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Criado por profª.

MC para Apoio - Inglês

CED de D. Nuno Álvares Pereira

1B – Present Simple – “TO BE” – interrogativa e negativa


(Interrogativa) (Negativa) (Negativa contraída)

Am I? (Sou? Estou?) I am not I’m not

Are you? (És? Estás?) You are not You aren’t
Is he? (É? Está?) He is not He isn’t
Is she? She is not She isn’t
Is it? It is not It isn’t
Are we? We are not We aren’t
Are you? You are not You aren’t
Are they? They are not They aren’t

Exercise A: Rewrite the sentences in the negative form. Rewrite = reescreve

1. The pupils are in the classroom. ___________________________________________

2. We are very glad with the weather. ___________________________________________
3. Mother is in the garden. ___________________________________________
4. Chocolate is good for health. ___________________________________________
5. My brother is at home now. ___________________________________________

Exercise B: Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative form. Rewrite = reescreve

1. He is American. ___________________________________________
2. The door is open. ___________________________________________
3. Tom is an electrician. ___________________________________________
4. The lamps are blue. ___________________________________________
5. You are ill. ___________________________________________

Exercise C: Change into affirmative sentences.

1. The train isn’t late. ___________________________________________

2. Are we educated people ? ___________________________________________
3. I’m not very well today. ___________________________________________
4. Are bees useful animals? ___________________________________________
5. They aren’t in the river. ___________________________________________

Criado por profª. MC para Apoio - Inglês

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