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Double Entry Journal

Wing, Steve, et al. Environmental Injustice in North Carolina's Hog Industry.
Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 108, no. 3, 2000, pp. 225231., doi:10.2307/3454438.

Source: Quote (Page # and Paragraph #) Responses

In contrast to rural America's traditional It makes since that large production centers
image of unspoiled territory free of industrial would move out into poor, bad areas as to
pollution, poor rural communities have been not disrupt the nice communities and be
targeted in recent years for urban, industrial, away from the mass populous.
and military wastes that are unwanted by
communities with larger populations and
more political power. pg 225

Between 1985 and 1998 North Carolina Astonishing that there are more male pigs in
moved from fifteenth to second in hog the state of NC than humans. I wonder how
production among U.S. states, with this huge population impacts the state? Has
approximately 10 million head outnumbering the population continued to grow?
the state's human population of approximately
7.5 million. pg 225

In 1998, market prices for hogs dropped to Once again we blast open the common ideal
their lowest levels since the 1920s, which that people's bacon comes from quaint, kind,
accelerated the demise of smaller independent relaxing family owned farms. The reality is
producers. Most hogs are now produced by that this is a business and there is no mercy in
operators who work under contract to the slaughter industry.
corporate integrators, which provide the
management plan and own the animals, feed,
and transportation; the operators own the land,
buildings, and waste. pg 225

In the past, hog production was dispersed I assume this could be very problematic as
throughout the state, but it has become low-lying plains usually have sensitive soil
consolidated in the coastal plain region, which composure and the run off would land directly
concentrates waste and the potential for in water sources. Also, a lot of the population
environmental damage in a region that is lives on the coastal regions of the U.S.
sensitive because of low-lying flood plains
and high water tables. pg 225

Intensive swine production may pose They are referring to the mass amounts of
environmental health dangers because of the literal pig poop that our environment, water,
high volume of waste, the chemical and and land is being exposed to.
microbial content of the waste, and the
practice of using liquid waste management
systems that are not isolated from the
environment. pg 225

Waste is collected in cesspools for anaerobic The hog waste, containing toxic chemicals
decomposition and is subsequently sprayed on and ammonia, is sprayed on land and fields in
fields. Airborne emissions from confinement the communities that these operations are
houses, cesspools, and spray fields contain located.
ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hundreds of
volatile organic compounds, dusts, and
endotoxins. pg 225

These mixtures, which cause respiratory Not only does the toxic waste spray affect
dysfunction in hog confinement-house those who choose to work at these facilities,
workers and possibly lower level symptoms in but they impact those living in the vicinity of
nearby residents are highly obnoxious the operation. The ingestion of these
odorants that affect quality of life (29-31) and chemicals lead to serious health effects.
may be associated with mood disorders and
lowered immune function. pg 225

Of the 3,039 animal operations in the Animal operations included all operations of
database, 2,585 were swine operations (Figure animals with a headcount of higher than 250.
1). Facilities with missing data or head counts Of the nearly 3,000 operations in North
< 250 were excluded. pg 226 Carolina, approx. 2,500 were pig farms.

Some areas of the state, including Though NC cities have high black and
metropolitan areas, have no presence of the minority population, this might have skewed
commercial swine production industry. These the data so they were left out, as there would
areas, including mostly white Appalachia and most likely not be swine operations is cities
some largely African American areas in no matter the population demographics.
central cities of the Piedmont, could have
skewed the evaluation of the relationship
between hog operations and the
environmental justice variables. pg 226

These facilities are located As the researchers suspected, the location of

disproportionately in communities with higher mass swine slaughter facilities were primarily
levels of poverty, higher proportions of located in rural, poor, minority communities.
nonwhite persons, and higher dependence on Showing obvious discrimination.
wells for household water supply. pg 229

Intensive swine production and its attendant Not only does the hog industry in these small
pollution are concentrated in areas of North town affect aesthetics and community value,
Carolina that have the highest disease rates but it poses great health risk.
(44,45), the least access to medical care, and
the greatest need for positive economic
development and better educational systems
(46). pg 229
This study did not address siting decisions This article did not implore as to why these
for particular hog operations. The reasons swine facilities placed themselves where they
why a facility is located in a specific place did, but one can conclude, whatever the
are, in some ways, particular to the historical decision, that it was no accident the mass
situation, business climate, local culture, and majority were placed in low income, minority
personal or family decision making. However, neighborhoods.
the pattern of location of industries reflects
institutional factors and the political and
economic power of local populations. pg 229

The public health implications of The unfortunate truth is that the people living
environmental injustice in the North Carolina in these communities are stricken with disease
hog industry are of special concern. and poor quality of life. They do not have the
Exposures in the environment of confinement money or resources to sue or fight these
houses are clearly related to impaired corporations even if they wished to.
respiratory function, occupational asthma, and
organic dust syndrome (51). pg 230

In addition, environmental exposures to This shows it doesnt even just affect the
airborne emissions from hog CAFOs may be people directly in the town of the production
associated with respiratory effects (29,30) and facility, it has the potential to affect the
impaired mood (32,33) in neighboring neighboring towns and cities as well.
populations. Groundwater from hog CAFOs
has been contaminated by nitrates in North
Carolina (34). pg 230

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