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Effective Communication:
When it comes to employee productivity, effective communication from managers plays a major role
in engagement. When poor communication is a common occurrence, employees become
discouraged, disengaged, and your business suffers. A simple misunderstanding can lead to errors,
missed deadlines, arguments, unmotivated employees, and even lawsuits. In other words, the success
of your company depends on effective communication. As a manager, it is crucial to ensure that
miscommunication isnt hindering productivity or overall employee engagement. It may seem easy,
but effective communication actually requires a bit of skill.

Effective communication begins with being around. The more visible you are, the more connected
your employees will feel with the leadership team. Get to know your staff by interacting with them
on a personal level. When you speak with employees, make them the focus of the communication
and show them that your investment extends beyond the workplace. This will help show that you
share their excitement and concerns and value them as a part of the organization.

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