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Joanna Lopez

Professor Batty

English 028

14 Decmeber 2017

Why Does Language Really Matter?

Language is an important figure in someones life. Language creates a persons identity for

example when a person speaks spanish they are instantly labeled as hispanic. Language can also

have some great opportunities, for example if a person speaks multiple languages and is applying

for a job he or she has a greater advantage over a person who speaks only one language. For

example, in How the Garcia Girls Lost their Accents by Julia Alvarez when Yolanda moves to

the U.S she was learning how to speak English and she started to forget some of the Spanish

vocabulary. When she first arrived to the U.S she was still speaking Spanish and her language

wasnt going to change her identity because she was in the U.S.

Language is important because its the only way humans can communicate with each other

and understand each others feelings and thoughts. Without language there is no way people

would be able to comunicate with eachother. Being bilingual is an important value in someones

life because it gives them a chance to discover other languages and cultures. Culture can play a

big role in language. For example, hispanic cultures can have an impact on other cultures by the

music and foods that they have and the language that they speak can impression others.

There are many ways people can communicate through language. There is a universal language

for everyone. Many people dont realize how much language can mean to people but even people

that have disabilities also have something that can help them communicate with others. For
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example, sign language is a very important language. As well as brial for those people who cant

see. Some people dont understand how important sign language and brail can be. Some people

dont consider it as a language but its an important way to commuinicate because they can

inspire other people to learn the language. If it wasnt for sign language or brail people with

those type of disabilities wouldnt have anything to help them communitcate with others.

People struggle with trying to learn a new language when coming into a new country because

they are already attatched to the language they know already and they feel that its difficult for

them to learn a new language. Language can take roll in relationships. For example, in some

cultures they believe its best for the woman to stay at home and to take care of the children

while the man works. But what if it was the other way around? The identity can already be made

with just the language that they speak. Just because a woman speaks spanish they are suppose to

take care of the children and stay at home.

The people that speak spanish are already labeled as hispanic but they dont have to be hispanic

in order to speak spanish. Some people can inherit half of the mothers and fathers culture and

they can be from a different race and still be able to speak spanish but they arent known as

hispanic. They can just be known as bilingual speakers. People shouldnt label others before

knowing the person because they dont know their background or their culture and they can

speak many languages but they dont need to have a label on themselves.
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