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Goal Reflection

My S.M.A.R.T. goal portfolio consists of a compilation of thirty resources to help me

teach the K.5 and K.11 SOLs in my future classroom. The types of resources I included in my

portfolio are lesson plans, read-aloud books, computer games, classroom activities and art

projects. I wrote a brief description under each resource to explain its purpose and how it could

be implemented in a classroom. My portfolio consists of seven read-aloud books with activities,

and twenty-three lesson plans/activities that cover the K.5 and K.11 SOLs. I also labeled which

resources were full lesson plans to make my portfolio easier to navigate. The resources I found

demonstrate my efforts towards meeting my goal because they are fun, hands-on, and

interactive. I wanted to make sure the resources I found would do more than teach the

students the content of the SOLs, I want my future students to experience science. I have

learned that effective science instruction is taught through inquiry-based and hands-on

activities. Therefore, I made sure that each of my resources included some aspect of hands-on

learning or student interaction. Overall I learned that creating a portfolio of resources is

extremely time consuming, but also extremely beneficial. I feel prepared to teach these two

SOLs with no hesitation due to the work I put into this portfolio. I feel confident in teaching the

K.5 and K.11 SOLs to my future students and now I will always have these resources at hand

when needed.

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