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Shaquila Johnson

This I Believe --- A Call to Action

I was not sure how to write this exactly being that I thought my manifesto spoke to both a

sympathetic audience and an unsympathetic audience.

This I believe. I believe in the Black Lives Matter Movement as I believe in All Lives

Matter. I believe that racism is repulsive and equality has to be inherited by means of being

educated. I believe in raising children to love and not hate because they too one day will become

adults and whatever you instill in a child at youth they carry with them for a lifetime. It takes a

strong influence to stray away from an ill mentality that was so well nurtured.

I believe that closed minded people fail to place themselves in the shoes of the victims

and their families. Therefore, its easy for them to say that BLM condones violence and is an

embarrassment to other blacks. Its not an embarrassment but a cry for help. Its not condoning

violence but encouraging civil action. I believe in the Black Lives Matter Movement because it

speaks volumes that are often silenced if not addressed.

I believe in the Black Lives Matter movement because Trayvon Martins cousin grew up

with my sister. On February 26th 2016 I saw his familys world disintegrate. I could never

fathom the pain that Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin felt that day but I can imagine because I

have five brothers and in a world so divided I cringe when they walk out the door or when I get a

call that they are nowhere to be found even for a moment because in that moment they have

become a target. They have become targets to brutality and envy followed by silence.
When a person chooses not to speak up for what they know is right they become a part of

the problem. Protesters are still screaming Black Lives Matter because they want someone to

stop and listen. They want the courts to change their systems. They want the people who are seen

as our protectors in law to protect us and not kill us.

Black Lives Matter is a call to action for Trayvon Martin 2012, 17, Eric Garner 2014,43,

Michael Brown 2014,18, Tamir Rice 2014, 12, Freddie Gray 2015, 25, Sandra Bland 2015, 28,

Philando Castile 2016, 32, Alton Sterling 2016, 37 and so many more because their lives did not

matter. Black men and women who had lives with families to young Black men and women

whose lives were just beginning. I believe in equality. I believe in justice. I believe in Black

Lives Matter. I believe that All Lives Matter. I believe that as a nation we have a long way to go.

I believe the transformation begins with education, progresses with consideration and advances

with operation. This I believe.

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