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EPISODE 4 The Teacher as a knower of curriculum

Activity 1: Interview an administrator, a student and a parent. Find out their view points
on the traditional and progressive curriculum.

Name of Student: Angeline Comahig

School: Actin National High School


Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Teachers are the sources of Teachers are facilitators

information and discipline. and implementers.

Roles of Pupils Learners are dependent to Learners are not dependent

the teacher. to teachers.

Modes of Instruction Broaden Brief

Instructional Materials Books Computers

Modes of Assessment Pencil and Paper Exam Practical Exam

Activity 1.1 Interview a teacher and an administrator. Find out their viewpoints on the
traditional and progressive curriculum.

Name of Faculty member: Cherry Lyn M. Ozoa-Sulitana

School: Actin National High School

Subject Areas Taught/ Handled: English Signature:

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Dependent of books Uses internet for their

additional information.

Roles of Pupils Student follows instructions Student is independent and

to the teacher. ready to learn new lessons.

Modes of Instruction Sequencing Brief and concise

Instructional Materials Books and chalkboards Projector and computer

Modes of Assessment Pencil and Paper Exam Practical Exam

Name of Administrator: Maristel S. Cadayday

School: Actin National High School

No. of years of Administrative Experience: Signature:

Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Following instruction Independent on their own

perception in giving an

Roles of Pupils Dependent to the teacher Independent and less


Modes of Instruction Sequencing instruction Brief and concise instruction

Instructional Materials Books, manual, workbooks Projector and Computer

and chalkboard.

Modes of Assessment Check the lesson plan. Surprise visit of the classes.

Activity 1.2 Interview a parent. Find out his/her viewpoints on the traditional and
progressive curriculum.

Name of Administrator: Lolita Comahig

Highest Educational Attainment: High School


Aspects Traditional Progressive

Roles of Teacher Regulate the rules in the Knower of every lesson.


Roles of Pupils Following the rules and Independent and less

instruction of the teacher. supervision.

Modes of Instruction Not direct to the point. Clear and direct to the

Instructional Materials Chalk board Computer

Modes of Assessment Long Exam Practical Exam



Traditional point of view in the classroom is that the teacher is preparing her
lesson plan for her/ his students to discuss. Progressive point of view in the classroom
is actualized by the learner or experiences of the individual.

As I interviewed the teachers, administrator, student and a parent they have

similar concept of what is traditional point of view and progressive point of view in role of
the teacher, pupils, mode of instruction and assessment and instructional material. The
school still using the traditional curriculum as students are dependent to their teachers.

For me, it is better to balance their curriculum to use. Teacher should not use all
the time the traditional because it makes the students bored in the class. As a future
teacher, I will implement progressive to the classroom so that the students will
participate in the class and apply the intended and desired learning outcomes.


As what I observe in this section, which is we interview the campus administrator,

teachers, parent and the students of what types curriculum did they used. And also the
roles of a teachers and the students, as a knower I will catch the attention of my
students to listen of what I had discuss to them. The teacher and the students in
traditional way, is different from progressive, because it is more on writing, hands-on
and they are also applying it….

In this episode, I’m able to distinguish the traditional curriculum from progressive
curriculum. As a future teacher someday, I need to be a good curricularist in such a way
that I know how to implement a curriculum which is more effective for my teaching-
learning process. Though I need to start with the basic one which is the traditional but I
want to do my best to get into the progressive one because as what I’ve observed in the
class I’m assigned, the common curriculum used by the teachers are traditional which I
knew that it is not effective because there is no interaction and application at all in the
learners’ side.


Based on my observation, and by interviewing the parents, teacher, students,

and the administrator that the type of curriculum they are mostly using is the traditional
curriculum. Which the curricularist as a knower is depending on the textbook and
usually their students are just listening on her. And for me, if I will in the situation of the
teacher I will prefer to use the progressive curriculum in order for my students to
develop their thinking skills, their capacity to answer and to face the different
consequences from their teacher.


As I observe during our observation in different classes in Actin National High

School the teachers point of view about the traditional and progressive curriculum is that
traditional curriculum is a way of teaching that using black board , chalk , visual aids and other words traditional curriculum is more on spoon feeding. While the
progressive curriculum is more on application between the teacher and the students.
Activity 2: Research on the differences of the traditional and progressive curriculum.
Accomplish the H- Chart given below. Write the similarities at the center and the
differences on each side.

Traditional Curriculum Progressive Curriculum

 Teacher- Based  Student – based

 Textbook  Student Skilled
dependent Similarities  Student to student
 Teacher rules interaction
 Teacher’s effort  Teacher- students  Teacher is
 Spoon Feeding interaction facilitator
 Teacher- centered  Group Activities
 Subject- centered  Student Centered
 Teacher interaction  Technology
dependent for their
resource advance
research of the



My personal insight to this activity based on my observation at the same time

some research regarding the traditional curriculum, progressive curriculum and their
similarities. As an observer, it is not necessary to the teacher to use all the time the
traditional. The teacher should balance for using the traditional curriculum because the
learner will not learned if they use this all the time.

I interviewed one teacher regarding the points of view of her curriculum. The
teacher said that it is really hard for her to use the progressive curriculum because
some students are not equipped with ideas and not a fast learner. That is why she
needed to balance it, but at the end of her lessons there will be activities to do and there
will be a teacher-students interaction also.

As a future teacher, I would not let those restraining forces prevail since this is
the gap for the teacher and students to foresee the lessons failure. I should keep the
standard so that there will be progressive and at the same time there will be a teacher-
students interaction and student-student interactions.


There are two types of curriculum which is the traditional and progressive, and
we need to consider the two point of view of curriculum, because in classroom, a
diverse student could be fund. So as a future mentor, we must hit our teaching to the
needs of everyone in our class.


I do believe that knowing the two curriculums which is the traditional and
progressive will enhance those skills of a teacher as a curricularist. The teacher
engaged fully to the progressive one in order to be more effective and at the same time
his/her learners’ fully equipped with knowledge and ready for the future.


As a curricularist, we need to consider the two types of curriculum in teaching,

which is the traditional and progressive curriculum. Because it helps the teacher on how
to discussed her topic. And for the students they will be aware to their teacher’s way in
discussing. As we listen to the teacher that we interviewed, she said that it is really hard
for her to use the progressive curriculum, because some students cannot catch up for
what she is really meant that’s why she’s using the traditional curriculum.


As a future curricularist/teacher I prefer to used the progressive curriculum

because in progressive the students will develop their thinking skills they will be
dependent on their own, they can discover some hidden skills on them because the
teacher let them do such things for them to learn on their own but also the teacher
should the a facilitator and should monitor his/her students so that if there are some
questions he/she can answer it directly.

Activity 3: Call up your friends from other Teacher education Institutions. Find out what
is their own point of view of curriculum. Put a check mark on the corresponding column.

Names of Traditional Progressive Both

Students/ Schools










Some schools are still using traditional curriculum and others are using both.
Upon looking on what curriculum they are involved, those school who uses both
curriculum (traditional and progressive) are in the city and these two schools who uses
the traditional is the uptown school. Shall we say, these schools nearby city are using
both curriculum as they implemented technologies and any other supported curriculum
while the uptown schools they are still using the traditional because most of the
students cannot afford or there is no available technologies like computers for their
advance studies and learning.

If I would be on their own shoes, I would still drive those driven forces that could
make benefits of the students to learn. Teacher is an innovator, artistic, knower and etc.
It is not a hindrance or an excuse to the teacher that if they are in rural area assigned
school they cannot provide best to their lessons. If there is a will there is a way.


As I asked my friend who is a student in BNHS, she said that the curriculum they
are using are both which is the traditional and progressive. Some teacher still using the
tradition and some are progressive. In my own opinion, I should consider the
progressive since DepEd want the progressive curriculum to be used.


As what I’ve seen, each school had its own curriculum. Some are using
traditional and some are using progressive. There are different kinds of character and
attitude of the students we interviewed that come up with the thought of “individual
differences” that may lead to a competitive individual and the school as well.


When I interviewed my friend and teacher, based on their answer are not the
same. There are some says a traditional and some says both. With these, the traditional
and both curriculum still exist on the classroom. It depends only to the teacher, what
curriculum they are using.


As I interviewed, some say that the traditional and progressive curriculum are
both important because there are some cases the teacher should use the traditional
curriculum although it is the old way of teacher but still it is effective. In progressive
curriculum this is the way of teaching that let students to do their own. It is more on



As I interviewed the student, teacher, administrator, a mother and a friend for

their own points of view in traditional and progressive. They have similar foresee and
understanding of traditional and progressive in the classroom.

According to Robert Hutchins, Traditional curriculum views as “permanent

studies which are basic education are emphasized.” This approach is still practiced to
this school (ACTIN high school).

One of the teachers that I interviewed, she mentioned about the scholastic
standard on her class. She says that her class cannot understand her as she is always
speaking fluently English all the time. The subject that she handles is English. She told
us also about her adjustment approaches to her learners.

For me, it is not an excuse for the students if they cannot follow. Communication
is lacking on the classroom and that is why there is no progress at all. The learners
cannot let go of what they use all the time which is the traditional. How can these
students learned and develop their critical thinking if these students will not let go on the
traditional? The only solution for these burden sides of the teacher is that the teacher
should make an actualization not just by reading and writing. The teacher should
develop the student to communicate, develop their listening skills and develop their
critical thinking so that the classroom will impose the progressivism.


According to the researchers findings progressive special education schools is

more effective for the development of students with special needs and there are more
much concentrating on the needs of the student, while in the traditional special
education schools their limited in curriculum and facilities only. Traditional special
education schools, lack the needs and the support for teaching student with special
needs, because even though they have special programs, there are some absents of
their curriculum and facilities for these students. The instruction of the teachers is
appropriate for their students. In addition, the researcher came up with the following
recommendations for the special education teachers that they may consider to provide
a continuum of services, in which students with special needs receives varying degrees
of support based on their individual needs and for the students of the teacher-
respondents that they may provide additional care and support to the students in
learning to progress.


In traditional, the curriculum is focusing on the fundamental knowledge, there’s

no application and the learner’s here is only receiving information on the teacher/s. In
the progressive, learner’s experiencing or applying what he/she learn. According to
John Dewey “Education is experiencing” so the progressive curriculum is better among
the two because the learner’s gain knowledge as well as put into action of what he/she


In our observation, there are different classes and subjects that we’ve observed.
And because of that, the students must be ready for their different subjects so that they
can rely on their teacher’s lesson. In every diff. subjects and teacher there are diff.
methods and strategies they are using, and depends on the teacher on how they will
delivered their topic.


According to MALCOLM S. KNOWLES the traditional education is also known as

back-to-basics education or customary education. This refers to long- established
customs found in school in school that society has traditionally deemed appropriate,
traditional education promotes the adoption of progressive education practices, which
focuses on individual students needs and self- expression a more holistic approach .In
the progressive education, also known as modern education or alternative education
has persisted in various in forms to the present. It is a student- centered and task-based
approach to learning. Progressive education may be the opposite of traditional

According to educational progressives John Dewey this educational setting makes

use of the involvement of the parents and the community. The teachers become
partners of the students in taking the steps in their education. Everything is in hands-on
activities and group based tasks. Progressive education concentrates on the strengths
of the students and how they use different tools so the student can process easily and
function well in coping up with their studies. School settings and so that other people
may know and have this kind of knowledge about the education that our generation had
offered and opened for children with special needs. The aims of this study principally
centers on the difference between traditional and progressive Special Education
Schools in the development of the child’s education and their influence on the student

Pieces of Evidence LEARNING Documents

Records Pictures

Traditional Points of view is prepared by the teachers for the students. She uses
textbooks and chalkboards as her supported instructional
EPISODE 5 Approaches About School Curriculum
Activity 1: Accomplish the template given below by following the given sample.

2. Science Biodiversity .Discuss the .Students compared

simulation activity of the activities habitat
habitat destruction. destruction.

.Determining the .Student responded

differences between the differences of
two hypothetical hypothetical island.
.Students debated
.Explain water the destruction of the
pollution. local and global

2. English Types of Text .Group concrete .Students identified

ideas on the types of the types of text.

.Examine sample
texts representative
of each type.

appreciation for

3. TLE Faces of lumber .Identifying the width, .Students identified

length and the height the proper faces of
of the lumber. the lumber: width,
length and the



In this activity, I learned about how to indicate the process and product in the
lesson. Simply, it is the intended learning outcomes and desired learning outcome.
As a future teacher, I would make my lesson plan readable and objective SMART
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. Overall, it will be effective in
teaching process.


Based on my observation, In every subjects there must be different content process and
product in order for the learners to understand. What you have been discussed to them
by using different methods and strategies.


In this episode, I learned about the approaches about the curriculum which can
help me as a future teacher someday because it talks about the content or body of
knowledge to be transmitted to my future learners, then the product or the learning
outcomes desired of learners and lastly the process or what actually happens in the
classroom when I will practiced the curriculum in the future. I need this to know because
some teachers nowadays are not fully exposed with this approaches and failed to aim
their leaning desired for their students.


As a curricularist, we must consider the 6 criteria in the selection of knowledge,

the significance, validity, usefulness, learnability, feasibility and interest. Because it
measured by the students ability to understand and to catch up and apply the content of
the curriculum for the practical purposes and lifelong consumption.


In every subject/discussion there should be different learning procedures and

learning styles and content so that the learners can fully understand the discussion. The
teacher should set every examples on her discussion so that the students can relate.
Activity2: There are six (6) criteria in the selection of knowledge/subject matter.
Interview a teacher, the indicators for each of the criteria by answering the given

Criteria Questions Indicators

1. Significance How do you know the It is measured by the student’s ability

significance in the content to understand and apply the content of
of the curriculum? the curriculum for the practical
purposes and lifelong consumption.

2. Validity How do you know if the There is really no measure on the

curriculum is valid? validity of the curriculum because the
curriculum is supposed to be flexible
and adaptable to the changes of time,
but for the benefit of the question, a
curriculum is valid of the students are
able to become global learners.

3. Usefulness When do we know that the The curriculum is useful if it teaches

curriculum is useful? the learners pragmatist content that
can be applied both local and global.

4. Learnability When do you know that Actually the K-12 curriculum does not
the content is within the give the teachers the flexibility to
range of your learner’s choose what to teach because it is
experience? based on competencies not on the
number of lessons thought. However,
the content is within the learners
experience if they are able to positively
interact with the teachers and obtained
an above average score in the
assessment or evaluation stage.

5. Feasibility When do you know that The teacher prepares a budget of work
the content is within the for each grading period taking into
time, resources and consideration the type of lesson the
expertise of teacher and experiences of the students and the
experiences of the materials involve in teaching. The
learners? content is within the lesson plan
achieved for the day.
6. Interest When do you know that The learners when they actively
the learners are interested participate in every activities geared
in content? towards the objectives of the day.



In this activity, it discusses the understanding of the teacher about the 6 criteria
which are significance, validity, usefulness, learnability, feasibility and interest of the
teacher towards to her students.

It is really important to understand these criteria, because it allows the teacher to

reflect on her way of teaching. A teaching process where we convey our lessons to the
students and in order for the teacher to be effective then she should know this criterion.

As a future teacher, I would impart my knowledge and skills to the students to

that they will have an interest to listen and participate.


If I will the teacher in that section,for me criteria is very helpful and useful to the teacher
because through this, he/she can determined wether the learners have learned the topic
that she has been discussed. It is also very important ,as a teacher to know the
teaching in the students or the learning outcome.


As what I’ve observed, the teacher I interviewed is integrating all the

knowledge/subject matter which composed of six: the significance which tackles’ the
content of the curriculum, the validity, the usefulness, the learnability, the feasibility and
the interest. If the teacher is not exposed to this matter then there will be a tendency
that he will not be an effective teacher.


The teacher must be knowledgeable enough so that they can sustain their lesson
on how to deliver. He teacher knows their subject well. They’ve mastered the content
and know how to communicate it to appropriate grade levels. The teacher never stops
learning and growing themselves. They find creative ways to upgrade their lesson plans
and pedagogy.


As a future teacher someday I will used different learning styles or strategies during
my discussion so that my students are able to understand. I will give some examples
during my class so that they can relate.

Activity 3: B.A.S.I.C . is an acronym to state the principles of curriculum content.

Principle 1: Curriculum Sample


Balance Grade 9 – Living Things and Their Environment FIRST

assignment of Content: Biodiversity and Evolution
contents, time,
experiences and other  Causes of Species Extinction
elements  natural
 anthropogenic

Students were able to relate the species extinction to the

Write the contents in
one subject area for failure of populations of organisms to adapt to abrupt changes
the first grading in the environment

Articulation At the end of Grade 8, learners can describe the factors that
affect the motion of an object based on the Laws of Motion.
Curriculum is They can differentiate the concept of work as used in science
arrange vertically or and in layman’s language. They know the factors that affect
horizontally the transfer of energy, such as temperature difference, and the
Write a sample type (solid, liquid, or gas) of the medium. Learners can explain
content of one topic how active faults generate earthquakes and how tropical
in a subject from cyclones originate from warm ocean waters. They recognize
level to level or other members of the solar system. Learners can explain the
grade to grade. behavior of matter in terms of the particles it is made of. They
recognize that ingredients in food and medical products are
made up of these particles and are absorbed by the body in
the form of ions. Learners recognize reproduction as a process
of cell division resulting in growth of organisms. They have
delved deeper into the process of digestion as studied in the
lower grades, giving emphasis on proper nutrition for overall
wellness. They can participate in activities that protect and
conserve economically important species used for food.

At the end of Grade 9, learners have gained a a deeper

understanding of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory
systems to promote overall health. They have become familiar
with some technologies that introduce desired traits in
economically important plants and animals. Learners can
explain how new materials are formed when atoms are
rearranged. They recognize that a wide variety of useful
compounds may arise from such rearrangements. Learners
can identify volcanoes and distinguish between active and
inactive ones. They can explain how energy from volcanoes
may be tapped for human use. They are familiar with climatic
phenomena that occur on a global scale. They can explain
why certain constellations can be seen only at certain times of
the year. Learners can predict the outcomes of interactions
among objects in real life applying the laws of conservation of
energy and momentum.

At the end of Grade 10, learners realize that volcanoes and

earthquakes occur in the same places in the world and that
these are related to plate boundaries. They can demonstrate
ways to ensure safety and reduce damage during
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Learners can
explain the factors affecting the balance and stability of an
object to help them practice appropriate positions and
movements to achieve efficiency and safety such as in sports
and dancing. They can analyze situations in which energy is
harnessed for human use whereby heat is released, affecting
the physical and biological components of the environment.
Learners will have completed the study of the entire organism
with their deeper study of the excretory and reproductive
systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic
information is passed from parents to offspring, and how
diversity of species increases the probability of adaptation and
survival in changing environments. Learners can explain the
importance of controlling the conditions under which a
chemical reaction occurs. They recognize that cells and
tissues of the human body are made up of water, a few kinds
of ions, and biomolecules. These biomolecules may also be
found in the food they eat.

Scope General Subjects: Heredity

Content, topics, Specific Topic: Inheritance and Variation

learning experiences
and organizing the  Location of genes on chromosomes
threads of an  Non-Mendelian inheritance
educational plan.  Incomplete dominance
 Sex-linked traits
Write sample topics  Multiple alleles
in a subject area.  Multiple genes

Learning Experiences: Students were able to describe

the location of genes in chromosomes.
Students were able to explain the different patterns of
non-Mendelian inheritance.

Integration The teachers explained the limiting factors extension of

species and cite an example and asked the students to why do
Curriculum is the birds coming from the China fly over in Pampanga or in
integrated and Bulacan from month of N0vember to January? It is because of
interconnected. the temperature of the area (China) that the bird cannot take
Cite a lesson into their bodies and find warm weather.
which is integrated
Another topic, teacher also teaches the story of King Arthur.
in other subjects.
King Arthur was a popular King in England. The teacher also
integrates the lesson into the news nowadays where Chinese
tried to conquer or own the Spratley Island.

Continuity Topic: ECOSYSTEM

Vertical repetition Grade 9 Learners learn how plants capture energy from the
and recurring Sun and store energy in sugar molecules (photosynthesis).
approaches of This stored energy is used by cells during cellular respiration.
content. These two processes are related to each other.

Write sample topics Grade 10 Learners learn how plants capture energy from the
in a subject area Sun and store energy in sugar molecules (photosynthesis).
where content is This stored energy is used by cells during cellular respiration.
organized in spiral These two processes are related to each other.
fashion in breadth
and depth



According to Ralph Tyler “When you make curriculum there should be a planning
phase”. Teacher should always be ready on her lesson and adopt her curriculum
mapping. Make a plan which is visible and phenomenal in order to attain the BASIC
principles of curriculum content and apply those 6 criteria.


As a curricularist, I need to articulate clearly the aims of my teaching, give sound

professional reasons for adopting these aims, and implement them in their practice.
Through my planning and teaching, I will demonstrate the knowledge and
understanding of relevant content, disciplines, and curriculum documents.


According to Phillip Phenix “curriculum should consist entirely of knowledge

which comes from various disciplines”. So teacher must be exposed or engaged to all of
the six knowledge/subject matters in order to be ready in doing the teaching-learning


According to the researchers in the principle of curriculum content which is the

BASIC where the topic presented must be on time allocation, bridging between the
previous knowledge to present, sequencing the content arrange in order, knowledge
and content can be infuse or contradiction into other discipline and lastly the potential
for past to present.

The teacher demonstrates they can make a connection with students. They show that
they genuinely enjoy students, knowing kids learn better when they believe the teacher
likes them. The teacher possesses the tools and process by which they assess the
students’ understanding of the subject. They utilize a system for measuring student
growth. The teacher creates an atmosphere that’s conducive for learning. They find
ways to keep every student in the game. No assignment enables a student to give up.
The teacher pursues the marginalized student. The teacher knows their subject well.
They’ve mastered the content and know how to communicate it to appropriate grade
levels. The teacher never stops learning and growing themselves. They find creative
ways to upgrade their lesson plans and pedagogy. They are a stream not a pond. It’s
important the teacher has a clear voice in the classroom, but also that students do as
well. The course experience should not be a talking head, a one way transmission of
data the students’ needs and make up should inform the pedagogy.

Pieces of Evidence LEARNING Documents

Records Pictures

Activity 1: Visit the school and interview an administrator on at least one curriculum
model. Accomplish the given matrix below.

Curriculum Model Best Features Insights

The curriculum model that Their best feature is its The curriculum may charge
is usually used is the objectives/ goals of this type of every now and then. It is a
Galen Saylor and William curriculum are clear. dynamic process that
Alexander Curriculum involves different
model. In this model, the implementers and
learners are provided with procedures. So, as school
varied learning administrator I do believed
opportunities to achieve that every teacher should
its educational goals and participate in the
targets and that is for implementation process.
academic excellence.



With this activity, administrator consoles the teachers on the curriculum model.
As a future educator, I would make sure that the curriculum model will be sure to be
implemented and meet. The best feature of the curriculum is the objectives that have
SMART ideas.

Nowadays, there are already man made lesson plan. It is better to make a lesson plan
that really comes from your own words because you will know what would be the best
for your students and already know your student’s standard and capabilities. Overall
there will be a good assessment to yourself and to your learners as well.


My insight in this problem if we based on the basis of these findings, the

researcher claim that insight problem solving can be modeled within a means-ends
analysis framework. Maximization and progress-monitoring heuristics are the source of
problem difficulty, but also create the conditions necessary for insightful moves to be
sought. Furthermore, they promote the discovery and retention of promising states that
meet the progress-monitoring criterion and attenuate the problem space.


In this episode, it is more on summarizing the curriculum processes and models.

So as a future teacher someday I need to know the curriculum processes and models
which must be based like on Hilda Taba’s approach, for me to be ready in doing the
processes correctly and to guide my learners experiences and learning’s as a teacher


The curriculum is a dynamic process that involves the diff. implementers and
procedures. And it should have and objective/ goals. The learners are provided varied
learning to achieve their opportunities in educational goals.


My insights about process and models of teaching is that instructional design

models should be flexible enough to be applied to all environment .K-12 are face to face
blended environments .higher education and etc .However there is value in analyzing
the model.
Activity 2: These are the steps in the model of Hilda Taba. Interview a teacher and
inquire how these steps are applied by accomplishing the given chart by giving concrete


1. Diagnosis of Learner’s Needs and I’ll let them write what they want and what they
Expectations of Larger Society expect in my class.

2. Formulation of Learning You should make a goals or aims as your basis

Objectives of formulating your learning objectives.

3. Selection of Learning Content Selecting of learning content is by imparting or

giving knowledge and information within the

4. Organization of Learning Content Through the use of lesson plan you can
organized the learning content.

5. Selection of Learning Content Selecting of learning content is by imparting or

giving knowledge and information within the

6. Modes of Evaluation Multiple choice and matching type.

Activity 3: Complete the staircase of the Curriculum Development Process according to
Tyler. Write the answers in the steps. Give Examples for each step.

Evaluation of the
Experience: The
students were able
to learn and reflect
on their experiences.

Organization of the Experiences:

Youth seminar, recollection, Intrams,
Founders day, Math Club Org, English

Educational Experiences related to the purpose: The

school provides positive learnings to the students
where they can learn through field trips, seminars
and interpersonal relationship.

Purpose of the School: The purpose of the school is

responsible for promoting positive learning
opportunities in caring, equitable manners.


According to Galen Saylor and William Alexander that “a plan for providing sets
of learning opportunities to achieve broad educational goals and related specific
objectives for an identifiable population served by a single school center”. According to
the administrator Mrs. Cadayday this is the usually used in their school. They can meet
the effectivity of their lesson plan if every teacher should participate in the
implementation process of the curriculum.


In this paper we will explore several models of teaching and learning. According
to Gage & Berliner state that the use of models as learning aides have two primary
benefits. First, models provide "accurate and useful representations of knowledge that is
needed when solving problems in some particular domain. Second, a model makes the
process of understanding a domain of knowledge easier because it is a visual
expression of the topic. The teachers need to found that students who study models
before a lecture may recall as much as more on questions concerning conceptual
information than students who receive instruction without the advantage of seeing and
discussing models.


I should expose myself to curriculum processes and models because according

to Hilda Taba’s Approach, she believed that teachers should participate in developing a
curriculum. Those teachers who are not much exposed to this are possible to fail to
order the events of his teaching-learning process. According to Hollis Caswell
“curriculum as all experiences children have under the guidance of the teachers.”


According to Hilda Taba’s model, the students or the learners should undergo to
the Taba’s model, it is because it through this model the learners are free to what they
want and the can develop their knowledge of being a students.

And also for the teacher, they should have an objectives or goals of formulating their

My analysis on this is simply put models deal with the ways in which learning
environments and instructional experiences can be constructed, sequenced, or
delivered. They may provide theoretical or instructional frameworks, patterns, or
examples for any number of educational components curricula, teaching techniques,
instructional groupings, classroom management plans, content development,
sequencing, delivery, the development of support materials, presentation methods, etc.
Teaching models may even be discipline or student-population specific.

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