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It’s obvious that when turning on popular radio stations today, you’ll most likely hear one thing

and one thing only- mainstream music. In a way, I can

understand how it’s likeable. Most of it has a great beat, catchy lyrics, and the type of music is what we grew up with in our generation. Not all house
music is terrible music, don’t get me wrong. But some artists of today have forgotten the main components that make a truly talented artist. Step outside the
mainstream box for a second, and take a look at how much has really changed in music over the years. Sometimes, not for the better.

Go back in time a few decades, to the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Lots of the bands from these eras have become internationally famous, and their music has become
classic. Artists like The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Nirvana, and so many other successful bands. All of these bands became
famous, because they had something that’s hard to find today- real talent. Many of the bands of the past wrote music that had real depth to it. Their lyrics
were meaningful, they wrote their own music, they played multiple instruments, they didn’t use auto tune or synthesizers, and many other factors. Using
something like auto tune was considered an insult back in the day. Today it’s almost on impulse, and everyone is using it so it’s not much of an indignity
anymore. It’s more of the new regular, which makes it obvious that some mainstream artists of today lack the real talent of the music of the past.
Many of the lyrics have no real depth to them anymore either. Lots of mainstream artists don’t even write their own. The music is repetitive, and the lyrics
sometimes involve swearing and the same typical situations, like “going to a club tonight”, “let’s get this party started”, or the typical thought that every
song has to be about love, falling in love, being in love, or something having to do with love. It would be great for some artists to try and expand their
music into more than just one topic of “love”, and try writing a song about a different issue or situation in life. This music is great for hearing at a party, or
something upbeat to hear. But when you actually want to listen to the music, I’m not sure this is exactly what everyone is looking for.

To finish this, I’ll start by saying that not all music of today is bad. There are lots of underground bands of today – and even some mainstream- that still
have the actual depth and talent in their music, to become even greater someday. It disappoints me though, when underground bands with real musical
talent are getting less attention than a popular artist that constantly uses a synthesizer or has someone write their songs for them. It is an opinionated topic,
but I still think it’s something for everyone to debate, whatever genre or era you’re a fan of.

Music is a gift from God. We listen to music when we are sad, tired or even when we are happy. Just listen to music and see how it works afterwards. It is
like magic as it brings us many benefits. Healing, refreshing or brain training for instance.
People nowadays have more choice of what music they will listen to since the mass media has developed rapidly. While adults tend to have more interest
in traditional or classical music, modern teenagers now prefer International music such as rap, pop or electronic music. It doesn't matter what music they
listen to, however, I strongly believe that traditional music is much more important and we should pay more attention to it. Traditional or folk music
reflects the past, the culture, the roots of a nation. It show the way how previous generation thought, how they fought again aggression wars and how they
brought freedom to their country. People, especially youngsters, should listen to folk music to know who they really are and what they have to do for their
nation in the future.

On the other hand, this doesn't mean that international music is not important at all. Listening to songs come from another countries can help people to
improve their vocabulary and language skills if they are studying a foreign language, English, the most popular language for example. It also help us to
keep connected to friends from all over the world, as music is beyond language barriers.

To sum up, it is obvious that music plays an essential part in our daily life. People can listen to music and choose what types of music to their preference,
however, traditional music must be preserved and brought into play to build one's country.

In conclusion, I think that we need traditional music because it is an integral part of the human expression that we cannot really separate from our lives
even if there are the various evolution of modern music we tend to listen every day through the web nowadays such as American rap songs and Korean pop

Music nowadays has turned to be an activity by which many of us relax. Many people feel so much relaxed by listening music and while others find
themselves more comfortable with playing music more often. Music is used to cheer up your mood and state of mind. You feel internal peace and its help
you forget all your tensions.
The World is divided into many different cultures and traditions. Every part of the world has its own unique identity. Different countries of the world and
people of different countries have their own likes and dislikes. Similarly, when we talk about music, it also differs from region to region. While
subcontinent people are more attracted towards classical music which is often a slow rhythmic music and people of western people like the fast track music
because classical music is the part of the culture of the subcontinent and mostly on different occasions and on different events people prefer classical music
over rock music.

But as the world is forwarding fast day-by-day and advancement are taking place in every field, same is true for the music. In music nowadays there are
different kinds of music introduced which are also good for listeners.
I personally believe that people put more attention and show a high level of interest when something which is directly related to their tradition and culture
and same goes for music. Especially in our subcontinent, people are attracted towards traditional music as compared to international or foreign music and
people give more importance to their traditions because tradition is something which makes you proud or we can say that it’s your identity.

Globalisation and information technologies made wonderful changes in music. Most of the music are internationally famous even if it in a particular
language. There are strong reasons behind the importance of traditional music and modern music. However, I believe that country music is more important
for everyone than the world music because it shows culture and dignity of each country.

Firstly, music has a vital role in everyone’s life. Some people hear the music for their happiness but for others in their sorrows because some kinds of songs
have a psychological impact and it can change their mood. Secondly in many vocations like marriage, festivals and cultural programs music have an
inevitable part. For example: in some regions of India having a culture of using songs for their funeral. Not only that, new research has shown that music
has a curing effect for some kind of physical and mental illness.

When thinking about the values of traditional and international music, country music is used for most of the cultural activities and festivals but
international music used only in some occasions like club functions and parties. Traditional music shows the cultures, meaning and value a society or
country. In the same way, it shows the history of the people. Most of the music is meaningful. For instances, some festivals in India, like Onam, Deepavali,
having its own songs. People use these songs only in this occasions.

In view of international music, it can use only for happiness. Most of the songs are fast track music. It is using in birthday parties and disco clubs. People
do not even think about its words or meaning. They dance according to the beats of songs.

To conclude, music has its own value. Songs are measured according to its importance. Even people are living in abroad they will not forget their own
traditional music because it shows their culture and believes. So, in my opinion, traditional music is more important than global music. Each country has its
own unique music style. For instance, Opera and Jazz music are famous in western countries and on the other hand, India and Spain are famous for
classical music style for salsa dancing.

Globally information technology has made tremendous progress. Information technology has invented numerous sophisticated devices to play music
anywhere anytime. People tend to listen to music depending on their mood. They tend to listen to sad music if they feel down or sad. It has become a
popular trend to listen to music while doing Yoga or doing exercise in the gymnasium.

Listening music while doing sports activities can boost energy level and brings the passion of sports in mind. Music is kind of daily activity nowadays and
is considered as the food of souls according to many people. Furthermore, some students play music while solving math equations. According to students,
math is only the subject which can be studied while playing music. On the other hand, for example in the huge shopping centres, the background music is
played 24/7. Because people love shopping and walking in the malls.

However, the traditional music of any country is very important and plays a vital role. For instance, traditional music expresses that what we belong to and
what is our culture. A country is judged by its heritage and traditional music. If a country is rich of traditional music then it is possible that it can be
popular around the world. But nowadays, young children are addicted to listening international music. They are not even aware of their culture and
traditional music. New generation is following the Western music style. It is the responsibility of parents to give them the knowledge of their traditional

In the conclusion, actually, everyone has a perception of listening to his/her favourite music. But in most countries, people avoid taking interest in
traditional music. Therefore, most of the countries are losing the value of their culture and traditional music. At last, the main responsibility of parents is to
aware children to listen and introduce traditional music to the world.
Music can be presented in several ways and variations that we can observe in the world these days. Many people consider music as part of their life and get
motivation and inspiration from the music they listen to. However, some people argue on the significance of music in our life. Many others compare the
importance of folk music and global music in term of people’s preference to listen. Furthermore, people tend to enjoy life better when they put music to
listen to their daily activity. In my view, music can bring some advantages to improve people’s life and local music and international music has both
advantages to our life.

In every place, music and people are hard to be separated. They love music because it can revive stress and bad feeling that we usually have. Moreover, the
rhythm of the music that is playing triggers our body to feel free and relax each moment. In addition, different varieties of music are available for everyone.
For example, people can feel free listening to soft, classic and loud music based on their choices.
Another issue of this essay is whether traditional music or popular world music has more importance. Traditional music has an important as an identity of a
nation. Indeed, every citizen has to maintain this legacy for their generation. Nonetheless, global music is surely good to be heard regarding on people’s
passion. In other words, none can be forced to stop listening to popular music because it is their right to choose any kinds of music that are suitable for
Hence, every person has the choice to listen to many genres of music. It describes how music becomes so popular today. In fact, music just serves benefits
depend on individuals’ preference about it. Folk or international music contributes to aid someone through their life. Nowadays, contemporary lifestyle and
advancement in technology have triggered the popularity of international music. Traditional music, on the other hand, is the symbol of tradition, values and
history of a society. Although both of them are important for people, I believe that more emphasis should be given to the traditional music as identity,
unique tradition and culture of a nation will be lost without promoting traditional music.
Evidently, music is a form of communication and prayer. In many communities and religions, music is still used to eulogise the God. Our ancestors
devoted songs to praise the Almighty as a mean to deliver thanks and pray for their needs. For example, Japanese people celebrate the wedding ceremonies
with traditional songs that convey their thanks and appeals to the God. Moreover, musicians use music for communicating with other people. They reveal
their emotions through poetic and harmonious lyrics which are expressed in beautiful melody in order to pass their emotions and messages. The message
contained in a song is often believed by many and is accepted by the society as it inspires people. Music touches our heart, cures our wounds, and gives us
Recently, due to globalisation, easy access to foreign TV & radio stations and widespread use of the internet, international music has become quite
common. International music is pretty entertaining, has a great variety and represents the contemporary issues. However, they are often fleeting and have
less importance in many cultures. For instance, rap or rock songs might attract a lot of teenagers but they do not represent the true identity of many
cultures. There are inevitable requirements of traditional music to express the true joys and traditions. Traditional music is regarded as the remarkable
legacy from our ancestors. Since traditional music reflects the genuine emotion and represents the tradition and way of life, they have more importance in
our culture and society.
To sum up, international and traditional music both have important roles in communicating, healing and entertaining people, but in my opinion, traditional
music is more pivotal to keep and represent the genuine values of a society. Therefore, no matter how much we enjoy international music, we should foster
the traditional music as much as possible

. Music is the language of the world and it presents the unique tradition and custom of a tribe, society or nation. People listen to different types of music
with great interests because it inspires us, refreshes our mind, heals our wounds, motivates us and so on. However, it is arguable that whether the traditional
music of a nation plays more crucial roles than the modern music that is popular worldwide. From my point of view, the former one is more important than
the latter one for the reason that it can reflect the cultural identity and the history of a nation.
First of all, no one can deny that most of the people love to listen to music as it inspires us, relaxes our mind and let us forget our anxiety and tension. For
example, a person may get stressed out and tired when he returns from the office and the music can work as the magic to remove his tiredness. A growing
number of people these days listen to music while commuting and this is quite effective to enjoy the time even on a busy road and amid of a tiresome
journey. Rich lyrics can enhance our intellectual level and it is often true that a person could be judged by the types of music he listens to. Music is a global
language that connects people, protests unjust, inspires people and creates a unique form of entertainment which is not only refreshing but also
Traditional music, itself, represents traditions and customs of a nation. Behind the music, there are history, story of a nation and even religious lessons. In
addition, traditional music can connect people with their cultural heritage, left from ancestors. Hence, it plays the vital role and bears the indigenous
practices and dignity of a nation. Thus, we must preserve our own traditional music as they could tell the history and life of our ancestors as well as what
we really are. Despite that, many people chose to listen to the international music. It can bring different nations together and teach lessons that were
unknown to a person. The music is different and can suite with a person's choice.
In conclusion, traditional music is much more important than the modern international music which can be heard in every part of the world. Youngsters
should give their heart to their own traditional music to keep their cultural heritage alive.

There is no record in history of a society that didn't have any form of music expression or appreciation. More than an entertainment, music seems to be a
human necessity. I believe that listening to music has the primordial task of helping us to regulate our emotions and, by similarity, prepare ourselves for an
emotional situation that we are in. Most of us, when are depressed, tend to listen to sad songs, instead of happy music (that we listen when we're already

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