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Desired Student Outcomes Locate and evaluate (for credibility, sutficiency, accuracy, timeliness, ias, and so on) primary and secondary research materials, including journal articles, essays, books, databases, and informal electronic networks and Intemot Use strategies—such as Interpretation, synthesis, response, critique, and destgn/ redesign—to compose texts that integrate the writer's ideas with those from appropriate sources. Processes Devolop a writing project through ‘multiple drafts, PREFACE xix eee een at hie Hasan est Cte (Chapter 4: Focuses on analyzing 2 selection cially, including assessing the quality of the evidence and the author’ use of language co discover bias of Faulty reasoning (op. 74-78). | ‘Chapter 22: Eaphasies choosing appropriate source cypes forthe projec (pximary | vs. secondary sources, p. 566; scholarly vs. popular sources, p. 566-68; books vs. articles vs, media sources, pp. 568-68); evaluating sources for rlevence, includ timelines and appropriacenes for the audience (p. 569), and reliability, including Faimess and objectivity. verfabiliy, and bias (pp. 570-7). (Chapter 23: Provides inscructin on asing Kbrary resources including using key words effectively for searching catalogs and dasabases (pp. 576-81), using and choosing appropriate research tool suchas eubject guides, government documens, Lisservs, newsgroups, and so on (pp. 581-84), and conducting field research (pp. 584-86), (Chapter 3: Covers a variety of strategic, including synthesis, response, and evitique ines Guide to Responding to Texe (pp. 60-65) (Chapter 4: Covers using synthesis and ther vechniques to read critically (pp. 74-78) (Chapcers 12-19; Fach chapte: contains a section on thinking cially about the thororical mode (we Ch. 13, p. 277, for example) a a "Syathesizing Idea box (sce Ch. 13, 296, for eeample). The apparatus following teading selections a the second half exch chapter alo includes activites for analyzing the writers | technique thinking crccally about the thetoricl mode, and responding wo the reading (see Ch. 12, pp. 293-94). ‘Chapter 23: Covers evaluating notes and synthesizing sources (pp. 592-95). ‘Chaprer 24 Cavers integrating information from sources with the students ‘own ideas (pp. 605-8) integrating quotations, paraphrase, and summaries (pp. 608-12) while avoiding plagiarism (pp. 602-03). Via LaunchPad*, rural in documenting and wocking with sources ate avilable cite: sualising sources": Tutorials and practice on ctingall kinds of sources. Pare 2: Chapt 5 focuses on finding and focusing ideas Chapter 6— developing, and supporting thesis; Chapeer 7— organizing and defting an esays Chaptce 8—writing focused, well supported paragraphs: Chapter 9—zevlsing an essay for sone weno, ning leis and proteses of pe ring Chap | 10—reading and revising a draft rtcally. One students writing process, rom idea generation through revision is depicted across the chapters in Par 2. ares 3-4s The Guided Writing Assignments in each chapter stress the writing process, (See for example, Ch. 15, pp. 343-48.) (Chapter 26: Coverage of developing a portolio emphasizes the importance of demonstrating and reflecting on the writing proces (pp. 698-701). Porfla Keeping, Second Edition’: Emphasies the imporcance of porflio keeping asa reflection ofthe writing processes, ‘Addiional resource, avalable fee when packaged with the text Seep. wl for dees "Available as 2 select value package Se . olor more infortation

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