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Douglas Groothuis

Defending Christian Faith, October 5, 2004


part 2

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands
(Psalm 19:1)

III. Types of Design to Which to Appeal (continued)

G. Design as information: DNA as language best explained by an author

H. Cosmic constants: the anthrophic principle (fine-tuning argument). For

an updated version of the design argument (based on cosmological
factors), see also Hugh Ross, The Big Bang Model Refined by Fire in
William Dembski, ed., Mere Creation (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity
Press, 1998), 363 384 (especially 371 384 where he gives 45 cosmic

I. Proper use of the data (Moreland, 54 55)

1. Not, It is amazing that elements that p x (human knowers)

came together here, and we know it. This requires a designer. We
couldnt know it unless it came together here.

2. Or; It is amazing that elements p x came about and not some

other series. For x to occur, p x must occur, not another series.

3. Not Isnt it amazing that x obtains when the necessary and

sufficient conditions for x obtain? No. That is a tautology, not
an argument.

4. Rather: It is amazing that p - x came about at all, given the vast

odds against it occurring by merely natural means. See Richard
Swinburne, Is There a God? (Oxford, 1996), 66 67.

IV. Forms of Design Argument

A. Synthetic a priori (strongest view rationally)

B. Argument from analogy (only form Nash mentions)

1. Possibility view

2. Frequency view

3. Evidential view

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