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Third International Seminar on Global Health (3rd ISGH)

Technology Transformation in Healthcare for a Better Life

ISGH 3 | Vol 3. No. 1 | Oktober 2019 | ISSN: 2715-1948

Endorphin Massage and Effleurage Massage as a Management

of Labour Pain on The Active First Stage of Primigravida
at Independent Midwife Practice in Cimahi

Flora Honey Darmawan*, Dede Waslia

Department of Midwifery, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, Indonesia


Labour pain is a manifestation of uterine muscle contractions. This contraction causes pain in the waist,
abdomen and radiates towards the thigh. One of the treatments for labour pain is non-pharmacological
techniques, namely endorphin massage and effleurage massage. Both of these techniques have differences in
the way and place of massage causing different effects and sensations. The purpose of this study was to
determine the ratio of endorphin massage with effleurage massage to the intensity of pain on the active first
stage of primigravida. The design of the study used quasi experiments with pre and posttest designs. The study
sample was the active first stage of primigravida at Independent Midwife Practice in Cimahi who was given
massage intervention with endorphin massage and effleurage massage methods. The number of samples was
30 people divided into 2 groups, 15 respondents were done endorphine massage, 15 respondents used
effleurage massage, data analysis using t test. The results showed that the average pain intensity before
endorphin massage was 7.93 and after endorphin massage was 7.00. The average value of pain intensity before
effluerage massage was 7.53 and after effluerage massage was 5.40. Data analysis using independent samples
t-test is known to be a probability of 0,000 (<0.05) so that it can be concluded that there is a difference in pain
intensity between endorphin massage and effluerage massage methods.

Keywords: Endorphin massage, effleurage massage, labour pain

INTRODUCTION positions, relaxation and breathing exercises, reins

Labour is a series of processes that end with the in the abdominal, and the discharge of the bladder.6
release of the conception by the mother.1 In the first Non-pharmacological maesures are always simpler
stage of labour, uterine contractions occur that cause and safer, relatively inexpensive and can be used on
cervical dilation and push the fetus through the birth all childbirth with minimal side effects.7 One of the
canal. Uterine contractions in labour cause pain.2 In methods/massage in the abdominal that can be used
this condition, visceral pain occurs and feels like a is endorphin massage and effleurage massage.
heartburn that comes from the uterus and cervix. Endorphin massage is a touch therapy or mild
Pain can be felt in the abdominal wall, lumbosacral massage that is important enough to be given to
region, iliac crest, buttocks and thighs.3 pregnant women until the end of childbirth. This is
Some mothers experience low back pain due to the body stimulating massage to release
related to continuous contractions so that they endorphin compounds which are pain relief and can
become tired and discouraged, often having create a feeling of comfort.8 Effleurage massage is
difficulty facing contractions.4 This will cause the a mild massage using fingers, usually on the
mother to have a bad labour experience, experience stomach, as a rhythm with breathing during
labour trauma that can lead to postpartum blues.5 contraction. Effleurage can be performed by self-
Therefore it is very important for birth attendants to maternity mothers or delivery companions during
meet the mother's need to feel safe and comfort, the contraction. It is used to distract the mother from
especially in reducing pain due to contractions. pain during contraction.9
Labour pain management can be applied Research on non-pharmacological methods to
pharmacologically and non pharmacologically. reduce labour pain using endorphin massage
There are a variety of non-pharmacological techniques and effleurage massage has begun to be
physiological methods to relieve the pain that done but researchers have not found research
mothers can use during childbirth, such as setting comparing the both techniques of massage. Some

School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Page 45

Jenderal Sudirman Canal Road – Cimahi 40533 Phone: +62-22-6631622 - 6631624
Postpartum Exercise on Production of
Breast Milk, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Postpartum Mother

studies have mentioned that there is an influence of The population in this study were all maternity
endorphin massage performed on maternity mothers women in Midwife Independent Practice in Cimahi
to reduce labour pains. Research shows the results from March to October 2018. Sampling used a
that a masase on the back that begins at the cervical purposive sampling technique, which is a sampling
7 to the outside toward the rib side for 30 minutes technique in accordance with the consideration of
can activate a large-diameter nerve fibers to close a researchers.
pain delivery gate to the cerebral cortex and The samples studied were primigravida first
resulting in reduced pain.10 While other research stage active starting from a minimum opening of 4
results have shown that by doing effleurage cm. The sample size of 30 people was divided into
massage on primigravida mother in the active phase 2 groups, 15 respondents who were given endorphin
to influence the reduction of labour pain level that massage and 15 respondents who were given
is seen from the results posttest maternity pain rate effleurage massage. The inclusion criteria in this
is decreased compared to pre test results.11 study were primigravida first stage active mothers
The findings in the study of Shrestha et al starting from opening 4 cm with physiological
(2013) show that of a total nulipara parturien, most pregnancy (term pregnancy) and willing to be
of which describe childbirth pains as severe pain. respondents, while the exclusion criteria in this
Another study found that during early delivery study were first stage active mothers who were
(before the opening of 5 cm), the experience of uncooperative active phase, have complications or
sensory pain in the average nulipara was greater accelerate labour with oxytocin or amniotomy.
than that of multipara women, but when the This study uses primary data obtained from
childbirth developed this distinction was less first stage active mothers starting from opening at
pronounced, except for increased pain intensity least 4 cm. Endorphin massage and effleurage
during the decelaration phase and during stage II.12 massage are performed during uterine contractions.
This explains that the handling of maternity pains in Data on pain intensity was obtained by asking
primigravida mothers is the main thing that a care respondents directly about the range of pain felt
giver shoud considered. between numbers 1-10. This variable is measured
Seeing the benefits of these two massage before and after endorphin massage and effeurage
techniques in labour, researchers are interested in massage.
researching about how endorphin massage and After all data has been collected, the researcher
effleurage massage as a treatment for labour pain in performed the data processing through several
primigravida in the active first stage. The purpose stages, namely checking the accuracy and
of this study was to determine the comparison of completeness of the data. The data that has been
endorphin massage with effleurage massage on pain collected is corrected for accuracy and
intensity in primigravida active first stage mothers completeness, then entered into a computer
at Midwife Independent Practice in Cimahi. program. Data is presented in the form of frequency
distribution. Analysis of the data used in this study
METHODS is bivariate. Bivariate analysis in this study was
The research design used is quasi conducted to see the comparison of endorphin
experimental, namely by providing treatment/ massage and effleurage massage variables on labuor
intervention in one group with pre and post test pain intensity using t-test statistical test.
designs. The variables in this study are endorphin
massage and effleurage massage as independent RESULT
variables and labour pain intensity as the dependent 1. Characteristics of Primigravida First Stage
variable. of Maternity Mother at the active phase at Midwife
Independent Practice in Cimahi

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Vol 3 | No. 1 | October 2019 |
Postpartum Exercise on Production of
Breast Milk, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Postpartum Mother

Table 1. Characteristics of Primigravida First Stage of Maternity Mother at the Active

Phase in Midwife Independent Practice in Cimahi
Management of Labour Pain
Characteristics Endorphin Massage Effleurage Massage
n=15 % n=15 %
< 20 year or ≥ 35 year 5 33,3 3 20,0
20-34 year 10 66,7 12 80,0

Elementary & Junior high 3 20,0 2 13,3
Senor High School & College 12 80,0 13 86,7

Unemployment 11 73,3 12 80,0
Employment 4 26,7 3 20,0

Viewed from the characteristics on the table 1, 2. Difference of pain intensity in primigravida first
can be seen majority of the respondents are healthy stage of maternal active phase before and after
reproductive (20-34 years), educated Senior High endorphin massage at Independent Practice
School and College, and an unemployment. Midwife in Cimahi

Table 2. Difference of pain intensity in primigravida first stage of maternal active phase
before and after endorphin massage at Independent Practice Midwife in Cimahi
Pain intensity Max
n Mean Deviation Min P value
Before Endorphin Massage 15 7,93 0,704 7 9 0,000
After Endorphin Massage 15 7,00 0,655 6 8

Based on table 4.2 it is found that the average intensity, the average decrease is 0.993.
value of pain intensity before endorphin massage is
7.93 and after endorphin massage is 7.00 with a p 3. Difference of pain intensity in primigravida first
value of 0.000 (<0.05) which means there is a stage of maternal active phase before and after
difference in pain intensity in the first stage of effleurage massage at Independent Practice
maternity mothers active before and after endorphin Midwife in Cimahi
massage. There is a tendency for a decrease in pain

Table 3. Difference of pain intensity in primigravida first stage of maternal active phase
before and after effleurage massage at Independent Practice Midwife in Cimahi

Pain intensity Max
n Mean Deviation Min p value
Before Effluerage Massage 15 7,53 1,727 5 10 0,001
After Effluerage Massage 15 5,40 0,986 4 7

Based on table 3 it is found that the average value decrease was 2.133.
of pain intensity before effluerage massage is 7.53 and
after effluerage massage is 5.40 with p value 0.001 4. Comparison of endorphin massage with effleurage
(<0.05) which means that there is a difference in pain massage on pain intensity in primigravida first stage
intensity in the first stage of labor during the delivery mothers in active phase at Midwife Independent
phase. active before and after effluerage massage. There Practice in Cimahi
was a tendency to decrease in pain intensity, the average

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Vol 3 | No. 1 | October 2019 |
Postpartum Exercise on Production of
Breast Milk, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Postpartum Mother

Table 4. Comparison of endorphin massage with effleurage massage on pain intensity in

primigravida first stage mothers in active phase at Midwife Independent
Practice in Cimahi
Sig Mean Std.
Pain intensity Lower Upper
f Sig t df (2-tailed) Diff Error

Before Endorphin and 0,232 0,632 4,803 58 0,000 1,533 0,319 0,894 2,172
Effluerage Massage

After Endorphin and 4,803 57,110 0,000 1,533 0,319 0,894 2,173
Effluerage Massage

Data collected in this study has been tested for Endorphin massage should be performed since
normality with normal results, homogeneity test the pregnant woman reaches 36 weeks' gestation
with homogeneous results. Then the data analysis because at this age endorphin massage can
uses independent samples t-test with the known stimulate the release of the hormone oxytocin
result F-count in the table 0.232 with a probability which can trigger the arrival of labor.8
of 0.000 (<0.05) so that it can be concluded that Endorphin massage in this study was
there is a difference in pain intensity between the mostly conducted by researchers and all
endorphin massage and effluerage massage respondents had never known about this method
methods. before. This can be the cause of a tendency to
decrease pain intensity by only 0.993. A study
states that endorphin massage done by husband
DISCUSSION is more active in reducing pain intensity when
1. Difference of pain intensity in primigravida compared to endorphin massage conducted by
first stage of maternal active phase before and researchers. This is because there is a bond
after endorphin massage at Independent between husband and pregnant women when
Practice Midwife in Cimahi doing endorphin massage so the fine hairs on the
The results of this study are in line with surface of the skin stand. This technique
research by Ratih and Aprilliya (2016) which increases the release of endorphin hormones.14 It
states that there is an effect of endorphin can be concluded that controlling pain and
massage on reducing the intensity of back pain persistent pain is one of the benefits of endorphin
in third trimester pregnant women with p value massage which can be used as a light touch
= 0,000. Endorphin massage is one of the non- technique to increase relaxation by triggering a
pharmacological therapies to reduce or relief feeling of comfort through the surface of the
pain in the mother who will give birth. Mongan skin.
(2009) states that endorphins can increase the
release of oxytocin, a hormone that facilitates
labor so as to reduce pain. Endorphin massage 2. Difference of pain intensity in primigravida
can regulate the production of sex growth first stage of maternal active phase before and
hormones, control persistent aches and pains, after effleurage massage at Independent
control feelings of stress, and enhance Practice Midwife in Cimahi
immunity.13 Based on table 3 it is found that the average
Several other studies mention that there is value of pain intensity before effluerage massage
an effect of endorphin massage performed on is 7.53 and after effluerage massage is 5.40 with
maternal to reduce labour pain. Research shows p value 0.001 (<0.05) which means that there is
the results that massage on the back that starts on a difference in pain intensity in the first stage of
the cervical 7 outward toward the side of the rib labor during the delivery phase. active before
cage for 30 minutes can activate large diameter and after effluerage massage. There was a
nerve fibers to close the gate to deliver pain to tendency to decrease in pain intensity, the
the cerebral cortex and cause pain to decrease.3 average decrease was 2.133.
The emergence of endorphins in the body The results of this study are in line with Sri
can be triggered through various activities, such and Endang's research at PKU Muhammadiyah
as deep breathing and relaxation, and meditation. Delanggu Klaten Hospital in 2015 which states
Endorphin is produced by the body itself, and is that effluerage massage has an effect on reducing
therefore considered the best painkiller. labor pain in the first phase of active phase in

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Vol 3 | No. 1 | October 2019 |
Postpartum Exercise on Production of
Breast Milk, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Postpartum Mother

maternity mothers. Effleurage is a massage not cause side effects and can reduce labor pain
technique using the palms of the fingers with in primigravida mother stage 1 active phase
circular movements in various parts of the body during contractions.
or a sweep along the back and extremities. The
mechanism of labor pain inhibition with 3. Comparison of endorphin massage with
effleurage techniques is based on the concept of effleurage massage on pain intensity in
gate control theory, namely tactile stimulation of primigravida first stage mothers in active
skin fibers that can inhibit pain signals from the phase at Midwife Independent Practice in
same body area or other areas. Stimulation of Cimahi
skin tactile fibers can be done with several
Researchers have not found any research
techniques of massage, rubbing, rubbing, fibrous
comparing these two massage methods
and analgesic smearing.15
simultaneously. In other studies, the endorphin
This technique also facilitates distraction
massage and effluerage massage methods were
and decreases sensory transmission of
compared with the counterpressure method and
stimulation from the abdominal wall thereby
were proven to be both ineffective in reducing
reducing discomfort in the affected area. As a
the intensity of labour pain.
relaxation technique effleurage reduces muscle
The Association for the Study of Pain
tension, increases circulation to the area of pain
defines that pain is an unpleasant emotional and
and prevents hypoxia.1
sensory experience that arises from actual or
Effleurage in the abdomen is usually used
potential tissue damage or indicates damage.
in the Lamaze method to reduce pain in normal
Pain is caused by a stimulus that can cause or
labour. Effleurage is one of the non-
almost cause tissue damage. Therefore, the
pharmacological methods to reduce pain during
sensation of pain can be distinguished from other
labor which is listed in the Summary of pain
sensations, although emotions such as fear and
relief measures during labor, where in the first
anxiety are also experienced simultaneously so
stage the latent phase (opening 0-3 cm) and the
that it affects one's perception of pain. It must
active phase (opening 4-7 cm) activities that can
also be remembered that with the presence of the
carried out by labor mothers is effleurage.4
sympathetic nervous system, pain stimulus can
The results showed a tendency to decrease
also cause various changes, such as increased
in pain intensity by an average of 2,133. This is
heart frequency, increased blood pressure,
in line with Yuliatun (2008) which states that
release of adrenaline (epinephrine) into the
effleurage massage in labor is done using soft
bloodstream and increased blood glucose levels.
and light fingertips. Smears are done lightly and
There is also a decrease in gastric motility and a
without strong pressure, but try to keep the
decrease in the blood supply of the skin which
fingertips off the surface of the skin. Skin
causes sweating. Thus, the stimulus that causes
stimulation with effleurage technique produces
pain will result in an incident or sensory event.16
impulses that are sent through large nerve fibers
In pregnancy and childbirth, pain is
that are on the surface of the skin, these large
interpreted as a "signal" to inform the mother
nerve fibers will close the gate so that the brain
that she has entered the stage of labour.
does not receive pain messages because it has
According to Cunningham (2012), labor pain as
been blocked by skin stimulation with this
myometrial contraction, is a physiological
technique, as a result the perception of pain will
process with different intensities in each
change in addition to relieve pain, massage will
individual. The pain experienced during labor is
stimulate the muscles of the uterus to contract.9
unique to each mother and can be influenced by
According to the researchers' analysis,
several factors including culture, fear, anxiety,
effleurage massage has an effect on reducing the
previous labor experience, preparation for labor
intensity of labor in the first phase of active
and support.2
labour in primigravida mothers, despite the
Separately in several studies, both
different factors of perception or tolerance to
endorphin massage and effluerage massage have
pain. Mothers in pain who do not believe that
been shown to play a role in reducing the
they have control of pain, will be able to increase
intensity of labour pain. In this study, the
anxiety and fear which then causes the mother to
tendency to decrease pain intensity was more
stress, and tense during contractions, this can
pronounced in effluerage massage with an
cause the failure of effleurage massage.
average decrease of 2,133. Relieving pain is
Although this method is very efficient and does

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Postpartum Exercise on Production of
Breast Milk, Anxiety, and Quality of Life Postpartum Mother

important. It is not how pain experienced by opportunities and support in the form of budding
women that needs to be considered but efforts on lecturer research grants.Thanks and deepest
how to deal with the pain. This is in line with the appreciation to the midwife at Independent Practise
program launched by the Ministry of Health in Cimahi, beloved family prayer, encouragement
(Kemenkes) namely the Making Pregnancy and support during this time. Thank you to all those
Saver (MPS) program with one of the aspects of who cannot be mentioned one by one which has
management in labor which is the aspect of given supports, moral support, and helpful
caring for the mother. suggestions for the author. May Allah SWT give all
Midwives in providing childbirth care are the goodness in the world and the hereafter.
expected to provide comfort during labor. for
that it is necessary to manage pain during labour
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