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The Micro Expression Training Tool (eMETT) teaches recognition of concealed
emotions in two ways. First, you learn by watching slow motion footage so you
can compare and contrast emotions that are often confused with each other –
anger and disgust, fear and surprise, fear and sadness — and hear commentary
about how each pair of emotions differ. (It should be noted that this slow-speed
training can benefit people with Asperger’s or autism.) The second kind of training
eMETT provides is practice in recognizing micros. In each practice session a
different person appears. He or she shows no expression at first; then, suddenly, a
facial expression appears very briefly, and immediately the face returns to a
neutral expression. After each flash of emotion the you must choose which of
seven emotions was displayed: anger, fear, disgust, contempt, sadness, surprise
or happiness.

The Subtle Expression Training Tool (eSETT) teaches recognition of very subtle
“mini” signs of emotion. These are very tiny expressions, sometimes registering in
only part of the face. Subtle expressions occur for many reasons. The emotion
experienced may be very slight, or the expressions may occur when an emotion is
just beginning. Mini expressions also occur when strong emotions are felt but are
being actively suppressed; all that leaks out is a fragment of the full expression.
Dr. Ekman developed eSETT to increase people’s ability to spot these subtle


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