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Based on Nobilis 2nd edition.

Basic Concepts
This game uses no dice, only fixed attributes defining your character's abilities and a spendable resource, Vis. Actions
where Vis are spent beat actions without, and actions spending more Vis beat those that spend less. Vis comes in
different forms, one for each attribute. The Spirit attribute allows for Vis to be shifted from one attribute to another.
Characters begin with three attributes, Aspect, Realm, and Spirit, five points of Vis in each attribute, and any gifts they
have purchased. Characters have four points to spend, at the costs below:
Attribute – 1 point
Vis – 3 points of Vis for each point spent
Gifts – 3 points of gifts for each point spent
Finally, Characters have (Spirit + 4) Wound Levels, divided evenly between Surface Wounds, Serious Wounds, and Deadly
Wounds. Add extra first to Surface, then Serious.
Aspect governs a character's physical and mental being. Any action taken by a character themselves, not relying on
others, is governed by Aspect. Actions using aspect rely on the character's own capabilities, not those of their friends and
Aspect Zero actions: At aspect zero, you can find the best produce in the market, duel without fear of loosing your
footing, ride a horse in a chase, or change clothing as quickly as humanly possible.
Aspect One actions: At aspect one, you can do things that would require peak conditoning or intense training. You can
run through a forest in silence, catch an arrow, or quote aristotle from memory in three languages.
Aspect Two actions: At aspect two, you can perform tasks that are within human possibility, but that would require both
great physical capabilities and years of training and practice. Recite a conversation from memory a week after it happens,
duel three men blindfolded without being scratched, or copy a building's plans with nothing more than a walk through it.
Aspect Three actions: At aspect three, you can do things that are physically possible, but unreasonable for average
humans to do. Run across fence tops, break a stone with a punch, walk on your fingertips.
Aspect Four actions: At aspect four, you can do things that most people have never seen, but could believe a human
could accomplish. Knock down a horse with single punch, survive a cannon ball to the chest, follow someone by scent.
Aspect Five actions: At aspect five, you can do things that are impossible for any human, but not for animals. Ordinarily,
actions of aspect five or higher are not possible for characters. The strength of an ox, flying like a bird, and echolocation
all fall within aspect five.
Aspect Six actions: At aspect six, you can do anything not fit for the levels below, but physically possible. You can crush
granite to powder, defeat an army in single combat, or memorize a library in a night.
Aspect Seven actions: At aspect seven, you can things that are impossible, but that only effect a local area. Swallowing an
elephant, killing someone in front of you with a shout, that sort of thing.
Aspect Eight actions: At aspect eight, you can do anything aspect seven would allow, but are not bound to local effects.
Aspect Nine actions: At aspect nine, you can do anything that would fall within aspect. Anything.

Aspect Vis
Anything of a character's Aspect level or lower can be done as a Simple action, requiring no Vis.
Anything of a character's Aspect level plus one or lower can be done as a Normal action, requiring one Vis.
Anything of a character's Aspect level plus two or lower can be done as a Hard action, requiring two Vis.
Anything of a character's Aspect level plus four or lower can be done as a Deep action, requiring four Vis.
Anything of a character's Aspect level plus eight or lower can be done as a Word of Command, requiring eight Vis and
one Deadly Wound.
Realm is your character's connection to the world. Actions using realm are not ones your character takes themselves, but
ones where others act in their stead. Rather than track down your foe by following their tracks or working a room for
information, you simply call in a favor from the local coachmen to find out where he was dropped off. There can be
overlap, but where there is Realm accomplishes the task more quickly so long as it would draw on the skills or knowledge
of another.
Realm Zero actions: At realm zero, you can call on a friend to buy you a pitcher of wine, but not much else. You may be
able to arrange a fresh horse be left for you somewhere with a bit of notice.
Realm One actions: At realm one, you can call on a few friends who will help you hide from trouble, or who might help
you look like you have a gang with you should you need to frighten someone. They won't risk an actual fight on your
behalf, though, at the first moment that realm one needs to provide more than appearances it fails.
Realm Two actions: At realm two, you have contacts to draw on. You must ask for details, but by calling in favors or
spending a few bribes, you can find a specific piece of information.
Realm Three actions: At realm three, you can arrange for something to remain as it is. This might be as simple as hiring
guards to watch over a ward, or could involve something more complex like hiring a hall and singers to ensure that the
atmosphere at your feast remains just as you would like it.
Realm Four actions: At realm four, you can arrange delivery of any physical item to a location. It may be that you hire
horses to your stable, or that you commission artwork at the sight. These items must be specific to a location, so the
horses may only have been hired to cross the city, or the artwork may be a heavy sculpture, but essentially the item must
remain in situ.
Realm Five actions: At realm five, you can arrange the removal of physical obstacles. That house blocking the view from
your garden? You have people who can knock it down. The cardinal is keeping you away from the books you need? You
have someone who can assassinate him.
Realm Six actions: At realm six, you can do more than simply call for an item or for something to be removed. At realm six
you have wealth, titles, or favors enough to have things remade to your whim. Before you could, for instance, pressure a
judge to let you avoid the consequences of a law. Now you can call for it to be rewritten, at least as far as it effects you.
Realm Seven actions: At realm seven, you can arrange the creation of anything that you might be in need of. You have the
resources to arm hundreds, commission a major church, or hire a fleet of ships.
Realm Eight actions: At realm eight, you can arrange for the lasting end of anything that may displease you. Not only will
that cardinal die, but so will his family, and his office will remain empty as long as it pleases you.
Realm Nine actions: At realm nine, you can do anything else that falls within realm.

Realm Vis
Anything of a character's Realm level or lower can be done as a Simple action, requiring no Vis.
Anything of a character's Realm level plus one or lower can be done as a Normal action, requiring one Vis.
Anything of a character's Realm level plus two or lower can be done as a Hard action, requiring two Vis.
Anything of a character's Realm level plus four or lower can be done as a Deep action, requiring four Vis.
Anything of a character's Realm level plus eight or lower can be done as a Word of Command, requiring eight Vis and one
Deadly Wound.
Spirit governs a character's ability to withstand stress and damage, to face down mental and physical torment, and the
care they take of themselves. Generally, a character will use Spirit to create a barrier that any aspect or realm based
action must bypass, so a character with Spirit three would be safe from any simple action of Aspect or Realm two or
lower. If Vis is involved, then as usual, normal actions beat simple ones, hard beat normal, deep beat hard, and words of
command beat anything. Should a character use a spirit word of command, they beat any Aspect or Realm word of
command they may be opposing.

Auctoritas Ritae
Your character takes better care of their body than most people do. Through exercize, diet, and mental focus, they are
protected from the worst consequences of their actions. They may be hurt, they may break bones or gain scars, but they
will live though them. How well protected they are depends on a characters spirit, as does the time they must take to
ensure they remain protected. If caught out while exersizing as needed to keep the Auctoritas up, a character will not
benefit from this protection.
Spirit Zero: You can survive the worst possible catastrophies. Should a catherdral collapse while you are inside, and then
burn down, you will crawl away in one piece. You must keep your excersizes up every night.
Spirit One: You can survive excessive force. You will survive a volley of cannon fire, but must take a night out twice a week
to stay in good shape.
Spirit Two: You can survive overwhelming force. Should a dozen pikemen lay into you you will survive your wounds. You
must spend a night every week to keep in shape.
Spirit Three: You can survive deadly force. A sword through the gut may lay you low, but it can't keep you down. Take a
night out each month to center yourself.
Spirit Four: No weapon can kill you. Hurt you, yes. You barely need to work to maintain your health, and only lose a night
every two months.
Spirit Five: Even the most determined man, choking the life out of you with his bare hands, will not snuff out your life.
You must take a night out every three months.

Rite of the Last Trump

Spirit governs the rate at which you can exchange Vis of one type for that of another.
Spirit Zero: Four points of Vis can be converted into one of a selected type.
Spirit One and Two: Three points of Vis can be converted into one of a selected type.
Spirit Three and Four: Three points of Vis can be converted into one of a selected type.
Spirit Five: Two points of Vis can be converted into one of a selected type.
A character may have access to equipment, skills, or other specific capabilities requiring slightly more detail than Aspect,
Realm, and Spirit account for. To that end, gifts.
To create a gift, start by working out what it is capable of. A poison, odorless, tasteless, and invariably deadly, would be a
major destruction (of life). A text detailing how best to ensure the fresco you have commissioned does not fade or
crumble would be a lesser preservation (of art).
Lesser Major
Divination 2 5
Preservation 3 6
Creation 4 7
Destruction 5 8
Change 6 9

Next, determine how your gift is activated. Both the poison and the text above, for example, would require effort to use,
and so are not automatic. The text involves work,but nothing hazardous, and so is probably best as a normal action. The
poison, though, requires exceptional care, so a hard action would be better. You must pay the appropriate amount of Vis
to activate your gift. Note that gifts cannot use deep or word of command actions.
Automatically invoked when appropriate +1
Simple Action -1
Normal Action -2
Hard Action -3

Next, you need to determine how wide an area your gift effects. In the above, theoretically the text could be used to give
instructions to anyone, wherever they may be, while the poison would only effect a single person. As such, they use
Almost Anywhere and One Person Only, respectively.
Almost anywhere +1
Local things only -1
One person only -2
Oneself only -3
Next how flexible is your gift? The text is only good for one thing, frescos, and may even require specific types of plaster
or paint to work. The poison, meanwhile, is somewhat more flexible. It can only be used to kill, but works on humans,
animals, and can be introduces through a drink or smeared on a blade. The text is One Trick, and the poison A Wide
Variety of Situations.
All Imaginable uses +1
A wide variety of situations -1
A limited selection of applications -2
One trick -3

Finally, how rare is your Gift? The text may be hard to find, but if other copies are available in the city, it would not count
as rare. On the other hand, mere possession of the poison would be punishable, so it would count.
Rare +1

Now, total up the cost and you have your gift.

Sample Gifts
Exceptional Sense (Lesser Divination of Information, Automatically Invokes, Local Things Only, Wide Variety of Uses, Rare,
Total cost 2)
You have one sense that is unusually sharp. You may be able to hear every word spoken across a crowded ballroom or
determine the tailor who made a coat by feeling the stitches.

Damascus Blade (Lesser Destruction of Weapons, Simple Action, One Person, One Trick, Rare, Total cost 1)
Your blade is of such strength and durability that, with careful aim, you can destroy blades weilded by your foes.
Unfortunately, the techniques involved do not extend to other types of items, though a similar gift could exist to target
other specific things (doors, cart axles, etc).

Jinxed Dice (Major Destruction of Luck, Simple Action, One Person, All Imaginable Use, Rare, Total cost 3)
Something is wrong with your dice. When you really need to win, these dice ensure it. And then ensure the person you
played against loses their family, livelihood, and eventually their life, all though bad luck.
To determine what wound an action may cause, consult the below:
Effect on Humans Action Level Mundane Weapon Result
Pain Zero Unarmed Bruises and cuts
Hurt Zero to One Knife, Claw Surface Wound
Seriously Injure Two to Three Arrow, Sword Serious Wound
Probably Kill Four to Five Fire, Gun Deadly Wound
Kill/Mangle Six or more Avalanche, Trampled Deadly Wound
Overkill Seven or more Volcano Deadly Wound

A character cannot suffer a wound until they have lost their hardest to injure wound levels first. A character would have
to be out of Deadly Wound levels before they could suffer a Serious Wound, and would have to be out of Serious Wound
levels before they could suffer a surface wound. Until that point, whatever may happen narratively, the character is not
meaningfully hampered.
Characters with no Deadly Wound levels remaining must pay one additional Vis whenever they spend Vis. This does not
add to the action's strength. Characters with no Serious Wound levels remaining must pay an additional extra Vis.
Characters with no Surface Wound levels remaining are dead.

Characters recover from wounds as below:

Surface Wounds One per day
Serious Wounds One per week
Deadly Wounds One per month

If a character declares they are fighting to incapacitate, their target is rendered unconscious when they are out of Deadly
Wound levels.

Vis recovers at the start of each story.

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