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Thursday, February 20, 2014

4:51 PM

• Problems Concepts

• Galilean Transformation in (2-D, 3-D)

• Formalism

○ Tensors

○ Linear Algebra


Q. No. Parameters Group I Group X

1 Speed of tank 70 Km/h (70+2X) Km/h
Bomber angle
Altitude of bomber 15,000 (15,000+200X)
Bomber speed 2000 Km/h (2000+10X) Km/h
2 Speed of train 50 mph (50+2X) mph
Speed of rocket 100 m/s (100+2X) m/s
Inclination of rocket

1. Discuss the difference between inertial and non-inertial frame of references. Give examples too.

1. What are the different forces arising in an accelerated frame of references, Outline them mathematically.

2. Explain how a projectile that is fired due south from Dehli, gets drifted east or west.

3. How would hurricanes form from the coriolis force.

4. How coriolis force affects the drop of ball from the Eiffel Tower in paris.

5. Describe your class room as non-inertial frame of reference.

6. How does the effect of centrifugal force affect a piece of string from ceiling.

7. Explain in non-mathematical way why a rotating bucket gives a concave surface of water.

8. How does the coriolis force affects the motion of pendulum.

9. Interpret coriolis force as the difference between centrifugal and gravitational force.

2. Discuss the nature of arrow of time.

1. What are the different arrows of time.

2. Discuss the thermo-dynamical arrow of time in relation to

(i) Breaking of an egg

(ii) Expansion of gas.

(iii) Melting of ice.

Assignments Page 1
(iii) Melting of ice.

3. Discuss the cosmological arrow of time in related to expansion and contraction of the universe

4. Discuss the quantum mechanical arrow of time in relation to interference experiment.

5. Discuss the biological arrow of time in relation to cell aging and evolution.

6. Discuss the psychological arrow of time in relation to study in university.

7. Discuss how Boltzmann's answered the dilemma of irreversibility.

8. Discuss "Time Arrow" as depicted by Eddington.

9. What are the phenomena's that are time reversible.


Group Y




2. Check, whether the following vectors are linearly independent or dependent.

(a) , ,

(b) ,

3. Given matrices

Assignments Page 2
Tuesday, March 04, 2014
9:19 AM

Assignment Time Duration: 1 Week only

Concepts(Short Quiz to be taken)

Relative Motion

1. Discuss the difference between inertial and non-inertial frame of references. Give examples too.

2. Discuss the invariance of physical laws in both inertial and non-inertial frame of references. Give examples too.

3. Discuss the nature of arrow of time.


Relative Motion
1. An Iraqi tank is moving on ground with speed of 70 km/h w.r.t US soldiers in desert. A US Bomber drops a payload directly be low on the

tank while descending at an altitude 15,000 feet making an angle w.r.t. ground as observed by soldiers on ground. The payloads hit the

tank and annihilates it. If the speed of bomber is 2000 km/h w.r.t soldiers on ground. Calculate

a. The speed and angle of payload as viewed by the periscope of tank.

b. The speed of tank as viewed by the pilot of bomber.

2. A train is moving with steady speed 50 mph inline w.r.t terrorist on ground. The terrorist is located at distance 5 m a way from the train.

The terrorist faces the train, picks up his rocket launcher and fires a rocket on the train. The speed of rocket is 100 m/s i n the rest

frame of terrorist. The rocket makes an angle in-line w.r.t. train motion in terrorist rest frame. Calculate the speed and angle of rocket

as viewed by person inside the train.


Linear vector Space

1. Check, whether the following sets of functions are linearly independent or dependent.




2. Check, whether the following vectors are linearly independent or dependent.

(a) , ,

(b) ,

3. Given matrices

a. Calculate the inverse of following linear combination of matrices


b. Calculate the determinant of following linear combination of matrices


c. Calculate the product of following matrices



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d. Check whether following matrices are unitary or not



e. Calculate the traces of following matrices



f. Calculate the determinant of following matrices


g. Find the eigen-values of following matrices




1. Calculate the following for Spherical and Cylindrical coordinates.

i. Metric Tensor

ii. Area Element

iii. Volume Element

iv. Unit vectors

Assignments Page 4

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