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Polarization loop deformations of an oxygen deficient Pb ( Zr 0.25 , Ti 0.

75 ) O 3
ferroelectric thin film
G. Le Rhun, R. Bouregba, and G. Poullain

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 96, 5712 (2004); doi: 10.1063/1.1789635

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Polarization loop deformations of an oxygen deficient Pb„Zr0.25 , Ti0.75…O3

ferroelectric thin film
G. Le Rhun, R. Bouregba,a) and G. Poullain
Laboratoire CRISMAT-ENSICAEN et Université de Caen, CNRS UMR 6508, Boulevard du Maréchal Juin,
14050 Caen Cedex, France
(Received 8 March 2004; accepted 11 July 2004)
An epitaxial oxygen deficient Pb共Zr0.25 , Ti0.75兲O3 (PZT) thin film, which presented hysteresis loop
with significant shift along the electric field axis and apparent polarization suppression, is
investigated. Loop deformations are studied and entirely explained, both qualitatively and
quantitatively by simulations including the effect of an ultrathin interfacial layer uniformly charged.
The method developed in this paper is suitable to calculate not only the polarization due to the
switching domains, but also all the characteristics of the space charge layer. The determination of
the linear dielectric constant of the bulk ferroelectric layer does not require preparation of films with
different thicknesses, unlike most of the methods proposed to date. Linear dielectric constant and
thickness of the interfacial layer are in the range ␧il = 80– 130 and dil = 8 – 12 nm, respectively. On the
other hand, a very large interfacial charge concentration (Nil of few 1026 m−3) is obtained. For the
studied PZT sample, hysteresis deformations are not attributable to pinning of domain walls, despite
the large value of Nil, but rather to the interfacial space charge layer that screens the applied electric
field and prevents the full switching of the ferroelectric domains. © 2004 American Institute of
Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.1789635]


Imprint is, like fatigue, an important source of failure of In a previous paper, we have reported preparation of
oxygen deficient PZT film on 共001兲Pt/ 共001兲MgO substrate
perovskite ferroelectric thin films which seriously restricts
by RF magnetron sputtering.9 In summary, c-axis epitaxial
their implementation in silicon-integrated circuits, particu-
growth was achieved at 500 ° C owing to an ultra thin titan-
larly for nonvolatile ferroelectric RAM memories
ate oxide upper layer that was sputtered on the Pt bottom
applications.1,2 This phenomenon, which manifests itself dur- electrode prior to PZT deposition. This was possible provid-
ing aging of ferroelectric capacitors by a shift of hysteresis ing the O2 / 共Ar+ O2兲 ratio in the sputtering gas to be pre-
loops along the electric field axis, is commonly attributed to cisely monitored during both depositions of TiOx upper layer
internal field in the film. Many works, both theoretical and and PZT layer. Then the effect of oxygen content on the
experimental, have been devoted to investigate the mecha- ferroelectric properties was investigated and a 250 nm thick
nism producing the internal field. As recently reviewed by Pb共Zr0.25Ti0.75兲O3 film was prepared using for the PZT sput-
Grossmann and co-workers,3 among all the mechanisms pre- tering a plasma gas without O2.
sented in the literature, two models seem to be able to ex- All hysteresis loops reported in the present paper were
plain imprint: the defect dipole alignment model4–6 and the measured at 200 Hz using a Sawyer-Tower 共S-T兲 circuit
bulk screening model.7 However, an alternative model has driven by the input voltage Vin共t兲 (see Fig. 1). The standard
been proposed in which imprint is attributed to a strong in- capacitor Cst was 22 nF and the area A of the Pt top electrode
ternal electric field produced, during aging, in a thin surface was 5.29⫻ 10−4 cm2. D-E loops were plotted using the two
layer.3,8 following relations:
In the present paper, we investigate ferroelectric proper-
ties of an oxygen deficient epitaxial Pb共Zr0.25 , Ti0.75兲O3
(PZT) thin film. Strong shift of the polarization loop along
electric field axis is observed at the virgin state, similar to
that encountered on ferroelectric capacitors undergoing im-
portant aging. However, for the investigated PZT film, the
shift was artificially induced, probably due to the important
lack of oxygen in the sample. From suitable expressions, we
develop an original approach that enables to show quantita-
tively how an interfacial nonferroelectric space charge layer
can produce imprint.

Electronic mail: FIG. 1. Scheme of the Sawyer-Tower circuit with the standard capacitor Cst.

0021-8979/2004/96(10)/5712/10/$22.00 5712 © 2004 American Institute of Physics

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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain 5713

Moreover, the loop is shifted toward negative values of elec-

tric field axis, probably due to the existence of an internal
Very similar ferroelectric properties have already been
reported by Lee and co-workers who observed hysteresis de-
formations on PZT thin films prepared by sol-gel
method.10,11 Hysteresis shifts were related by the authors to
the presence of space charges trapped near the PZT/Pt inter-
faces probably induced by damages subsequent to sputtering
and reactive ion etching of the Pt top electrode. Polarization
suppression was attributed to the presence of ionic defect
levels or charge trapping centers within the film, which pre-
vent domain switching. In the works by Lee et al., symmetry
of hysteresis loops together with an increase of the switch-
able polarization were obtained after annealing treatment.
In Ref. 9 we have established that symmetry of hyster-
esis loops may be provisionally restored by applying a dc
field to the ferroelectric capacitor. This is shown in Fig. 2(b)
where hysteresis loop in continuous line was plotted while
superposing a dc voltage Vdc to the sine wave Vsin共t兲 (whose
amplitude was unchanged). In what follows we will call
Vin共t兲, the total input voltage given by: Vin共t兲 = Vsin共t兲 + Vdc.
Vdc was adjusted in such a way that 兩Ecl兩 ⬵ 兩Ecr兩, where Ecl
and Ecr corresponded to the left-hand and the right-hand co-
ercive fields of the hysteresis loop, respectively. These values
were measured after removing Vdc component by using the
ac function of the oscilloscope channel measuring the elec-
tric field, because otherwise the shift along E axis remains
[see the loop with dashed line on Fig. 2(b)]. Then one may
observe that Pr+ ⬵ 兩Pr−兩, i.e., the positive and the negative rem-
nant polarizations exhibit almost the same values. Two spe-
cial points were observed during the measurements.
FIG. 2. Hysteresis loop measured on the PZT film while (a) using a sine The first one is that, for the sample investigated above,
wave as input voltage. (b) Same measurement but after superposing a dc the equality 兩Ecl兩 ⬵ 兩Ecr兩 was always obtained when Vdc
voltage Vdc = −6.5 V (continuous line) and after artificially removing it when
determining E axis (dashed line). = −6.5 V whatever the amplitude of the input sine wave. The
second point that must be outlined concerns the internal field
Ebi, i.e., the field giving rise to the shift of the loops. Ebi can
CstVou共t兲 be determined with Ebi = 关Ecl + Ecr兴 / 2. We found Ebi
D共t兲 = , 共1兲
A = −250 kV/ cm, taking for Ecl and Ecr (−480 kV/ cm and
−20 kV/ cm, respectively) the values extracted from the loop
and in continuous line [Fig. 2(b)]. Changing the amplitude of the
driving voltage yielded the same Ebi. Now the applied dc
Vin共t兲 − Vou共t兲 electric field Edc required to obtain symmetrical loops may
E共t兲 = , 共2兲
d be estimated by Edc ⬵ Vdc / d, i.e., Edc = −260 kV/ cm. One can
observe that Ebi ⬵ Edc, or Vbi ⬵ Vdc, where Vbi is a built-in
where Vin共t兲 is a sine wave Vsin共t兲, D共t兲 is the instantaneous voltage, which constitutes the second point to note. In every
electric displacement that represents the charge sheet density case the cancellation of the dc voltage systematically leads to
on the armatures of the ferroelectric capacitor and E共t兲 the the original loops with asymmetrical shape.
electric field applied to it. Vou共t兲 is the instantaneous voltage Films prepared with similar sputtering conditions, how-
measured across Cst and d is the thickness of the ferroelectric ever, under oxidizing atmosphere, displayed hysteresis loops
capacitor. with symmetrical shape (see Fig. 3). Thus, one may reason-
Figure 2(a) displays the polarization loop measured on ably link the behavior investigated above to the fact that the
the PZT sample at the virgin state, the amplitude Vsinm of the sample was prepared under a pure argon atmosphere during
sine wave was 17 V. As it can be observed, the hysteresis the PZT sputtering. The low content of oxygen in the film
loop is strongly distorted, whereas x-ray diffraction pattern was only supplied by the PZT ceramic target. Consequently,
revealed satisfying crystallization of the film.9 The right- the sample was poorly oxygenated and the internal field may
hand part of the loop appears well saturated, but not the left probably be attributed to oxygen vacancies. In what follows,
one. The positive maximum polarization 共22 ␮C / cm2兲 ap- we shall assume that charges accumulate at electrode-PZT
pears much smaller than the negative one 共38 ␮C / cm2兲. interfaces during the growth of the film. With this hypoth-
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5714 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain

switching domains in the ferroelectric layer are assumed to

exhibit a squarelike symmetrical hysteresis loop with respect
to the voltage V f across the ferroelectric layer. The interfacial
layers are supposed to behave as nonferroelectric space
charge layers, positively or negatively charged. For conve-
nience we will include their effects into one overall layer.
For instance, let us assume that this layer is negatively
charged at the top electrode-PZT interface. Then with el-
ementary electrostatics, one can show that the built-in volt-
age Vbi is oriented toward top electrode (and will be counted
positively in that direction), hence opposes the applied volt-
age Vin共t兲. In what follows we will assume that Vbi is con-
stant with respect to Vin共t兲, in agreement to experimental
value of Vbi that was found independent of the electric field
strength (see Sec. II above). The voltage V f applied to the
ferroelectric layer is given by
FIG. 3. Hysteresis loop measured on a well oxygenated PZT sample
(150 nm in thickness). The latter was prepared on same substrate and at
same temperature except that the O2 / 共Ar+ O2兲 ratio was 0.2 in the plasma V f 共t兲 = Vin共t兲 + Vbi or V f 共t兲 = Vsin共t兲 + Vbi Vdc = 0.
gas during PZT sputtering. The film showed (001) preferred orientation with
epitaxial c-axis grains. For details see our previous article (see Ref. 9). 共3兲
If one focuses on the maximum and minimum values of
esis, some characteristic features of the hysteresis deforma- V f 共t兲, i.e., V fmax and V fmin, respectively, one gets: V fmax
tions described above may be qualitatively explained. A = Vinm + Vbi and V fmin = −Vinm + Vbi. Then, counting Vbi posi-
more quantitative analysis will be performed in Secs. IV and tively yields 兩V fmax兩 ⬎ 兩V fmin兩, i.e., an asymmetrical wave form
V. for V f 共t兲. In the case where Vsinm ⬎ Vbi, V f 共t兲 is still bipolar
but the amplitude of the positive alternation is larger than
III. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS that of the negative one. This implies that the hysteresis loop
D f − V f (internal loop) of the ferroelectric layer should be
In this work, S-T hysteresis measurements were per- more saturated when Vsin共t兲, hence Vin共t兲, is positive. This is
formed while applying Vin共t兲 to the bottom electrode, i.e., the illustrated in Fig. 5(a).
potential of top electrode was raised to the ground. More- Let us now roughly estimate the shape of the external or
over, it should be noted that all hysteresis loops were plotted apparent hysteresis loop, i.e., the D-Vin curve that should be
with the positive side of the electric field axis corresponding measured with a S-T circuit. For this purpose, it is suitable to
to an electric field vector directed toward the bottom elec- consider the coercive values Vinc+ and Vinc− of Vin to deter-
trode, i.e., arbitrarily as the applied voltage [see relation (2)]. mine the effect of Vbi because we considered a squarelike
Let us now consider Fig. 4. The ferroelectric capacitor is loop for the ferroelectric polarization. We will assume for the
depicted by a stacked structure formed by the ferroelectric simplicity of this qualitative description that the charged in-
layer and one interfacial layer. Note that Vou共t兲 has been terfacial layer does not change the polarization, i.e., for a
neglected for convenience. In practice, this is possible if Cst given Vin one gets for D the value reached by D f when V f
value is large enough compared to the linear capacitance of = Vin. The coercive values V fc− and V fc+ of internal loop are
the ferroelectric capacitor. As during S-T hysteresis measure- assumed not to be affected by the existence of the interfacial
ments, the input voltage Vin共t兲 is oriented toward the bottom layer. Then, when V f is large enough to saturate the film, V fc−
electrode. and V fc+ are constant and one may write: Vinc+ = V fc+ − Vbi and
First, we shall consider the case where Vdc = 0 V, hence Vinc− = V−fc − Vbi. In that case, the external hysteresis loop has
Vin共t兲 is the pure sinus voltage Vsin共t兲. When saturated, the the shape reported in Fig. 5(b). As it can be seen, the curve is
shifted toward the negative side of voltage axis by a quantity
equal to 共−Vbi兲. This is because as mentioned above, Vbi
opposes Vin共t兲. Unlike the internal loop, however, the shift
only concerns the coercive values. Moreover, though the ex-
tent of the applied voltage is the same in both cases, i.e., two
times Vinm (or Vsinm), only Vin axis is symmetrical around the
origin because determined by the input sine voltage. As a
result of the apparent shifting of external D-Vin loop toward
the negative side of voltage axis, a larger excursion along the
positive saturated branch (noted ⌬D) is predicted, as well as
a smaller excursion, by the same amount, along the negative
one. We will hark back to this point later on.
FIG. 4. The ferroelectric capacitor under test is assumed to be formed by a
ferroelectric layer and a negatively charged space charge layer at the top Obviously, the final shape of the external loop will de-
surface of the film. pend to a large extent on the Vbi value. For instance, for large
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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain 5715

FIG. 6. Effect of the superposition of a dc voltage Vdc on the shape of

external loop. In thin continuous line is the loop while assuming Vsin共t兲 as
voltage axis, whereas in thick continuous line is the loop with Vin共t兲 (includ-
ing Vdc) as voltage axis. In each case, the extent of both saturated branches
becomes equal.

wave, that is, V f 共t兲 = Vsin共t兲. Examination of equality (3)

shows that this returns to exactly cancel the contribution of
Vbi by application of a dc voltage Vdc : V f 共t兲 = Vsin共t兲 + Vbi
+ Vdc or V f 共t兲 = Vin共t兲 + Vbi, where Vin共t兲 = Vsin共t兲 + Vdc and Vdc
= −Vbi ⬍ 0. A shift can, however, remain, or not, depending
on whether one utilizes Vin or Vsin to form the abscissa axis,
respectively (see Fig. 6).
Hence, the analysis above predicts a shift of hysteresis
loops toward negative values of voltage axis when consider-
ing a negatively charged layer at the top interface. This is
consistent with the experimental observations. One can show
that identical result may be obtained if one replaces the nega-
tive layer by a positively charged one, but at the other inter-
face. However, the analysis above remains quite qualitative.
FIG. 5. (a) Shape of hysteresis loop due to the switching domains in the
ferroelectric layer in presence of a potential barrier Vbi at the top interface. In the following section we shall perform a quantitative in-
V+fc and V−fc are the coercive values of the voltage V f . (b) Effect of Vbi on the vestigation through numerical simulations including physical
shape of external loop. The curve in thin continuous line corresponds to the characteristics of the interfacial space charge layer.
case where no space charge is present at the surface of the film. For a fixed
amplitude Vinm, a shift of −Vbi volt is expected for the coercive values, hence
for the beginning of both saturated branches. A corresponding change of IV. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS—NUMERICAL
electric displacement given by ⌬D is expected as well (see the inset). If both SIMULATIONS
loops are arbitrarily shifted in such a way that their coercive values are lined
up, then ⌬D can be seen as an extra penetration of the loop inside the A. Presentation
positive saturated zone, and as a decrease of the penetration inside the nega-
tive one. In this section, we shall use the algorithm developed by
Miller et al., which enables to simulate S-T hysteresis
measurements.12 Their model, including both physical pa-
enough Vbi such that 兩V fmin兩 ⬍ 兩V fc−兩, only a small fraction of rameters of the sample and circuit elements, simulates quite
the ferroelectric domains should switch and the left part of well the loops deformations often observed at low frequen-
the internal loop will not be saturated. Accordingly, the ex- cies when performing S-T hysteresis measurements. More-
ternal loop should display an asymmetrical shape with an over, it allows to take into account the effects of nonferro-
apparent suppression of the switchable polarization, though electric layers at interfaces between electrodes and
for positive Vin values the loop will appear well saturated. ferroelectric layer. In that case, tilt of hysteresis loops, in-
This is what probably occurred during S-T hysteresis mea- creasing when decreasing thickness of the film, was demon-
surements performed on the oxygen deficient sample [see strated, in agreement with results by other authors.13–15 How-
Fig. 2(a)]. ever, unlike experimental data, the coercive fields are not
To make the external loops symmetrical according to the affected by interfacial layers when the latter are treated as
process presented above, one must apply a total voltage passive layers.12,15 This can be verified by adding a capacitor
Vin共t兲 to the ferroelectric capacitor in a way so as to ensure in series with a ferroelectric capacitor.16 Surface dielectric
symmetrical polarization reversal in the ferroelectric layer. layers enable to account for variation of coercive fields pro-
This requires V f 共t兲 to exactly follow the variations of the sine viding a space charge is considered.16,17 In what follows, we
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5716 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain

FIG. 8. Arbitrary Psd-E f loops used for the computations of external D-E
FIG. 7. Scheme of the S-T circuit with the stacked ferroelectric capacitor loops.
(FECAP). The figure include the circuit elements and the main physical
parameters of the sample under test.
culation of Vou共t兲 at each iteration utilizes an integration
method, one must express the time derivative dVou / dt as a
shall modify the Miller’s model by including space charge at function of the parameters of both ferroelectric sample and
the interfaces. Thereby, the main interesting point is that we S-T circuit, which in turn requires the knowledge of the time
will be able to estimate the effects of nonferroelectric inter- derivatives dE f / dt and dD / dt. However, unlike work by
facial space charge layers over entire hysteresis loops, and Miller and co-workers, expressions of E f and D are expected
not only on the coercive fields. to include the charge per volume unit ␳il in the interfacial
Figure 7 details all the parameters required for modeling. layer (see below). Accordingly, if one assumes that ␳il, hence
The ferroelectric capacitor has one space charge layer at the Nil, is time independent, then one finds for dE f / dt and
top electrode-PZT layer interface. As assumed previously, dD / dt, hence for dVou / dt, exactly the same relations as in
the combined effects of the two interfaces are included in Ref. 12. Therefore, the only changes resulting from including
one overall interfacial layer. ⑀il, dil, and ␳il are the linear the presence of a space charge layer concern expressions (3)
dielectric constant, the thickness, and the charge per volume and (4) of E f and D given in the above-mentioned work. The
unit in this layer, respectively. ␳il is given by ␳il = e Nil, where latter may now be expressed as follows.
e is the electron charge and Nil is the charge concentration The electric field E f in the ferroelectric layer is given by
per volume unit. For simplicity, we will assume that Nil,
hence ␳il, is uniform and that dil is constant, whatever the D f − Psd
Ef = , 共4兲
electric field strength. Let us call d f the thickness and ␧ f the ␧ o␧ f
linear dielectric constant of the bulk ferroelectric layer. Psd
where D f is the electric displacement and ␧o is the permit-
-E f is a nonlinear electric field dependent polarization, where
tivity of free space. The electric field Eil in the interfacial
Psd is the switchable polarization due to the switching do-
layer may be determined by integrating the Poisson’s equa-
mains and E f the driving electric field. The resistors R f and
Rosc 共1 M⍀兲 represent the leakage currents in the ferroelec-
tric capacitor (assumed constant for convenience) and the ⳵Eil ␳il
= . 共5兲
input resistance of the oscilloscope channel measuring ⳵x ␧o␧il
Vou共t兲, respectively. V is the total voltage across the sample.
The Miller’s algorithm requires to start computations The integration constant, giving the value of Eil at x = 0,
from arbitrary Psd-E f loops in the ferroelectric layer (see Fig. must be such to ensure the conservation of electric displace-
8). The latter were generated by using the hyperbolic tangent ment at the interface between space charge and ferroelectric
function12 and by choosing for the remnant polarization layers, i.e., at x = dil,
共Psdr兲, the spontaneous polarization 共Psds兲, and the coercive ␧o␧ilEil共x = dil兲 = ␧o␧ f E f + Psd ,
field 共E fc兲, the values that are reported in Table I. They were
set in a way to be close enough to the experimental values. which yields,
Then, the instantaneous voltage Vou共t兲 across Cst is computed ␳il Df
using an iterative procedure. The main lines of the method Eil = 共x − dil兲 + . 共6兲
␧o␧il ␧o␧il
may be summarized as follows. First, one must express the
instantaneous electric field E f 共t兲 and the instantaneous elec- As electric field corresponds to spatial derivative of the
tric displacement D共t兲 as a function of the physical param- potential, one may express the total voltage V across the
eters of the ferroelectric capacitor. Second, because the cal- ferroelectric capacitor as a function of Eil and E f , hence of
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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain 5717

the film 共␳il ⬍ 0兲. All other parameters were kept constant
and are reported in Table I. Shifting of the loops toward the
negative values of E axis is observed, in agreement with the
experimental observations and as expected from the previous
qualitative analysis. The shifts increase with Nil because the
built-in potential Vbi is reinforced.
The calculations above allow to anticipate some physical
properties that must verify both interfacial and ferroelectric
layers. Indeed, simulation of significant hysteresis shifts,
similar to those displayed by the studied PZT film, requires
the different parameters to be set in a limited range of values.
For instance expression of Vbi suggests that, for this purpose,
one must either increase Nil or dil values, or decrease ␧il.
However, choosing large dil values or small ␧il values returns
to dramatically reduce the linear capacitance Cil of the inter-
facial layer, given by Cil = ␧o␧ilA / dil. Now, if the latter has
FIG. 9. Effect of increasing the charge concentration Nil in the space charge values not much larger than that of the linear capacitance C f
layer on the shape of computed external D-E loops. Clear shifting toward of the ferroelectric layer 共C f = ␧o␧ f A / d f 兲, then the calcula-
the negative side of electric field axis is visible.
tions lead to markedly tilted loops with significant loss of
polarization, similar to that reported when interfacial layers
D f . On the other hand, we have D f = D because the electric are treated as passive dielectric layers.12,15 This is because a
displacement is conservative at the interface between the bot- large part of the applied alternating field drops across these
tom electrode and the ferroelectric layer. Finally, using Eqs. layers. Thereby, additional computations revealed that, to en-
(4) and (6), it can be shown,

冋 冉 冊册
sure full switching of the ferroelectric domains, very large
␧ o␧ f dil 1 and unrealistic amplitudes of the driving voltage are required
D= 共V − Vbi兲 + Psd 1 − , 共7兲 to compensate for Cil effect and therefore to obtain visible
d d ␣
shift of hysteresis loops. Now, well oxygenated PZT samples
where displayed spontaneous polarization values comparable to

V = Vin − Vou, Vbi =

, and ␣ = 1 +
dil ␧ f
d ␧il
冉 冊
−1 .
those of the oxygen deficient film investigated in this paper,
except that hysteresis loops of the former did not shift at all9
[see Figs. 2(b) and 3]. Moreover, in both cases the maximum
To express E f one just has to put expression (7) in (4). This electric field required for saturating the films were nearly of
yields the same order of magnitude. Therefore obtaining strong

E f = V − Vbi −
Psddil 1
␧o␧il d␣
册. 共8兲
shifts implies extremely large values of Nil. But to avoid
unrealistic charge concentrations while verifying the condi-
tion above 共Cil Ⰷ C f 兲, one must markedly reduce the linear
The relations (7) and (8) above are very similar to those dielectric constant ␧ f of the ferroelectric layer. This suggests
presented earlier,12 except that they includes now an addi- that appearance of imprint during aging should be promoted
tional term calling out ␳il, i.e., the built-in potential Vbi of the on c axis oriented tetragonal PZT films because smaller ␧ f
space charge layer.18 are expected in that case.19 This seems to be confirmed by
our observations since the PZT film investigated in this paper
presented c axis tetragonal microstructure and a small linear
B. Results
dielectric constant. The compromise above led us to choose
Once Vou共t兲 files are calculated, one can plot external for ␧il, dil, and ␧ f the values reported in Table I. Under these
D-E loops as measured during S-T hysteresis measurements, conditions, we found that the shifts become significant only
i.e., by using for D and E the expressions (1) and (2) above. when Nil is larger than 1026 m−3 (see Fig. 9). We will see in
It should be noted that, with this definition, E represents only the following section that these values are in agreement with
the apparent electric field in the ferroelectric capacitor. Fig- those extracted from experimental data.
ure 9 shows D-E loops computed with different values of Nil Now, let us turn our attention on the problem of symme-
and assuming negatively charged layer at the top surface of trization of the loops. Following the analysis of Sec. III we

TABLE I. Summary of the main parameters used for the numerical calculations of external D-E loops. Only Nil value was changed to produce the different
loops. Total thickness, area, and leakage resistance of the ferroelectric capacitor were d = 200 nm, A = 5.29⫻ 10−4 cm2, and R f = 1 G⍀, respectively. Unless
specified, Vdc = 0.

Ferroelectric layer Interfacial layer Sawyer-Tower circuit

Psdr Psds E fc ␧f df ␧il dil Vsinm F Rosc Cst

20 ␮C / cm2 25 ␮C / cm2 150 kV/ cm 100 190 nm 50 10 nm 30 V 1 kHz 1 M⍀ 22 nF

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5718 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain

FIG. 10. (a) D-E loops computed with the same parameters as for Fig. 9,
except that for each charge concentration Nil the dc voltage Vdc was set to FIG. 11. (a) Effect of increasing the charge concentration Nil in the space
the corresponding Vbi value. (b) Same computations as (a), however by charge layer on the shape of Psd-E f loops in the ferroelectric layer. The loops
determining E axis with E共t兲 = 关Vsin共t兲 − Vou共t兲兴 / d. Note that the three curves have been arbitrarily shifted vertically from each others to distinguish them.
are then perfectly identical. (b) The application of a suitable dc voltage enables symmetrical switching
of the ferroelectric domains whatever the interfacial charge concentration.

have simulated the effect of a dc voltage application during ate in a symmetrical manner, even if the sample is driven by
S-T measurements. Figure 10(a) presents D-E loops calcu- a sine wave. This is why external D-E loops of Fig. 9 ap-
lated with the same parameters values as those of Fig. 9, peared more saturated for positive values of E and thus ap-
except that the additional dc voltage was each time set in peared shifted toward the negative side of E axis.
such a way that Vdc = Vbi, i.e., Vbi = −18 V, −9 V, and −1.8 V,
when Nil = 1027 m−3, 5 ⫻ 1026 m−3 and 1026 m−3, respectively.
The hysteresis loops are now symmetrical, although they re-
main shifted. This is because the E axis, as determined with In the preceding section, we have simulated the effect of
relation (2), now includes Vdc through Vin 共Vin = Vsin + Vdc兲. a space charge layer on external D-E loops as they should be
The shifts only vanish when Vin is replaced by Vsin in relation measured with a S-T circuit. For this purpose, we have cal-
(2) [see Fig. 10(b)]. Moreover, one can verify that Vbi culated Vou共t兲 files [Vin共t兲 file is a known parameter as it
⯝ 关Ecl + Ecr兴d / 2, where Ecl and Ecr are the coercive fields as corresponds to the driving voltage] starting from Psd-E f
defined in Sec. II. This confirms that, once the loops become loops that were arbitrarily determined at the beginning of
symmetrical, then one can determine the built-in potential of iterations. Now, we shall demonstrate the feasibility to per-
the interfacial layer, in agreement with both experimental form the reciprocal process: computing the polarization due
and qualitative analysis above. To end this section, we have to the switching domains in the ferroelectric layer, i.e., Psd
examined the effect of the charge concentration Nil on the -E f loops, from the measured Vin共t兲 and Vou共t兲 files. The pro-
switchable polarization in the ferroelectric layer by plotting cedure will simultaneously enable to realistically estimate
Psd-E f loops before and after application of the dc voltage the physical properties of the investigated PZT sample, i.e.,
[see Fig. 11(a) and 11(b)]. Clearly, the presence of a space ␧il, dil, Nil, ␧ f , and R f . The approach is to consider that, to a
charge layer affects the electric field distribution in the ferro- certain extent, S-T hysteresis measurements are self consis-
electric layer and prevents the polarization reversal to oper- tent and may provide enough data for separating both effects
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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain 5719

of interfacial and ferroelectric layers, hence for estimating all

parameters characterizing them. For this purpose we shall
now express Psd共t兲 as a function of Vin共t兲 and Vou共t兲, expres-

E f = V − Vbi − 册
PsdA 1
Cil d␣
, 共14兲

sion of E f 共t兲 being already determined [see relation (8)

above]. Note that such a way to proceed has already been
investigated, however, by considering passive interfacial
Psd共t兲 = 冋冉 Cst ␧o␧ f

Vou共t兲 −
␧ o␧ f
关Vin共t兲 − Vbi兴 + ␥共t兲 册
layers.20 1
⫻ , 共15兲
By performing the balance of all the charges involved ␧ o␧ f A
during S-T hysteresis measurement (see Fig. 7), it can be 1−
shown that
where ␥共t兲 is unchanged and
Q f 共t兲 + 冕共t兲
Vin共t兲 − Vou共t兲
dt = Qst共t兲 + 冕 共t兲
dt, 共9兲
Cil =
, 共16兲

where Q f 共t兲 and Qst共t兲 are the instantaneous charges stored

␧ o␧ f A
by the ferroelectric and the standard capacitors, respectively, ␣=1+ . 共17兲
Q f 共t兲 = D共t兲A, 共10兲
Now it remains only two parameters to fit: the interfacial
capacitance Cil and ␧ f . Many works have been devoted in the
Qst共t兲 = CstVou共t兲. 共11兲 past to the determination of Cil and ␧ f of ferroelectric
films.14,22,23 Typically the same approach has always been
Then, using for D共t兲 its expression given by Eq. (7), one
proposed that requires preparation of ferroelectric capaci-
tors with different thicknesses. Then Cil and ␧ f may be found

Psd共t兲 = 冋冉 Cst ␧o␧ f


Vou共t兲 −
␧ o␧ f
关Vin共t兲 − Vbi兴 + ␥共t兲 册 after plotting the reciprocal capacitance as a function of
thickness. Another recent method has been proposed based
on S-T hysteresis measurements,20 but requires samples with
1 different thicknesses as well. In what follows we shall dem-
⫻ , 共12兲 onstrate that the D-E loop measured on only one PZT sample
dil␧ f
1− is enough for estimation of the linear dielectric constant ␧ f of
the bulk ferroelectric layer.

冉 冊 冕
A. Determination of ␧f
␥共t兲 = 冕 共t兲
Vou共t兲 1
Rosc R f
dt −
dt. 共13兲 It was demonstrated above that, due to the built-in po-
tential, the external D-E loops shift toward the negative side
With expressions (8), (12), and (13), it is now possible to of E axis. Simultaneously, the positive maximum value of E f
compute Psd-E f loops from measured voltages Vin共t兲 and in the ferroelectric layer increases, whereas the negative one
Vou共t兲. Exactness of these relations have first been checked diminishes. As a result, Psd-E f polarization loops are more
for by applying them to Vin共t兲 and Vou共t兲 files computed in saturated for positive E f . Now, the corresponding change of
the preceding section: correct Psd-E f loops have always been electric displacement ⌬D may be expressed from expression
recovered providing the same values of parameters are each (7) (assuming dil Ⰶ d, hence ␣ ⬵ 1),
time used again. But, for a correct implementation of these ␧o␧ f Vbi
relations one must precisely estimate the parameters of the ⌬D = − , 共18兲
PZT sample under test, i.e., ␧il, dil, Vbi, ␧ f , and R f . Concern-
ing R f , we have already shown, in previous articles, how to so that ⌬D is directly related to Vbi and ␧ f . This relation
proceed: it is enough to set R f at a minimum value giving a means that, compared to a saturated and symmetrical D-E
Psd-E f loop with a minimum area, taking care that the calcu- loop, i.e., as measured on a ferroelectric capacitor with no
lated polarization loop presents closed saturated branches interfacial space charge (Nil, hence Vbi, null), a negative Vbi
with no twisted part.20,21 For the film studied in this work we value should yield a supplementary excursion along the posi-
found R f = 50 M⍀, hence a resistivity of 109 ⍀ cm at F tive saturated branch given by Eq. (18), whereas the excur-
= 200 Hz. sion along the negative one should diminish as much. This is
With regard to Vbi, the latter is a known parameter since a different, but equivalent, approach to interpret the shift, in
its value 共−6.5 V兲 has been determined after the symmetry of agreement with qualitative analysis [see Fig. 5(b)]. This
D-E loops was restored by application of a dc voltage. Thus, arises from the terms calling out Vbi and accounting for the
only three parameters remain to be determined (␧il, dil, and shifts, which simultaneously occur in expressions of E f , D,
␧ f ). However, the thickness of the interfacial layer is ex- and Psd. All other terms provide symmetrical contribution
pected to be much smaller than that of the ferroelectric layer. upon action of the input sine wave. In other words, the ⌬D
Therefore, if one assumes dil Ⰶ d, one may express E f and Psd contribution has also been compensated for when the hyster-
as follows, esis loops were made symmetrical by application of a dc
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5720 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain

TABLE III. Some possible values for dil, Nil, and ␧il parameters calculated
from Cil 共5 nF兲 and Vbi 共−6.5 V兲.

dil (nm) Nil 共m−3兲 ␧l

2 3.8⫻ 1027 20
5 1.5⫻ 1027 53
10 7.7⫻ 1026 107
12 6.3⫻ 1026 ␧ f = 130

coercive fields in ferroelectric layer are equal. Moreover, it

can be seen that the Psd-E f loop is straightened and appears
more vertical, because the tilt due to Cil effect has been prop-
erly compensated for. Accordingly both remnant and sponta-
neous polarizations are increased. This is visible when com-
paring the calculated Psd-E f loop with the apparent D-E loop
measured after applying Vdc = −6.5 V and using Vsin共t兲 to
FIG. 12. Switchable polarization in the ferroelectric layer (continuous line)
form E axis (see the loop in dashed line on Fig. 12). As the
computed from hysteresis measurement carried out on the PZT sample [the polarization loop presented a squarelike shape, then this sug-
case where Vdc was set to −6.5 V, see curve in continuous line of Fig. 2(b)] gests that both Cil and ␧ f values found above are realistic.
according to the model presented [expressions (14)–(17)]. For comparison, This point must be outlined because Cil value will condition
the measured hysteresis loop is reported (in dashed line), using E共t兲
= 关Vsin共t兲 − Vou共t兲兴 / d to form E axis. further determination of the interfacial charge Qil, hence es-
timation of Nil, ␧il, and dil (see below).
voltage, i.e., when the Vbi effect was cancelled. Therefore, it
is enough to compare the right-hand saturated parts of the C. Estimation of Nil, ␧il, and dil
hysteresis loops measured with and without Vdc to estimate The charge Qil stored by the interfacial layer is given by
⌬D [see Figs. 2(a) and 2(b)]. One finds ⌬D = 3 ␮C / cm2, and
from Eq. (18), ␧ f = 130. ␳ildilA
Qil = CilVbi = . 共19兲
B. Determination of Cil
From Cil and Vbi values found above, Qil ⬵ 33⫻ 10−9 C.
During S-T hysteresis measurements, the maximum in- The product 共Nil · dil兲 is thus a known quantity. Now, one can
put voltage was set at a value large enough to saturate both estimate Nil from arbitrary dil values, knowing that dil must
left-hand and right-hand branches of the hysteresis loop, af- be much smaller than the film thickness. ␧il may in turn be
ter the PZT capacitor was submitted to a dc voltage [see Fig. determined from the expression of Cil or Vbi. However, for a
2(b)]. Therefore, when using expressions (14)–(17) above, given Cil value, it can be shown that dil cannot exceed a
the correct value of Cil is the one that leads to a saturated maximum, otherwise ␧il would be larger than ␧ f . Accord-
Psd-E f loop as well, i.e., to a polarization loop with horizon- ingly, one expects a minimum for Nil since the product
tal tips. Indeed, additional computations shown that inaccu- 共Nil · dil兲 is kept constant. Indeed, if one assumes that the
rate estimation of Cil led to rotation shifts similar to those interfacial layer is nonferroelectric (as treated all over this
encountered when one corrects for the linear capacitance of a paper), then the latter probably exhibits degraded dielectric
ferroelectric capacitor using an external circuit properties compared to the bulk ferroelectric layer. Hence
compensation.24,25 Overestimation of Cil yielded clockwise one can reasonably state ␧il 艋 ␧ f . In what follows we will use
shifts, whereas underestimation produced counterclockwise this criterion to determine a range of possible values for Nil,
shifts.20 Using Vin共t兲 and Vou共t兲 files recorded during hyster- dil, and ␧il.
esis measurement [related to the curve plotted in continuous Table III presents some values found by this way. Maxi-
line of Fig. 2(b)], the best fit was obtained when Cil = 5 nF. mum dil and ␧il are 12 nm and 130, respectively, whereas
The corresponding Psd-E f loop is presented on Fig. 12. The minimum Nil is 6.3⫻ 1026 m−3. If one takes dil values close
parameters values used for the computation are summarized to that proposed in the literature13,23 (typically 20 nm), then
in Table II. one can reasonably assume dil ⬵ 8 – 12 nm in our case. Ac-
One can observe that the effect of the built-in potential cordingly, Nil would be few 1026 m−3 and ␧il ⬵ 100. It should
has been correctly taken into account since now the shift is be noted that values found for Nil, dil, ␧il are in good agree-
suppressed and absolute values of both positive and negative ment with those used during simulations performed in the

TABLE II. Summary of the parameters used to calculate Psd − E f loop due to the switching domains in the ferroelectric layer from S-T hysteresis measurement
performed on the PZT sample.

d A F Rosc Cst Rf ␧f Cil Vbi

250 nm 5.29⫻ 10−8 m2 200 Hz 1 M⍀ 22 nF 50 M⍀ 130 5 nF −6.5 V

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J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 96, No. 10, 15 November 2004 Le Rhun, Bouregba, and Poullain 5721

preceding section. This suggests that they are probably real- that the space charge layer is formed by fixed charges accu-
istic because the calculations have been performed separately mulated during the growth of the film and resulting from
and without any a priori. Although appearing excessive, the oxygen vacancies in the film.
Nil value of few 1026 m−3 is still probably close to the genu- As the hysteresis shift observed in this work is similar to
ine charge concentration in the space charge layer. Compu- those encountered in the course of aging of ferroelectric ca-
tations carried out in Sec. IV indeed revealed that shifts were pacitors, our results strongly suggest that imprint is manifes-
visible only when Nil ⬎ 1026 m−3. Moreover, it should be re- tation of charge accumulation at the interfaces.
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In this work we have arbitrarily omitted the “minus” sign each time we
able but the ferroelectric layer is no more symmetrically have integrated electric field to express the potential, except when deter-
driven. Making hysteresis loop symmetrical by applying a dc mining Vbi. Indeed, in the latter case we preferred to include the “minus”
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1026 m−3) in ultrathin interfacial layer 共dil ⬵ 10 nm兲. is because this returns to simultaneously reverse the directions of both D
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