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Polarization reversal and capacitance-voltage characteristic of epitaxial Pb ( Zr , Ti ) O 3

L. Pintilie, M. Lisca, and M. Alexe

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 86, 192902 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.1926403

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Polarization reversal and capacitance-voltage characteristic

of epitaxial Pb„Zr, Ti…O3 layers
L. Pintiliea兲 and M. Lisca
Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, Weinberg 2, 06120 Halle, Germany and NIMP,
P.O. Box MG-7, Bucharest-Magurele, 077125, Romania
M. Alexe
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle, Germany
共Received 18 January 2005; accepted 29 March 2005; published online 2 May 2005兲
Capacitance-voltage 共C–V兲 measurements were performed on epitaxial layers of Pb共Zr0.2Ti0.8兲O3
共PZT兲 with top and bottom SrRuO3 共SRO兲 electrodes. It is shown that the sharp capacitance
peak/discontinuity which is present in the C–V characteristics at different frequencies is directly
associated with the polarization reversal. The ferroelectric film is assumed as a large band-gap
semiconductor with Schottky contacts at the metal-ferroelectric interfaces. The capacitance
discontinuity at the reversal 共coercive兲 voltage is associated with a discontinuity in the built-in
potential at the PZT/SRO interfaces. The C–V characteristics for voltage ranges outside the coercive
values can be used to extract the free carrier concentrations as in the case of Schottky
metal-semiconductor contacts. The carrier concentration was found to be 共2–4兲 ⫻ 1018 cm−3,
independent of measuring frequency and temperature up to 1 MHz and 170 °C, respectively,
suggesting completely ionized shallow impurities. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.1926403兴

Ferroelectric thin films are of high interest mostly due to electrically active impurities, or structural defects, etc., were
their potential applications in microelectronics, especially in neglected. Meaningful studies of the link between the C–V
the field of nonvolatile memories.1 The electrical character- characteristic and polarization reversal will require high
ization of thin ferroelectric films is widely based on three quality single crystalline thin films.
type of measurements: dielectric hysteresis loop 共D-E or The present article discusses C–V characteristics of a
P-E兲, current-voltage 共I–V兲 characteristic, and capacitance- high-quality epitaxial Pb共Zr, Ti兲O3 共PZT兲 film with oxide
voltage 共C–V兲 characteristic.2 Despite the widespread use of electrodes. The single-crystal-like ferroelectric film allowed
the above measurements, there are no generally accepted us to separate the switching effects from the pure electronic
models to allow a unitary and coherent description of the behavior of the electrode-film interface, as well as an estima-
results. tion of the free carrier concentration.
The C–V characteristic has a butterfly-loop shape in the Epitaxial PZT films with a Zr/Ti ratio of 20/ 80 were
case of metal-ferroelectric-metal structures. The voltage de- grown at 600 °C on epitaxial SrRuO3 共SRO兲 layers acting as
pendence of the capacitance is usually explained either in bottom electrode. The growth was performed by pulsed laser
terms of the pure field dependence of the dielectric constant deposition on 共100兲-oriented SrTiO3:Nb 共0.5 % wt兲 single
or by the voltage dependence of the depletion layers that crystals. The bottom SRO electrode was grown at 750 °C.
build up at the contact between the electrode and the ferro- The top SRO electrode was deposited at room temperature
electric film. In the first case the ferroelectric film is consid- through a shadow mask with an area of 0.275 mm2 and then
ered an ideal insulator, whereas in the second case the ferro- annealed at 575 °C. Details on growth procedure and struc-
electric film is regarded as a semiconductor with a voltage- tural properties are given elsewhere.9 The selected PZT com-
dependent dielectric constant.3–6 It was also asserted that the position minimizes the structural misfit with the electrode
C–V measurement can be used to extract the reversible po- material. That minimizes the influence of extended structural
larization, based on the fact that the dc bias sets the polar- defects, i.e., misfit dislocations, on the electrical properties of
ization value, while the small ac voltage produces reversible the ferroelectric film. The growth process was carefully op-
movements of the domain walls.7 The origin of the capaci- timized using transmission electron microscopy, x-ray dif-
tance peaks in the C–V characteristics was not clearly ex- fraction, and atomic force microscopy 共AFM兲. AFM and pi-
plained, considering that such peaks can occur also in non- ezoelectric AFM showed an average roughness of about 0.4
ferroelectric structures with Schottky contacts or involving nm, the absence of grain boundaries, and a very low density
p-n junctions.8 The possible link between the maxima in ca- of a domains.
pacitance and the polarization reversal has not been investi- The hysteresis loop was measured at 1 kHz using a
gated in detail. A major drawback of previous C–V studies TF2000 analyzer in dynamic mode. A typical hysteresis loop
was the quality of the investigated films, most of them being is presented in Fig. 1. A remnant polarization of about
polycrystalline. Additional effects due to grain boundaries, 40 ␮C / cm2 and a coercive field of about 150 kV/cm are
typical values for the optimized epitaxial PZT layers. The
Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: shape of the hysteresis loop is very close to the ideal loop, i.e., almost rectangular, although the reversal is not symmet-
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0003-6951/2005/86共19兲/192902/3/$22.50 86, 192902-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:08:28
192902-2 Pintilie, Lisca, and Alexe Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 192902 共2005兲

FIG. 1. Hysteresis loop acquired on an epitaxial SRO/PZT 共20/ 80兲/SRO FIG. 3. C–V characteristics at 1 kHz measured after poling the film with
layer structure at 1 kHz. ⫺6 V for one minute.

ric with voltage polarity, suggesting possible not equivalent and ⫺6 V. These results indicate that the capacitance peaks
electrode-ferroelectric interfaces. and the butterfly shape are directly related to the irreversible
The present work focuses on analysis of the C–V char- switching of the ferroelectric polarization. Capacitance peaks
acteristics which were experimentally acquired using an can also originate from trapping/detrapping effects near the
HP4194A impedance/gain analyzer. The electric field associ- Schottky contacts but such phenomena are reversible, thus
ated with the ac signal was always kept well below the co- the butterfly shape should not be present in this case. A quali-
ercive field. The thickness of PZT films was about 200 nm tative indication suggesting the connection between the po-
and the ac signal was 50 mV. Typical C–V characteristics larization switching processes and the C–V characteristics is
obtained at different frequencies are presented in Fig. 2. The that the switching asymmetry observed in the hysteresis loop
shape is the same no matter the voltage is swept up-down, or can be found also in the C–V curves in Fig. 2 where the
vice versa. The “butterfly” shape is obtained for all frequen- slopes toward the switching peaks are clearly different for
cies. Marked capacitance peaks for both positive and nega- the two branches. This helps to correlate the slim hysteresis
tive voltages can be observed at low frequencies, i.e., up to loop, usually exhibited by polycrystalline ferroelectric films,
10 kHz. These peaks transform into capacitance discontinui- with the broad switching peaks observed in their C–V char-
ties at higher frequencies. acteristics.
The following experiment was performed in order to de- The link of the capacitance peak with the polarization
termine if the peaks/discontinuities in the capacitance are reversal has important consequences. First, the C–V charac-
related to the polarization reversal. The polarization was teristics do not show only reversible processes, as it was
switched down by applying a negative voltage of ⫺6 V for previously claimed, but includes also the irreversible pro-
about 1 min. Then the C–V characteristics were measured by cesses due to the polarization switching by sweeping the dc
sweeping the voltage up and down between zero and ⫹6 V. voltage. A second important aspect is that the voltages cor-
The obtained results are presented in Fig. 3. The capacitance responding to capacitance peaks are in fact the coercive volt-
peak occurs only by sweeping up the voltage, and is absent ages. It means that the average coercive field evaluated from
by sweeping the dc voltage down to zero. Subsequent sweep- the C–V measurements 共Fig. 2兲 is about 80 kV/cm, which is
ing up and down the dc voltage in the same range do not about half of the value determined from the hysteresis loop
reveal any peak. Similar results were obtained after prepol- of Fig. 1. The P-E loop is acquired at a certain frequency,
ing the film with ⫹6 V and performing the C–V measure- i.e., 1 kHz, while the C–V curve is a quasistatic measure-
ment by sweeping the voltage down and up between zero ment, i.e., the dc bias voltage is swept with few millivolts/
second 共equivalent to millihertz in frequency兲. This fact sug-
gests that there is a significant difference in the quasistatic
and dynamic switching processes.
A reasonable explanation is that a different irreversible
process, closely related to the polarization reversal, is re-
sponsible for the capacitance discontinuity in the C–V char-
acteristics. This explanation is based on the assumption that
the ferroelectric film is a large band-gap semiconductor and
the SRO-PZT interfaces act as a Schottky contacts. The
structure is described by a back–to–back connection of two
Schottky diodes. The PZT film is considered p type2,10 with a
band diagram similar to that proposed by Scott.2 The built-in
potential, which is a measure of the band bending near the
electrode interfaces,11 is controlled by the polarization charge
value and sign.12 At one interface the polarization charge
FIG. 2. C–V characteristics acquired at different frequencies. The ac prob-
ing signal was 50 mV. The number of steps for sweeping up or down the dc
decreases the built-in potential compared with the situation
voltage was 400, thus the step was of 35 mV. The total time for a measure- when the polarization is absent, while at the other interface
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ment was of 35 s. The corresponding frequency is about 0.028 Hz. the built-in potential is increased by the polarization charge. On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 18:08:28
192902-3 Pintilie, Lisca, and Alexe Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 192902 共2005兲

plied bias兲. If the PZT film is p type, then positive polarity

on the top electrode means reverse bias. It appears from Fig.
4 that the concentration near the top interface is uniform,
while at the other interface, it is not as uniform. The nonuni-
formity cause can be a gradient of the doping impurity or can
be related to the carriers trapping on deep centers.
The carrier concentration determined from Eq. 共1兲 is in
the 共2–4兲 ⫻ 1018 cm−3 range. This value is of the same order
as other reports.15,16 It worth noting that the above value is a
free carrier concentration, while the previous reports refer to
fixed or trapped charges. The concentration is frequency and
temperature independent up to 1 MHz and 170 °C, respec-
tively, suggesting a complete ionization of the doping impu-
FIG. 4. Carrier concentration calculated with Eq. 共1兲 from the C–V mea- rity and a negligible contribution from deep traps, at least for
surements at 1 kHz 共dots兲 and 1 MHz 共solid line兲. The boxes indicate the the time scale of the dc voltage change during the C–V
voltage ranges in which Eq. 共1兲 might be applied. measurement.17
In conclusion we have shown that the sharp capacitance
The capacitance of a Schottky contact depends on the peaks occuring in the C–V characteristics measured on epi-
built-in potential.11 Therefore, when the polarization taxial PZT films, assumed to be wide band-gap semiconduc-
switches a sudden change of the built-in potential occurs by tors with Schottky contacts, are related to the polarization
changing the sign of the polarization charges at the two in- reversal. The voltage dependence of the dielectric constant
terfaces. This sudden and irreversible change in the built-in might be important for values between the coercive voltages
potential, due to polarization reversal, leads to the capaci- when the reversal takes place. Outside the coercive voltages
tance discontinuity observed in the C–V characteristic. Once the polarization is fully saturated and the dielectric constant
the polarization reversed and saturated, the built-in potential is nearly voltage independent. Therefore, the C–V character-
remains the same up to the coercive voltage of opposite sign. istic can be used to extract the concentration of free carriers.
This explains why the capacitance peak in Fig. 3 occurs only For epitaxial PZT共20/ 80兲 films a concentration of 共2–4兲
when the voltage is swept up, and polarization is reversed, ⫻ 1018 cm−3, independent of the measuring frequency and
and is absent when the voltage is swept down, and no rever- temperature was found. This suggests a fully ionized doping
sal is present. impurity and negligible contributions from deep traps. Fur-
It can be assumed that outside the voltage range where ther studies are needed to clarify the nature of the doping
the polarization reversal takes place, the system behaves as a impurities, and to investigate the possible link between deep
normal Schottky contact and the associated theory can be traps and polarization reversal.
applied. Thus, the C–V characteristics can be used to extract
the free carrier concentration in the same way as in the case The work was partly supported by the Volkswagen
of semiconductor Schottky contact using the relation13 Stiftung under Contract No. 1/77738.
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