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Art Education Lesson Plan Template: ART 133

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6
Print First and Last Names:
_____K Davis_____________________ ___________Jamie Higgins_________
____________Victoria Gutierrez______ ______Casey Kieng______________
________________________________ ________________________________

Lesson Title*: Familiar Friendly Faces Big Idea*: Family Grade

Level*: 5

21st Century Art Education Approach(es):

Visual Culture, VTS

Inspiration Artists, including those from underrepresented populations:

Debbie Grossman

Lesson Overview (~3 complete sentences)*:

Exploring the definition of family; looking to include those around us who may not be related to
us, yet relate to us.
Teaching the importance of close relationships and the creation of the foundation of trust.
Discuss the importance of making connections with those around us.

Background Knowledge (~3 complete sentences): How will you tap into students
experiences and prior knowledge and learning?
Through VTS, students will have the opportunity to offer their own experiences and
understanding to an image.
From their literature classes, students can bring in the knowledge needed to create a story
amongst their peers, while considering the importance of family.
Their in-class created family will rely on the students experiences with the history of human
interaction and connections to people in order to create the story.

Align Big Idea with both Key Concepts and Essential Questions, below
Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the Essential Questions (3-4): Restate Key
students to know. Concepts using open-ended questions.*
1. Family is loving 1. How does family show love?
2. Family can be unrelated 2. Who do you consider to be family?
3. Family should be a priority 3. Why should family be a priority?
4. Relationships are important. 4. Why are family relationships important?

Lesson Objectives: What you want the Align Assessment with Lesson Objectives in left
students to do via three content column.
1. Content area 2 Literacy : The Formative Assessment strategy (of assigned
students will (TSW) be able to . . . reading): How will you assess Literacy? What
2. Content area 1 Visual Art : The will you be looking for?*
students will (TSW) be able to . . . We will be looking for an understanding of the
3. Content area 3 History_____: The readings main ideas and assessing this through
students will (TSW) be able to . . . a group question/ discussion time.
- understand the various meanings of Summative Assessment strategy (of studio
family investigation): How you will assess Visual Art
-create a family portrait and History_? What will you be looking for?*
-comprehend the historical importance of Through the studio, we will look for the students
their own family story having contained clear connections to other
individuals all while detailing chronological
Common Core State Standards (2-3): California Visual and Performing Arts
List grade-specific standards. Standards (grades 1-6 only) (3-5): Check all
ELA (pp. 10-43, link HERE) that apply and add number and description of
Math (pp. 10-52, link HERE) applicable content standard.
1. Craft and Structure #5: (pp. 122-143), link HERE)
Analyze the structure of texts, including ___1.0 Artistic Perception:
how specific sentences, paragraphs, and _x_2.0 Creative Expression: 2.5 Assemble a
larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, found object sculpture (as assemblage) or a
chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each mixed media two-dimensional composition that
other and the whole. reflects unity and harmony and communicates a
2. Key Ideas and Details #3: theme.
Analyze how and why individuals, events, __3.0 Historical & Cultural Context:
and ideas develop and interact over the _x_4.0 Aesthetic Valuing: 4.4 Assess their own
course of a text. works of art, using specific criteria, and describe
what changes they would make for improvement.
Vocabulary: Identify and define _x_5.0 Connections, Relationships, Applications:
vocabulary that connect the art form 5.2 Identify and design icons, logos, and other
with the other two identified content graphic devices as symbols for ideas and
areas.* information.
1. Family - Two legged or four legged,
we love, care about, and respect each Materials: List all materials needed in the
other columns below.
2. Composition - Various elements to Have Purchase
make up a whole
3. Relationships - People and things that -scissors
share a connection -newspaper
4. History - Past events in which we -magazine
connect with someone or something we -gluesticks
know -construction paper
5. Collaboration - Working together with (black, and white)
others to create something -face print outs OR
Lesson Procedures: Outline the steps that will happen first, second, etc. in the Procedures
that follow to teach what you expect the students to learn. Procedures should be the longest
section in the Lesson Plan, and should be very specific and detailed, including individual
roles of group members, and time spent on each task. Describe directions you plan to
give the students, teaching models/strategies you plan to use during the lesson, different
activities your students will do, etc. Be sure to include management issues such as
transitions, room arrangements, and student groupings.
-Full time: 1 hour, 50 minutes.
-Issues: Transition into VTS, studio-clean up to gallery walk time, how much time to give for
-Room arrangements: Usual for sitting. Back table will be used for short studio demo.
-Student groupings: By table. Table size ~6 students.

Independent Learning (students do alone): What activity will the students complete
independently to apply their newly formed understanding to novel situations? What will the
students explore independently?
Time: n/a
Reading assigned reading on their own time. Students should explore key ideas of the
reading and come to class with a grasp on the authors main points.
As for after class, this lesson will hopefully serve as a reminder for appreciation and being
grateful for all of our loved ones.

Focus Lesson (teacher does): Detail opening activities by exploring the following questions.
How will you motivate the students to want to learn the new concepts (see Key Concepts) and
strategies/skills (see Lesson Objectives)? How will you introduce the Big Idea of the lesson?
How will you link this lesson to the students prior knowledge?
Time: n/a
Teachers will want students to get involved and use their prior knowledge by asking for the
students individual definition of lesson related vocabulary and their interpretation of the
assigned readings main points. Students should enjoy the freedom of creating a story
amongst their peers and sharing out the connection of art and storytelling. Big idea will be
introduced in the lesson through the slideshow.

Modeling (teacher does): Name and demonstrate the content area strategies/skills (see
Lesson Objectives) that are the focus of the lesson. Explain and show their purpose. Use
analogies or other concrete examples to explain concepts (see Key Concepts).
Time: ~6 minutes
Teachers: Victoria, K, Jamie. In this order, these teachers will detail a slide and transition to
the next.

Collaborative Learning (students do together): What activity will you include so that
students have an opportunity to negotiate understandings and engage in inquiry with peers?
Time: 5 minutes to group discuss reading questions on slide, 10 minutes to share out and
discuss reading answers; 10 minutes for VTS per picture (2 pictures = 20 min.); ~30 minutes
for studio, 5 for clean-up, ~10 for gallery walk/ presentations of stories
Teachers: Teacher doing reading questions slide, Casey for VTS, all for studio demo

Guided Instruction (teacher and students do together): Detail main activities by exploring
the following questions. What Essential Questions will you ask students to facilitate learning?
How will you organize students? What will you do/say during each learning activity? What will
the students do (see Lesson Objectives)?
The essential questions we will ask our students will be; How does family show love? Who
can be considered family? Why should family be a priority? Why are relationships important?
The way in which we will organize our students is in their familiar seats and they will work
independently to find their bodies and then collectively as a group to create their family and
their familys history. The students will be able to understand various meanings of family from
the teachers, their peers, and their own meaning. The students will be able to create a family
portrait with their classmates at their table. Students will be able to comprehend the historical
importance of family, related to their story.
Time: ~5 minutes
Teachers: All

Closure: How will you end the lesson to solidify learning? How will you and/or students
summarize concepts and strategies/skills (see Key Concepts and Lesson Objectives) for the
Like stated above, he students will be able to understand various meanings of family from the
teachers, their peers, and their own meaning. The students will be able to create a family
portrait with their classmates at their table. Students will be able to comprehend the historical
importance of family, related to their story. We will end the class by having the students clean
up and do a gallery walk in order to see all of the students group work. We will do this by
doing table by table in order to hear everyone's history and how they became a family.

Time: Rest of time (~5-10 minutes)

Teachers: All
Please respond to the following questions thoroughly and in complete sentences.

1. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for students with disabilities?
We will have a student/peer who is the student's neighbor help them with the activity so they
are a art of the group and still contributing.

2. How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson for English language learners?
We will use elementary school vocabulary. We do not use any complex words, and if we do
we state the definition. We also encourage questions if a words is misunderstood.

3. How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent
Being aware of what family is and the different levels and aspects of it, this will help the
students in their future relationships in life. We encourage many ways to approach family
creation as there are many different meanings to family.

4. How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

By doing the gallery walk and listening to everyones story is a way of reflecting on what they
learned and how they came about together in history.

5. How will you (a) address potential safety issues and (b) assure necessary precautions
are followed? See OEHHA, link HERE
The only safety issue we have to be concerned about would be scissors and since we have
fifth graders they should know how to handle them. But just in case we will briefly go over the
safety of scissors and how to use them correctly and responsibly.

Lesson Resources/References (use APA; please identify, with an asterisk, article or chapter
due for HW):
Kristin Baxter (2012) The Role of Family Snapshots in Teaching Art History Within a
Dialogic Pedagogy. Art Education, 65:1, 11-18

* Include this information in the form of a PPT, Prezi, etc.

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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