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Mark’s new pet

Pre Reading Questions:

1.What animal is this?
2. How does this animal make you feel?
3. Where can you see this animal?

Vocabulary Pre-view
Match the word with its meaning. Write the letters only before the number.
____1. I feel very good. a. like the most
____2.My pet is a big dog. b. an animal that lives in the grass
____3.The snake lives in the grass. c. animal in a house
____4.She feels lonely when her friend is sick. d. become concious of
____5.I like animals. e. alone and sad
____6.My favorite day is Saturday. f. dogs,cats.monkeys,etc

Mark's New Pet

I have a new pet.His name is Sam. Snakes

are my favorite.I like them because they are
soft and cool.I love to pick up sam and hold
him.My friends don't like Sam.They run
away fron him.I think he feels lonely.Dad will
buy another snake tomorrow.Then Sam
won't feel lonely.

Reading and comprehension

Choose the best answer. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. What is the story about?

a. a dog b. a pet snake c. Mark's Dad d. A lonely boy
2. What do the children do when they meet Sam?
a. Run away b. Talk to him c. Play with Sam d. Hold him
3. Why is Mark worried about Sam?
a. He wants a pet dog c. Mark worries too much
b. People screams at him d. Sam is lonely
4. Which is true?
a. Sam has many freinds c.Mark and Sam are snakes
b. Mark loves his pet d.Sam is not a pet.

Focus on Order
Put the sentence in order from a to d.
____1. I think he is lonely.
____2. I have a new pet
____3. They run away from him.
____4.Dad will buy another snake tomorrow.

Word Practice
Choose the best word. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. His name is Sam. He is my _______.

a. pet b. call c. buy d. spend
2. I love this toy. This is my __________.
a. new b. small c. long d. favorite
3. Bonnie runs a lot. Now, she ________ tired.
a. loves b. feels c. buys d. wants
4. When I cross the road, I _____ my moms hand.
a. feels b. drag c. hold d. took

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Choose From the words inside the box.
Buy snake feel pet run away from

Mark has a new __________ called Sam. Sam is a _____________.Mark loves Sam but Sam
is not happy. The children ________________________ him. Mark’s father will __________ another
snake. Sam won’t __________ so lonely.

Write about your favorite animal by answering the following questions.
1. What is your favorite animal?


2. Why do you like this animal?


3. Where can you see these animals?


Prepared By: T. Mary

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