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Faculty Supervisor: Site Supervisor:

Semester: Fall 2017 Number of Credits:

Dates Covered for report: Nov 6th, 7th 9th, Number of hours worked (week): 11 Hours worked (total): 94

What were the interns primary responsibilities?

Archiving the old stats into a computer file

What Planning and/or Preparation activities went into the responsibilities?

No planning at all, the responsibilities were slim as well. Just to get as much done as I possibly could organize them into
a bunch of files categorized by sport and gender.

What difficulties or problems did the intern need to overcome? What strategies/decisions were used?

Finally got to the year that the ODACS introduced womens sports, 1982. Most of the files were on basketball cant really
find much on many other sports, as they werent offered.

What did the intern learn during this period?

Womens sports were introduced into the ODAC Conference in 1982 beginning with womens basketball and expanding
from there into all different sports.

Were any tasks or responsibilities repetitive from previous reporting periods?

Just the usual archiving and entering info into the computer based on gender and sport.

Add further comments on separate page if needed.

I found that the baseball field used to be where the lax soccer and field hockey field is. Also that Ferrum is entering our
conference next year and they should be a pretty good battle for baseball as we usually play them every year and the
competition level is definitely there.

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