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Prince that has 3 + 1 wives

Narrator : 1- fatma

2- zulfakar

Witch: aznie

Prince: faiz kabol

Cinderella: aniza

Rapunzel: fairos

Sleeping beauty: hudal nura

Fairy god mother: azlina

Fairy god father: arif

Scene 1

(a fairy tale’s music is played....)

Narrator: in a far-faraway land, there live a prince who is puzzled about his own life. Day by day, years
passed by, and he still could not met his soul mate.... when he was upset, his fairy god mother always be
with him. And at once he decide, who can give him the best choice for his life, he thanks.

(Background music: umbrella version Cinderella)

Cinderella is coming in (at the garden) trying her new sandal. She saw the prince, who got his eye on her,
stuck..... (They fall in love)

Narrator: finally, they get married. But the happiness is not forever after. After 3 days with Cinderella, he
realized that Cinderella is too preoccupied with her shoes, sandal, and wedges. The prince felt regret.

Scene 2

Witch: the girl that you are married is the wrong one. There is another girl that you should marry with.

Fairy god mother: it’s okay my son. You can handle it. Yes you can my son. Believe with yourself.

Witch: no...! It’s not okay..! You choose the wrong one.
Prince: so, what should I do..?? Hmm.. What have I done? I’ve choose the wrong lady to be my soul
mate. Hurmm.. Maybe this is a sign. I should find another one. .. Yes, I should..!

(The prince is out of stage)

Scene 3

The prince entered the jungle for hunting. Suddenly, he saw one beautiful girl was tried to realise her
hair that had stuck with branch. The prince was stared at with the girl because she got a very long hair.
The prince came nearly and helps the girl.

Rapunzel: thanks for helping me. By the way, I’m rapunzel. (Smile at the prince)

Prince: wow.. What such a weird name, and I is the prince of this kingdom.

Witch: make her as your wife. Believe me. This is your true love.

Fairy god mother: no..! It’s not..! Don’t trust her...!

The prince ignoring them since the princess is so beautiful.

(Everybody is looking at rapunzel)

Rapunzel: why you staring at me..?

Witch: what are you waiting for? Hurry... proposes her.

Prince: would you marry me, my dear...? (Kneeing to rapunzel)

Rapunzel: uuuhh.. So dashing... why not...

Narrator: and for the second time. the prince fall in love again. Hope this is the last one.

Witch: live happily..? Don’t ever dream of it.. hahahahahhahaha (laughing loudly)

Scene 4

Narrator: so now, the prince live with both of his wives, spending time together, almost every moment,
but do they happy..?

(Prince was asleep)

(Rapunzel is tidying her hair)

(Cinderella comes in)

Cinderella: rapunzel..!! Do you see my heel..? The new one that I bought this morning.

Rapunzel: how would I know..? I’m not your shoes guardian. Find it yourself. Can’t you see I’m dying to
tide up my hair..

Cinderella: I’m just asking..! No need to shout at me..!

(The prince was awake and he shake his head, regretful)

Cinderella: look.. I told you. You are a big mess. Don’t you know that..?

Rapunzel: Oopss.. Sorry.. (Giggling)

Narrator: the prince spends his time with his god mother and father.

Fairy god mother: relax son. You can handle this. Just think wisely before you make a decision.

Scene 5

The prince is on top of the moon, thinking of his wives. Suddenly,

Prince: hello there my beautiful lady, what are you doing outside..?

Sleeping beauty: ohh.. I’m asleep again. I was watering the plant just now. I’m not sure when did i fell

Prince: you are.....??

Sleeping beauty: ohh.. My name is sleeping beauty. I always be a sleep.

Prince: (staring at like always)

Sleeping beauty: (shy) do you have any question....?

Prince: I’m sorry. Urmm.. would you marry me..?

Sleeping beauty: umm..... (smiling)

They married

Scene 6

Narrator: like we all do expect, the prince make her as his wife. It’s like a collection. After married, the
prince seems to have problems with his wives. Cinderella is too obsess of her shoes and sandal. She
always dreams the best out of the best.
Cinderella: haha.. I’m Cinderella right..?

Narrator: rapunzel with the long hair. She has to spend a lot of time a day to neat up her hair. And her
hairs mess up everything. Especially when it came to Cinderella stuff.

Rapunzel: that’s is not my fault okay..

Narrator: as he wants to share his problems and want to have a talk, sleeping beauty always fell asleep.
Even during their lunch time.

Sleeping beauty: sshhh.. Don’t tell everything..

Narrator: at last, the prince realised that he makes a mistake. All this while, he is not finding a way to
solve his problem. He regret that he trust the witch so much. The witch was just want to mess up his life.

Witch: hahaha... now you know. That’s love is just such a fool. Hahaha..

Everyone stared at the witch) (angry)

Scene 7

Prince: I’m such a fool. What have i done..? No.. i can take this anymore.. i have to settle this by myself.
Witch..! Witch..! (Screaming)

Witch: haha.. Why prince..? May I help you..?? hahaha.

Prince: you cheat me. You want to ruin my life.

Witch: it’s my pleasure to ruin your life, young man. You will never find the way out. Never..Never..!!

Prince: fairy god mother, father what am I supposed to do..? give me strength.

Fairy god mother: it’s okay my dear child, it is never been too late.. you start it, so you can end it..

Scene 8

Peaceful place

Here come the narrator with a calm face... fairy god mother saw her and know that she is the best for
their child. They let their son realise by his self.

Narrator: may i help you, you look like you are in a hot water. I’ll lend my ear if you don’t mind.
So, that is how they meet, it is hard to explain how the two person can meet and understand each
other... it’s what we call... FATE...


1- We cannot be greedy as we take the best for us.

2- Don’t ever solve problem by finding other problem

3- Think twice, think wise, before you do something.

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