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Pain is a condition in the form of an unpleasant feeling is very subjecctive because, of the pain feeling is different to each
others in terms of scale or grade.The method of deep breath relaxation belived efective in minimizing the pain. This research
aim was to determine the Influence of deep breath relaxation technique to the pain scale on post operation patiens of Sectio
Caesaria at melati room of dr.TK II AK Gani hospital Palembang 2017. The design of this research was pre experiment by
using one group pre test-post test design. The Sample in this research was post operation mother of sectio caesarea treated
in Melati room of dr.TK II AK Gani hospital Palembang 2017 with amounted to 30 people by using purposive sampling.
This research used data collection by interview and observation, the instrument was used in collecting the data was
Checklist. This research analysis by using wilcoxon test with significant level a -= 0.05.This research conducted at Melati
room of TK. II dr AK. Gani Hospital on April 17- May 15, 2017. The research results showed before conducted the deep
breath relaxation technique which had a median value of 6,00 and the lowest pain scale was 3 and highest was 8. After
conducted the deep breath relaxtion technique had a median value of 3,00 and the lowest pain scale was 2 and highest was
5. There were influence before and after conducted deepbreath relaxation technique on the scale of pain on post operation
patiens of Sectio Caesarea at Melati room of dr.TK II AK Gani hospital Palembang(= 0,000).Is expected to the hospital to
be additional non-pharmacological methods of nursing activity with deep breath relaxation that can help to minimize pain,
especially to post operation patients sectio caesarea.

Keywords : Deep breath relaxation technique, pain scale, Sectio Caesarea.

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