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Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs)

Transgenic organisms
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1.Less susceptible to 1. Buy new seeds every 1.selective/mutation/
fungal/bacterial diseases year because GM plants cross breeding
[papaya industry in Hawaii are sterile/terminator 2.genetic makeup/material
genetically vaccinated against seeds. Patented seeds are 3.engineered/edited/altered
ringspot virus] expensive. [Monsanto] 4.genetic engineering=
2.resistant/resilient/immune 2. Plants produce its own Biotechnology
to herbicides/insecticides/ toxic chemicals/pesticides 5. x-rays, gram-rays
wet killers/erratic weather/ to destroy the digestive 6.misnomer, bogus,
adverse soil conditions/ system of specific insects. Hollywood-inspired terms:
droughts/floods 3. Incidence of gluten Franken foods, terminator
[a protein lethal to insects was
allergies, cancers of rats. seed
engineered into eggplants in
7.Monsanto- big corporation,
8. glyphosate
3. Higher nutritional value:
lower in carbohydrates/
higher in fibers/ higher
anti-oxidants/ [golden rice
contains beta-carotene
additional vitamins]
4. modify plants to become
super-effective carbon
collectors [American chestnut
tree, to mitigate climate

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