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Fernandez, John Randel C.

January 8, 2017

G12 – St. Rose of Lima

Movie Critique: The Three Idiots

As grade-12 students, we are nearing college life. It’s going to be one of a thrilling
ride that will make us experience major ups and downs in our lives. The movie three
idiots have shown us a glimpse of college life, well not in the Philippines, but in India.
Three Idiots is a movie about two crazy friends that are searching for their craziest friend.
As they search for their craziest friend, they reminisced about their college life. Their
reminiscence shows about the hardships that they went through as college students and
the flaws in education system and culture in India.

The first time I watched the movie when I was younger made me realize that life
is not always rainbows and butterflies. Before you achieve your dream, you’re going to
experience many challenges that will make you hit rock bottom. Life is beautiful, but it
will never be easy. The second time I watched it made me also realize about life, but this
time it made me realize about the life of the three main characters. I’m going to start
about the first character introduced in the movie, Farhan Qureshi, since the day of his
birth his father already sealed his faith of becoming an engineer. I feel pity for him
because the first thing that is taught to him aside from his name is that he should be an
engineer. It is very difficult when you’re not living the life that you wanted, having to
follow other people’s dream instead of your own. In the Philippines, this scenario can also
be seen, there are students out there that took medicine, engineering, law, military, etc.
because their family is inclined in this field. They are forced and pressured to take a path
that are contrary to the path that leads to their own dream. Before they are even born,
they are already carrying a burden that they are forced to carry by the people around
them. The good thing that happened to Farhan is he met Rancho. He is the one
responsible for giving courage to Farhan to admit to this father that his true dream is to
become a wildlife photographer not an engineer. The moment Farhan talks to his father
wholeheartedly strikes me the most. It made me realized that talking really does solve a
problem. If you talk to someone with sincerity they’ll understand you up to your heart’s

The second character introduced in the movie is Raju Rastogi. When Farhan first
met him, he was praying to God and lighting incense in the whole room. Somehow, I can
see myself in Raju, because like him I became obsessed in praying to God. I became
paranoid and I always think of the worst-case scenario that might happen, as a result, I
always pray to God every minute or as soon as possible. There are also times, especially
when taking exams, I pray, no I begged to God for success. Which I realized after
watching the movie that it is not a good thing. I learned that I must change, I must avoid
being paranoid. It doesn’t help anything, it only makes me worse. Another thing that I
realized is that Raju is the weakest among the three friends. He carried so much pressure
because he is the only hope of his family. He’s father is a former postman who is now
bedridden because of sickness, his mother is retired, and his sister could not marry
because they could not afford the dowry that the family of the groom wanted. So, he
wanted to become an engineer because for him this is the solution for his family to rise
from poverty. This is also my reason why I wanted to become an engineer. My mother
also frequently tells me that as the eldest they’re hoping for me to become successful to
give our family a prosperous life. The moment that Raju attempted a suicide strikes me
the most about his life. It shows that suicide will never be the answer, instead it will only
create more problems. Another thing I realized is the beauty of friendship. When you hit
rock bottom, you’ll know who your true friends are and you’ll realize how important they
are. The movie makes me realized that friendship is more precious than any material
objects. Unlike any material objects, friendship doesn’t loss its value, instead it becomes
more valuable through hardships and joyful moments.

The last character introduced in the movie among the three friends is Ranchoddas
Shamaldas Chanchad. Like what Farhan said, he is unique as his name. He is the brightest
and craziest among the three. He possesses great wisdom, he always thinks outside the
box. Rancho is an example that poverty is not a hindrance to success, though, he doesn’t
really chase success. When he was younger, he wears his young master’s old uniform
and slips on classes because he can’t afford to study at school. He made me realize that
you should never follow success and let it come to you. The statements that he said about
passion is what all students or people should follow. “Follow excellence and success will
chase you. Make your passion your profession. Study with all your heart, not just for
grades. Study to be accomplished, not affluent.” Those are words that contains genuine
wisdom. To be honest, I gained a different outlook about life, specifically, about studying
or education. When you’re doing what you love then there’s no reason for you to have
any regrets doing it. And when you’re enjoying what you’re doing then your time is not
wasted doing it. Many people chase success like me, but Rancho made us all realize that
instead of chasing success we should excel in what we’re doing and sooner or later
success will come. I’m tired of studying for grades. I’m also tired of learning nothing and
just gaining high grades. Yeah, having good grades is fun, but I didn’t study for grades.
I want to experience high quality education that will help me to become excellent in my
field. I want to be an excellent engineer someday. And I will not forget Rancho’s words
when I start studying in college. One of the best things that I learned from Rancho is to
believe in myself. “AAL IZZ WELL” this is the phrase that will remind us that if we believe
in ourselves everything will be all right. It’s time for me to learn to believe in my own
capability and stop depending on people around me. It’s time for me to be better every
day. Rancho is a good inspiration to all students out there, especially, those who are
struggling academically.

Joy Lobo, he is described as a man who thinks like Rancho. He is a man who have
passion for machines. He is an innovative man, for he invents a machine that can help
many people. Joy Lobo’s death shows the flaw in education system in India. He invented
such machine, but he wasn’t able to finish it because he doesn’t receive the support that
he needed. Just an extension of deadline can change many lives, especially Joy’s life.
When Joy Lobo was saw hanging in his room it caught me off guard because it was a
very happy scene then it turned to a very sad and depressing moment. I feel depressed
and sad because this shows the pressure that students in India experienced and probably
in many countries too, even here in the Philippines. It’s very sad that students attempt
suicide because of the depression that they are experiencing due to the flaws of education

“Life is a race, if you won’t run fast, you will be trampled.” I don’t actually believe
Virus’s statement about life. For me, it doesn’t really matter if you’re first or last. Because
being last doesn’t mean that you’re failing. Sooner or later you’ll achieve your goal in life
you just need to work hard. Life isn’t a race. It shouldn’t be rush, in life, you must be
patient. Patience is a virtue, it is necessary to achieve your dream. Patience along with
working hard is what people need to reach the finish goal of success. There are times in
life that you’ll be last, but the good thing about it is that your only way is to keep moving

The three main characters in the movie undergoes a dramatic personal

development throughout their adventure in college. Goal setting is part of personal
development. Due to Rancho’s influence on his two friends they are enlightened to their
true goal. Farhan set his goal to become a wildlife photographer, while Raju set his goal
to remove his fear of the future and too much obsession to the words of God. And lastly,
Rancho has one goal since he was a child to marry his passion which is to become an
engineer. All main characters learned to accept what they discover in their selves and
they gain different attitudes and behavior in a positive way. They all undergo personal
development and personality development. They all learned to face challenges with

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