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w ould pr oduce less ener gy

t han nor mal. Cloudy days

slow s dow n solar pow er , and
w hen t he w ind doesn't blow ,
t hen w ind t ur bines don?t
pr oduce ener gy eit her . It
seems like t he w eat her has
t oo much of an impact on
r enew able ener gy sour ces
t o be an ef f icient w ay t o
pr oduce t he ener gy needed
f or societ y. This means t hat
t he ener gy sour ce f or t he
moder n er a needs t o be
r eliable. My quest ion
evolved int o, What is t he
best w ay t o pr oduce enough
ener gy f or societ y t hat is
bot h r eliable and doesn?t
damage t he envir onment t oo

Nucl ear ener gy

Along w it h r enew able pr oduce ener gy. This f or m of cost mor e t han ot her ener gy
ener gy and f ossil f uel, t her e ener gy is sust ainable, as t heir sour ces as t hey r equir e mor e
w as one mor e sour ce of w ast e can be r ecycled. skilled labor and t he
ener gy t hat I decided t o Dow nsides t o t his f or m of complexit y of t he plant makes
r esear ch, nuclear ener gy. I pr oduct ion f or ener gy is t he it a lar ge invest ment , t hough
looked on-line and f ound w hat danger ous w ast e lef t behind. t he cost s of maint aining a
seemed t o be a r eliable sour ce Radioact ive w ast e causes plant ar e much cheaper t han
of inf or mat ion f r om biological damage t o t he ot her sour ces of ener gy (N.
w hat isnuclear .com (20 17). envir onment as w ell as people. Tour an, 20 17). This sour ce
Nuclear ener gy split t ing a Ther e have also been sever al st r ongly explains t he negat ive
lar ge at om int o pieces t o accident s involved w it h side of nuclear ener gy, but
pr oduce ener gy using t he nuclear ener gy, like Cher nobyl, seems t o spin it in a w ay t hat
equat ion of E=MC2. They don?t t hr ee mile island, and t hese disadvant ages have just
emit pollut ion int o t he air , but Fukushima t hat t end t o keep been limit ing t he use of
t hey do leave behind people f r om being nuclear pow er , not act ually
r adioact ive w ast e. Nuclear comf or t able w it h nuclear making it a bad w ay t o
plant s use f usion and f ission t o pow er . Nuclear plant s also pr oduce ener gy. This st r ongly
suppor t s an ar gument t hat nuclear ener gy is a gr eat w ay t o pr oduce ener gy. I see how t he
aut hor uses car ef ul w or ding t o make nuclear pow er seem bet t er , but it seems t hat it has a lot
mor e dow nsides t han is expr essed in t he ar t icle. Compar ed t o bot h f ossil f uels and r enew able
sour ces, nuclear ener gy doesn?t seem t o be any bet t er t han eit her ot her pr oduct ion sour ces. It
doesn?t seem any mor e r eliable or able t o keep t he envir onment clean any bet t er t han
r enew ables or f ossil f uels. My quest ion hasn?t changed, but it has become mor e complex, as I
know t hat t her e ar e mor e w ays t o r uin t he envir onment t han by gr eenhouse gasses.

Concl usions

Af t er r esear ching, I lear ned af f ect many r enew able ener gy answ er my quest ion, even
a lot about t he main w ay of sour ces pr oduct ion r at es, and t hough it has evolved f r om,
pr oducing elect r icit y. ot her sour ces don?t pr oduce What is t he best w ay t o
Compar ed t o my pr evious enough ener gy. Nuclear pr oduce enough ener gy f or
know ledge on just f ossil f uels ener gy seems t o be r eliable, societ y, t o What is t he best
being t he main w ay of but also has it ?s r isks, in t he w ay t o pr oduce enough
pr oducing our elect r icit y, f or m of a nuclear melt dow n ener gy f or societ y t hat is bot h
along w it h t he f act t hat it t hat possibly could occur . It r eliable and doesn?t damage
causes climat e change and is a has t he chance of making lif e t he envir onment t oo much?
limit ed r esour ce, I now know a t er r ible f or many people if Ther e isn?t a w ay t o answ er
lot mor e about w ays t hat somet hing goes w r ong. Wit h t his quest ion simply because I
societ y pr oduces ener gy. my cur r ent inf or mat ion none don?t know enough about all
Fossil f uels may be t he most of t hese w ays t o pr oducing t he w ays t o pr oduce ener gy.
common, but r enew able ener gy seems t o be w hat My cur r ent know ledge of t he
ener gies seem a lot bet t er f or societ y needs r ight now . dif f er ent sour ces isn?t enough
societ y. I agr ee t hat w e should Thr oughout my r esear ch, I t o make a r easonable
move aw ay f r om pr oducing have mainly looked at t he conclusion t o t his quest ion. I
ener gy w it h f ossil f uels, and basic w ays of pr oducing don?t know enough t o
t hat t hey ar e danger ous f or ener gy, and haven?t looked at accur at ely compar e and
t he envir onment . But I also each f or m in lar ge det ails. It cont r ast dif f er ent f or ms of
t hink t hat r enew able sour ces seems as if my r esear ch is ener gy pr oduct ion t o
have t heir ow n pr oblems. The lacking w hen it comes t o t he accur at ely answ er my
chief of w hich is t he f act t hat individual w ays t o pr oduce quest ion, making t he cr eat ion
t hey don?t pr oduce ener gy as ener gy. By just looking at t he of a t hesis impossible at t his
r eliably as f ossil f uels. point .
cat egor ies it is impossible t o
Dif f er ent w eat her condit ions
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