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Microorganisms and Manure

Highland cattle are a Scottish breed and raised for their meat.

By Margith Bjerre, member of the Danish Highland Cattle Association. Translation Lone
Fundby, Toronto and Haley Nagasaki

For 18 months we have been using the Norwegian BiosaHerb® in the rearing of our Danish
Highland Cattle. Biosa Norge A/S and Biosa Inc, Canada are the two companies who
produces the fermented
probiotic beverage, consisting
of lactic acid bacteria, organic
cane molasses, and 19 different
organic herbs. Throughout the
duration of a year and a half,
this products’ performance has
continued to surprise us and it
has enriched the lives of our
livestock, and thus our
livelihood. Disclaimer: neither
are we distributors, nor do we
have any affiliation with the
manufacture; we are simply users that are continually astonished by our experiences with
this product.


Our cattle barn consists of three compartments, between which the animals move freely.
Each compartment typically gets mucked every fall, but this past year we did not conduct
this yearly purge. Instead, with the help of a backpack sprayer, we sprayed the ground with
BiosaHerb diluted with water. With no more muck accumulation, the barn floor is now dry.

How did this happen? The BiosaHerb continously, and effectively, converts muck into

Our pasture consists of two feed lots, which the animals can access from two fields. It is
from these fields that we also remove loads of manure. These feeding areas have been
sprayed with BiosaHerb, too. Whatever slurry that remains post spraying appears porous
and well composted. Next year we anticipate that these sites will be sprayed more
frequently, thus we look forward to no longer dealing with the slurry of manure and straw
Moreover, we’ve found that it is challenging to keep the cattle shelters dry during the
wintertime. We are however quite confident that by applying the diluted mixture, the refuge
as a whole will be more comfortable as the probiotics help to mitigate dampness.


We have a small six acres of land to accommodate thirteen animals, therefore it is essential
that the grass exhibits good health and productivity. This past July, the grass, once more,
suffered drought damages. There was hardly anything left for the animals to eat and we
were forced to serve them bales of hay instead of their natural grazing dietary habits.

In reaction to the drought, we decided to spray our fields with the BiosaHerb mixture. This
summer, affiliate of Biosa Norge and Biosa Canada. Knud Dencker-Jensen evaluated our
soil samples and found that, compared to last year, our soil and grassroots had improved.
However, he was still not entirely satisfied with what he saw. Then came the rain.

We agreed that it was time to apply the mixture to our fields. By the end of July the first
thirty gallons per acre was scattered. Almost unbelievably, three weeks later we had more
grass than the animals could eat, and it was greener than ever. Driving around town, there
were no other pastures as vibrant as our bright green acerage.

In the fall we planted one hectare with a recommended grass blend of various herbs,
including caraway, parsley, chervil, and chicory. It was then mowed the following June.
Two hours before wrapping, the grass was sprayed with sixty litres of BiosaHerb diluted
with water. As the analysis showed an elevated protein content, we were exciting to feed it
to our animals; never again serving them compromised hay.

From now on, all of our fields will be treated with this awesome mixture. We plan to apply
about thirty liters per acre, twice a year; one time in the spring and again in the fall. NPK
fertilizer will no longer be apllied.

To grow sufficient forage for our winter supply, we leased another four acres. A half acre of
which is typically covered by water, with soil resembling peat moss. By applying
BiosaHerb with a double dose of Cane Molasses, we intend to shift the wetland region to
grassland. The forage, consisting of grasses especially suitable for low-lying regions, was
then comprised of about 25% alfalfa.

In addition, we were also lucky to find a good quality kelp meal from northern Norway, that
encouraged us to start making the resilient "Bobakker” grass blend. Feeding the animals
seaweed meal is beneficial insofar as it will then carry onto the pastures through manure.
Using a Basic Feeder, we offered them 2.5lbs of seaweed meal to start. They say cattle need
about 0.4oz per 220lbs of weight, therefore it is necessary to restrict seaweed servings. The
following month, the cattle consumed an amazing 60lbs of seaweed all together.
Norwegian seaweed meal is loaded with essential nutrients that provides the rumen
microbiome with natural, easily absorbable trace vitamins and minerals. This supports
reproduction and food conversion, among various other benefits, which is perhaps why the
cows ate the most (in contrast to the bulls). In fact, the bulls did not touch it at all. This year
all of our new calves were born over a period of three months; we predict that seaweed meal
supports a more unified birthing season.

For more information on our expereince with BiosaHerb from Norway and Norweigan
seaweed meal in the rearing of our Highland cattle, you are welcome to write us at or

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