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Large numbers of Christian tribes - the Kalb, Tamimi, Taghhbi, Ayyubi and many others
hke the Banu Najiya - inhabited or moved around vast areas of Arabia in pre-Islamic times.


By Paul Stenhouse

This is the first of a series of five articles

OT V E R Y M U C H was born, and fertile Yathrib [to be Arabia before the birth of Muhammad
of substance known as Medina an-Nabl, 'city around 570 AD.
has survived - of the prophet'] where, in 622 AD, Large numbers o f Christian tribes
independently of the Muhammad made his home, gained - the Kalb, TamTmi, Taghlibi, Ayyubi
Qur'an - that can supporters and later died in 632 AD and many others like the Banu Najiya
throw light on many - are known to have inhabited or
of the religious beliefs
Christians in Mecca moved around vast areas of Arabia
and practices of pre-Islamic pagan A similar veil obscures for most in pre-Islamic times. Christian Arab
Arabia. Some proverbs, legends and modern-day Muslims the significant merchants had been doing business
poetry allegedly from this Christian presence and practice in in Arabia for centuries. The Christian
time have, of course, been tribe o f the Banu Ghassan
written down by Muslim even had a stall close to the
authors - but this was many Ka'ba in Mecca because they
hundreds of years later. were hulafd\' of
O f the period before the Christian Quraish clan of
Muhammad - described Banu Assad.'
as Jahiliyya, or 'Time o f Another Christian tribe,
Ignorance,' in the Qur'an' - the Banu I j l o f Yamama
what was retained was only in central Arabia and Hira
what was necessary to help in Mesopotamia, had their
make sense of references representative in Mecca from
to pre-Islamic times in the the Banu Bakr bin Wa'il tribe
Qur'anic text, or in the „: - Furat ibn Hayyan - who
accounts of Muhammad's was halif or 'associate' of the
life. While the text of Quraish clan of Sahm.**
the Qur'an is regarded
as unquestionable and Non-Muslims banned
normative, its descriptions from using Arabic
of Jewish and Christian 'Muslim' terms
beliefs are 'well-known to How thoroughgoing this
be gross travesties of those ignorance o f a pre-Islamic
systems, [and] we have no Christian presence in Arabia
guarantee that its treatment is among our region's
of Arabian paganism is any Muslim populations
fairer'.^ was borne out by recent
A veil was thrown revelations that ten of
over the memory of Malaysia's thirteen states had
pagan customs and rituals banned Catholics and other
throughout Arabia, and non-Muslims from using up
particularly in Mecca, a hot to thirty-five Arabic terms.
and barren sanctuary with its Terms banned include
Ka'ba, where Muhammad The Byzantine Rite Mekite Catholic Basilica of St Paul at Harissa Lebanon
the word Allah, 'God,' solat
[sic!] 'prayers,' and even masjid Muslim. He died before Muhammad
'mosque'. In tiie Malaysian state o f
Selangor, non-Muslims are barred
Blaming was born; and depending on which
year you take to have been his year of
from using twenty-five words either
orally or in writing according to the
Christians birth 'Abdullah was either seventeen or
twenty-two years old when he died. No
Non-Islamic Religion Enactment
1988. Among these banned words
are Allah, 'God,' Firman Allah,
N OTHING betrays more the
bias of historians against
the Christian faith than the fact
matter how old he was, he died in 570,
fifty-two years before the Hijra [AH] -
when Muhammad fled from Mecca to
'Allah's decree,' solat [sic!] 'daily that they blame in Christians the Yathrib - which marks the beginning of
prayers,' rasul, 'apostle,' mubaligh very human indulgences that the first year of the Islamic era.
'missionary,' mufti, 'Qur'anic lawyer,' they have praised in heathens. Most scholars accept that in all
iman 'faith,' Kaabah, 'Sanctuary o f The same arts and allegories,
likelihood the Qur'an is the earliest
the same phraseologies and
the Sacred Stone,' Qiblat 'direction book written in Arabic'
philosophies which appear as
in which Muslims pray' and Haji However, Origen Adamantius
proofs of heathen health turn
' A Muslim who has made the [writing sometime before 240 AD]
up later as proof of Christian
pilgrimage'. corruption. It was noble of says in the Introduction to his edition
Selangor has also banned pagans to be pagan, but it was of the Hexapla, or the Bible in six
non-Muslims from using ten other unpardonable of Christians to translations, that he had also looked at
phrases, among them subhan Allah, be paganised. They never tire of an Arabic translation. Nothing more
'Praise God,' insya-Allah [sic!], ' I f telling us of the Glory that was is known of this. It is thought to have
God wishes,' and Alldhu akbar 'God Greece and the Grandeur that been in Nabataean, and written using
is the greater' orally or in writing. was Rome, but the Church was Nabataean script - for Arabic cursive
'Those found guilty o f using such infamous because it satisfied the script had not yet been developed.
terms can be fined up to RM3,000 Greek intellect and wielded the North western Arabia - modem-day
or jailed for up to two years, or both. Roman power. Syria and Jordan - was ruled by the
Similar enactments are found in nine — G. K. Chesterton, The New Jerusalem, ancient Arab Nabataean kingdom
other states but not used in Sabah, London, Sheed & Ward, 1944, p.381. which had a trading network centred
Sarawak, Penang and the Federal on oases that they controlled from the
Territory. Malacca, which does not of Christian tribes speaking Aramaic Euphrates to the Red Sea.
have a sultan, has banned more words and Arabic in Arabia before Islam A Christian Arab, Marcus lulius
and phrases than most states.'^ arose, although with blanket media Philippus, known as 'Philip the
coverage o f the horrific violence in Arab,' became emperor o f Rome in
Use of 'Allah' by Christians Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and throughout 244 AD. He was born in AD 198 in a
before Islam Arose the Middle East and Africa, and the village now called Shuhba on the road
Those responsible for all the targeting of Christian minorities there, from Damascus to Bosra the ancient
foregoing enactments and for the this is difficult to comprehend. Nabataean capital in southern Syria,
ban on the use o f Allah by Catholics The claim that Allah is exclusively in the district o f Dara'a. Dara'a has
sanctioned by the Federal Court o f an Islamic word ignores Muhammad's been the scene o f much death and
Malaysia only recently, seem to be father whose name was 'Abdullah destruction in recent years.
unaware of this centuries-old presence - 'Servant of A l l a h ' . He was not a As for extant translations o f the

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Bible into Arabic, all evidence points

to a late 7'^ century date for the text of
the Gospels in Vatican Arabic MS 13,

and, with greater certitude, to an 8"'
century origin.^
The text of the Gospels in Vatican
Arabic MS 17, copied in Cairo in Australia's favourite Catholic magazine since 1889
993 AD, always translates 'God,' and
'Lord,' as 'Allah'[^|]. RATE WITHIN AUSTRALIA
The oldest known extant copy o f
the full Qur 'an dates from the 9"" $33 for one year [10 issues - incl. GST
century AD*
The Mt Sinai Arabic Codex 151, the
$60.50 for two years [20 issues - incl. GST]
oldest known extant copy of the whole Pensioner
bible translated into Arabic, also dates
from the 9"' century - from 867 AD - $26 for one year [10 issues - incl. GST]
when, we are told, it was 'done'.''
Does 'done' here mean 'copied'
$48 for two years [20 issues - incl. GST]
or 'translated'? Many authors imply, ORDER FORM
and the unnamed author whom I ' m
To: Annals Australasia P.O. Box 13, Kensington NSW 2033
quoting asserts, that this was the date
of the translation. As I've not seen Please mail us Annals Australasia for • 1 year • 2 years
the colophon - the description at the
end of a MS, often much ornamented, Name
giving the copyist's name, date and
place o f the copying etc - I can't
verify i f this date is the date the text Postcode
was copied by a scribe, or the date
when it was translated and written by Phone: ( )
the author. Having worked for many
years on Arabic MSS of Samaritan Payment [Please tick appropriate box]
histories I can confidently say that it • Cheque made payable to Annals Australasia
would be extremely rare to find such
an autograph copy. • Please accept $ as a donation to Annals Australasia
In this early Arabic Bible - the Mt • Please debit my Visa/Master A/c with $
Sinai Arabic Codex 151 - 'God' is
always translated by 'Allah' [aiil].'"
/ / /
We know, moreover, that ninety-
nine years before the Hijra - in
Najran in south Arabia in what is Signature Card expiry Date
today Yemen, many hundreds of local
Christian Arabs were murdered in 523 Name [block letters]
AD by the Himyarite King Dhu Nuwas
who had converted to Judaism. Ten of
his victims were called 'Abdullah - a 'God,' Theos, is translated into Arabic that Muhammad made the centre of
north Arabic name used as a Christian as 'Allah' [M" Islamic devotion and pilgrimage, there
Arab baptismal name in this south The earliest dated inscription in were two other Ka'bas in Arabia -
western Arabian town." Arabic is on a Martyrion - a church one in the same Najran on the Sa'udT-
One of the leading Christians or shrine containing the relics o f a Yemeni border where the Christians
murdered at that time - Abdullah bin Christian martyr - built in 512 AD. were killed by Dhu Nuwas, and the
al-Thamir - is said by Ibn Ishaq'^ to Texts are in Greek, Syriac and Arabic. other in San'a, the present-day capital
have worn a ring that said 'Allah is my 'God' is referred to as 'Allah' [^1]. of Yemen. Christian Cathedrals once
Lord' [ill t ^ j ] . stood on the sites o f both these old
Christian Cathedrals sanctuaries.'"
Apre-lslamic fragment of Psalm 78
in Yemen
[77] discovered in Damascus has the The earliest datable church to be
Greek text on one side and the Arabic In addition to the Ka'ba, which is, built in the Roman Province of Arabia
text in Greek characters on the other. as the name suggests, the cube-shaped seems to have been in Umm al-Jamal,
In this fragment, the Greek word for former pagan sanctuary in Mecca which today is in Jordan, about 10
km from the Syrian border. It was between Jerusalem and the Dead
built in AD 345 - two hundred and
seventy-seven years before the Hijra. Real Sea."

Linguistic factors under-

Umm al-Jamal - the whole town was
Christian - had fifteen churches from Dialogue lying heresies
different periods, all now in ruins. COME against you, not iilce so Greek and to a lesser extent
Of course many churches had many of us, with weapons, Latin were the languages o f the
been built before that, but not all the but with words; not employing Ecumenical Councils and o f the
buildings bore a date or could be dated force, but reason; not out of Eastern, Byzantine Empire. Not all
easily by other means. hatred, but out of love. who attended the Councils from the
In the third century Christians were — Peter the Vfenerable [1092-1156] eighth Province of Arabia and whose mother
Abbot of Cluny, addressing Muslims, liber
very numerous among the Nabataeans tongues were Aramaic and Arabic,
contra sectam Saracenorurrt, Migne, PL vol.
of Idumaea. Nelson Glueck identified 189, pp. 673-674. however, necessarily understood
three hundred early Christian sites in clearly what was discussed, and the
the Negeb region o f today's Israel, theological subtleties of decisions
which was then part of Idumaea.'^ against the followers o f Macedonius taken. Also they were culturally not
A well-known tradition speaks o f who denied the divinity o f the Holy always at home with the superficially
a mass-movement o f 30,000 Saracens Spirit. The Pope approved the decrees more sophisticated Greek speakers.
in the Ba'albek region o f modern of the Council post factum, and Many o f them were men o f
Lebanon who became Christians at thereby legitimized it. simple faith, and after the Council
this time through the activity o f a In 431 AD - one hundred and of Ephesus, numbers - mainly
priest from Antioch called Nonnus."" ninety-one years before the Hijra - of the Western tribes - embraced
the Council o f Ephesus was attended
Bishops from Arabia at by more than two hundred bishops,
Nestorianism or what they called
Early Church Councils at least twenty o f whom came
After the Council of Chalcedon
In 325 AD - two hundred and from the Province o f Arabia. Pope
some of them from the eastern tribes,
ninety-seven years before the Hijra Celestine was represented by two
with their followers, often led by
- the First Council of Nicaea met bishops - Arcadius and Projectus,
personal loyalties, drifted into the
not far from Constantinople. Pope and a Roman priest, Philip. The
Monophysite [sometimes called
Sylvester was represented by his Council Fathers declared Mary to be
Jacobite] heresy - attributing one only
Legate, Bishop Hosius o f Cordoba in the Mother o f God [Theotokos] and
nature to our Lord.
Spain. Three hundred and eighteen condemned the heresy o f Nestorius
bishops were present o f whom five the bishop o f Constantinople, who Christian Refugees from
were from the Roman Province o f was excommunicated. Persia in 3 3 9 AD
Arabia as it then was: including In 451 AD - one hundred and
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palmyra, and seventy-one years before the Hijra Around 339 A D persecution o f
Arabia proper. - the Council o f Chalcedon defined Christians by Shapur I I in Persia
Among them was one. Bishop the two natures [Divine and human] drove thousands o f Christian
Pamphilos, o f the Bedouin Arabs of our Lord, against Eutyches, the refugees down the Arabian side
[Tayyaye] o f Mesopotamia. This 'Archimandrite' - an honorary of the Persian Gulf, preaching
Council defined the Divinity o f title similar to 'Monsignor' in Christianity and establishing
Christ, the Son of God against Arius, the Latin Rite - o f a Monastery monasteries.
and fixed the manner for determining near Constantinople, who was One such refugee - 'Abdisho,
the date o f Easter which Catholics excommunicated. 'Servant o f Jesus' - built a monastery
still follow today. It also gave us the This Council was attended by Pope around 390 on the island o f Bahrain.
Nicaean Creed which we recite at St Leo the Great and 150 bishops The first known Nestorian Christian
Mass on Sundays and Solemnities. including at least twenty who were Synod was held in 410 A D and
In 381 AD - two hundred and from the Province o f Arabia three included delegates from Qatar and
forty-one years before the Hijra - the of whom represented nomadic Arab Bahrain.'**
first Council o f Constantinople met tribes. These latter were: John, Bishop In the fifth century there was an
in Constantine's 'New Rome'. One of the Saracens, named John o f the extensive community o f Christians
hundred and fifty bishops attended, Tayyaye; Eustathius, Bishop o f the mainly o f the Tanukh tribe, in Hirta,
and at least four o f them were from Saracens, one of the signatories to the west o f the Euphrates and not far
Arabia. Neither Pope Damasus I letter of the Bishops o f Phoenicia to from Babylon.
nor his Legates attended because o f Pope St Leo the Great regarding the In the third century, when many
friction between the Emperor and murder o f Proterius o f Alexandria of them were still Catholics they had
the Pope. This Council defended in 457 A D ; and John, Bishop o f the settled there following the fall o f the
the decrees of the Council of Nicaea Bedouin Encampments in the desert Parthian dynasty in Persia, around
AD 225 - 397 years before the Hijra.
This is what is sometimes called
the Lakhmid dynasty after its tribal
How Islam Survived
founder. Numbers o f these Eastern
Tanukhs became Nestorians after the HE MIGHTIEST confederation of tribes in the vast steppe region
Council of Ephesus in 431 AD. between Syria and Mesopotamia [at the time of Mohammed] was the
Kalb. The large majority of the Kalbites were Christians. They had more
St Moses, 4th century or less taken over the role of the former buffer state of the Ghassanids.
Bishop of the Nomadic They controlled the watering places and oases along the entire desert
Arabs border as far southwards as the Hijaz. This enabled them to control the
caravan traffic from the south and east, for their own benefit. Relations
The Eastern Tanukhs had between the Kalbites and Mohammed had begun at an early date, and for
connections with the Western Tanukh this reason Islam found ready acceptance with them. Mu'awiya [the first
confederation o f tribes that ranged 'Umayyad Caliph at Damascus] too had allied himself with this powerful
the deserts and territories from the tribe, among other things by marrying a Kalbite woman who gave birth to
Euphrates to modern-day south- his son and successor, Yazid.
western Turkey. The Kalbites, however, in traditional Arab fashion, were irreconcilable
When the sheikh o f the Western enemies of the tribal group of the Kais who, not so long ago, had dwelled
Tanukh federation died around in Central Arabia but had gradually marched north. The Kaisites had
371 AD his wife, Mawiyya [Maria] embraced Islam rather late, and their Northern Arab ancestry contrasted
assumed leadership o f the tribes, with the Southern Arab origin vaunted by the Kalbites. In different times
this contrast would have been sufficient to render the formation of a
and bested the armies o f the Arian
durable Arab state impossible.
Byzantines. She fought them after
they unleashed a savage persecution Thanks to Islam's postulate of unity, however, the 'Umayyad empire was
against the Catholics and especially able to outlive the repeated crises born of tribal enmity, notwithstanding
the monks, in Alexandria, in Egypt. the support which several claimants to the throne obtained from the Kais.
If, however, the central power of the new empire had remained in Medina,
Mawiyya eventually agreed to
it would probably have perished - in spite of Mohammed.
make peace with Constantinople on
— Kramers, Analecta Orientalia, Leiden EJ.Brill, 1956, voLii, pp.248-249.
condition that a certain holy man,
Moses, who lived in a nearby desert
- probably Sinai - was consecrated
in order to provide spiritual care
bishop for her tribes. Moses refused 1. Jabilivya occurs four times in the Qur'an: Q3,I54: 5.50:
for Arabic and Aramaic speaking 33,33: and 48.26,
Byzantine demands that he be 2. D . S. Maryoliouth. ' G o d . Arabian, p r e - l s l a m i c ) '
Chaldaean Catholic refugees from Iraq
ordained by Arian bishops. They had Encyclopaedia of Religion anci Ethics., ed. James Hastings,
and Syria who have fled to Australia, T & T Clarke, Edinbitrgh, 1913, p.247.
to send him back into the desert to be
has just appointed His Excellency 3, Ya-qubi, History, vol, I, p.298 quoted J . Spencer
ordained by exiled Catholic bishops Trimingham, Chrislianily among the Arabs in Pre-lslamic
Archbishop Amel Shamon Nona,
there. He is honoured as a saint by rimes. Longman. Beirut, 1979. p,263. See also p. 260.
formerly Chaldaean Archbishop o f 4, Ibn Ishaq. in the edition of ibn HJsham: As-Sira
the Catholic Church. His feast day is an-Nabawiyyah. Dar Ehia al-Tourath al-Arabi. Rue
Mosul in Iraq, to be Bishop of the
February 7.'" Dakkkache. Beirut. Lebanon, vol.3, p. 56.
Chaldaean Eparchy of St Thomas the 5- See Islam Today. Februan. 1 5, 2010.

Apostle, in Australia. 6. Sidney H. Griffith. The Bible in Arabic. Princeton

Two Popes join hands University Press. 2013, p, 116,

across the centuries Mawiyya, Queen o f the Arab 7. ibid p. 127.

federation of Western Tanukh Christian 8. Ilagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, Crone,
Patricia & Cook, Michael, p. 3 Cambridge, Cambridge
In 740 AD - a little over 100 years tribes would have been proud. University Press, 1977.
after Muhammad's death ~ the Holy 9. hitp://

Father Pope Gregory HI [731-741] For all its length, this too brief html?showall=l
10. Cf. scanned copy of first page of the Epistle to the
encouraged the Wessex-born monk survey o f a Christian presence - Hebrews, in Mt Sinai Arabic Codex 151 . See note".
St Willibald to leave his Monastery Catholic [also called Chalcedonian 11. J . Spencer Trimingham, op.cit. p.295. Also J. Ryckmans.
La persecution des Chretiens Himyarites aux sixieme
of Monte Cassino near Naples and or Melkite], Nestorian [also called Steele, 1956, p,7.
help St Boniface who was his cousin, Church o f the East] or Monophysite 12. Ibn Ishaq, : As-Sira an-NabawTyyah. ed.cit. vot.l, p.29.

to evangelize the German tribes. To [also called Jacobite] - in pre-Islamic

13. Michael McDonald, quoted Rick Brown, 'Who was Allah
before Islam?' October 19. 2007, pp.9-10.
inspire the young Anglo-Saxon monk Arabia has barely skimmed the 14. AlfredGuillaume, lalam. Penguin, 1982, p.lO.
Pope Gregory held up St Moses, the surface. It offers a foretaste o f what 15. Deities and Dolphins: The Story of the Nabataeans, New
York, 1965, p,527.
holy bishop of the nomadic Western it is hoped w i l l appear in a series o f 16. ibid. p . l l 9 , note'^
Saracen tribes, who died in the fourth articles on pre-lslamic Arabia and 17. Trimingham, op.cit. p. 118.
18. Samuel Hugh Moffett, A History of Christianity in Asia.
century AD, as an example o f zeal and Islam planned for Annals throughout Harper San Francisco, 1992, p.275.
courage.^" 2015. 19. 'De S. Moyse, Episcopo Saracenorum in Arabia. ' .Acta
Sanctorum, Bollandists ed. 1657, Tomus 5, ii Februarii,
In 2014 AD, the Holy Father Pope Next month: Understanding Islam I I : pp.43-45.
Francis [2013 and still reigning] Creating the vacuum Islam was to fill. 20. Trimingham. op cit. p.'*9, note'*.


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