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Jorge Sanchez

Professor Massey


December 2/2017

Effects of divorce within families

Everybody has a family, most dont have a full family. By this I mean most children have just a mom,

maybe just a father. The reason for this is called divorce, separation, most families in this era have gone

through divorce for various reasons. This event can have very negative effects on both adults, the parents,

or children. Not all effects are damaging, it depends on the situation. Regardless of this, the purpose of

this topic is to let people know how divorce can really impact families, what happens after and ways to

avoid the bad outcomes.

Not all separations have to end up in bad terms. Primarily the reason why couples divorce is a lack of

communication, not being able to talk about their needs, if their goals match, or maybe the feeling went

away. No matter the reason at the end theres always change. These changes can be lead to good things

and bad ones. Studies say, bad ones are the common ones. Due to the absence of father figures in most

divorced families, children tend to go in the dark path through out their life. Issues with relationship

making, studies, bad habits, poor listening for authority and much more. Some children even end up

destroying their life, a popular mythology grew about father-absent families: the sons who became either

effeminate or juvenile delinquents and the daughters who became promiscuous. (Settle 1) This quote

shows the effects on children whose father left and let to a big change in their choices in life. From some

guys becoming homosexual, becoming law breakers to daughters losing their sense of dignity and been

known as an easy woman, Divorce benefits some individuals, leads others to experience temporary

decrements in well-being, and forces others on a downward trajectory from which they might never

recover fully. (Amato 1) This quote talks about how divorce can bring failure to all related in the subject,

from the parents to the children. Most adults see divorce as their last attempt with their love life and it

damages their self-steam. For children its very bad too, they tend to go through rough faces.
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Divorce is one the most stressful events in a childs life. This might trigger various damaging factors for a

bright future. Children have a timeline in which they develop some of their character, beliefs, goals, and

integrity. Due to the separation from their parents a lot can be damaged, bad decisions can be done and

change their life forever, Divorce is a time of stress, confusion, and sadness for kids of any age. Their

daily lives have changed, and they experience the uncertainty of what life will be like. (UNIVERSITY

OF NEBRASKALINCOLN) This quote explains how some kids feel in the first stages of divorce, they

dont understand whats going on or why is happening, their parents dont want to be together, so they

cant live together and now just one parent home. Their lives have completely changed, the future for

them at that point is a mystery.

a well-known research on effects of divorce on children and claimed that 15 years after divorce 80% of

divorced mothers and 50% of divorced fathers felt that divorce was good for them, while only 10% of

their children had positive feelings related to their parental divorce (Hadikapetanovi 2) This quote

shows a percentage of how all individuals feel after a divorce. After a little more than a decade, mostly

mothers and some father can say divorced was good for them. The separation that took place years ago

actually made them happier in the long run, but children have a very low rate of happiness after a divorce.

After all, all they got from it was missing a parent at home.

The effects of divorce, separation on a family can be brutal for the children if not handled accordingly.

From alcohol problems to worst. Separation should ways be treated life a process, when taking the right

steps, you get a better outcome. By not approaching the problem correctly you can get bad effects,

Rather than viewing divorce as a discrete event, scholars have highlighted the importance of

conceptualizing divorce as a process (Moore) This quote conveys the idea that divorce is meant to be a

process. First, letting the children know whats going on is important. Getting an agreement on how to see

the kids and letting them know it isnt about them. Finally, having a good relationship even though the

parents arent a couple.

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adolescents from divorced families are at higher risk of hazardous alcohol use. Several pathways can

explain these effects in children and adolescents. One of the possible explanations is lowered parental

control after divorce (zuzana) This quote elaborates on how most children, adolescents tend to get on a

bad having of alcohol consume in early stages of their life. This problem can lead to a dark future, life can

be a failure due to this issue.

To conclude, all the effects given by the cause can very much vary. From very negative ones to

sometimes better life styles. Divorce is a delicate subject that must be treated seriously and if children are

involved it must be handled the correct way, otherwise most if not all will be affected negatively. From

destructive behaviors like bad life habits, drug issues, studies failure to much more. All effects can even

get to the adults, making them less successful after the event and damaging them in the long run.

Informing my audience about the effects separation can bring its extremely important. Families suffer a

lot because of this event, which is very common. Society must know how to deal with it in other to evade

the bad outcomes of it.

Works Cited
Amato, Paul R. "The Consequences of Divorce for Adults and Children." Journal of Marriage & Family
(2000): 19. print .

Hadikapetanovi, Halima. "Depression and intimate relationships of adolescents from." Journal of

Social and Personal Relationships (2011): 2. print.

Lowery, Carol R.Settle, Shirley A. "Effects of Divorce on Children: Differential Impact of Custody and
Visitation Patterns." Family Relations. (1985): 8. print.

Moore, Mary Julia C. "Parents' divorce proneness: The influence of adolescent problem behaviors and
parental efficacy." Journal of Social and ( 2011): 3. print.

UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKALINCOLN. 3 january 2007. document.

24 november 2017.

zuzana, Tomcikova. "Parental Divorce and Adolescent Drunkenness: Role of Socioeconomic Position,
Psychological Well-Being and Social Support." European Addiction Research (2009): 2. print.
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