
Lets form a line, hold your ground and let no one through. If you fail to hold your part we
are all going to die Alerio said as he waved in Muffintuff to follow. They both lined up in the
center with Tamirtha beside Alerio to the left and Muffintuff to the right of Alerio with
Taelnir at the far right. There was just enough room for them to form a line. Muffintuff and
the others braced their weapons and shields for combat.
Silent now Alerio said as he raised his shield and starred up towards the stairs
The members had lined up behind the front line. Slame wasnt able to fit into the defensive
line so he took on the job to heal; he was a paladin after all. The other healers; Valeisha, Najal
and Scandalone got ready as well. They had to treat any wounds that got to the fighters at the
front. Ransom and Kryptic braced themselves and were ready to kill from their position
behind the front. Separating the front line and the others were.

It was dead silent as we stood there waiting for something to appear from the top of the stairs
above us. All we could see up there was some sort of big room, but it didnt tell much.
The sound of plate hitting plate from our armor was in the air as we breathed slowly. I turned
my head to Ransom who was standing just behind us ready to fire his bow. He knew what I
wanted and closed his eye to try and track the incoming foes. I looked back up the stairs, I
saw nothing. After a few seconds Ransom speaked out:
Theyre coming
How many? Muffintuff asked as she raised her shield up against the stairs and got ready.
The Two Rogues Tamirtha and Taelnir tightened their grip on their swords.
I didnt look for them all, but what I head counted wasat least a hundred.
The adrenaline kicked in as I heard that number. I tried to boost the morale of the members.
We got the defensive position. Hold your ground and dont let them push us back, and dont
push to forward or we might loose you. Listen to my commands and we will live to see
another day.
It brought a little smile to Tamirtha. For the others it didnt make a difference, they were
staring straight up the stairs with a dead face, waitingwaiting.
It didnt scare me much this waiting, I had been in countless of battles against the horde or
others. Your blood was pumping faster and faster every second when you knew the enemy
was closing in. I remember the recruits sweating as they saw or heard an incoming foe, after
awhile I didnt care about those recruits; I usually found them decapitated after a battle. My
only friends that has survived this far is Ransom Slame and Taelnir, we prayed before every
battle so that we would survive and pray before the next battle. We joined Northwind gale
after we had been fighting for 3 years, they gave us an adventure beyond the normal.
The sound of a bell rang across the hall. Then it went quite again, the blood was
pumping faster now. Suddenly figures appeared on top of the stairs, it was our enemies. They
looked similar to the doorman, human looking and transparent. I looked closely and grasped
my shield and sword tighter, the enemies were consisting of men and women wearing party
clothing. The women had dresses on them; the men had smoking and dress suits on them. It
all looked like they just came out from a ball. Something chocked my even more though, I
looked at their hands, and they were holding weapons. Axes, swords, spears, daggers. I
looked up at their faces; they were staring straight at us with angry faces. They came walking
down the stairs straight at us.
Easy now I said calmly as I placed my right foot behind the left and braced for the clash.
The others followed and repositioned themselves, they were ready to kill. The ghosts were
walking slowly down the stairs; more appeared behind the first ones that we saw. It looked
like an endless amount. I looked right to where Muffintuff was standing, her long brown hair
were hanging down the sides of her head so I couldnt see her face. I was going to say
something but I hesitated, I looked back up the stairs. They were really close now.
Suddenly the ghosts stopped right at the spot. They were all staring at us.
Meeeeediiiiiiiiiivh They all said in choir.
They raised their weapons and charged right at us. We braced for the blow. I heard the blood
pumping through my veins as they first ghost came in my range. It was a man with a dress
suit. I raised my shield and blocked his attack. I returned with a thrusting attack from my
sword and hit him in the stomach. Looking up at his face he looked like a recruit who just had
been wounded for the first time. I drew the sword out from his stomach and he fell dead on
the floor. The second man came jumping at me, I raised the shield and he fell over behind me.
I was going to turn around and stab him but the third ghost swinged a great axe at me. I
thrusted my sword into his head before he attacked. I turned my face around to look behind
me; the ghost had been shot by an arrow.
Dont look back! Ransom yelled out to me. Ill cover you
I turned in front and a ghost came straight at me with a small dagger. He got hit by an arrow
straight in the head and fell down right in front of me. I parried the blow of the next ghost and
slammed my shield at his face; the shield sliced a big wound in his face as he fell down dead.
I looked to my right to see Muffintuff decapitating a ghosts head; she stabbed the other one
with her sword. The sword gave of a big flash of light and the ghost fell down in a cloud of
dust. She turned her face to me; it was all covered in blood as well as her hair. She nodded at
me and returned to the killing. I saw a ghost coming at me and I pushed my shield straight
onto him, the ghost fell down at a female ghost. I moved forward and stabbed the man and
then stabbed the woman who had the man lying on her. They werent screaming as they died,
it was a silent battle with only the sounds of blood hitting the armor and floor, sound of blades
hitting blades and the groans from the members. I saw Tamirtha, who was standing to the left
of me, stabbing the stomach of a ghost with her left sword and then cutting off the head of the
ghost with her right sword. The next ghost attacked her and she parried the blow with the left
sword and swinged her right sword at the chest. The blade came halfway into the ghosts body,
it was man, the mans face turned into fear and he dropped his weapon. The weapon fell onto
Tamirtha and hit her arm, she groaned as she saw a wound on her arm. Her blade was stuck in
the mans body, blood gushed out from the wound as she drew the sword out. He fell dead
onto the floor. A woman came charging at me, I raised my shield and she ran straight into it,
she fell down. I stabbed her chest and everything left her body.

She stabbed another ghost that came at her; she drew out the sword that was all red of the
blood. She raised her shield at the next ghost and forced the power of The Light into the
shield. As the ghost hit the shield he turned into dust and nothing was left. She let the light go
and felt more worn out, she knew he couldnt use The Light too often, she would go
exhausted. She cut the head of the next ghost coming at her and the blood hit her face, she felt
the cold liquid sticking into her hair and face. The decapitated ghost fell down in front of her
and she grimaced at the absence of the head. She looked up at the stairs, there were still
coming down ghosts at the top. Another ghost with a giant axe attacked her. She raised her
shield to block the blow; the axe hit the shield with such force it got stuck into hit. Muffintuff
sliced the ghosts arm straight off, the ghost tried desperately to attack with his other arm but
Muffintuff came with her sword from below and sliced his head almost in half, the blood went
straight up and hit came down on the other ghosts. She looked to her right and saw Taelnir
cutting off the legs of a ghost with his both swords; the ghost fell down at the floor. It tried to
reach Taelnirs legs, but he was stabbed by one of the blades. Taelnir yelled some curse at the
ghost and he stabbed it again with sword. Another ghost came thrusting with a spear at him,
he cut of the tip of the spear before it hit him and moved to the right. The ghost who had his
spear cut off was still running, a blade came swinging at its chest. The blood gushed out from
the wound; the blade had cut the ghosts body in half at the stomach. The two parts of the body
fell down dead behind our defensive line. Taelnir moved back into position and braced for the
next attack. Muffintuff looked up only to see even more ghosts coming down the stairs, the
bodies of the ghosts were piling up in front of them. She parried an attack from a ghost, she
pushed her shield into the ghosts chest and he was forced backwards, another ghost jumped
over the falling body and came with a giant axe swinging at her. She raised the shield again to
block the blow, the great force of the impact almost made her want to drop her shield, she
grimaced and thrusted her sword into its stomach. The ghost dropped its weapon and as it fell
the blade of the axe hit Muffintuffs right arm and blood came out from the wound, she
groaned loudly and dropped her sword. She drew her arm back and looked at the wound, it
wasnt too big but she felt the burning pain. Another ghost came attacking with a long sword
and she had to raise the shield to block it. The sword got stuck in the shield and as she moved
her shield to the left the ghost kept holding the sword, the ghost was a male and he was
dragged down onto the floor still holding his sword. Alerio noticed the incident and stabbed
the ghost twice with his sword before returning to another encounter. Muffintuff stared at the
ghost for a second before lifting up the shield; the sword separated from the shield and fell
down on the floor. As she braced for the next attack she felt warm heat on her wound, she
looked down at it and saw a bright light restoring the skin to its original. It only took a second
for the wound to heal and she shook her arm a bit to notice it felt a lot better. She blocked a
short sword coming straight at her, she rushed forward and grabbed the ghosts hand and
twisted his fingers. The ghost let go of the sword, not of pain, but of his fingers being unable
to hold onto the sword. Muffintuff bashed the head of the ghost with her shield and picked up
the sword the ghost had, she felt it was a lot heavier than her own. She thrusted the blade into
the next oncoming ghost and as she drew it out blood covered the blade, it now looked like
her own. She sliced the blade against another ghost and hit the ghosts chest and it blood
gushed out from the wound. The ghost fell dead onto the ground as Muffintuff stabbed
another ghost. She felt the adrenaline building up as she thrusted the blade into the next ghost
and forcing the power of The Light into the blade and destroying the ghost in a cloud of dust.
She saw Alerio standing on her left, she was impressed by his skills, looked like he was born
to fight. She saw Alerio slicing his sword upwards against a ghosts head, the sword cut the
head. Alerio bashed his shield into the next ghost before thrusting his sword into the ghost.
Looking beyond Alerio she saw Tamirtha fighting against ghosts, the wall beside Tamirtha
was covered in blood from all the killing. Muffintuff barely noticed but a ghost thrusting with
a spear against her, it hit her plated shoulders and the spear bounced off. She swinged her
sword and cut the spear right off before bashing her shield straight at the ghost, it fell over as
she rushed forward to stab it. She saw a fear in the mans eye when she stabbed him, but his
eyes werent looking at her, he was looking to Muffintuffs right. Something in that look
made Muffintuff check what it was, what she saw made her heart beat to the maximum.
Behind Alerio was a skeleton dressed in a red shirt and black pants, his clothes were all worn
out and u saw he was only made of bones. She felt the adrenaline flowing out into the body
when she noticed a weapon in the hands of the skeleton, it was a small dagger, and it was
heading straight towards the back of Alerio. Everything turned into slow motion as she saw
the dagger slowly being thrusted against Alerios back, who was still fighting ghosts in front
of him unknowing of what was behind him. She started yelling out to Alerio, it all went so
slow, she saw the dagger moving closer and closer, she panicked and tried to yell out louder.
Alerio didnt notice anything. She heard her own heart beating in slow motion, she tried to
turn against Alerio to help him, but it was too late. Out from Alerios chest came the point of
the dagger and blood poured out from the wound, Alerio groaned in pain as he blocked an
incoming attack but then he lost strength and fell down on his knees. He looked down on the
point of the dagger sticking out from his chest, the skeleton drew the dagger out and
Muffintuff saw in Alerios eyes how much pain it caused.
I've gone and made a mess. The skeleton said, it was a male voice.
NOOO! Muffintuff heard her own voice yelling as everything went back to normal speed.
She jumped against the skeleton and swinged her sword at it. The skeleton parried the blow
with its dagger and Muffintuff noticed another dagger he had in the other hand coming at her,
she blocked the counterattack. As she went on to swing the weapon again Tamirtha came out
behind the skeleton and swinged one of her swords at its back. When the blade hit the
skeleton broke in half, Muffintuff swinged her sword as the skeletons head and it shattered.
Muffintuff felt a rush of anger as she forced a wave of Light into it; she bashed the shield into
the falling pieces of bone and in a flash of light all the bones turned into dust. A voice echoed
around them as the dust fell onto the floor:
How terribly clumsy of me... It sounded exactly like the male voice she heard before.
She turned against Alerio; he was lying down on the floor, not moving. She forced herself not
to aid him, because more ghosts were still coming down the stairs. More power of The Light
builded up in her shield and she grimaced as she pushed out a wave of light against the
incoming wave. A whole row in front of them disappeared in a cloud of dust. She felt
exhausted but forced herself to continue. She heard a sound of wind being rushed through a
small passage, above her a purple light was flying straight at the ghosts, and when it a target it
obliterated it completely. Another one came flying above her and hit another ghost, destroying
it completely. She looked behind her and there was Kryptic standing with his hand pointing
against the incoming waves, he was grimacing and groaning as he forced magic out from his
hands. More purple light flew at the ghosts; it was holding them at bay.
Muffintuff! Get over here! Najal yelled
Muffintuff looked behind Kryptic and there was Scandalone and Najal standing holding a
staff with their hands, she knew what they wanted and rushed to them, Kryptic was holding
the ghosts at bay. She noticed Ransom as she ran towards Najal and Scandalone, Ransom was
shooting arrows with great speed. He was grimacing and she saw a lot of sweat on his face.
She got to Najal and Scandalone holding Najals staff, Slame joined in as well. She grabbed
the staff herself and said:
Lets do it She heard herself breathing out heavily, she was exhausted.
Najal nodded and started chanting out a magical spell.
Light be done, Shadow undone. Respect, Tenacity, Compassion, let the three virtues bring
LIGHT! The last word he kept yelling out loudly as the magic began to erupt from the staff.
A bright light came out from the staff. Muffintuff felt her power leaving her as the magic
progressed. The light formed a circle that reached just in front of their eyes. After a few
seconds of hovering the sphere of light imploded and when it hit the center a blast wave of
wind came out from the center and almost pushing them off their feet. After the blast wave
the real magic took place, beams of light shot our from the staff and they were heading
straight for the ghosts. Hundreds of beams hit the ghosts and destroyed the ghosts completely
in a cloud of dust. Muffintuff let go of the staff, she was totally exhausted, and fell down dead
tired on the floor. Najal and Scandalone did the same, but the staff remained hovering in the
air, beams of light came out from the staff in massive amounts. Kryptics arcane missiles and
the holy wrath of the light completely destroyed the ghosts. The stairs turned into a gray place
from all the dust flying around. As Muffintuff regained strength she looked up on the stairs to
see this sight, ghosts were being obliterated into dust. She saw Alerio lying on the floor, he
wasnt moving. She tried to crawl to him, but the all the strength she had lost to favor the
All the ghosts were destroyed within ten seconds, and the staff fell to the ground as there
was nothing to destroy. Kryptic breathed heavily as he stopped channeling his spell. The stairs
were covered in bodies that had been colored all gray from the exploding ghosts. It was all
quite now; Muffintuff only heard the heavy breathing from the members. She tried again to
crawl to Alerio, but yet she hasnt regained enough strength. Valeisha the Druid came to aid
and kneeled down beside Alerio, he was lying on his stomach. Valeisha grimaced at the
wound on his back; it was all red of blood. She put her hand on the wound and tried to heal
the wound with the magic of Nature. Her hands turned green as did the wound when she
forced Nature into it.
Muffintuff smiled when she saw Valeisha working with Alerios wound, that
satisfaction almost made her go to sleep again. She forcer herself not to, she tied to clean
away the blood on her face but it only turned her hand completely red of blood. Something
entered her throat and she coughed, the air was now filled with the dust of the onslaught.
Chapter IV

I remember the pain, that feeling of burning fire. I felt the pain in my chest area and I
groaned, but I never heard my own voice. But someone else was echoing.
Look hes coming back now
My vision was blurry and I recognized the voice as Muffintuffs. Another voice reminded me
I told you
From blurry my vision got sharper and I saw two figures beside me, one was kneeling down
and another one was standing up. After a few seconds it became clear, it was Tamirtha and
Muffintuff. I looked at Tamirtha and she smiled back at me.
Welcome back Alerio. Slept well?
Just as she said that I remembered some visions from my dream, but it was only visions of
flame and disaster. I shook the thought away and looked at Tamirtha.
You know what, I have been better I said and forced out a smile.
Ah well, you try get some more sleep Al and I will go on and finish my watch. She smiled
again at me and then walked away towards the stables.
Muffintuff sighed as Tamirtha disappeared around the corner. She then reached for a water
bottle and reached it out towards me.
Come on sit up Alerio, you need water
And I sat up I reached out and grabbed the water, as I drank I took a few looks around me, the
raid members were sleeping on the floor, it didnt look that comfortable. As I finished
drinking I said:
Geez, how can they be sleeping on this? I put the bottle down on the floor. Thanks
She giggled as I said that. I looked shocked, no idea what was funny about it all.
Thats cute She said
You called me Muffin
I did? I
She giggled again and said:
Its nothing wrong with calling me Muffin, Alerio
Im sorry I wasnt
Dont be sorry She said as she interrupted me. She giggled again.
I didnt respond, I just smiled back at her.
Come lets to and sit by the wall, at least a little more comfort
I nodded and we walked away across the room. Muffintuff sat down beside the entrance up to
the stairs; I saw a few streams of blood on the floor leading out from the entrance. I ignored it
but something surprised me, the doorman was gone.
Where the?
Najal released his spirit Muffintuff said as she leaned back onto the stone wall.
Oh, Right. I sat down beside her.
I looked across the room from where we were sitting, the raid was still sleeping. To the right
beyond the stair entrance I saw the stables, where Tamirtha was.
So Muffintuff began saying Where are you from?
I looked at Muffintuff; it surprised me how untouched she was. Didnt she care about all these
ghosts and their past? Did she have no compassion? All this blood and gore didnt seem to go
unnoticed for her.
Alerio? She asked and stared at me with a wondering face.
Oh yea I remembered the question, but I felt I didnt want to answer it. But I had to.
Thats in Arathi Highlands right?
Thats right I remembered the open grass plains and small hills, the great eagles flying in
the skies and horses galloping the plains. But it didnt matter, things have changed. Arathi
highlands, or Stromgarde Stronghold, is not the same anymore
What happened?
I noticed I was staring down into the floor; I shook my head and tried to remove the
depressing look. I sighed.
I dont know, it has been many years since I last visited my homeland. The last letter I
received from my mother stated that she was going to move to Southshore, the Stronghold
had been attacked and almost completely destroyed.
What about your father? Muffintuff asked and stared at me.
HeHe never went to Southshore with Mother, he stayed in Arathi highlands. And my
mother never heard of him again. I sighed.
Muffintuff was silent and was still looking at me.
The most recent letter I sent back home said that I was coming home soon. That was before I
knew of the invasionAnd only a few days after the invasion was finally destroyed, I was
sent out to outland through the Dark Portal.
And did you not get any response from your mother?
No, as I said that was the last letter I received from mother.
Right She said and looked down on the floor.
I noticed how depressed she looked and I tried to cheer her up.
Look Muffin, things will never be the same, and I have accepted that. Whatever will happen
after this war is still unknown, what you and I need to focus about now is to survive.
She looked up to me and smiled.
Of course
Tamirtha came out from the stables, carrying something unusual.
Hey, check what I got! She yelled at us. Slame snored loudly. Muffintuff and I shhhed
her down and she walked towards us with this weird item.
I got this from the Huntsman, cool isnt it?
I stared a second at the item, it was a crossbow of some sort. But looked at it closely it
resembled an eagle, with the wings fully spread out. Out from the mouth of the eagle was a
hole in which you put the arrow in. It appeared odd to me that the bow did not have a string to
pull the arrow back. What was more absurd was that the colour of the eagle, or the whole bow
itself, was light blue.
Uh, does that thing work? I asked
Obviously, check this out Tamirtha pulled out an arrow from her also newly found quiver.
She put the arrow into the barrel at the front and as she did that the wings of the bird was bent
backwards as if they worked as normal bow string. When the arrow was fully in she raised the
crossbow on her shoulder and aimed towards the stables, made sure nothing was in the way,
and then fired. The arrow flew out of the barrel and hit a wooden pole inside the stables, but I
noticed the crossbow didnt make a single noise as it fired.
Thats handy, it completely silent Muffintuff said
Yea, I think Ill keep this one. But it is pretty heavy and big, not like its going to fit in my
pocket She took the crossbow of her shoulder and stood in a more eased stance.
Oh by the way Alerio! She started saying
Yea what?
You forgot your helmet in there, idiot. Youre lucky that the skeleton guy didnt aim for your
Uh yea of course, Ill go pick that one up later. Thanks for the reminder I said and scratched
my head.
Ill go get it for you, you need to chillax anyway. She said and smiled at me, she put the
crossbow and her quiver down on the floor.
No Tamirtha, I can
Shhh She ran back to the stables.
What a service eh? Muffintuff said and smiled.
Yea, I guess I sighed.
Have you two been together?
It felt as my heart stopped as I heard that question.
Uhno of course not.
She stared with a angry look at me
No, really we havent I said
Okay She said and smiled.
I pretended to be busy; I scrambled in my pocket and noticed the necklace.
Oh I said
What? Muffintuff said and looked down at my pocket.
I found something inside the huntsmans pocket I dragged out the necklace and held it
between our faces. This is yours isnt it?
She touched her neck and found that there was no necklace there.
Ah, thank you Alerio. I didnt notice, or at least I dont remember She reached out and took
the necklace. Its nothing special, but thanks She said and put it into her own pocket.
I stared at her for a second before the sound of someone running came into the room.
Tamirtha had returned.
Here you go. She tossed my helmet at me. I reached my hands out to grab it, almost missed
it since I didnt knew it was coming.
Im going to rest now Tamirtha said Its your watch now Muffintuff, remember to wake
Slame up after you are done. Muffintuff nodded at her. Tamirtha then went off to take a spot
and get some rest.
God, I'm tired Muffintuff said
You havent rested yet? I asked
No I couldnt sleep at all, no idea why.
Dont worry, Ill take your watch, go and rest. You dont want to try wake up Slame
anyways, its a challenge in itself I said and smiled. She giggled.
Thanks a lot Alerio She smiled and stood up, then turned down at me. And thanks for the
necklace She then walked away to where the raid was and found a spot, laid down and went
to sleep.
I sat there for a few minutes, and then I went a tour inside the stables. Nothing out of the
normal, the huntsman was still dead, obviously. The blood still covered the floor. Coming
back to the hall the raid was now all sleeping. I took a look up at the stairs, the bodies were
gone, but the blood wasnt. The walls were covered in blood and so was the floor. Closer to
the hall was a rep spot of blood, from where the doorman had been shot. I sighed and sat
down again. And after an hour or so I woke Slame up, took a few minutes but I managed, then
I finally went to rest.
Chapter V

"Have you not been through enough? Will you continue to fight what you cannot defeat?" -
Neltharion the Earth-Warder, or more known as, Deathwing.

The cold wind hit her nose and she woke up. Her hands which she had used to cover her
face during the night werent covering it anymore. Muffintuff sighed and scratched her eyes
with her hands, she cold leather on her gloves felt like burning fire when it touched her skin.
She saw the air when she yet again sighed. Looking up she saw the raid members have also
woken up, they were moving around trying to get warm and some were standing and
discussion something. She shook her head and stood up, her armor cracked as usual after a
cold night, she jumped up and down a little to get into it and get warm. The fire had been
burned out hours ago when the wood had run out. But Kryptic was just about to start a fire
using a spell of the same element, and with a little movement from his hands a circular fire
was burning on the floor. Muffintuff moved to the fire and raised her hands out to warm them,
she smiled at Kryptic, but Kryptic only walked away with an angry look. Must be because of
the cold, Muffintuff thought for herself.
She sat down by the fire and enjoyed the warmth that it possessed. It didnt take long for
the others to gather around the fire, some deciding to sit down after a bad sleep while some
liked the idea of standing up to allow the fire to warm their whole body.
No one was in the mood for talking. Muffintuff thought well not that I want to talk about
anything. She shivered as she felt the cold on her back which the warmth of the fire could not
reach. She looked around for Kryptic; Hes got to be able to make another fire. But the mage
was busy; he was standing in the other side of the hall with Najal talking about something.
Muffintuff didnt bother; she turned her head back to the fire and felt the skin burning with
pleasure of the fire.
Raiders! Najal suddenly yelled. Listen up!

I shook my head and sighed loudly before turning my vision to Najal. The raid did the same.
We have been through a lot in only a few hours. But as said on the briefing this wasnt going
to be an easy task. We need to move on again. I heard a loud sigh beside me. My guess is
that is was Slame.
But theres something I havent told you yet Najal continued. The raid suddenly got more
focused to what he was saying. The cold was ignored for a few seconds.
Najal took a few seconds to begin talking again, this time also with a kind of depression in his
Im going to be honest and straight to the point with you all. Its fact now, we are loosing the
The raiders probably felt the same as me when the cold got back to us. Now with a seemingly
much stronger force, something was defiantly wrong.
What? Valeisha said How can that be? The forces of the Aldor and Scryer were
holding she didnt get to finish her sentence as Najal interrupted.
Yes I know Valeisha He sighed But Illidan has sent out a demonic army so massive and so
powerful, that the Aldor and Scryers combined force was crushed within a few minutes into
the battle. The army has by now pushed into Shattrath City forcing us to retreat back to
Azeroth through the portal. We are He got interrupted by the person he interrupted.
Wait a second Najal. Valeisha said How you know all this, and why did you not alert us

Kargath is a great friend on mine. I have learned a lot from his wisdom, I respect every
decision he makes. A week ago he told me he had a visiona really bad one Najal looked at
the raiders. No one interrupted him and he continued. What he saw was fire, blood, sweat
and tears. And yes I know of the visions, they may not be accurate. But there was something
more he saw, a crystal clear vision: Shattrath City was gone.
Gone? Scandalone asked. Burned to the ground?
No no Najal answered It had vanished
Thats ridiculous, a city cannot just disappear Scandalone said.
No of course, to make a city disappear itself is impossible with our magics and tricks.
However, what if the city was never built?
I felt a chill through my back as I heard Najal saying that. Another cold breeze went through
the hall.
The Power of Time Kryptic said slowly.
Exactly Najal responded.
But the Power of Time is impossible to master! Thats what the books say and not to
mention common sense. Valeisha bursted out with an angry expression.
Najal raised his hand at Valeisha in a gesture to calm her down. He then spoke:
Actually Valeisha. Najal said and turned his eyes to hers. Its not impossible, its
just really hard. He sighed before talking again. Caverns of Time is a place where the
Power of Time is active, the only place at the moment of which we know of. We know next to
nothing about how the caverns work and why they are there, the dragon guardians of the
cavern told us that when the time is right time will open for us. Years went and nothing
happen, the cavern was forgotten. But not long ago I suppose it did happen, and a few
travellers ventured into the cavern. Najal turned his face to Muffintuff who was staring back
at Najal. You met Medivh, you experienced the Power of Time, Muffintuff Muffintuff
Yes Muffintuff said But it was nothing more than just a portal to a different place
and then we were told to defend Medivh while he was opening a portal of some sort.
Wow wow hang on a second Najal held up his hand again. Was the portal big? Was it
made of statues and alike?
Muffintuff hummed before giving out the answer:
I barely remember, but something I certainly remember was the swamp it was placed in. God
I hated that place.
Let me guess, Swamp of Sorrows?
No Muffintuff started thinking again. The guardians spoke of the place as the Black
Ah yes of course Najal smiled It was called that before it was split into two regions.
Another question, what did come out of the portal when Medivh was done?
Defiantly Orcs Muffintuff said
Aha! Couldve figured that out when u mentioned Medivh but now it is certain. You helped
Medivh open the Dark portal. And by doing so letting the orcs into Azeroth and the demons.
Muffintuff gasped. What? So I helped with bringing those evil creatures into our world?
No Muffintuff, you couldnt, you werent there, orgah its complicated. The books tell us
that Medivh was alone in the opening of the Dark Portal. Whatever it doesnt matter, it is
Medivhs fault and his alone. Got that Muffintuff? Najal looked at her and she nodded back.
The Power of Time has nothing much to do about our current situation though. We are
forced to retreat to Azeroth and the final stand must be made. Either we win against the
demons or we die. Truth is we werent sent here to kill monster alone, we were sent here to
find a way to save us from the demons. The raid looked even more interested at Najal He
mentioned the Book of Medivh, that book is told to contain powerful magical spells that
Medivh possessed. Najal sighed But it couldnt possibly contain the Power of Timeit
wouldnt make sense Najal looked back at the raid The contains of the book is irrelevant
for now, what we need to do is find it and bring it back to Kargath. And you know what, what
better place is there to find a book than in a library. Najal took out a paper with notes on.
There is a possibility to teleport to this library via this hall. Kargath told that to me, he gave
me these notes for the spells and the ingredients that is needed: A clean portal, and a Key,
more specific your key Muffintuff. He turned to Muffintuff; she reached for her key and
gave it to Najal. Clearly she knew that she had to give it to Najal at a given point.
Kryptic? Najal looked at the mage Can we have a portal?
With pleasure And with that said he channelled a portal. After a few seconds a black hole
emerged from one of the walls. It grew larger until it was about 5 meters in diameter.
Excellent Kryptic, a clean portal, now to make it lead somewhere. Najal grabbed the
key and tossed it at the black hole. My heart beated a little faster as the key flew at the portal.
But when the key hit the black hole it just bounced right of and fell onto the stone floor.
What the? I said, my first word spoken for at least half an hour.
Najal laughed.
Excuse me, I think I forgot to speak the words of the spell He coughed and picked up the
key and read from his note.
He spoke some language I could not comprehend. It sounded somewhat like Darnassian, but it
was very brutal and I could not put any specific word placement into Darnassian. I just gave
up and looked as the portal began to spin around.
Najal suddenly stopped speaking and he grabbed the key and tossed it once again at the now
spinning black hole. The key flew straight into the hole and vanished. But seconds a picture of
a library was now seen. The portal was now open.
Well, I know travelling through portals is not a good thing for your health. But Najal
looked at the raid before speaking again. Its to save Azeroth Those words gave spirit to the
task ahead; whatever we might face we must save Azeroth. Our home, our families, our
friends, everything is at stake. I came to wonder how this day started too normal and now is
turned into some kind of heroic mission. I shook the thought away; the raiders had already
started moving into the portal.
After a minute when the portal closed, another cold wind went through the hall. The fire
on the floor was put out and the halls were silent. But there was a distant sound of battle in the
air, it echoed in the stone walls. Screams, explosions, blades hitting blades, something was
going on.
Chapter VI

"Know that I have seen the future and beheld the great burning shadow(the burning legion)
that is coming to consume this world. You sense it as well, don't you?" - Medivh

Honor Hold, 1 mile west of the Dark Portal.

Khonsu, a female gnome mage of Northwind Gale, rushed into the barracks. Gnomes werent
famous for their running speed, their length wasnt longer than up to a humans waist. And
hence their legs werent long enough to provide that speed. Nevertheless Khonsu rushed up
the stairs in the barracks, the rooms were empty since all the soldiers were out on the walls
and in the towers. Honor hold was under attack.
The walls of the barracks shaked as another infernal strike hit the barracks. Khonsu was
almost knocked down by the blast but she grabbed the table in the dining room to remain
steady. After the blast she ran off up another stair and finally entered the briefing room. The
soldiers who were guarding the door was shocked seeing the gnome running into the room.
She looked around, the person she was looking for werent there.
Where is Trollbane? She yelled out to the few officers who were still in the room.
A lieutenant by the name Chadwick turned away from the maps on the table and looked down
on the small gnome.
Khonsu, good to know that you are still alive. Werent you and the others from the
Northwind gale supposed to travel southwest and hold of the demons?
Yes ofcourse, but some of us were sent back here to hold of another threat. Theres another
army coming from Zangamarsh from the west.
Damnit Chadwick slammed his hand onto the map on the table. We are being surrounded
so quickly, when they reach honor hold we wont be able to hold them off.
Khonsu let a few seconds pass before she spoke:
But where is Trollbane?
Chadwick stared across the table with fear in his eyes.
Oh no he said
What is it? Khonsu asked
Trollbane, he..:he went west to help out gathering the last refuges from Zangamarsh.
Then whos in charge of the hold?
I am ofcourse. Dont worry about honor hold Khonsu. We must warn Trollbane and prepare
ourself to retreat to the portal. We cant save more refugees. Else we are going to die
True, I will travel west and warn Trollbane. The bottleneck to the southwest is barely
holding. The hold must prepare for an assault. Khonsu said.
INFERNAL RAIN ON THE RISE!! TAKE COVER!! A voice was through the stone walls
of the barrack.
We will he said and nodded Now go Khonsu. Make haste! And please, be careful.
Khonsu never responded. She rushed out through the officer room, and at that moment a
infernal hit the barracks shaking the furnitures around. She kept running, down the stairs and
out into the dining room. Another infernal hit, but this time outside, and only the sound of the
explosion was heard and the screams of wounded.
As she exited the barracks all hell broke loose. Uncountable numbers on infernals hit
straight into honor hold. The green fires immolated anyone who was hit and houses were
destroyed instantly. Khonsu rushed to the right to find a horse, sights of soldiers with bleeding
arms and burning skin was in every second. She grimaced and she felt a tear on her cheek as
she ran around the corner of the barracks. And right there was a horse with its rider gone. And
she noticed the rider, he had been tossed away from an explosion into the barracks wall. His
upper part was whole put from waist down he had nothing.
He.....Help....My....body.... He collapsed and did not move anymore.
DEMON FILTHS! WHYY! Her body felt as for just crashing down and giving up. But her
mind was against it. She looked up at the horse, who was not scratched at all. Khonsu
teleported herself up on the horse and with a word the horse was off at maximum speed. She
barely managed to avoid the flames on the centre square, but she made it and as she went out
of the gate things became more silent. That sent through a rush of emotions and she dropped
yet another tear, but it felt like hundreds.
The horse ran her west towards Zangamarsh, where Danath Trollbane was supposed to

The Bottleneck 1 mile southwest of Honor Hold

Stand firm Northwind Gale! The dwarf said as he slammed his shield into another demon to
then stab its chest. The demon crashed down with a roar.
Ulloh! A voice yelled
Ulloh looked down on the demon and grimaced angry at it before turning around at the voice.
Report Kalanthas! He said and stared at Kalanthas the Dwarf hunter.
In a split second Kalanthas drew a arrow and fired it at a incoming demon and hit it straight in
the head and life left it.
7 dead on the right flank. 14 in the center. Around 60 on the left.
What 60? Ulloh gasped and looked over at the right flank. He did not see any special type
of attacker than he already had fought against. He looked back and Kalanthas with an angry
Go to the left flank Kal and make those arrows count. We cannot afford to lose too many!
Yes brother. He took a leap over some of the ranks of soldiers. Surprisingly high leap for a
Come on, where is the signal!? Ulloh thought as he looked towards honor hold. All he saw
was burning green fires and large black smoke arising from the stronghold; hard to make any
difference from that and a possible signal.
He grimaced and looked towards the front line. The demons looked as many as they did
from the start. They just wouldnt stop coming. He looked down onto his right hand where he
had his sword. His arm was shaking from the endless fighting. He made a decision.
TACTICAL RETREAT!! Form box formation with warriors up front and healers behind!
Keep moving backwards towards the Stronghold! His orders echoed amongst the ranks to
the left and right and Northwind Gale together with allies from other guilds formed up and
started to slowly retreat backwards, meter by meter... step by step...

Medivhs Library Karazhan

Muffintuff! Form shield wall! The flame pushed against my shield and I felt the shield
heating up. Muffintuff joined up beside me and together we resisted the awesome heat of the
fire. I grimaced as the force of the fire increased, it made both me and Muffintuff slide along
the floor of the library.
But suddenly it stopped. The voice of the caster laughed.
Welcome to my library mortals. My name is Medivh as you might know. Excuse me for my
The raiders had been knocked away into several bookcases in the circular room with the
ceiling several meters up. They slowly woke up as Medivh kept on speaking.
Im surprised you managed to get this far, not many do. He said and laughed again. Now
that we have introduced each other, state your business.
Medivh? But...he is dead... I thought for myself.
Najal, who just had managed to get on his feet, spoke:
The book of Medivh, that is what we seek.
Medivh turned to the Night elf priest and smiled.
My book? Well frankly I would like to keep my own books for myself. Dont you agree?
He stared angrily back at Najal, who just returned with a smile.
The world is about to be overrun by demons, this is not the first time and you know it
Medivh. It was your fault last time, remember?
Medivhs expression turned into a sad one as he stared at the floor.
Hmm, you are right of course. The opening of the dark portal was my idea after all. But
thats old grudges! He turned back to Najal with the same angry look. Nevertheless Im not
likely to give you my book because you reminded me. Medivh turned around towards a door
that would lead anyone out from the library.
Suddenly a great fireball appeared and was heading straight towards Medivh. I searched
behind its trail and saw that Kryptic had launched it. I thought about yelling something like
Idiot, what are you doing!, but I didnt bother. Instead I raised my shield against Medivh
and I saw Muffintuff who stood beside me doing the same.
Medivh turned around and without too much trouble he raised his hand and the fireball
turned into water and just fell down on the floor.
Fools! He laughed How dare you challenge me, and in his own tower?!
Kryptic took on a low tone as he spoke:
The book, Medivh, the world must be saved
Medivh turned to the mage and stared at him for a second, then smiled.
I saved the world at Mount Hyjal, does a man need to save the world twice?
No Najal yelled But you can let us save the world, just hand over the book.
Hmm good proposal indeed Night elf. But you see, you from the alliance tried to kill me in
the past, and I have yet not forgotten that.
Tried? Najal asked Did you not die?
If I were dead you wouldnt try to kill me, right? He smiled at Najal. So anyway, seems
like you want the book and I just dont want to give it to you. How can we solve this?
No one said anything for a few seconds. After staring at the raid Medivh laughed again.
This can only end in an open fight, but I find your so called raid special. Let us say this, if
you manage to complete my challenge then you will get the book, and if you fail...well if you
fail you will most likely be dead He laughed yet again.
I stared at Muffintuff and she just stared back with fear in her eyes.
What about a game of chess? Well we cannot all fit into a game of chess, so I will only
choose one of you. He looked at Najal and smiled. You have proven to be the smart one
here Night elf, you and I are going to play chess. He waved with his arm and Najal
disappeared in a flash of dust. Medivh then turned his face slowly looking at everyone on the
Faith, Vengeance, Determination. All great words, you are going to need them as you face
the Prince of Karazhan! He waved his arm again and without warning my vision was turned
into darkness.

Honor Hold, 1 mile west of the Dark Portal.

A soldier came running into the officer room in the barracks.

Report son Lieutenant Chadwick said
The bottleneck is retreating back towards the hold.
What? Who fired the signal without my order?
The signal came from elsewhere, commander
Chadwick stared with an wondering look at the soldier.
Illidan himself is present at the battlefield now.
Oh no... Chadwick slammed his hand on the table Soldier follow me, we need to take a
The lieutenant and the soldier ran up the stairs of the barracks to the roof. During in
which another wave of infernals hit honor hold, the infernals had already destroyed one of the
barracks and left enormous gaps in the walls. The so steady stronghold is now slowly being
destroyed to a pile of stones.
They reached the roof and Chadwick took a look over to the southwest, what he saw
shocked him.
Northwind Gale and the other guilds were retreating backwards towards the hold in a perfect
square formation. And in front of the so perfectly organized square was an army of demons
pushing against the lines. The soldier had come up from the stairs a little slower than
Chadwick, but as he saw the sight of the formation he said:
How can something so part of something so...ugly... Chadwick turned his face
towards the soldier and saw the fear in his eyes.
I see what you mean son. Where is Illidan?
There, look high above the square formation. Oh no I have read about this...
Chadwick looked up a little and there was Illidan, he had read all about him but he looked so
small from here. Illidan was supposed to be almost 3 times longer than a normal human, yet
size did not matter for what Illidan was going to do now.

The formation, half a mile southwest of Honor Hold.

Keep moving backwards men! Keep those shields high; one step backwards is closer to
home! Ulloh was standing a few ranks behind the front line. Everyone was tightly packed
together and small steps were taking because of the small space.
Illidan is airborne!
What is he doing?
Illidan was hovering high in the sky, his wings kept him steady. He spoke and the voice was
heard even at the front lines were the blades and shields met.
You tried to claim outland as your own, but you failed. You tried to take my only home that i
have left, and you failed. You were the ones that really betrayed me! And as you say betrayers
must be punished.
Illidan forced the demonic magic through him and that twitched his body. He focused the
power into a spot right in front of his face. And then he released it upon the formation below.
Ulloh could only imagine of what was to come. And so he yelled out for the mages in the
formation to put up a protective shield.
Soldiers up to the front protect the mages from those demons!
A giant shield rising almost ten meters above them covered the formation.
But it didnt make a difference.
A blue beam of fire was sent down on top of them. The shield did not prove to any effect
whatsoever as the beam headed straight through and onto the soldiers below. And as the fire
engulfed the soldiers they died instantly and were transformed into dust. The losses were
Get that bloody shield up mages! Ulloh screamed and he felt a giant rush of fear as the
beam started plough through the lines.
We cannot stand up to that kind of power general! We must....
The rest was not heard due to the increasing screams of pain of fear. The beam was heading
straight towards Ulloh and the surrounding soldiers.
Surprisingly, Ulloh thought for himself, there was no fast replay of his life as he closed in
on death itself. It was only screams and the blue colour of the beam that was there at that
moment. But luck was with Ulloh this day. The beam suddenly aimed away from the
formation and then faded away. Ulloh looked into the air he saw the sight of Illidan and a
hippogryph, whos wings and head resembles the looks of a raven and the hindquarters
resembles a black stag, fighting each other.
Time, now we got time, what can we do? Ulloh said to Kalanthas who had been staring
down the ranks at the ashes of the burned soldiers.
Uh...Teleport, we can teleport us to the dark portal. Its our only quick way out of here.
Right that sounds best, but we wont be able to take everyone with us.
Rather that then let everyone die
Youre right. Mages, Teleport us to the dark portal! There we will make hold until the rest is
through the portal.
The shield which only had big scars in it faded away as the mages focused on the new spell.

Khonsu felt the smooth feathers of the hippogryph as tried to not fall of the mount. Being so
close to the top of evil was frightening but the presence of this trusted mount brought her a
feeling of safety. The bird screeched as it attacked with its claws against Illidan.
Get of me you stupid bird!
Illidan grabbed the throat of the mount and it screeched loudly. Khonsu tried to get a spell
away but she had to grab hold to not fall. Suddenly she and Illidan met eye to eye.
A...a gnome?
Illidan roared with anger and forced magic through his hands and into the bird. The bird
screeched loudly again before bursting into a blue inferno. Khonsu was knocked of the mount
and started falling down to the ground below. The wind screamed in her ears as she gained
speed. She was thinking about a magical trick to survive the fall but there was a presence
there which made her not. The presence of an arcane teleportation, she closed her eyes and
hoped for the best.

The Dark Portal

Loistine healed a wounded arm and the soldier moaned before the pain vanished. She stood
up and looked down the stairs of the enormous dark portal. The demons were pushing hard
against the lines, but Loistine knew the upper hand was still in their hand as they had the
higher ground. She spotted a infernal at the right flank killing a lot of soldiers, she summoned
a hammer of wrath that appeared in her hand and aimed for the infernal. A strong toss and it
took only a second before it hit the target, the infernal shattered into pieces of stone.
Nice hit Lois A voice said from behind her.
Doing my best She said without taking her eyes off the frontline.
The voice didnt speak again, and Loistine turned around to indentify it.

Zhade smiled as their eyes met, and he stook a step forward and stood beside Loistine.
Man, do they ever stop coming? Another wave just hit the lines and the sounds of blades
hitting armour and weapons filled the smelly air around them.
Well, theyre infinitive until we somehow strike against their leader.
Zhade looked with a wondering look at Loistine.
Are you alright?
We have seen better days There was no joy in Loistines voice, and it hadnt been for
several days. He knew what they stood up against and had the responsibility of so many
people. Zhade sighed.

Standing at the Dark Portal you could see the enemy circling around the soldiers at the
bottleneck and past honor hold straight towards the Dark Portal. They were so many, and
soon demons also attacked Honor hold from the east.

Isnt it time for the soldiers at honor hold to retreat? Zhade asked
Im getting worried myself, and I havent yet seen a signal.
At that moment the ground rumbled below them, almost knocking them off their feet.
What the heck? Zhade yelled and looked around him. The soldiers at the stairs down the
Dark portal had just pushed back another wave and were equally surprised to the earthquake.
Sounds of swift wind filled the air.
Must be a mass teleport Zhade turned around to the soldiers below. Brace yourselves! We
got incoming!
The wounded up the stairs and healers beside them grabbed whatever weapons they could
Loistine didnt move a finger, he left the sword in the sheet and awaited the teleportation.
Either he knew what was coming or he just didnt bother, like if it matters if it all ends here.
All of a sudden they popped in front of them all, hundreds of soldiers of their own kind,
heavily wounded and exhausted. Some fell down and moaned at their wounds and some
looked around to figure out where they had teleported to.
Take care of them healers! Loistine yelled. Ulloh!?! A almost whispering voice responded. Loistine walked up to the wounded
Ulloh who was lying down, he had a big scar down his forehead, and blood were all over his
face. Loistine kneeled.
Did you get hit by a dragon or something? Loistine asked and looked closely at the
Mustve been my wife He said and looked at his hand which also was covered in blood
Loistine smiled and told Ulloh to stay still. And after a quick heal his forehead was almost
compleatly restored, what was left was a small scar and the blood.
Youre defiantly going to feel dizzy for some time with that wound, dont get yourself
killed. Loistine said and stood up again.
Ill take that into consideration He said and moaned quietly at his scar and then stood up.
Honor hold had been over runned and demons were heading straight towards the dark
portal. The horizon filled with darkness as the demons engulfed it.
Its time to fall back for the last time Ulloh said
Loistine looked down at the dwarf and then looked back onto the horizon.
Time to see Azeroth again then She said with low voice
The ocean...the living
Loistine laughed.
Silly dwarves
Hey! Watch your words you long legged...uh...yea...
Commander Zhade gazed at the horizon. We really better be going now
Sound the retreat, make sure everyone gets carried through the portal. I myself will be the
last one to exit Outland. Ulloh, bring us a good group of volunteers to stay and hold them off
so everyone can escape, if you want to join me that is.
I will Lois
May the Light be with us.

The demons made a sudden halt when they reached the top of the stairs to the portal. Loistine,
Ulloh and the remaining soldiers were dead silent as they stared at the monsters.
Loistine wasnt happy about the retreat, many wounded and dead were left behind since
there was no time. She could see the healing area and saw a wounded person crawling
towards a weapon. Loistine sighed and knew she couldnt help the person.
Shall we just retreat now Lois? Ulloh asked with his weapon ready to attack any
Go, Ill be right behind you
Ulloh made a gesture with his arm and all the soldiers turned around and walked through the
portal and disappeared.
The demons couldnt avoid noticing the lonely woman standing there still; they filled
with anger and charged at her.
Loistine engulfed herself in a divine shield as one blade came coming down. Soon after
several demons were trying to break through the shield, roaring and crying out the demonic
Loistine kneeled down and touched the ground with her hand, she grasped some dust and
let it pour down between her fingers.
A shockwave of holy energy destroyed the closest demons around Loistine, the others
were knocked back or covered their eyes. Loistine turned around and walked towards the
The divine shield faded, and a demon took the chance, he leaped towards the woman. But
it was too late, Loistine was already heading through the Twisting Nether back to Azeroth.
Chapter VII

"Too late...friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot...control myself. I beg you
Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I
FIGHT!" Vaelstrasz, as the corruption slowly takes hold

As Loistine flew through the Twisting Nether her mind was set on the tasks at hand. Did
the officers do as told? Did they set up the defences? Did they send someone to gather
reinforcements? She could only hope. But they were good officers, officers she trusted as a
family. Of all days this couldnt possibly lead to a betrayal?
What am I thinking? Loistine asked herself, of course theyre loyal.
Darkness filled her vision and afterwards she was back in Azeroth.
The Blasted Lands opened before her, and she sighed as she looked out over the dead
land. She coughed as the red burning sand that came with a gush of wind filled her throat,
even the sand in outland was better.
The Dark Portal on the Azerothian side was a lot smaller compared to the Outland one,
but the design was pretty much the same. The two guardians standing on either side of the
portal itself were still staring out at the horizon with their yellow eyes.
The Dark Portal was surrounded by siege equipment and tents and palisades, they were
put there under a year ago when the portal was announced as a threat to our world.
But the equipment was in bad shape, the catapults and ballistas had not been sent through the
portal and were left to the mercy of nature.
Surprisingly only one of the siege equipments she saw was not in fighting condition.
Loistine looked down the ramp and saw soldiers lined up in battle formation, although relaxed
at the sight of the woman that just had come through the portal. The rest of the camp was
filled with moving carts with poles, tents, weapon and arrows.
She looked down at the soldiers down the ramp again, something worried her, she could
see the benefit of having soldiers bunch up right there to let the enemy into a bottleneck to
take away their numeric advantage. Loistine walked to one of the plateaus that was on either
side of the ramp, and looked down. Nothing. There was no one there to defend against
anything; the enemy had free passage if they just jumped down here to flank our soldiers.
Loistine grimaced at the height but a demon could easily handle that fall. She walked down
the ramp and saluted the soldiers, who almost thought Loistine would jump of the edge, the
soldiers returned with a salute and then opened the ranks to let Loistine pass through.
There were many in the camp, but not near as many as she wouldve expected, she
walked towards a big tent, assuming it would be the command tent.

Khonsu smiled at the joke while the others laughed, she could still feel a pain in her left
shoulder after the fall. She was happy the healers helped her through the portal. The encounter
with Illidan was still there like a scar, the screech of the hippogryph echoed in her mind as she
saw the burning feathers in front of her.
Khonsu you alright? Tinviels voice woke her up.
Khonsu looked with a chocked face at the female night elf before giving an answer.
Yea Im fine, just a bit dizzy.
Wouldnt expect anything else with that fall, youre lucky to make it alive, and a miracle you
were left with only a bruise.
Magic eh?
Tinviel smiled at Khonsu before turning her head to Ulloh who had just begun telling how
the battle at the bottleneck was lost. But he didnt get far into the story, as a person stepped
into the tent.
They stared at each other for awhile, Loistines face was covered in a yellow layer of
dust, her tabard had been ripped apart in two and her right arm was covered in demon blood.
Well... Ulloh tried to break the ice.
Listen up Loistine interrupted. Weve done well with preparations so far but I would like
to change some things.
The officers of Northwind Gale gathered around the table in the middle of the tent. Officers of
other guilds gathered as well, though they were few.
The palisades are good defensive positions. And Id like to have the siege equipment moved
to the top of the crater to have them not firing through our own ranks. Do we have anyone in
charge of the engineers?
Yes commander A gnome stepped forward, Loistine looked down.
Its a steep slope, you think youll manage?
Of course commander, we have our ways.
Loistine responded with a nod and the gnome walked out the tent.
As said we want to have the soldiers standing in between the palisades, and having the front
row fall back to the last row every half minute, this should make us able to fight for a lot
longer. However we need to make sure it actually happens every thirty second.
Loistine looked at Kalanthas, a dwarf hunter and trusted officer in Northwind Gale.
Itll be night soon so a fire signal will be easy to spot, can you make sure you shoot a fire
arrow over the line for when we need to switch?
Will do, Lois.
How many soldiers do we have at our disposal? Loistine asked.
An officer from a familiar guild walked up to the table and placed a paper on it, he read
through it.
Less than a thousand, commander
Loistine was filled with fear when hearing that number.
What, only one thousand?
More than eight thousand never got teleported from the bottleneck; theyre either dead or
Ulloh looked down with a sad face. Loistine smashed her hand onto the table, and it left a
green blood mark.
And also the losses from fighting itself account for around a thousand. Adding more things
Thats enough Loistine said with and made a gesture with her hand. The officers backed
away from the table. Its clear our numbers are not enough, reinforcements must be called in,
quickly. Loistine looked at Khonsu.
I will be in Stormwind in no time She said.
Thanks Khonsu, make sure they bring water and food, our soldiers havent got anything to
eat in the last 2 days. Well survive on the mages magical rubbish until you arrive.
Will see to it. Khonsu waved in two other mages and they started a teleportation ritual.
The demons will surely not break through our lines as long as the discipline is kept high and
the demons are being held down to a decent number, by killing. The centre here with the
palisades will be our strong point. Loistine dragged one of her fingers across a map. Ulloh
put our best soldiers here and fight them off. Ulloh nodded. This goes to all of you. No one
will advance up on the ramp of the portal until you are ordered to do so; otherwise our archers
and siege equipment will hit our own troops. Everyone nodded before Loistine continued. I
didnt think at first that we needed any real flank protection, but it seems I have a bad memory
of this place. Loistine sighed and when he was about to speak again Khonsu interrupted.
Was there anything more Lois? Khonsu touched the portal and confirmed it as
That was all Loistine answered. Khonsu walked through the portal before it closed.
Where was I? Right, the flanks are... Someone interrupted from outside the tent.
Is this the command tent?
Yes! Loistine yelled out, with minor irritation in her voice.
Make way for the high priestess!
What the?
A long slender woman walked into the ten, she was wearing a long gray robe and had her face
covered by a matching gray cowl, only her mouth and below was exposed under the darkness.
Loistine couldnt fail to notice the two horns sticking out from the top of her head and her
thoughts got confirmed when she looked at the blue skin of the womans face and hands, and
the tail.
A few drew their swords towards the priest.
What is this? A tauren in our own base?
A tauren? Ulloh laughed. For the love of god a tauren is twice as tall as any one of us.
Lay down your weapons Loistine said with a calm voice. She is an ally.
Some hesitated before they sheathed their weapons.
Welcome Draenei and High Priestess. Loistine bowed before the woman.
The same officers who had pulled their weapons looked at each other.
Thank you Loistine.
I hate when priests does that. Loistine thought for herself.
I have come from the Exodar in peace; we seek to destroy the same enemy as you. We offer
you our army as support.
Thank you, your highness; they will be put into use right away. Loistine said and bowed.
You can hear them approach now.
Loistine could hear the sound of marching troops, though it wasnt as loud as she expected.
What numbers are we talking about, your highness?
Two thousand strong
Loistine smiled
Thats good your highness, who of you is the officers in which I can say orders too?
That would be me, but Im leaving my army in your hands, if you would like to speak to my
officers they are just outside.
Thank you, your highness.
A male voice from outside the tent screamed out loud:
Commander! We got incoming!
Loistine looked to the female Draenei.
Thats your army I suppose She smiled.
And commander, only a few demons have come through and they havent attacked us yet!
Ah shit. Loistine faced turned serious. Officers, you have your orders, put them into
action. The officers nodded and started moving out the tent. When they all had left a draenei
male came in, he was wearing a full armour suite and Loistine was surprised he made it into
the tent without breaking it apart with his size.
Orders, Commander? The draenei asked.
Split your army in two, have them take one of the flanks each, make sure they hold strong
else we might get outflanked.
Will do, Commander. He walked out the tent. Loistine heard the orders being tossed around
and soldiers marching into their positions. War had arrived on the Azerothian side.
Loistine and the high priestess were the only ones left in the tent.
Your highness, you might want to...
I will do the duty as a healer, Loistine.
Loistine was about to protest but couldnt bother, a healer more is always good.
We healers will take place behind the line; you can stay with me, your highness.
It will be a pain to call me that all the time Loistine. Just call me by my name.
Loistine was tired; she hadnt slept for three days and no food and water for two days. But
now that the priestess was about to reveal her name Loistine felt her body somehow being
lifted up and its energy restored.
Aeris. She said, and smiled.

Netherspace, Karazhan

Muffintuff parried a swing from one of Prince Malchezaars huge axes, the force of the
impact made her slide a meter along the ground. Malchezaar leaped forward and attacked
with his other weapon, but it was blocked by his enemy. Muffintuff saw the chance to release
a spell and did so, the holy energy made Malchezaar roar into the air and he stepped back.
Finish him! Muffintuff yelled out and pointed wildly at the 8 meter high Eredar in front
of her.
Taelnir and Tamirtha appeared from the shadows and sliced their weapons across the legs of
the Eredar. Malchezaar roared more fiercely and swung down with axe right at Tamirtha, but
she easily dodged it and sliced again at the leg.
A fireball came flying towards the Eredars chest, but Malchezaar stopped it from
causing any damage by holding his hand in its way. Kryptic grimaced and began casting
pyroblast in hope of doing more damage.
He needs to be weakened! He yelled as the fire engulfed his hands and almost burning his
An arrow hit the eredars right shoulder and he put his hand on the wound to counter the
Rogues! Ransom yelled out and drew another arrow back. Get up there!
The rogues jumped up towards his head, Taelnir almost got hit by one of the axes as he flew
right by his chest area. Taelnir had his blade thrusted into the Eredars right shoulder to cause
more pain on the wound, the blood gushed out into the air as Taelnir flew past his head and
they got both covered in blood.
Tamirtha landed on Malchezaars left shoulder, the eredar turned his head. He roared and
tried to swing one of his axes towards Tamirtha, she dodged and leaped forward and swung
her blade at the eredars face. The blade hit his cheek and cut up a open wound that enlarged
his mouth; his roaring voice was filled with the sound of gurgling blood.
Kryptics pyroblast hit the eredars chest dead on and blew a hole in it. Malchezaar stared into
his open chest without making a noise.
Eat this you demon scum! Slame yelled and threw a hammer of wrath at the eredar. It hit
right in the open chest and the impact released holy energy into the eredars body. Malchezaar
screamed before exploding in a holy light.
Muffintuff fell down on her knees, she felt her mana being low and was almost about to
pass out. She looked around; the area looked like plateau that was sticking out from a
mountain side. The space around it was filled with big flying rocks and the skies were dark
and filled with stars.
What is this place? She thought as she stood up again. Her vision turned black and she almost
completely blacked out. She shook her head as she regained normal vision. Her mana was
spent, but she forced herself to walk forward, it was not yet over.

The open fields outside Stromgarde were a lovely sight that stretched over the hills in Arathi
highlands and to the horizon. Personally I liked the sea more, I often sat on the rocks looking
out over the ocean and sometimes spotting the ships sailing to Theramore. I always wanted to
sail, but as a citizen of Stormgarde that was not an option, I was bound to be a soldier of the
And here I was looking out over the ocean, the wind blowing mildly over the rocks. I
turned around to look at the city.
A dagger went through my chest and I saw an undead standing in front of me. I lost all power
and fell backwards and the blood poured out as the dagger left my body. I fell down the cliff
and missed a few rocks as I descended quickly down towards the ocean.
Time...Never enough time. The undead voice echoed inside my mind.
I hit a rock and the sound of cracking bones overruled all pain.

Get him up again!

Im sorry, Im really sorry!
Silence, we got to move now, this place is crashing down, make haste to the door!
I got this arm.
I felt the sharp rocks on the ground cutting up my legs as I was being dragged away. Yet it
was not painful.
Stop, by the light youre hurting him more, someone grab those legs.
I was released from the ground.
I got them.
Keep moving!
I opened my eyes; this blurry vision was something Ive experienced before, I remembered it
from being hit in the head during battle. But everything was red now, as if my eyes were
made of blood.
Shit, look up!
I saw something coming down towards us; the world went darker and darker as it seemed to
be coming closer.
A blue aura filled my vision and the darkness halted its progress.
Move, move, move!
The aura and the darkness disappeared and I saw someones face appear, but I couldnt make
out who it was.
Were through, Kryptic!
The ground quaked at the muffled noise. Someones appeared in front of me.
Well get you sorted okay?
H...Help... was the only thing I could say before I coughed up blood.
Scandalone, help me out on this.
On it.
The rest, help me turn him over.
I was rolled over on the side.
Ok, this wounds a big one. Ready?
I received back my senses, something I wished I had not. The pain made me completely black

The Dark Portal, Blasted Lands

The first demons to arrive out from the portal were not a fighting force. They had only been
there to scout the alliances formations and then report back to Outlands. Ulloh sighed as he
sheathed his sword, light as it was for its size it was still a burden worth taking off. His shield
was still attached to his arm with two leather straps. Touching his skin was simple cloth, and
outside that was leather for protection against projectiles and his third layer or protection,
chainmail. Against skin alone it could cause scars while moving, so leather or cloth is used to
avoid it. Covering his shoulders was two sharp edged plate pieces, to protect against attacks
he never had time to block or parry. The metal was in colour silver, but its material made out
of the finest thorium in the world. His helmet was made of identical material, it enclosed the
vision but he could see enough to fight at targets in front. Following the colour pattern was his
chest plate, and over its shiny surface was the tabard, a symbol of duty and service to its
meaning. The tabard was painted black in background with golden coloured borders. And at
the centre of the chest and cloth was the mark, also painted in gold, a sword stabbing through
a flame rising upwards.
Ulloh had his shield in front of him, as every other along the line both left and right of
him. He gazed up against the swirling portal above the slope, he saw nothing. The moment
was tense, seeing as the demons could at any time be travelling through the twisting nether
and be charging against them, weapons at high. As the time went the recruits grew more
worried, some that havent seen a head separating from its body were shaking even though
there was not yet an enemy in sight.
The soldiers were packed tightly in a formation designed only to hold the line, shields
almost overlapping each other to create an impenetrable wall of defences. Behind the front
were soldiers with similar weapons and sword standing ready to take over from any who falls
dead on the sand. Also at given command the front rank would fall back into gaps between
the ones behind and move along all the way to the last line. It would be tight and noisy as the
metal slams against one another but anyone moving through could feel safe, they would know
that they had time to rest until it was again their turn to risk their lives. In this way they could
hold out longer, but for how long? Ulloh thought for himself. The demons could be infinitive,
which is what the intelligence had said, or they could be just as everything else. Something
that has an ending.
Ulloh was standing at the front of the formation; he had to after all stand as an example of
an officer. A fight didnt scare him, for he had fought all his life. Ulloh looked to his right to
see the line bending to the left to close the half circle that was placed around the slope up to
the portal. The draenei army was occupying the flanks, they were big sized humanoids, with
hooves instead of feets and some of their faces had what seemed to look like tentacles
hanging down from behind their ears or neck. They were very muscular both the male and
female sex, and generally they were coloured blue or darkish blue. Facing one in battle was
something a dwarf, that Ulloh himself was, would not want to occur. They were forceful
fighters that hit hard with their weapons and swinged faster and harder on every blow that
didnt kill.
Behind him and behind the last rank of soldiers were the healers and spell casters, who
both inflicted damage from a distance and the healers who aided the wounded that were
brought to the back. Up on top of the crater were the archers in their full force, with bows
crossbows or even guns, which was a new weapon that many found useful due to their power.
But reload time was slow, and sometimes could cost your life when the enemy closed in on
Together with the archers were the heavy siege engines, they were old but still able to fire
their deadly cargo into the fray. Ballistas and catapults were present and spread out along the
crater top. They were controlled by professional engineers who could act quickly if anything
broke. Often was it that the wood cracked and sometimes made the engine useless, more
recently the engines had been improved to hold longer, but at the frontline things werent
updated as fast as the army wished too.

The sand of the desert was still, the wind had died together with the storm that was travelling
away. But it would not require wind to dust up the sand and make visions go clouded. Foots
holding up against blows, soldiers falling face down, siege engines recoiling into the dust or
the final breaths of a fallen would do it. The battle was closing in; fear was in everyone, even
in the veterans. They all knew this could possibly be the final line of defence against a
possible invasion of both continents.
It had gone an hour since the first wave entered through the portal.
Chapter VIII

Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world!" Archimonde Words spoken
as he entered Azeroth on the first burning legion crusade into the human world.

Stormwind, Kingdom of Stormwind

The palfrey halted and reared when it saw what appeared in front of it. Khonsu held on to the
saddle to avoid falling off. When the horse had slammed its hooves onto the stone road she
Get out of the way, child. Its dangerous out on the roads at night. She spoke calmly, but
with a minor irritation in her voice.
The child, in shock, stepped slowly away and backed up against the walls of a wooden house.
Khonsu locked behind her and saw her two companions still stable on their palfreys, then with
a swing of the reins they galloped towards the citadel.
The roads in Stormwind were empty, due to the fact that the war had drained the city of
almost all its population to favour the assault into Outlands. Left were the royal guards, their
families and tradesmen who kept the city alive. Eight thousand, it was scary to know that this
city may never shine with its former glory again, since the whole population might be dead.
Khonsu shook her head as they closed in on the citadel that towered up in front of them.
The moon gave sufficient light too see in the darkness of the night. Two soldiers from the
royal guard were standing guarding the closed gate to the citadel. They raised their pole arms
as the company of horses halted only a few meters away.
The citadel is closed in for the night. What business do you bring? The guardsmans voice
was disciplined and sharp.
I need to speak to the king Khonsu halted herself to control the horse that was getting
nervous at the presence of the weapons. She wished they had found some war horses that
were trained to bath in blood. Its urgent.
The soldiers took their weapons down. Do you know what time it is? Said the first
soldier and pointed towards the moon in the nightful sky. I dont care if its urgent, nor does
the sleeping king. If its serious enough Ill fetch a guard to wake him up.
Khonsu grasped the reins harder in anger, but remained formal as she spoke. Its a matter of
life and death for Azeroth. We are under a demonic invasion from the burning legion once
Seconds after those words were spoken; Khonsu and her two companions were running up
towards the centre of the keep, escorted by a guard.
The keep was dark and only torches on the walls lit up the hallways and archways from
time to time. The place always had a damp feeling to it, the darkness enhanced it.
The party were running through the halls inside the keep, Khonsu wouldve easily found her
way herself, but guards always had to escort visitors. The plates of the gear that the soldiers
used slammed into each other as they continued through an armoury, the sound echoed to
what seemed the whole keep.
Hey, you there!
They halted in the middle of the armoury; silence went over them until they could hear the
sounds of fire sparkling in the distance. Khonsu tried to make out where the voice came from.
Are you trying to wake titans?
A man appeared from behind a sets of boxes marked with the signs of armaments. Half his
body was covered by shadow when he halted. The soldiers from the party stood at attention
and saluted before one of them spoke. Im sorry sir; these mages seek to speak with the king.
We were... the man waved a gesture with his hand.
The king is asleep, and his highness does not wish to be awoken. What is it that you wish to
speak of?
Khonsu stepped forward and her figure lit up from a nearby torch.
The burning legion has made its move again.
The man looked down at the gnome, who was almost invisible a second ago in the darkness.
Khonsu? The man appeared to know the gnome; he stepped forward and revealed himself.
Yes Bolvar. Its urgent. Khonsu was cold in her voice, the pressure weighing it down.
Wearing a brown shirt and similar coloured leggings he appeared to look like just any other
worker in the armoury. It was his face that clearly showed his status; it was solid by the looks
of it, he had brown beard and brown hair that hung down behind his head and stopped just at
the bottom of the neck. It was a face of discipline and years of wars, the face of a veteran.
Bolvar was the commander in charge of the city and its powers, since the king is a mere child
and have yet not received any rights to rule the city. Asking for the king meant for the
veterans Bolvar, and for those who arent it meant the child. Although he was not king and
never will be, he had the power to act like one.
Bolvar waved his hand towards the guards. Ill escort her alone to the king; have supplied with food and drink. Its easy to see that they need it.
The soldiers nodded and they walked together with the mages back towards were they came
from. Bolvar watched as they walked off.
We heard reports of the losses at The Black Temple he sighed and turned to Khonsu. But
never thought it would go this far. How far back is the frontline?
The final stand at the dark portal is being fought as we speak. We retreated through the
portal about two hours ago. Khonsus voice was solid and straightforward.
Then were doomed already, the battle will be lost, we dont have enough troops.
Thats what I was sent here for, doesnt Stormwind have...
Nothing Bolvar interrupted. We have nothing Khonsu. The last remaining troops we had
here were sent to the northern conflict in the plaguelands. He sighed again, heavier now.
And the horde recently made their move on the Kalimdor frontline; the elves are in need of
every fighting able soul that they can claim.
Khonsu was staring at Bolvar. What? So we... She halted herself.
Bolvar looked up into the ceiling. Last time nature saved us, but who knows if nature can
assist us again. In any way, lives will be lost; well all be wiped out before nature can
Theres still hope... Bolvar face turned suspicious as she spoke. Only a day ago we sent a
raid into a place called Karazhan, owned by...
Yes yes, I know who it belongs to and its history. What of all is supposed to save us in that
foul place? Bolvar interrupted. Khonsus tone was minor irritated when she continued.
A book. A book that says to have powers to destroy worlds, it is the book of the master
guardian himself Medivh. They were sent in there to claim it.
Bolvar took a step closer to Khonsu and looked down on her. And do what? Try to summon
the almighty saviour of light to aid us? Medivh caused death to us Khonsu; he would never
create magics that would save us.
Who said that his spells of death wouldnt work on demons?
Bolvars face turned angrier.
I piss on Medivh and his works! He claims to have saved us, but all he did was causing us
Its our only chance Bolvar... Khonsu said.
Bolvar sighed and sat down on a box.
I guess... he grabbed his head with his hands, then took them away and stood up. Food and
water for the men and women at the dark portal, Ill spare a hundred of my best men here in
Stormwind to carry it there. But it will be almost a days march, even at the highest pace.
Its all we can do, hold them back as long as we can. And hope that the book proves useful
for us.
And pray. Said Bolvar
Khonsu looked at one of the torches on the wall. By the light...

The Dark Portal, Blasted Lands

The demons were flowing out through the portal; they gathered on the top and did not attack.
Their numbers were increasing by the minute, but discipline in the alliance ranks was steady.
This was the final stand; defeat was not an option, although it seemed the only outcome.
Death was a possibility for everyone, and they knew they had to die for Azeroth, their home
and families, if need be. Night had come to the blasted lands a few minutes ago, only elunes
moon gave sufficient light for them to see the demons on the dark portals stony plateau.
Loistine was staring up at the oncoming horde of demons, she had not yet ordered any
ranged weaponry to fire, she was waiting for them to gather up more. She looked to her right
to see Aeris the high priestess staring up at the enemy.
May the holy light be with us on this day... Aeris said.
Loistine looked back up at the portal, shocked she saw the demons at a greater number than
only a second before. Now it was the time to reduce those numbers, she looked up at the top
of the crater to see the hundreds of archers and siege engineering workers waiting for his
command. She spotted Tinviel on the top and waved her hand towards her, the silhouette
waved back and turned towards her men and yelled. Load the siege engines! The order
echoed along the line.
The wood creaked as it was bent backwards; it was the only sound that broke the silence
in the night.
Ranged, load projectiles! Tinviel yelled and the order echoed again.
Huge bolts of wood were put into the ballistas and stones were put into the catapults, archers
and gunners loaded their weapons. After a few seconds silence erupted, they all waited with a
fast heartbeat on the order.
Loistine drew her sword, the metal sliding against metal echoed through the ranks.
She yelled with her strongest voice she could muster. For Azeroth! The female voice cut
into everyones heart and gave them the sense to join her, and they did. The whole army
roared highly the words, the adrenaline kicked in for everyone, the battle was about to begin.
She let the sword fall down and Tinviel gave the order.
Several muffled thumps were heard behind Ulloh, he lowered his sword as the projectiles
were sent over him. The demon heard the incoming danger but it was almost impossible to
see the dark projectiles in the even darker night. The projectiles hit the enemy ranks with a
staggering force, the ballista bolts penetrated several demons as they came down, stones
crushed demons as they tried to protect themselves with what they had. And arrows were
hitting them from top to bottom sending them limbless onto the ground. The losses for the
demons were enormous, and the alliance cheered and roared at the massacre.
It was a short lived morale boost, seconds later demons swarmed out of the portal and were
running down the slopes of the portal. The ground began to shake.
Ulloh drew the shield in front of him, all others around him followed. He placed the
sword behind the shield and had it pointed towards the oncoming demons. He was squeezed
in between the ranks and stabbing was the only way to attack enemies on front of them.
Another volleys of arrows and bullets hit the oncoming wave, all demons at the front fell
down covered in blood. Seconds later the ballistas deadly weapons and stones came down on
the demons causing havoc once again. It was soon noticed though by everyone that another
death rain wouldnt arrive before the clash, so they all braced themselves. This was it, Ulloh
though for himself, time to die for Azeroth. The demons roared as they closed in on their
charge, some alliance soldiers roared back but the demons overwhelmed their voices with
their own.
All along the line demons and forces of the alliance clashed together, soldiers were sent
back flying several ranks when a demon swinged his weapon at them. Guns smattered as the
demons came close enough for a clear shot, sending pieces of bodies flying.
Ulloh blocked a strong attack from the first demon in front of him, he countered swiftly and
stabbed the demon in his leg, then cutting up the flesh and he drew the sword up along his leg.
As he pulled it out the demon collapsed in pain. Another demon jumped on his fallen comrade
and leaped over Ulloh at the soldiers behind him. He kept his eyes at the front and hoped the
ranks behind him took care of the monster. More thumps were heard and the projectiles
carved deep lines in the demon ranks, arrows were still coming in waves collapsing demons in
Ulloh saw the soldier on his left side being stabbed by a long sword that had cut right
through his shield and was pointing out behind his back. The soldier was gasping at the pain.
Ulloh slammed his shield into the side of the demon and then thrusted his sword into the
demons head sending the body lifelessly down to the ground. The soldier behind the wounded
man grabbed him as he collapsed; the sword still through his chest. He was dragged in
between the ranks to the healers at the back. Another soldier, a woman, took his place at the
front. She parried an attack with ease and swinged her shield into the face of the demon, then
cutting off both its legs sending the body to the ground. Ulloh smiled at the performance as
the woman looked to him, she didnt counter with any smile and they both continued slaying
demon after demon.
The bodies were piling up along the line, the alliance was ordered not to advance but to
hold their position. In front of them a hill of bodies began to form and the demon used this hill
to leap deep into the ranks. Officers yelled to reform lines after a leaping demon had been
slain, and the alliance did so swiftly. The burning legion was losing enormous amounts of
warriors, and that boosted the morale of the alliance. But the alliance also experienced heavy
losses; most were slain at the clash between both armies when the demons charged with such
as force that they could slice through any armour or shield. Wounded were sent back to the
healers and taken care of, most of them though werent healable. It was something that
frustrated Loistine.
Stop bringing us corpses! She yelled out into the cloud of men and women who could only
hear the sounds of weapons and armour clashing together. Loistine touched a wounded
woman by the face, only to notice she was already dead.
Stay with me! A female voice yelled behind Loistine. She turned around to recognize the
figure of Aeris working with a wounded. Loistine ran up to them both.
How is he? Loistine asked while kneeling down beside them.
Aeris placed her hand on the wounded mans forehead and a burst of light came out between
them, the light died a few seconds later. The man woke up from what seemed like death in a
Hell live to die again... Aeris grabbed the man between her arms and hugged him; he was
still in a shock and was staring blindly into the fray of war. Loistine sighed and stood up.
Keep doing what youre doing. She turned around and ran towards the lines were another
wounded just came out between the ranks.
Tinviel yelled out another wave of projectiles to be fired upon the enemy lines. Arrows
and bullets were released and siege engines fired their deadly cargo. After Tinviel fired her
arrow she turned to her left and spoke to Kalanthas. Its time for another one.
Already on it. The dwarf responded and placed an arrow in his bow, before letting the
arrowhead torch up from a nearby fire. He aimed high and released the string. The flame was
the only light that flew in the night except the moon itself. And soon afterwards soldiers
yelled for a switch, the first line fell back between the ranks, some wounded and some dying
and some exhausted. Soldiers stepped forward as their comrades fell back for a rest; they were
now the ones risking their lives for the next minute to come.
A loud cracking noise cut into the ears of Tinviel after she gave another order to fire a
volley. She looked towards the sound to see a ballista broken in half.
If it cant be repaired grab a weapon and get down there! She yelled at the engineers, who
were scared at the order and began working immediately with the siege engine. Tinviel
turned his face against the chaos at the bottom of the crater and ordered another volley.

Amidaliania swinged one of the weapons right at an incoming demon and shattered its face.
The other weapon being used to protect against an incoming attack.
Amidaliania was a female Draenei serving with Aeris forces, they had been sent only a
week before to assist in the outlands from their ship Exodar that had crashed recently in
Azeroth. Their race had not yet been welcomed by everyone but it was clear they were on the
alliance side.
She was a shaman and master of the elements of nature, earth and wind. She enhanced
her weapons with the power of the wind to deal crushing blows onto enemies.
Another demon came in and she was forced to dodge an attack, and swiftly after
swinging one of her big maces towards the demons chest area. She felt the wind assisting in
the swing and as the mace hit the demon it cut right through the monster like as if it the
weapons were swords. The thrill of the kill boosted her and she wanted more blood, more
pain caused upon the burning legion who had slaughtered their kind since she was born. She
forced the power of earth and nature into her hand and released it against a demon in front of
her sending a shockwave into the demon that made the demon head shatter into several pieces
and sending the body into the ground. The body splashed as it hit the ground, which was now
more or less a mixture the green blood of demons and red blood of the alliance.
She gazed trying to find a new demon but could only see flying dust that had started to
form from all the fighting. The haltered vision annoyed her, but she remained disciplined and
stayed in line. After four demons had come towards her from the sandstorm she looked up
behind her to see a flaming arrow, she quickly fell back in between the ranks as soldier
stepped forward to take her place. Her chainmail bounced against the armour of other soldiers
as she walked tightly in between the soldiers towards the rear.

Ulloh held the tightly in the armour piece of the man in front of him. The man, human by his
length, was fighting fiercely against the oncoming waves of demons. Ulloh felt every parry
and block made by the man vibrating through his own arm. Ulloh was exhausted after being
sent several times to the front; though he was granted rest while he was waiting for his turn
again it didnt prove enough.
Suddenly the man in front of him fell limbless to the ground, Ulloh noticed the mans
head had been separated from the body and blood was pouring out from its neck. Releasing
the mans armour he pulled his sword and stepped forward, the demon roared at the new
opponent and swinged a huge axe down at Ulloh. It hit the ground as the dwarf dodged the
attack, he then countered with a stab through the demons chest, and the monster fell onto its
knees. Pulling out the sword Ulloh swinged his weapon and cut the demons head right off and
the green substance flowed out from the open neck.
The adrenaline kicked in again and the exhaustion vanished for a moment. Until he once
again were sent back after the flaming signal. He breathed heavily on his way back through
the ranks.

Karazhan, the Chess Room

The orc king tried to stand up but the blood was pouring out of his chest and he fell back onto
his knees. He looked up to see the human king smile down at him, then hitting him with his
big mace right into his skull crushing everything down to his neck.
Hah! You lose! Najal yelled out to the figure across the room.
And so it ends. Medivh said and sighed. Ahh, I shouldve known...
Hand over the book. The night elf said and gazed at Medivh.
Yes...of course... Medivh pointed down from his platform onto the chess floor which was
covered in blood from all chess pieces. A chest made of stone appeared where he pointed. It
shook the floor as it landed.
Thank you, your assistance to the alliance and Azeroth will be noted Medivh.
Medivh sighed and shook his head. A necessary sacrifice. He looked up towards the ceiling,
then he suddenly exploded in a cloud of dust. Najal placed an arm in front of his eye to
protect them. Pulling the arm down nothing was left in the room but the chess floor. All blood
had been cleaned away as have the last dusts of Medivh.
This place gives me the creeps... Najal said with a low tone for himself. He walked down
from his platform towards the chest right below Medivhs platform. He pushed away the
stone lid and looked down into the container. And there it was.
The book of Medivh... Najal placed it in his hands; it wasnt any bigger or smaller than a
normal book. Opening the book he then read the words for himself.
Power of the Shadow. He turned to the next page to see foul writings on a language he
could not comprehend, but he knew it was the demonic language. Najal wondered why he
named titles in the common language, he didnt come to any conclusion but instead turned to
the next chapter.
Power of the Arcane. This chapter was filled with magics of teleportation and movements
of object and was not for any destructive use.
Power of the Light. Read the next chapter, it shocked Najal to see Medivh use any of these
magics. When he turned page he only saw a blank piece of paper.
Obviously... He said and blew on the paper, dust flew off but there was still no writing. He
turned to the next chapter, with shock he read what it said.
Power of way... he went to turn page when the sounds of a door slamming open
echoed in the room. He dropped the book and held onto his staff, the book hit the floor
showing two pages. Najal looked towards where the sound came from. He gazed at the figures
entering the room.
Najal! Tamirtha yelled out to Najal who was standing on the other side of the chess floor.
Najal saw them carrying Alerio around their shoulders. When they entered they slammed the
door shut.
Yes! Najal yelled. Im here... he then said for himself in a low voice. He looked down at
the book. He then kneeled down to pick it up when he saw what the text was saying. It was
inside the chapter of Power of Time. And what Najal got to read in those few seconds
frightened him beyond anything else he had ever been afraid of. His heart began to pump
faster as he read on before exploding in fear when he read the end of the sentence. It was
written in clean common language.
The summoning of KilJaeden
Chapter IX

"Betrayer... In truth, it was I who was betrayed. Still, I am hunted. Still, I am hated. Now, my
blind eyes can see what others cannot. That sometimes the hand of fate must be forced! Now
go forth... unleash the tides of Doom... Upon all those... Who would oppose us."
Illidan Stormrage

Karazhan, the Chess Room

Najal closed the book swiftly and picked it up. His mind was everywhere, the possibilities and
the chaos it would cause. It could not be, he thought for himself. How could Medivh still seek
so much destruction upon our world? He saved us once, does he have no love for the world he
lived in. Najal halted himself in his thoughts. Or lives in.
Medivhs body was almost too clear to appear like an aspect of a ghost. But his sudden
dramatic disappearance in the chess room reminded him somewhat of the same fate the
doorman had back at the entrance of Karazhan. Najal remembered that tear that went down
from Medivhs eye just before he blew up. Or could it just have been a trick?
Alerio, youre ok? The voice of Muffintuff echoed in the room. Najal looked up from the
floor he had been staring blindly at in his thoughts.
I feel alright, you sure did a great job. The wounded warrior didnt seem as bad as he was
when the party came through the door. Najal started walking towards them.
A trick? Medivh, a man with no cause. He didnt appear to be a guardian he was born to
be. Najal almost felt his mind was about to implode into itself in his thoughts when Valeisha
appeared in front of him, he was standing right before the party.
Is The night elf said in a low tone.
Yes. Kryptic said before Najal had time to open his mouth.
Hes right, our saviour is in my hands. Najal said grabbed the book with both his hands.
Ransom and Slame were standing somewhat away from the party, busy with their own
A book? Bleh, weapons er made to kill stuff. I dont trust papers to cut through one mans
We write magics that can destroy worlds on papers, Slame. Ransom said with his dead
serious voice.
Yes it does destroy beverages too.
Ill be damned. Slame said and looked at his axe.
Ransom placed one hand behind his back to check his quiver. He sighed at the lack of
Then shall we leave to save the world? Scandalone said, cutting into the conversation
between the night elves and the mage.
He is right, even with its foul content we must save Azeroth with it.
I guess youre right, Valeisha. Najal sighed. Can you promise me one thing?
Valeisha stared into the eyes of the priest.
When this is over, whatever the outcome, help me hide the book. It must be kept safe from
anything else.
The night elf nodded as an answer.
We will. Kryptic said.
Alerio looked around in the room, he was sitting on the chess floor; Muffintuff and
Taelnir was kneeled beside him.
You sure took a great hit there Al. The rogue said and looked over to Muffintuff. And you,
nice work. Impressive footwork.
Muffintuff looked up towards Taelnir, minorly chocked at the words.
Ehm, thanks. I did my best.
You were the shining figure. Alerio suddenly said.
What? Muffintuff said and stared back to Alerio.
You were the one who saved me? The warrior scratched his head. I have vague memories
of someone wearing shiny armour saving me from some kind of big...giant?
Well, that was me; it was the least I could do.
Thank you. The warrior said and got himself up from the floor.
Muffintuff smiled as the warrior, stood up. The warriors armour had been reduced to only
leather and chainmail, the healers had to take off the heavy plate to reach his wounds and treat
him. No worries.
Lets go then, our mission is done. The books retrieval has been accomplished, now
lets save the world. Najal said and strapped the book onto his waist with ropes.
Sounds like a plan. Tamirtha said, who had been watching the closed door from where they
came from only a few minutes earlier.
Kryptic? Valeisha asked. Portal?
Kryptic closed his eyes, after a few seconds he opened them and sighed.
I cant get us that far, there is something with this place that keeps me from doing long
distance teleporting. Must be that curse...
Might be, or just your lack of mana. Najal said and tightened the ropes. Kryptic said no
more, but instead starting casting the ritual that could summon portals.
Ransom and Slame walked towards the portal summoning, it was time to leave.
Twenty-two kills. Said Slame
Eighty-one. The tall night elf said.
Ill beat you one day. Youll see.

Was this it? I thought for myself. Considering how easy we got in and now were heading out
it seemed too easy, it just was not as rewarding as it shouldve been. But at least now we had
a chance to save Azeroth, and that was defiantly something.
I looked down to my left to see the sword sheathed. I picked up my shield from the floor
and hung it onto my back. Losing all the weight of the plate armour felt like a big relief. But I
felt a familiar pain arise in my chest area when I walked towards the portal. The force of the
dagger thrust was still there, and would be there for a long time. It was a burden that I would
have to live with; I grimaced as the pain raised more.
You okay Alerio? Muffintuff said and touched my right shoulder.
Undeads, you gotta hate them. I said with the pain in my voice.
Youll be ok.
Yea, for now. I said and sighed. Now lets save Azeroth.
As the portal ritual finished a big slam echoed in the room. Najal yelled for the party to
go through the portal. One by one they went through, Najal went through before me and
before I stepped into the portal I looked towards the door. It slammed open and at the same
second mutual beasts rushed out from the opening. The adrenaline pumped into my veins and
it sent me jumping through the magical wall towards our new destination.

Deadwind Pass

The caravan of soldiers came to a complete stop. A few knights drew their swords with the
sense of battle in their minds. They were soon calmed down by officers who came with words
from the front that it was only a mere obstacle in the way, and that they would soon march on
Bolvar held his hand out for the night elf priest lying on the ground.
Thanks. Najal said and grabbed the hand and Bolvar pulled him up.
Bolvar looked at the book strapped to Najals waist.
So thats it? He said staring at the object.
Yes, its the book. Najal said.
Lets go then, no time too loose. They depend on our arrival.
Hey, wait! Najal yelled out to Bolvar who had turned back on him. When Bolvar swinged
around to face him again Najal also noticed Khonsu riding towards them on a pale horse.
What...where are we going?
To the Dark Portal, our forces are in need of our supplies and...That book of yours.
Have the demons entered into Azeroth already?
Most likely. Its not that the demons need to rest before a battle.
Khonsu halted her horse near the party of people from Northwind Gale and Bolvar.
You made it! She yelled out.
Hey Khonsu. Said Valeisha.
The others nodded to the gnome to greet her. Khonsu looked towards Najal and noted the
So theres still hope. She said.
Enough of this, we need to move. Bolvar snapped out and turned yet again towards his
horse. I want four knights on me. And bring us a few horses for the new ones He said to a
nearby officer, who turned to put the order into action. Bolvar spoke to one of his close
generals and told him to lead the rest of the caravan to the Dark Portal.
Yes brother. He responded and saluted.
Bolvar got up onto his horse and saw the raiders from Karazhan getting comfortable with their
When will I be too old for this... He said to himself. He pulled the reins to the right,
swinging the horse around. We will be heading to the portal at our quickest pace, it is
important for the success of the battle. The knights nodded at their master. Lets go.
Bolvar said and turned the reins again and faced the horse that was breathing heavily; it was
ready to ride on.
To the portal. Make haste! He yelled and kicked the horse into full speed sending a cloud of
the dead dust, which filled deadwind pass, into the air.

The Dark Portal, Outlands

The ground trembled as the demonic figure landed, he folded his wings and walked towards
the portal. A wrathguard of the demon army came running up to the figure. It spoke with the
demonic tongue, his masters face got furious by the words.
Worthless scum! He yelled and drew one of his swords and cut the wrathguards body in
two. Do I have to do everything myself!
Master, you want us to take care of the wretches?
The master turned around, there stood Akama, the leader of the Ashtongue.
No, I have use of you when this battle is over. I do not want to risk anything. He spat at the
sand below him.
But master, is it wise to risk your own life?
The master laughed. They cannot slay me you fool. Make sure the demons keep on moving
through the portal.
I will my lord.
Illidan turned towards the portal. The demons were swarming up the stairs and into the
twisting nether. It angered him that victory had yet not been achieved. The demon hunter took
a step towards the portal, but his clouded mind forced him to stop. It showed pictures of his
old life, the joy and love it had. A voice yelled inside his head.
They betrayed you!
He grimaced and drew his war glaives from his back, the flames of azzinoth lit up more as the
anger empowered them. He started running towards the portal.
It was true, everyone had betrayed him. But he still wanted to be on their side, a small bit
of light sent him hope of a better life. He had an objective, a goal that Illidan thought would
bring him salvation. No, it WILL bring me salvation!
Swinging his wings they forced him of the ground, sending clouds of sands in all
directions. Flying towards the portal at a great speed his mind was set on one face, a face
which smile only caused more anger and his war glaives incinerated and burned, leaving a
track of fire flying mid air behind Illidan.
The demons charging towards the portal saw the display of power as their master flew over
them. They raised their weapons and roared.
Illidans eyes torched as he yelled the name of his enemy, seconds later he flew through
the portal.

The Dark Portal, Blasted Lands

Ulloh drew his sword again when the soldier in front him fell in between the lines after the
flaming arrow had passed over them. Visibility was next to zero; the sand below them had
been kicked up into the air over the hours of battle and was creating a black cloud in the night
that only allowed vision up to only a few meters in front of them.
Dodging a sword with ease he thrusted his own into the demons chest. The body fell
down and splashed as it hit the muddy substance of blood and sand. Ulloh took a step
forward, seeing as he yet hasnt moved fully into the front position of the line. He slipped on
the body of a night elf and his head slammed into armour plating of the dead soldier. Ulloh
tried to pull himself up but slipped with his hand. His body now hit the mud beside the dead
soldier. The adrenaline rush for battle had for long been gone, and the exhaustion had been
there for what seemed an eternity. He was lying there in the mud, the cold substance pouring
through the armour and hitting the skin.
Ulloh focused his vision out of his mind, and what he saw was the face of the dead night
elf soldier that was staring straight at him. He noticed the female face almost smiling at him
with the glowing yellow eye. But as a soldier stepped on the night elf to take over from fallen
Ulloh, the face turned just a little to reveal the night elves fate. The face had been cut in half
and the smile was only half of the female elves final words before her doom.
Ulloh closed his eyes in shock, he wanted to push everything aside for the moment and be
one with his home. But he felt his body being pushed from side to side as soldier stepped
beside and sometimes on his body. He opened his eyes to again see the face of terror. His
mind was thinking about his fate, will this muddy pit be his fate?
The thoughts were shattered by a sudden appearance of light seen by one of his eyes; the
other one sank down below the mud. Was this salvation? Seconds later he felt heat burning on
the surfaced part of his body, it was hardly a show from the light; it was a burning fire that
seared his skin as the fire warmed up his armour.
Then suddenly the fire disappeared and what he saw was nothing but burning soldiers
screaming in agony. The lit up bodies fell down around him as the lives left them. Ulloh was
surprised that the heat vanished so quickly from him; it had only been a temporary pain. The
coldness of the mud came back again.
The body of the night elf was sent below the mud out of his vision as a big foot slammed
down on it. Ulloh forced himself with all the power he had to turn his face up to reveal the
rest. His heart felt as it stopped when he finally saw the face of the foots owner.
Why does it have to be like this? Illidan said while looking down at the dwarf.
Ulloh closed his eyes.
Chapter X

We don't go do stupid things when somebody yells, 'For the Horde'. Thrall, Warchief of
the Horde.

Splinterspear Junction, Swamp of Sorrows

The summoning of KilJaeden... It cant be! Najal slammed the book shut and attached it to
his waist again. Grabbing the reins he spoke with the language of the night elves, his horse
responded with a cry and it picked up the phase.
Najal! What does it say? Yelled Bolvar; who was riding on his pale, armoured horse in
front of him.
Most of it is written in the language of demons, it is beyond my wisdom. They were
practically yelling at eachother, as the horses they rode rumbled the ground below.
What about the rest?
There are powerful magics writing in our common language too, that might help us win the
Hopefully the war too! Yelled Bolvar and cried out to the rest of the riders to make haste.
They followed and their horses breathed faster and heavier than ever.
Swamp of Sorrows, a muddy place filled with savage beasts and trees hanging over the
road and vines dangling just above their heads. The swamps were never occupied by the
alliance, partly because of the environment, but also the hordes were here first and they were
used to the nature and its wilderness. Stonard is the capital of the region, with a population of
two and a half thousand men and women from the horde. The roads in the swamp are merely
inches above the waterline, and on those roads they send caravans to trade with their allies in
Stranglethorn vale for food and weapons and other supplies. It is an outpost designed to hold
back alliance attacks, and that is why most of the population are soldiers and blacksmiths.
The retrievers of the Book of Medivh, Bolvar and his Knights rode through the
Splinterspear Junction, no horde guard were present in the tower overlooking the intersection.
The road was now narrower; they were forced to ride more closely together. But the horses
and their riders were able to keep their speed.
A male night elf rode up beside Bolvar and he looked towards him briefly before looking
back onto the road ahead.
Sir! The night elf called.
What is it... Bolvar glanced quickly again at the rider. ...Hunter. He said after noticing the
bow and quiver on the elves back.
Two scouts on your forward left, and ten wolf riders closing in on our backs. The hunter
spoke with a disciplined voice. Bolvar liked it, but not the news.
Your sure know your stuff. Are they catching up with us?
Yes, theyll be here within the minute.
Aight. Halt! He yelled and the horses put their hooves into the ground as their riders pulled
the reins.
Bolvars four knights quickly rode up beside him and awaited orders.
I heard about the riders, Sir. Shall we have them slain? Said one of the knights.
Bolvar looked down at the mane of his horse, he thought quickly.
Yes, you four take them head on. Then report back to the caravan. Warn them of the horde
Aye, Sir
Good luck, lieutenant
Thank you, Sir. The lieutenant waved his hand and turned his horse. They rode back on the
Bolvar cried out for the rest to carry on, and they rode even swifter now on the road towards
The Blasted Lands. Only a few seconds after they took off, the hunter drew one arrow and
aimed it towards the left of the road. The arrow flew through the vines and hit a target; a
thump was heard after a body fell down from a tree. And before anyone knew another body
fell down from the same tree.
Nice shooting, Ransom! Slame yelled.
Just like on training camp. The hunter spoke out silently.
Deeper in the woods several orcs ran across yelling out orders and news about the alliance
party travelling through the swamps. A soldier was quickly given a wolf and he took off
towards the outpost of Stonard to deliver the news and to call for assistance.

Lucius, any special tactics? One of the knights yelled out to the lieutenant.
No, He yelled back. We must eliminate them or put them out of action, for the safety of
our general.
Yes, Sir! The knights yelled out as they rode at a steady gallop.
Ride into their ranks and regroup behind them and well charge again, use your ranged
weapons before impact!
One of the knights picked up his crossbow which was attached with pieces of leather on the
back of his horse. He dropped the reins and loaded the weapon with a deadly bolt. The other
three knights including Lucius the lieutenant took up their spears and left their shields
attached to their backs and swords sheathed on their waists.
Wolf riders!
The road widened out again just as they saw the oncoming force of the ten wolf riders. Lucius
preferred the smaller road; it couldve been used as a bottleneck. But they couldnt turn
around now; they were picking up speed for a heavy charge of blood and steel.
The horde riders were surprised of the knights that appeared between the vines. But they
were quickly to arm themselves for a charge; they roared and taunted the knights in the Orcish
For the Light and Azeroth men! Lucius yelled and raised his right hand, holding the spear.
The knight with the crossbow pulled the trigger and a wooden bolt was sent through the air, it
hit one of the riders wolves and the mount fell towards the ground, its rider was sent flying
and his head was crushed when hitting the ground.
Now! Throw! Lucius threw his spear, as did the other three knights. The lieutenants spear
hit a rider in his chest, and he fell down from the mount in agony. The other two spears fell
short and drilled themselves into the ground in front of the oncoming threat.
The knights drew their swords; they barely had time to raise them above their horses
head when the two forces clashed together. One of the alliance knights were sent of his
mounts when an orc warrior pushed his spear into the soldiers shoulder.
Lucius ducked, and a longsword passed inches above his head. A second wolf rider appeared
behind the first one, but this time Lucius had his sword ready. And with a quick agile cut from
the lieutenant the rider had lost his head and the body hanged down over the wolf; blood
poured out from the open neck and covered the mount red.
Three knights appeared out from the mess, the fourth one lied crying in pain behind them.
The wolf riders force had been reduced to six. The knights regrouped and turned around for
another charge. The wolf riders could not accept this as a defeat, and they turned too to face
their enemy.
Another crossbow projectile hit a wolf rider, this time in the head, killing him instantly.
The knight with the ranged weapon reloaded quickly as the wolf riders rode towards them
with greater speed than ever.
Shields! Lucius yelled out, the knight beside him obeyed the call. But the knight with the
crossbow launched another bolt before throwing the weapon away and picking up his shield.
The bolt missed its target.
Lucius attached his big square shaped shield with rounded edges onto his arm, then he kicked
into the saddle and his horse cried out before charging ahead. The other knights followed.
The second clash was harder than the first one, a wolf leaped up towards Lucius. The
wolf bit around the head of Lucius mount, and the lieutenant were sent off his horse. He
quickly regained combat stance once he hit the ground. A sword came down and hit him on
his shoulder plating, it hurt but it didnt cut through the armour. Lucius quickly stabbed
towards the source of the attack and the blade found hold inside the belly of an orc. He saw
another rider coming towards him and he drew out the sword. He instantly had to raise his
shield to block an incoming hit from an axe. The weapon cut deep into his shield. Lucius
sliced his sword horizontally across the wolf riders right leg, and it cut it right off.
A few meters away his fellow knights were fighting with their backs towards one another.
They were fighting with great effect, and the horde force was loosing numbers rapidly. And it
didnt take long for a few of them to notice that, and within half a minute two of the wolf
riders rode away on their mounts from the scene. The rest was lying dead on the road.
Good job men. Lucius said, while breathing heavily. You, see too our fallen comrade. And
you, nice shooting, now ride and warn the caravan. The soldiers quickly found their horses
and rode off in separate directions to fulfil their orders. And in the centre of the bloodbath
stood Lucius with only a mere pain in his left shoulder, he walked around and inspected the
corpses, and killed any orc that still were alive and wounded.
Forge Camp Rage, Hellfire Peninsula

Pillars of smoke rose from the huts and buildings inside Thrallmar. The fire spread easily
through the wood and the Horde were fighting to both stop the fire and to stop the incoming
demons. It was an extraordinary sight from above.
Sir? said a voice.
The blood elf commander turned from the burning stronghold to the voice behind him.
Speak. He said when he noticed the blood elf soldier under his command.
Sir, were about to breach the gate. Its falling apart rapidly.
Good, I will be there with you soon. Do not charge in until I have arrived.
Yes, Sir
The commander asked for the soldier to leave, and then he sighed and looked back down at
Thrallmar. From up on the cliff he could see the blood elf army advancing on all entrances
into the stronghold, the battering rams were slamming into the wooden gates. And behind the
rams were the army of thousands of blood elves, and demons from the illidari elite. They were
being bombarded by catapults and arrows that came from inside the stronghold, but still they
were all eager to enter and destroy the horde and its presence in outland.
His thoughts were halted when he heard footsteps behind him, he knew who it was and he
did not move an inch. is time. A female voice said.
The commander sighed and spoke. This is stupid.
Youre going to say youre sorry
Yes... She said. There was silence for a few seconds before she spoke on. This is the right
thing to do Gathios.
It is right by all means Said a voice that was not from the blood elves.
The ashtongue warrior... Gathios said silently, still facing the stronghold.
Youre both doing the right thing, we all thank you for it.
Enough of this, I dont care. Lets get this over with The commander said and took up his
shield from the ground.
Im sorry Gathios. I really am. Said the female blood elf.
Shut up Malande! The commander said in anger. Then he walked down the path that led
him down the cliff to Thrallmar.
Malande looked at Gathios as he walked down the trail. A tear came down from her eyes.
My lady, it is time to make our move. Said the ashtongue warrior.
Y-yes, of course... She said and followed the warrior away from the cliff.

Outside Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows

Im out! Ransom yelled out as he noticed the absence of ammunition.

The raiders and Bolvar could see the intersection that split into two roads. One to Stonard and
one to the Blasted lands and the Dark portal.
Thats it! Make haste! Yelled Bolvar. He raised his shield and an arrow drilled itself into its
Stonard were sending out archers and any ranged fighter at the alliance riders. And the arrows
and bolts were flying out from the vines on either side of the road. The enemy seemed
invisible as they fired projectiles at them.
An arrow hit Ransom in his waist. The pain rushed through him and he grimaced. As he
regained focus he pulled the arrow out.
Well, thank you. The hunter said and put the arrow on his bow string and fired it back into
the swamp, and another orc fell down dead.
Any of you here magicians? Bolvar yelled.
Want me to set the road aflame? a voice responded.
Yes, as we pass the intersection put some kind of flame stuff on the road to Stonard.
I will.
A few seconds after they rode through the intersection and took right towards the blasted
lands. And quickly after, Bolvar noticed a flame rise from the road behind them.
Nice one Kryptic Yelled the voice of Valeisha.
The vines and the trees disappeared as they rode on top of the burned sand in the blasted
lands. Only what seemed to be a minute away they could see smoke rising towards the sky.
Bolvar knew that was the dark portal.
Theyve entered.
Chapter XI

"Blood elves and naga! Your bastard races are an affront to everything the night elves stand
for!" Maiev Shadowsong

The Center, The Dark Portal

The defense of Azeroth suffered a terrible blow as Illidan ploughed his way through the
center. The demons continued to push forward through the burned area, and they killed that
still breathed. The alliance quickly sent in the reserves they had into the center to attempt to
push back the demons. But the reserves were not many, and the center was not closed.
Loistine ran around in the misty battlefield, he could only see the incinerated corpses of the
dead soldiers. No soldiers of the alliance were near him at the time. He only met demons
from time to time; apparently they had it hard to assault through the center.

Aeris, watch out! Loistine yelled as she saw something attacking the priestess.
Aeris raised her staff and with magic made a shield around her to stop the attack. As the
weapon hit the shield the wielder spoke fiercely with anger.
None may challenge me fool, now die! Illidan yelled out. He attacked again with one of his
warglaives and this time it went through her shield. The sword cut into the ground as the
draenei managed to dodge the blow.
You are wasting both yours and my time mortals. You will only fall today. The demon
hunter yelled out while looking out into the smoky battlefield. The sand had been stamped on
so much by every single soldier that it completely filled the air around them. The naked eye
could only see a mere few feet in front of them.
Loistine swinged her sword high and cut the head of a demon. Immediately after another
demon came in; this time she focused the holy power into a holy shock. It destroyed the
demon instantly. Loistine gazed at the direction she last saw Illidan and Aeris. She quickly
spotted the green light of the betrayers weapons, it was weak but it was easy to distinguish.
The commander focused another holy shock and sent it towards the betrayer. The shock was
parried by his weapons, and then Loistine could hear his laugh. And suddenly a flame
appeared in front of Loistine, she quickly summoned her divine shield around her. The flame
hit the shield and died when it had nothing to burn.
Ignoring the attack from his right, Illidan focused once again on the draenei below. She
was lying on the ground and tried to crawl away, the demon could hear her exhausted
Shall I spare this soul?
Illidan turned around towards the portal. Illidan was blind and cloth covering his eyes, but his
power allowed him to see more than any normal eye. And what he now saw was outrageous.
No more demons were there behind him, only the dead were there. The army seemed to
have reached its end. What further annoyed the betrayer was that the alliances left and right
flank were advancing and now had surrounded him.
This is...IMPOSSIBLE! Illidan screamed and turned back towards were the draenei should
be. He spotted her, she hadnt got far. In anger he started walking towards her.
A thump sound echoed in the crater over the sound of marching soldiers and cries of
wounded and the sand blowing in your ears. Illidan tried to move backwards, but it was too
AAAAH! He cried out as a huge wooden bolt drilled itself into his left shoulder. He
reached out to the projectile and pulled it out. It caused more pain then when it had entered.
He tossed it towards the draenei in anger, but he missed.
I am only...trying to help...Im also one of your kind...Why is this HAPPENING?
Illidan turned towards the Dark portal, there was no way the demon army couldve been
destroyed. His anger filled his warglaives and they burned more than ever.
Another sound cried out into the crater. It sounded like the cry of a fallen horse. Illidan
turned again and saw only darkness coming towards him.
What the?
A shadow bolt by the size of himself hit him head on. And he was pushed back several
meters. It was more an annoyance rather than sheer pain. He got up onto his feet and glared
into the smoke. But he could see nothing, as another magical darkness came towards him.
This time he raised his warglaives to parry the magic. The shadow bolt broke and
surrounded the betrayer as it still had the will to move forward. Then it lost too much power
and it died.
Who could this be? With powers strong enough to even hit me?
He walked towards the source of the magic. And he didnt walk for long when more came
towards him, it was no longer darkness but pure fire. He managed to block the magic with his
weapons, but the heat was almost unbearable. Even for a master of fire such as Illidan
Show yourself! Illidan yelled as the magical fire died out. Who are you?!
The guardians hand of justice. A voice said inside Illidans mind.
Another shadow bolt hit Illidan without warning. This time more powerful than ever, and
immediately after the darkness came more fire. And it burnt into his demon skin. The pain
rushed through everywhere on Illidans body. He kneeled down as they magic vanished; he
was exhausted.
This cant be...the end?
More fire came through the smoke; Illidan raised his sword and blocked it. Then he dropped
the sword, he was too exhausted to carry it.
No, I must live. I must avenge this...I must avenge everything!
With all the power he had left he took up his warglaive and sheathed them both on his back.
He then blocked another shadow bolt. His wings forced the demon hunter off the ground and
the smoke cleared around him. The ground was covered by the burned alliance forces he had
incinerated before.
He swiftly turned around and flew with haste at the portal. As he flew over the alliance
forces who had outflanked him he received some arrow fire, but nothing ever hit him at the
speed he flew.
He quickly vanished into the Twisting Nether towards outlands.

Najal fell down onto the ground. He spoke with a heavy breathing in the demonic language.
Remove the curse! Said Bolvar
Khonsu touched Najal by his forehead and removed the curse with her own magic.
Did we...get him? Najal asked
Yes we did Najal, you did a great job. Valeisha said and kneeled down beside the exhausted
Night elf.
That curse...did the
Valeisha was about to speak when another did instead.
It sure did. Jagang said and smiled. He had before put a so called Curse of Tongues on
Najal to allow him to speak in the demonic language.
It is time to investigate the damage. Bolvar said. Who was the commander of the
That would be Loistine. Said Tinuviel
And where could the commander be?
She was in the centre treating the wounded. Shes a paladin.
Is that not where everyone got incinerated? Bolvar asked, Tinuviel had told him about the
betrayers entrance.
The female hunter looked down. Yes, or so it was reported.
Lets go down.

We walked down the slopes of the crater, and through the small camp. Beyond the camp I saw
only destruction. Burning and burned corpse lied all around the battlefield. And the smoke
was dense, visibility was small. And the smell cut deep into your mind, the smell of burned
flesh together with the smell of blood and sweat. I turned to my left to see Bolvar; he turned
and faced me as well.
Whats your name soldier?
Alerio, Sir.
Okay Alerio, lets split up. Bolvar said. Everyone! Spread out, we need to find her!
The group separated from one another and formed a wide line and scanned the battlefield.
I could hear the marching sound of the flanks as they came closer. The draenei army were
setting up a defensive perimeter just in front of the portal to allow the alliance to find their
fallen and treat the wounded.
Alerio A voice spoke inside my mind.
What? I turned around in chock.
Help me, Alerio
Where are you?
H-here... An agonized voice said.
I stopped and looked down in front of me. There lied a draenei, and she had a wound in her
right shoulder. Kneeling down beside her I took her up in my arms. She smiled and looked at
Not really a knight in shining armour. She said, noticing the warrior only wearing his
leather and chain mail protection.
Healers, help out here! I yelled into the smoke.
The draenei coughed, and out from her mouth came blood mixed with sand.
Youll be aight, stay with me. I said, and took a better hold of her with my arms.
Is it over? I heard her voice inside my mind.
Its over, Illidan and his army is gone.
Thank you, Alerio.
It was not my doing, the others did it. Now...draenei...dont speak. It only weakens you.
Call me Aeris the voice said. And the draenei closed her eyes and a tear came down her
Its okay Aeris. Youll be okay, now dont talk. I said.
Alerio! A voice yelled from behind.
Here, got a wounded here! I yelled back.
Out from the smoke came Valeisha and Scandalone. They quickly kneeled down beside me
and looked at the wounded Aeris.
Well take care of her, Alerio. Valeisha said and took hold of the draenei and I let go. They
put her down on the mud covered ground and began to treat her wounds.
I walked away from the scene towards the dark portal, I didnt walk for long until a voice
yelled out to me.
Hey brother!
I turned to the voice, and I saw the dwarf figure of Ulloh standing on a corpse.
Hello, Sir. I yelled back and walked up to him.
Ulloh drew his sword out from the demon he was standing on.
Ive never been so close to death my friend, he was pretty much standing on me.
Illidan of course!
Oh, well that must have been scary. I said in a low tone.
Scary without a shadow of a doubt, although I was saved by some holy magic and managed
to escape. Now he is gone and Im clearing up the rubbish. The dwarf said and stabbed
another wounded demon to death.
I looked around; there was no one except me and Ulloh standing there within our vision.
And the corpses went on what seemed for eternity in every direction.
This is a battlefield Alerio, youve seen it before. Whats wrong?
Its not that... I said. I dont know Ulloh.
Time to drop your depression, Alerio. Follow me and lets finish some of these demons.
I drew my sword and I walked over the corpses with Ulloh and we killed any demon still

The Dark Portal, Outlands

You must be Loistine. Said a voice.

Loistine turned around, there stood Bolvar. She had seen him before.
Thats me, Sir.
You commanded these forces to victory?
Me? No, I only told them where to stand. Told them to hold the line and not advance unless
ordered so. I just cant understand how we won.
Your orders did a lot, my friend. Bolvar said and walked up beside Loistine, they both
looked out over Hellfire peninsula.
To the west was Honor Hold, a huge pillar of smoke arose from its foundations. The
strongold was next to destroyed. And to the northwest was the horde stronghold, it too had
smoke rising from it. And it too was almost destroyed; although the hordes were still there
and was putting out the flames. Honor hold though, seemed to have completely died out.
Together with you and the draenei forces we were able to hold them here. I thank you for it.
Bolvar said, he reached out his hand. Loistine did not notice at first, but then she grabbed his
hand and the Stormwind Commander smiled.
Also, with the help of the book we could even put ourselves up against Illidan himself. Was
it you that also ordered that raid?
No, Sir. I only gave him the right raiders for the work to be done.
Who was the master behind this plan?
A mage by the name of Khadgar, he resides in the city of Shattrath here in outlands.
Ah, Ive heard of that city. Apperantly very beautiful. Bolvar said and stared up into the
sky. Talking about Illidan, where did he go?
Loistine pointed towards the southwest. When I went out through the portal, he was flying
that direction towards Shadowmoon Valley and the Black Temple.
I see. Theyre all retreating.
South of Honor Hold they could see the armies of the demonic army advancing into Terrokar
forest. They would then move through the forest and into Shadowmoon Valley.
They wouldve won this battle. Lostine said.
Why is that? I think we pretty much took them easily.
I just dont understand. But I guess we should not care, we should focus on what to do next.
Correct, commander. Lets get back to Azeroth and prepare for our own invasion, but this
time a successful one.

The Dark Portal, Blasted Lands

Bolvar told one of his knights to put out a map on the table. One did so; the map covered the
whole table.
We were this close to lose Azeroth. Bolvar said and showed a little spacing between two of
his fingers. Now its time to finish off Illidans power in outland. He and his army must be
weakened. After all, they did retreat.
The officers of Northwind Gale nodded as did Bolvars knights.
I have disposed every guild available to attack the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley. I
also have spoked to the Naruu in Shattrath. And the Naruu will be leading all operations in
outland, and you answer to him alone. Bolvar let the words stay in the air for awhile until he
spoke again.
I myself will be travelling back to Stormwind with my army; we will bury the dead and
take care of the new horde threats that have arisen. The night elves have managed to barely
hold the hordes back in the Warsong Gulch conflict, barely. So we will be sending help to
them aswell as taking care of our own front lines. Basicly, I will be busy. Bolvar coughed
and took some water.
Northwind Gale, youve done so much for everyone. But its far from over. He said and
pointed at a place on the map. The Naruu told me a few weeks ago that other than the threat
from Black Temple we also need to take care of Illidans closest allies. One of them are here,
in the Coilfang Reservoir. He dragged his finger over the map to a new location. And here,
in Tempest Keep. He looked up and glared at the officers of the guild.
My guesses are that you will be responsible of the threat in theese locations. Seeing as
youve done great success here. Travel to Shattrath first and speak with the Naruu, he will
most likely give you what you need and will tell you what to do. Bolvar let the words once
again stay in the air. Until he finally finished by saying:
This is it; its time to finish this.
Bolvar then walked out from the tent, and he ordered his knights on their horses. The caravan
who had arrived only minutes earlier had dropped their supplies and was now on their horses.
Bolvar ordered the sound for advance and the hooves began to thunder the ground below.

South of Honor Hold, Outlands

I got down from my horse and lead it up the steep ridge. Muffintuff, Ransom, Slame and
Tamirtha did the same.
The party had been quite the whole way through the hellfire peninsula. It was the smell in the
air, the smell of the dead, which stopped them from saying anything. The climb was heavy for
their horses, but they managed.
Once we got over the ridge, we stopped. Muffintuff got up first; she quickly dropped the
reins of her horse, drew her sword and kneeled down with the sword tip into the ground. She
spoke out a prayer.
As I got up I stared out over the horizon, and my mind was sent into a chock. What I saw was
beyond any slaughter Ive seen before. I could hear next to me Muffintuff crying silently as
she was praying.
As Slame and Tamirtha got up from the slope they too received an equal chock. They
followed Muffintuffs example and kneeled down to honor the souls.
May Elune be with them. Ransom said. He had appeared right next to me.
Covering the whole horizon were the bodies of thousands of soldiers within the alliance
forces. The bodies were spread from the entrance into Terrokar to Honor Hold. And above the
dead were the crows and other birds screaming and fighting for their food.
A sudden pain came out from inside me. I grabbed my waist with my hands. But it didnt
stop the agony. I kneeled down.
What is it Alerio? Said Ransom and grabbed my shoulder.
In that instant the pain disappeared as quickly as it had come. And I stood up again.
I dont know Ransom. Lets not bother, we better keep moving.

The party got up onto their horses and rode on through the massacred army and towards
Shattrath City in the Terrokar forest.
The pain in Alerios chest came from a dagger, which he knew. It was the dagger from
Moroes, who had stabbed him in the stairs to the ballroom. It was a pain that would always be
there, for the rest of his life.
For it was the curse, a curse that never died. A curse that always would exist, a curse that
came from one tower and caused by one man.
It came from Karazhan The Tower of Medivh.
The End

Following the events in Karazhan and at the dark portal the alliance pushed further into
outlands more than ever. Illidan and his army were forced to retreat into the shadowmoon
valley and the Black Temple after the attempt at invading Azeroth. The reason why the battle
was lost was something that surprised all, but Illidan himself knew it was something that was
being done behind his back. Someone had betrayed him.
Bolvar Fordragon returned to Stormwind and stayed there during the operations in
Outlands. In the human capital they planned for a new invasion, which was set onto a new
front, a very cold front. One day on his meeting with an old friend when he mentioned the
subject, his friend, who was a poet and liked to speak as one in any dialogue, said:
So the Outland invasion is only a Prelude to the great Crusade?
Bolvar only smiled and responded. Yea, you can call it that.
The fallen at the defence near Honor Hold returned home, and tears were shed in all of the
human cities, for many families had lost a soul.
Honor hold itself was repaired, and even though the demon threat to hellfire peninsula
was next to gone, the horde army would still be there and the war between the alliance and the
horde still raged on, even in outlands.

Northwind Gale, the small guild of heroes as Bolvars friend had called them, went into
the city of Shattrath and spoke to the great Naruu. He spoke about the threat towards the
north, about Lady Vashj and KaelThas. The guild was given a few days of rest, before they
were told to march out.
Loistine, the guild leader, received a list from the Naruu. It was a list that contained
names of new members, for they were needed if the guild would have any success in the
northern operations.
Names like Amidaliania, Gromph and Wych, all active during the defence of the
dark portal, appeared on the list. The draenei army, of which Amidaliania was from,
disbanded since their leader and priestess Aeris had suffered terrible wounds during the dark
portal invasion. The army was split up between the guilds of the alliance, and they all
welcomed this new race into their alliance.
Muffintuff also joined Northwind Gale, since after being in Karazhan with them created a
heavy bond between her and the guild. It didnt take long for her to reveal her name, but the
guild would still call her by her nickname for a long time.
The priestess, Aeris, as mentioned before was near death at the dark portal. It was mere
luck that she was found in the pile of bodies. She was sent to Stormwind for treatment, but
they could not help well enough. And so she was teleported, with the help of mages, to
Exodar. There they managed to restore her, miraculously the healers said, to normal. She then
travelled into outlands and served under the Naruu in Shattrath.

The Book of Medivh which the raiders were sent into Karazhan to retrieve were only
used at the Dark Portal. For after that Najal refused to put it into any use against any enemy or
friend. Many suggested that the power from the book would be very useful against Illidan, but
Najal strongly stood against giving the book to anyone else. In the end, the Naruu in Shattrath
and Khadgar, who had planned the Karazhan operation, agreed to send the book away and
lock it into a safe place. The book was sent to the dwarven city of Ironforge, and it remained
deep inside the mountain city locked in the strongest of chambers.
The echo of Medivh in Karazhan laughed at the acts of the living. All according to

Lucius, the human lieutenant, returned home after helping rebuilding Honor Hold for a
month. And when he returned home to his family they were chocked to see him alive, they
thought he also had died during the defence of Azeroth. Very happy of the news they were,
until Lucius told them he could stay no longer, for the war was far from over.
When will you return? Will you ever return?
I will return my love, and next time I will never go away again. They kissed eachother
goodbye and promised one another that they would meet again.
Lucius then travelled to Stormwind where he met up with Bolvar. He was promoted and
ordered to assist planning on a new, so called, Crusade.

Alerio, together with his old friends Ransom and Slame, continued to fight with
Northwind Gale for years to come in Outland. The northern operations were successfull, and
the threats were destroyed by the guild and by the helps of local forces. Alerio was wounded
many times as well as others during the raids into Lady Vashjs Cavern and KaelThas Keep.
But it was never more pain than what the curse put upon him.
The warrior travelled with Northwind Gale back to Shattrath after the success, they were
merely given any celebration time at all. For the assault on the Black Temple needed help, for
it had gone on for at least a year without any particular progress, Illidan did not want to give
One day, Alerio and a few other soldiers patrolled along the Black Temple front line.
When they suddenly were ambushed by a small force, none were hurt in the attack as the
enemy quickly disarmed them and forced them down.
They were brought down into a chamber, a prison like chamber. The enemy commander,
or so Alerio judged him by his way of acting and yelling at the others, spoke in the common
language and asked who had lead the patrol. Alerio told that it was him, as it was true.
The commander ordered Alerio to stay and the others to be brought away. Alerio was set
free to move as he wished when the commander continued to speak.
It is time, human. We must seek allegiance with each other. The commander said while
looking at Alerio.
We seek only your surrender, your end is inevitable. He warrior said in return.
We both seek a common goal, human. The death of the betrayer.
Alerio looked curiously at the commander, but said nothing.
Ive been the betrayers pet for years, as well as my people. His rule will end now.
How can we trust you?
You must, for else will so many souls be lost in your attempt to attack the Black Temple. I
also wish to end the bloodshed.
The commander spoke with Alerio about what he called the Ruse of the Ashtongue. His
people were called the Ashtongue and he was their leader.
They agreed to ally with each other, but it was to be kept secret. For the commander said
Illidan could not get to know of this until the time is right.
Mind if I ask you your name?
My name, is Akama. Said the ashtongue warrior.

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