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Le logiciel qui détermine d'une manière automatique le centre de rigidité c'est ETABS

disponible sur plusieurs sites .

"To evaluate the center of rigidity at a particular diaphragm, the structure is analyzed for three
load cases. The loads are applied at the center of mass (or any arbitrary point). Load case 1
has a unit load applied in the global X direction and results in a diaphragm rotation of Rzx.
Load case 2 has a unit load applied in the global Y direction and results in a diaphragm
rotation of Rzy. Load case 3 has a unit moment applied about the global Z-axis, giving a
diaphragm rotation of Rzz.

The center of rigidity relative to the center of mass (or the arbitrary point) is then given in by
the coordinates (X, Y), where

X = -Rzy / Rzz and Y = Rzx / Rzz. This point is a function of the structural properties and is
independent of any loading.

- Pour le centre de masse :

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