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Shahbaz Ali Operating Systems Lab

401-BSCS-14 Assignment 3 ( Q1 )
Section E-1 Dr. Awais Qasim

I am using the Ubuntu version of the Linux and I created a simple program in which fork() function was called
to create a child process. And then after the execution of fork() a new executable was loaded into the child
process using the execvp(). This new program (named test in my case) infinitely printed my credentials
(Shahbaz-Ali – 401-BSCS-14 – SectionE1). Now, parent terminated immediately after printing to the screen that
it is parent process.
Now, even after the termination of parent process child process continued its execution i.e.
continuously printing my name and roll number on the screen. This shows the Ubuntu doesn’t support
Cascading Termination.


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