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J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 89 [3] 823–828 (2006)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2005.00817.x
r 2005 The American Ceramic Society

Origin of the Potential Drop Over the Deposit During Electrophoretic
G. Anné, B. Neirinck, K. Vanmeensel, O. Van der Biest,* and J. Vleugelsw
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (MTM), K.U.Leuven, B-3001, Heverlee, Belgium

A model is developed to explain the origin of the potential drop sion during EPD, revealing that an electrically resistive layer was
over the deposit during electrophoretic deposition (EPD). The formed during EPD of Al2O3 from ethanol with HNO3, HCl,
magnitude of the potential drop over the deposit is explained in poly(ethylene)imine, or CH3COOH addition, whereas no po-
terms of the ion transport through the deposit, as controlled by tential drop was observed when depositing from a methylethyl-
the pore potential that is related to the thickness of the electro- ketone (MEK)1butylamine suspension. Additionally, a clear
static double layer relative to the pore radius and the magnitude relationship was found between the yield of deposition and the
of the surface potential of the powder particles. This model is magnitude of the potential drop at the deposition electrode.
verified for EPD of Al2O3 powder in ethanol-based suspensions In this paper, the magnitude of the potential drop over the
with HNO3 as a function of the operational pH. deposit is explained in terms of the ion transport through the
deposit, as controlled by the pore potential that is related to
the thickness of the electrostatic double layer relative to the pore
radius and the magnitude of the surface potential of the powder
I. Introduction particles. Other factors such as a possible potential drop over the

C OLLOIDAL processes have become very popular in recent

times because the defect sizes are smaller compared with
dry pressing, and they also allow safe manipulation of nanome-
electrodes and the existence of a concentration gradient close to
the electrodes are not discussed in this model, but the model
does not exclude these factors.
ter-sized powders. Among the different colloidal processing
techniques, electrophoretic deposition (EPD) is very promising
because it is a fairly rapid, low-cost process for the fabrication of II. Theoretical Considerations
ceramic coatings, monoliths, composites, laminates, and func-
tionally graded materials varying in thickness from a few nano- In an electrochemical cell, like an EPD cell, the current flows by
meters to centimeters. transport of ions. At the electrodes, the charge is transferred by
EPD consists of two processes, i.e., the movement of charged electrochemical reactions. For Al2O3 particles moving in an
particles in a suspension in an electric field between two elec- acidic ethanol suspension, the charge transfer at the cathode is
trodes (electrophoresis) and particle deposition on one of the defined as Hþ þ e ¼ 12H2 , and protons must be supplied from
electrodes or on a membrane (electro-coagulation). The driving the bulk solution to the cathode interface. Therefore, the charge
force for this process is the electric field between the two elec- transfer process involves two steps7:
trodes and therefore, knowledge of the electric field distribution
between the electrodes is essential. þ transport process þ charge transfer 1
Hx¼1 ! Hx¼0 ! 2H2 (1)
According to Sarkar et al.,1 the deposition yield of Al2O3
from an ethanol with an HCl solvent decreases during EPD
owing to the increase in deposit resistivity, whereas the resistivity where the subscript x 5 0 corresponds to the position of the
of the deposit is only marginally higher when depositing from an outer Helmholtz plane. The transport of protons from the bulk
ethanol with CH3COOH system. Van der Biest and Vandeperre2 (x 5 N) to the electrode–solution interface (x 5 0), as well as
found that the depletion of charge carriers in a suspension of the charge transfer process, involve an activation energy.7 If the
SiC in acetone with n-butylamine increases the resistance of the charge transfer is at virtual equilibrium, the process is controlled
whole deposition cell, slowing down the EPD process. Koura by the diffusion rate of protons from the bulk to the electrode.
et al.3 attributed the rapid decrease in current during the first In this way, there is a concentration overpotential. EPD exper-
step of EPD of YBaCuO suspensions in acetone with I2 during a iments performed on a membrane revealed that a potential drop
constant voltage experiment to a diffusion-controlled electrode is present over the deposit and that no significant polarization is
reaction. Put et al.4,5 measured the resistance of wet Al2O3 and present at the electrodes when using ethanol1HCl-based Al2O3
ZrO2 deposits in acetone/n-butylamine suspensions, prov- suspensions.8
ing that Al2O3 and ZrO2 deposits have a specific resistivity sim- Through the powder compact, which is formed at the elec-
ilar to their corresponding suspensions. trode, only ions and liquid can pass, while the powder particles
Anné et al.6 developed a procedure to measure the electrical deposit at the growth front of the deposit. From this point of
field drop during EPD from the measured current flowing view, a powder compact can be regarded as a membrane. In
through the deposition cell and the conductivity of the suspen- the pores of the powder compact, complex mechanisms such
as electrostatic interactions between the charged deposit and
charged solution species (ions) may play a role. The retention of
L. Klein—contributing editor
ions in the deposit, causing a reduced mass transport through
the deposit, will not only depend on the pore size but also on the
surface charge and the Debye screening length of the deposited
Manuscript No. 20275. Received March 7, 2005; approved October 3, 2005. particles forming the pore wall.
Work supported by the GROWTH program of the Commission of the European The retention of ions depends on the thickness of the double
Communities under project contract No. G5RD-CT2000-00354, the Fund for Scientific
Research Flanders under project No. G.0180.02. and the Research Fund K.U.Leuven layer relative to the pore radius, the magnitude and the sign of
under project GOA/2005/08-TBA. the interior surface charge of the membrane/deposit, and the
*Member, American Ceramic Society.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: Jozef.vleugels@mtm. surface charge at the suspension–membrane interface.9 High se- lectivity for either cations or anions will occur when the ionic
824 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Anne´ et al. Vol. 89, No. 3

double layer spans the membrane pores, i.e., when the free sur- Debye–Hückel parameter given by
face double-layer thickness is larger than the pore radius.9 When
the double layer overlaps the size of the pores, total retention  2P 
2 1=2
e i ni Zi
occurs, whereas both cationic and anionic species can be trans- k1 ¼ (3)
ported through the channel when the double layer is confined to er e0 kT
a small region close to the channel wall, leaving the center of the
channel electrically neutral.10 The surface charge and surface with er being the relative permittivity of the liquid, e0 the per-
potential change with pH (added acid or base), salt concentra- mittivity of vacuum (8.85  1012 C2/Jm), Zi the valence of the
tion. The surface potential also depends on the extent of elec- ions i, and ni being the ion concentration (molarity).
trostatic double-layer overlap because of the specific interaction The potential distribution in a plate-shaped pore with a width
of ions in the suspension with the pore surface. Biesheuvel et al. of 100 nm and a surface potential of 40 mV, calculated as a
calculated that the retention of ions in membranes with nano- function of the Debye screening length, k1, is presented in
meter-sized pores sharply decreases when the point of zero Fig. 2. When k140.25 times the pore width, the double layer
charge is approached, in agreement with experiences with hy- overspans the pore wall, generating a reduced mass transport of
drophilic membranes.11,12 ions with the same sign as the surface charge. In this case, the
To estimate the double-layer thickness in a pore in the de- potential drop over the deposit during EPD is increased. When
posit, the surface charge and potential have to be known. The k1o0.05 times the pore width, the double layer is located close
relationship between the specific surface charge of powder in the to the channel wall and no decreased ion mass transport and
suspension and the deposit is rather complex.13 The Brönsted concomitant potential drop will be observed over the deposit.
character of the surface of the powder compact, however, is not
changed during powder deposition.14 The surface charge and (2) Relation Between the Conductivity of the Suspension
potential of the powder compact will, however, differ from an and the Deposit
isolated surface because of overlapping of the wall electric dou- The magnitude of the potential drop over the deposit does not
ble layers inside the pores.15 The pore geometry and pore size of only depend on the specific interactions in the deposit but also
the powder deposit will also influence the concentration of ions on the relative resistance of the deposit and the suspension. De-
in the pore. It can, however, be assumed that the surface po- fining a factor Y as the ratio between the deposit resistivity,
tential of the powder particles for Al2O3 in the deposit changes rdeposit (O  m), and the suspension resistivity, rsupension (O  m):
in a manner similar to the surface potential of the powder par-
ticles in the suspension. rdeposit
Y¼ (4)
(1) Calculation of the Potential in a Pore of the Deposit
Owing to overlapping double layers, the potential, c, in a pore with 0oYo1 for isolated powder particles, and assuming a se-
differs significantly from that on isolated membrane particles.16 rial electrical connection of deposit and suspension, the voltage
To calculate the potential in a pore of the deposit, the mathe- drop over the deposit is given by
matical solution of Ohshima17 was used to describe the potential
distribution, c(x), between two parallel plates (Fig. 1): ddep
Vd ¼ Vtot (5)
ðddep þ ððd  ddep ÞYÞ
ZecðxÞ Zecðx0 Þ Zecðx0 Þ
¼  tanh with ddep being the thickness of the deposit, d the distance be-
kT kT kT
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 tween the electrodes, and Vtot being the applied voltage. Figure 3
cosh cosh Zecðx 0Þ
kðh=2  xÞ (2) shows the potential drop and the E-field strength in the suspen-
B kT C sions for ddep 5 5 mm, d 5 35 mm, Vtot 5 300 V as a function of
@1  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  C
Zecðx0 Þ the resistivity ratio Y. Figure 3 shows that when the ratio of the
cosh cosh kT h=2 resistivity of the suspension and deposit decreases, the potential
drop over the deposit increases. This means that a highly con-
ductive suspension and a low conductive deposit are beneficial
with Z being the valence of the ions, e the elementary charge for the formation of coatings with a uniform thickness on an
(1.6  1019 C), k the Boltzmann constant (1.381  1023 J/K), electrically non-uniform substrate surface, since the generated
T the absolute temperature (K), and h being the distance be- potential drop over the deposit will act as a self-controlling dep-
tween the two plates. The x-axis is taken perpendicular to the osition rate parameter for irregularities in the electrical field
plate surface with the origin 0 at the surface of plate 1. k is the strength over the suspension induced by the surface curvature,
roughness, or protrusions on the electrodes. On the other hand,
suspension and deposit with comparable resistivity would result

+ +
Charged particles
+ + Cations
_ _ Anions

electrode deposit suspension electrode

Fig. 1. Schematic presentation of the electrophoretic deposition proc- Fig. 2. Potential distribution in a plate-shaped pore with a surface
ess, in which the deposit is thought to consist of parallel plate-shaped potential of 40 mV and a pore width of 100 nm, as a function of
pores. the Debye screening length, k1.
March 2006 Origin of the Potential Drop Over the Deposit During EPD 825

ing a 150 mL suspension at 2.5 mL/s through the deposition cell

for 1200 s. The initial powder load of the suspension was 100 g/
L. The voltage during EPD was 300 V.
During deposition, the cell current was automatically record-
ed (K3NH-TA1A, Omron, Kyoto, Japan), whereas the conduc-
tivity of the suspension was measured by a conductivity
electrode (LR 325/01, WTW, Cond Level 2, Weilheim, Germany)
in the suspension circulating system outside the deposition cell to
avoid interference from the applied electric field in the cell. In this
way, the relationship between the conductivity of the suspension,
L, and the current, C, in the deposition cell could be determined.
The electric field strength over the suspension with an electrode
surface, S (m2), can be calculated as6:

E¼ (6)
Fig. 3. Potential drop over the deposit and E-field strength over the
suspension as a function of the ratio of the resistivity of the suspension
and deposit Y ¼ rsuspension =rdeposit .
After deposition, the deposits were dried, weighted, and the green
density was determined by the Archimedes method using lacquer
(Enthone B.V., Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands) encapsulation.
in a low potential drop and a high electrical field in the suspen-
The electrophoretic mobility and the x potential of the spe-
sion, allowing to make thick deposits.
cific suspensions were determined by means of electro-acoustic
analyses (ESA 9800, Matec, Northborough, MA). The opera-
tional pH, pH, of the ethanol-based suspensions was measured
III. Experimental Procedure by means of a pH meter (WTW, 315i). The pore diameter of
The theory of considering the deposit as a membrane is verified dried Al2O3 deposits was determined by mercury porosimetry
for ethanol-based Al2O3 suspensions as a function of the (Pore sizer, Micrometrics 9310, Micrometrics Co., Norcross,
amount of HNO3 added. It was proven before that et- GA).
hanol1HNO3-based suspensions were suitable for the EPD of
Al2O3 powder.6
The starting powder was commercially available a-Al2O3 IV. Results and Discussion
powder (Baikowski grade SM8, Annecy, France), with an av- Suspensions with an operational pH between 8.17 and 1.59
erage crystal and particle size of 0.6 mm. Ethanol (technical, were prepared. The conductivity, x potential, ionic strength, and
Brenntag NV, Geel, Belgium) and HNO3 (100%, Acros, Geel, Debye screening length are given in Table I. The x potential was
Belgium) were used for the suspension preparation. measured by means of the ESA 9800. The Debye screening
The suspension preparation was carried out by adding a cer- length was calculated by means of Eq. (3). The ionic strength, I,
tain amount of powder to the solvents in a glass container. The was calculated from the specific suspension conductivity, L, the
suspensions were magnetically stirred for 60 min and sub- following18:
sequently ultrasonicated in an ultrasonic bath (Branson
2510, Branson Ultrasonics Corp., Danbury, CT) for 15 min. LF
Afterwards, the suspensions were magnetically stirred again for I¼ (7)
L0 e
15 min.
EPD at a constant voltage was performed with freshly with L0 being the limiting equivalent conductivity and F the
prepared suspensions, using an F.U.G. (type MCN 1400-50, Faraday constant. The equivalent conductivity is attributed to
F.U.G., Rosenheim, Germany) power supply. The setup for the cations and anions independently, i.e.:
EPD experiments was composed of a suspension flow-through
deposition cell and a suspension circulation system driven by a
L0 ¼ Lþ;0 þ L;0 (8)
peristaltic pump. The distance between the flat disk-shaped elec-
trodes was 35 mm and the electrodes had a diameter of 37.5 mm.
The volume of the deposition cell was 120 mL. The edges of the For obtaining the limiting equivalent conductivity in a non-
deposition electrode were shielded by a non-conductive cover, aqueous solution, Walden’s law was used, which states that the
made from acetal. Homogeneous deposits were made by pump- product of the limiting equivalent conductance and the viscosity

Table I. Operational pH, pH, Conductivity, r, Zeta Potential, n, Ionic Strength, I, and Debye Screening Length, j1, of the
Ethanol-Based Al2O3 Suspension, as well as the Deposition Yield, Deposit Thickness, Green Density, and E-Field Strength after 300
and 1200 s as Function of the Amount of HNO3
pH HNO3 (mM) s (mS/cm) x (mV) I (106 M) k1 (nm) Yield (g) Thickness (mm) Green density (%) E-field (300 s) E-field (1200 s)

8.17 0 1.49 24 3.8 348 8.2 4.40 53 60.8 42.3

7.88 0.025 1.55 27 4.0 341 8.2 4.17 53 58.8 46.7
7.67 0.115 1.56 30 4.0 340 8.0 4.24 54 42.7 25.9
7.15 0.25 1.75 33 4.5 321 5.1 2.60 55 29.5 18.4
6.90 0.375 1.85 33 4.7 313 5.6 2.67 57 32.0 22.5
6.50 1.5 2.93 34 7.5 248 5.3 2.24 57 34.2 22.5
5.75 2 3.20 33 8.2 238 5.6 2.40 57 34.3 21.9
5.54 2.5 3.50 33 9.0 227 5.7 2.24 58 32.2 25.5
4.44 3 5.75 31 14.7 177 5.1 2.24 55 41.5 23.7
2.44 6 9.00 24 23.1 142 — — — 22.8 10.9
2.27 8 16.64 23 42.6 104 — — — 12.2 5.0
1.83 10 26.10 17 66.9 83 — — — 7.0 3.3
826 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Anne´ et al. Vol. 89, No. 3


E-field (V/cm)
30 7.67
20 6.90
10 2.4
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (s)

Fig. 6. E-field strength over the Al2O3 suspension as a function of dep-

osition time, calculated according to Eq. (6), for ethanol-based suspen-
Fig. 4. Green Al2O3 disk made by electrophoretic deposition from an
sions with HNO3.
ethanol-based suspension with HNO3 addition (pH 5 5.75).

of the liquid is a constant for any electrolyte, independent shown in Fig. 5 for a pH of 6.5. The E-field strength reduction
of the solvent18: increased with decreasing pH, but did not vary much between a
pH of 7.15 and 4.44, as shown in Fig. 6. The drop in electrical
L0;aq Zaq ¼ L0;nonaq Znonaq (9) field strength is caused by the potential drop generated over the
deposit. It has been proven before that no polarization occurs at
the electrodes during EPD from ethanol suspensions with
As limiting equivalent conductivities in water, a value of HNO3 addition.6
349.82 S-cm2/equivalent for the cations (H1) and a value of Assuming no polarization occurs at the electrodes, which is
71.4 S-cm2/equivalent was adopted for the anions (NO 19
3 ). The
the case for this suspension system,6,8 the resistivity (O  cm) of
dielectric constant of ethanol was taken as 24.3, with a viscosity the deposit, plotted in Fig. 7, is calculated from the potential
of 1.078 mPa  s.18 drop over the deposit based on the measured current, the con-
Table I shows that the ionic strength increases and the Debye ductivity of the suspension, and the thickness of the deposit after
screening length decreases with increasing acid concentration. 1200 s.
At a pH of 2.44 and lower, very unstable suspensions were The resistivity of the suspension linearly increases with in-
obtained due to the increased ionic strength, compressing the creasing operational pH in the 4.4–8.1 range because of a de-
double layer to such an extent that the attractive Van der Waals creasing ionic strength. The resistivity of the deposit is
forces induced flocculation. These low-stability suspensions significantly higher than that of the suspension. In the opera-
were neglected in further calculations. tional pH range between 4.4 and 7.2, the potential drop over
EPD at a constant voltage was performed with freshly pre- the deposit increases with decreasing ratio of the resistivity of
pared suspensions. For an operational pH42.44, the deposits the suspension and deposit, in agreement with Fig. 3. At an op-
obtained had a very smooth surface and did not crack during erational pH above 7.15, however, the potential drop over the
drying, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The thickness of the deposits and deposit is drastically reduced, although the resistivity of the sus-
related deposition yield was found to be substantially higher in pension increases further. This phenomenon has to be correlated
the 8.17–7.67 pH region when compared with the 7.15–4.44 to a decreased surface charge of the pore wall and concomitant
pH region. All experimental data are summarized in Table I. pore potential in the deposit, as the operational pH approaches
The relative green density of the deposits was comparable for all the isoelectric point of the Al2O3, which is measured to be at a
the suspensions investigated, ranging between 52% and 57%, pH of 8.45. This is also confirmed by the reducing x potential
indicating that the structure of the dry deposit was still very at higher pH. It is also in agreement with the calculations of
open and porous. Biesheuvel et al.,15 that the retention of ions in membranes with
For all suspensions, the conductivity decreased linearly with nanometer-sized pores sharply decreases when the point of zero
the deposition time, whereas the current decreased linearly with
t1/2. The E-field strength also decreased linearly with t1/2, as
200 0.14
rsuspension / rdeposit
3 3.5 rsuspension
Resistivity (104 Ω.cm)

rsuspension /rdeposit (Y)

Conductivity (µS/cm)

2.5 3 150
Current (mA)

2 0.08
2 100
1.5 0.06
1 0.04
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 0.00
Time (s) 4 5 6 7 8 9
Operational pH*
Fig. 5. Current (I) and conductivity (L) during electrophoretic deposi-
tion of Al2O3 from an ethanol-based suspension with HNO3 addition at Fig. 7. Specific resistivity of the alumina deposit and suspension as a
an operational pH of 6.50. function of the operational pH after 1200 s of electrophoretic deposition.
March 2006 Origin of the Potential Drop Over the Deposit During EPD 827

6 suspension with respect to the isoelectric point or by electrolyte

addition, the pore potential and the resistivity of the deposit in-
5 crease, whereas the ion mobility decreases. To obtain a high
Diff. Volume [%]
potential drop over the deposit, a high x potential and high sus-
pension conductivity are beneficial.

2 V. Conclusions

1 During EPD, a potential drop is generated over the deposit

during cathodic deposition of Al2O3 from ethanol-based sus-
0 pensions with HNO3 addition. The change in specific resistivity
0 50 100 150 of the deposit and suspension could be experimentally investi-
Pore diameter (nm) gated as a function of the operational pH.
Fig. 8. Pore size distribution of an Al2O3 powder compact, deposited at
The magnitude of the potential drop over the deposit is sub-
a pH of 7.15. stantially higher than that over the suspension in the operational
pH range from 4.4 to 8.1, and the resistivity of the suspension
linearly increases with increasing operational pH because of a
decreasing ionic strength. In the operational pH range between
4.4 and 7.2, the potential drop over the deposit increases with
charge is approached, which would imply that the ion mobility is
decreasing ratio of the resistivity of the suspension and deposit.
high enough to reduce or even eliminate the potential drop over
At an operational pH above 7.15, approaching the isoelectric
the deposit.
point, the potential drop over the deposit is drastically reduced
Assuming the surface potential in the pores to be the same as
because of the reduced surface charge of the deposit and the
the x potential of the alumina particles in the suspension, the
concomitant reduced pore potential, allowing ion transport
pore potential can be calculated from the Debye screening
through the deposit.
length, k1, and the pore diameter. Since there is no simple cor-
The potential drop over the electrode as a function of the
relation between the x potential and surface potential, the x po-
operational pH is determined by the interparticle interactions in
tential is usually taken as a first approximation, which, however,
the deposit, i.e., the surface charge and potential of the pore wall
leads to an underestimation of the actual value.20
and the Debye screening length that is related to the ionic
The actual average pore diameter was determined for dried
strength. For the ethanol-based suspensions with HNO3 addi-
Al2O3 deposits, made by EPD at a pH of 7.15. As the max-
tion, the specific deposit resistivity and the concomitant poten-
imum shrinkage of the deposit during drying was measured to
tial drop over the deposit were found to increase with increasing
be only 2%, the pore size of the dried deposit was assumed to be
potential in the center of the pores of the deposit, as calculated
the same as in the wet deposit. Figure 8 shows the experimen-
from the x potential of the particles in suspension, the Debye
tally determined pore size distribution. A very narrow peak is
screening length, and the average pore size measured. An in-
observed at a pore diameter of 80 nm. No large pores are
creased pore potential inhibits ion movement through the pores
present, indicating that no large agglomerates or air entrapment
of the deposit, increasing the resistivity of and the potential drop
is present in the green compact. Liu21 found a similar pore size
over the deposit.
distribution between 50 and 95 nm for Al2O3 powder compacts
with a density of, respectively, 62 and 55 vol % for a particle size
between 0.4 and 4 mm.
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