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Energy Transfer and


• Energy– The ability to do work or create a


• Particles - Atoms, molecules, or the smaller

parts of inside of an atom, such as electrons.

• Substance - a particular kind of matter,

synonyms: material, stuff
Types of Energy
Can you remember these? Guess!

• Potential Energy - ________ energy

• Kinetic Energy - the energy of an object due to its


• Thermal Energy - _______ energy

Types of Energy
Can you remember these?

Potential Energy - stored energy

Kinetic Energy - the energy of an object due to its motion
Thermal Energy - heat energy
Thermal Energy
Thermal energy is the TOTAL kinetic energy of
all particles (atoms and/or molecules in a

Guess what goes in the blanks….

The particles in hot materials move ___ (high kinetic energy).
The particles in cool materials move ___ (low kinetic energy).
Heat is the __ of thermal energy between substances
Thermal Energy
Thermal energy is the TOTAL kinetic energy of all
particles (atoms and/or molecules in a material.

The particles in hot materials move fast (high kinetic energy).

The particles in cool materials move slow (low kinetic energy).
Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between substances
Our next question is:

How is thermal energy

________from one object to
Our next question is:

How is thermal energy

transferred from one object to

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