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Sydney Braybrooke

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

Passing the Praxis Core Exam is a requirement for acceptance into the Education

Program at UNLV, NSC, or UNR. In order to continue with my Bachelors degree, I

must prepare and pass the Praxis Core Exam. There are specific scores that must be

obtained which are considered passing. A student must receive a 150 on the math portion,

156 on English, and a 162 on the writing portion.

Exam Preparation

To be completely honest, the only preparation I had before taking the exam was

looking up the passing scores for each exam. I was rather confident, perhaps arrogant and

ignorant, about the difficulty level of the test. I rushed through them and did not put much

thought into the questions thinking to myself that I am intelligent and this would be a

piece of cake. I was greatly mistaken! The tests are difficult. I did not pass any of them. I

was on borderline for one and for the other two, I failed.

Exam Results

My first tests result was extremely low. I scored within the whopping 18% range

on the Reading Praxis 1. After discovering that rushing through the test was not the way

to pass, I took my time on the second test. Still not passing, I scored within the 55%

range on the Writing Praxis 1. On the Math Praxis 1, I scored within the 70% range

which is actually borderline.

Future Exam Preparation

After taking these exams for the first time, I have had a clear realization that I

need to better prepare. I actually need to prepare with much greater diligence. I will use

Ed Ready. I will sit down and study with my sister who will also be taking the Praxis

exams. I will put time and effort into my studies with passion and with goals. I will

register for the test early so that if I do not pass, I still have time to retake the test.

Studying and preparation is key to success in passing the Praxis Core exam.

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